Ingangsdatum: 05-04-2005
Geldig tot en met: 31-12-2006
OIL TANKERSin respect of the provisions of Annex I of the International Convention for the Prevention of
Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto (hereinafter
referred to as "the Convention").
1. This form is to be used for the first two types of ships as categorized in the IOPP Certificate, i.e. oil tankers and ships other than oil tankers with cargo tanks coming under regulation 2(2) of Annex I of the Convention. For the third type of ships as categorized in the IOPP Certificate , Form A shall be used.
2. This Record shall be permanently attached to the IOPP Certificate. The IOPP Certificate shall be available on board the ship at all times.
3. If the language of the original Record is neither English nor French, the text shall include a translation into one of these languages.
4. Entries in boxes shall be made by inserting either a cross (x) for the answers "yes" and "applicable"or a dash (-) for the answers "no" and "not applicable"as appropriate.
5. Unless otherwise stated, regulations mentioned in this Record refer to regulations of Annex I of the Convention and resolutions refer to those adopted by the International Maritime Organization.
1. Particulars of ship1.1 Name of ship .....................................................................................................................
1.2 Distinctive number or letters .............................................................................................
1.3 Port of registry ...................................................................................................................
1.4 Gross tonnage .....................................................................................................................
1.5 Carrying capacity of ship ............................................................................................(m³)
1.6 Deadweight of ship .........................................................(metric tons) (Regulation 1(22))
1.7 Length of ship ............................................................................... (m) (Regulation 1(18))
1.8 Date of build :
1.8.1 Date of building contract ...........................................................................................
1.8.2 Date on which keel was laid or ship was at a similar stage of construction .............
1.8.3 Date of delivery
1.9 Major Conversion (if applicable) :
1.9.1 Date of conversion contract .............................................................................
1.9.2 Date on which conversion was commenced ....................................................
1.9.3 Date of completion of conversion ...................................................................
1.10 Status of ship :
1.10.1 New ship in accordance with regulation 1(6)
1.10.2 Existing ship in accordance with regulation 1(7)
1.10.3 New oil tanker in accordance with regulation 1(26)
1.10.4 Existing oil tanker in accordance with regulation 1(27)
1.10.5 The ship has been accepted by the Administration as an "existing ship" under
regulation 1(7) due to unforeseen delay in delivery
1.10.6 The ship has been accepted by the Administration as an "existing oil tanker"
under Regulation 1(27) due to unforeseen delay in delivery
1.10.7 The ship is not required to comply with the provisions of Regulation 24 due to
the unforeseen delay in delivery
1.11 Type of ship :
1.11.1 Crude oil tanker
1.11.2 Product carrier
1.11.2bis Product carrier not carrying fuel oil or heavy diesel
oil as referred to in regulation 13G, or lubricating oil
1.11.3 Crude oil/product carrier
1.11.4 Combination carrier
1.11.5 Ship, other than on oil tanker, with cargo tanks coming under regulation 2(2) of
Annex I of the Convention
1.11.6 Oil tanker dedicated to the carriage of products referred to in regulation 15(7)
1.11.7 The ship, being designated as a "crude oil tanker" operating with COW, is also
designated as a "product carrier" operating with CBT, for which a separate IOPP
Certificate has also been issued
1.11.8 The ship, being designated as a "product carrier" operating with CBT, is also
designated as a "crude oil tanker" operating with COW, for which a separate
IOPP Certificate has also been issued
1.11.9 Chemical tanker carrying oil
2 Equipment for the control of oil discharge from machinery space bilges and oil fuel
tanks (Regulations 10 and 16)2.1 Carriage of ballast water in oil fuel tanks :
This ship may under normal conditions carry ballast water in oil fuel tanks
2.2 Type of oil filtering equipment fitted :
2.2.1 Oil filtering(15ppm) equipment (regulation 16(4))
2.2.2 Oil filtering(15ppm) equipment with alarm and automatic stopping device
(regulation 16(5))
2.3 The ship is allowed to operate with the existing equipment until 6 July 1998(regulation
16(6)) and fitted with :
2.3.1 Oily-water separating(100ppm) equipment without alarm
2.3.2 Oil filtering(15ppm) equipment without alarm
2.3.3 Oil filtering(15ppm) equipment with alarm and manual stopping device
2.4 Approval standards* :
* Refer to Recommendation on international performance and test specifications of oily-water separating
equipment and oil content meters adopted by the Organization on 14 November 1977 by resolution
A.393(X), which superseded resolution A.233(VII); see IMO sales publication IMO-608E. Further reference is
made to the Guidelines and specifications for pollution prevention equipment for machinery space bliges
adopted by the Marine Environment Protection Committee of the Organization by resolution MEPC.60(33),
which, effective on 6 July 1993, superseded resolutions A.393(X) and A.444(XI); see IMO sales publication
2.4.1 The separating / filtering equipment :
.1 has been approved in accordance with resolution A.393(X)
.2 has been approved in accordance with resolution MEPC.60(33)
.3 has been approved in accordance with A.233(VII)
.4 has been approved in accordance with natinal standards
not based upon resolution A.393(X) or A.233(VII)
.5 has not been approved
2.4.2 The process unit has been approved in accordance
with resolution A.444(XI)
2.4.3 The oil content meter
.1 has been approved in accordance with resolution A.393(X)
.2 has been approved in accordance with resolution MEPC.60(33)
2.5 Maximum throughput of the system is .................................m³/h
2.6 Waiver of regulation 16
2.6.1 The requirements of regulation 16(1) or (2) are waived in respect of the ship in
accordance with regulation 16(3) (a). The ship is engaged exclusively on Voyages
within special area(s)...............................................................................
2.6.2 The ship is fitted with holding tank(s) for the total retention on board of all oily
bilge water as follows :

2.6.3 In lieu of the holding tank(s) the ship is provided arrangements to transfer bilge
water to the slop tank
3. Means for retention and disposal of oil residues (Sludge) (regulation 17) and bilge water
holding tank(s)** Bilge water holding tank(s) ar not required by the Convention, entries in the table under paragraph 3.3 are voluntary.
3.1 The ship is provided with oil residue (sludge) tanks as follows :

3.2 Means for the disposal of residues in addition to the provisions of sludge tanks :
3.2.1 incinerator for oil residues ;
capacity ............................................l/h
3.2.2 auxiliary boiler suitable for burning oil residues
3.2.3 tank for mixing oil residues with fuel oil ;
capacity .............................................m³
3.2.4 other acceptable means :
3.3 The ship is fitted with holding tank(s) for the retention on board of oily bilge water as
4. Standard discharge connection (regulation 19)4.1 The ship provided with a pipeline for the discharge of residues from machinery bilges
to reception facilities, fitted with a standard discharge connection in accordance with
regulation 19
5. Construction (regulations 13, 24 and 25)5.1 In accordance with the requirements of regulation 13, the ship is
5.1.1 Required to be provided with SBT, PL and COW
5.1.2 Required to be provided with SBT and PL
5.1.3 Required to be provided with SBT
5.1.4 Required to be provided with SBT or COW
5.1.5 Required to be provided with SBT or CBT
5.1.6 Not required to comply with the requirements of regulation 13
5.2 Segregated ballast tanks (SBT)
5.2.1 The ship is provided with SBT in compliance with regulation 13
5.2.2 The ship is provided with SBT in compliance with regulation 13, which are
arranged in protective location (PL) in compliance with regulation 13E
5.2.3 SBT are distributed as follows :

5.3 Dedicated clean ballast tanks (CBT)
5.3.1 The ship is provided with CBT in compliance with regulation 13 A, and may
operate as a product
5.3.2 CBT are distributed as follows :

5.3.3 The ship has been supplied with a valid Dedicated Clean Ballast Tank Operation
Manual, which is dated ..............................................................................
5.3.4 The ship has common piping and pump arrangements for ballasting the CBT and
handling cargo oil
5.3.5 The ship has separate independent piping and pump in arrangements for ballasting the CBT
5.4 Crude oil washing (COW)
5.4.1 The ship is equipped with a COW system in compliance with regulation 13 B
5.4.2 The ship is equipped with a COW system in compliance with regulation 13 B
except that the effectiveness of the system has not been confirmed in accordance
with regulation 13(6) and paragraph 4.2.10 of the Revised COW Specifications
(resolution A.446(XI))
5.4.3 The ship has been supplied with a valid Crude Oil Washing Operations and
Equipment Manual, which is dated ............................................................
5.4.4 The ship is not required to be but is equipped with COW in compliance with the
safety aspects of Revised COW Specifications (resolution A.446(XI))
5.5 Exemption from regulation 13 :
5.5.1 The ship is solely engaged in trade
accordance with regulation 13 C and is therefore exempted from the
requirements of regulation 13
5.6 Limitation of size and arrangements of cargo tanks (regulation 24)
5.6.1 The ship is required to be constructed according to, and complies with, the
requirements of regulation 24
5.6.2 The ship is required to be constructed according to, and complies with, the
requirements of regulation 24 (4) (see regulation 2(2))
5.7 Subdivision and stability (regulation 25)
5.7.1 The ship required to be constructed according to, and complies with, the
requirements of regulation 25
5.7.2 Information and data required under regulation 25(5) have been supplied to the
ship in an approved form
5.7.3 The ship required to be constructed according to, and complies with, the
requirements of regulation 25A
5.7.4 Information and data required under regulation 25A for combination carriers have
been supplied to the ship in an a written procedure approved by the Administration
5.8 Double hull construction :
5.8.1 The ship is required to be constructed according to regulation 13F and complies
with the requirements of :
.1 paragraph (3) (double hull construction)
.2 paragraph (4) (mid-height deck tankers with double side construction)
.3paragraph (5) (alternative method approved by the Marine Environment Protection Committee)
5.8.2 The ship is required to be constructed according to and complies with the
requirements of regulation 13F(7) (double bottom requirements)
5.8.3 The ship is not required to comply with the requirements of regulation 13F
5.8.4 The ship is subject to regulation 13G and:
.1 is required to comply with regulation 13F not later than ........................
.2 is so arranged that the following tanks or spaces are not used for
the carriage of oil ........................................................................
.3 is allowed to continue operation in accordance with regulation 13G(5)
until ........................................................................
.4 is allowed to continue operation in accordance with regulation 13G(7)
until ........................................................................
5.8.5 The ships is not subject to regulation 13G
5.8.6 The ship is subject to regulation 13H and:
.1 is required to comply with regulation 13H(4) not later than .................................
.2 is allowed to continue operation in accordance with regulation 13H (5)
until ..................................................................
.3 is allowed to continue operation in accordance with regulation 13H (6)(a)
until ..................................................................
.4 is allowed to continue operation in accordance with regulation 13H (6)(b)
until ..................................................................
.5 is exempted from the provisions of regulation 13H in accordance with
regulation 13H(7)(b)
5.8.7 The ship is not subject to regulation 13H
6. Retention of oil on board (regulation 15)6.1 Oil discharge monitoring and control system
6.1.1 The ship comes under category ............... oil tanker as defined in resolution
(delete as appropriate)
* Oil tankers the keels of which are laid, or which are at a similar stage of construction, on or after 2 October 1986 should be fitted with a system approved under resolution A. 586(14)
6.1.2 The system comprises :
.1 control unit
.2 computing unit
.3 calculating unit
6.1.3 The system is :
.1 fitted with a starting interlock
.2 fitted with automatic stopping device
6.1.4 The oil content meter is approved under the terms of resolution A.393(X]) or
A.586(14) (delete as appropriate) suitable for :
.1 crude oil
.2 black products
.3 white products
.4 oil-like noxious liquid substances as listed in the attachment to the Certificate
6.1.5 The ship has been supplied with an operations manual for the oil discharge
monitoring and control system
6.2 Slop tanks
6.2.1 The ship is provided with ............. dedicated slop tank(s) with the total capacity
of .......m³ which is ............. % of the oil carrying capacity in accordance with :
.1 regulation 15(2)(c)
.2 regulation 15(2)(c)(i)
.3 regulation 15(2)(c)(ii)
.4 regulation 15(2)(c)(iii)
6.2.2 Cargo tanks have been designated as slop tanks
6.3 Oil/water interface detectors
6.3.1 The ship is provided with oil/water interface detectors approved under the terms
of resolution MEPC.5(XIII)
6.4 Exceptions from regulation 15
6.4.1 The ship is exempted from the requirements of regulation 15(1), (2) and (3) in
accordance with regulation 15(7)
6.4.2 The ship is exempted from the requirements of regulation 15(1), (2) and (3) in
accordance with regulation 2(2)
6.5 Waiver of regulation 15
6.5.1 The requirements of regulation 15(3) are waived in respect of the ship in
accordance with regulation 15(5)(b). The ship is engaged exclusively on :
.1 Specific trade under regulation 13C : .......................................................
.2 Voyage within special area(s) : .................................................................
.3 Voyage within 50 miles of the nearest land outside special area(s) of 72 hours
or less in duration restricted to : ..............................................................
7. Pumping, piping and discharge arrangements (regulation 18)7.1 The overboard discharge outlets for segregated ballast are located :
7.1.1 above the waterline
7.1.2 below the waterline
7.2 The overboard discharge outlets, other than the discharge manifold, for clean ballast are
located : *
* Only those outlets which can be monitored are to be indicated.
7.2.1 above the waterline
7.2.2 below the waterline
7.3 The overboard discharge outlets, other than the discharge manifold, for dirty ballast
water or oil contaminated water from cargo tank areas are located :*
* Only those outlets which can be monitored are to be indicated.
7.3.1 above the waterline
7.3.2 below the waterline in conjunction with the part flow arrangements in compliance
with regulation 18(6)(e)
7.3.3 below the waterline
7.4 Discharge of oil from cargo pumps and oil lines (regulation 18(4) and (5))
7.4.1 Means to drain all cargo pumps and oil lines at the completion of cargo discharge
.1 drainings capable of being discharged to a cargo tank or slop tank
.2 for discharge ashore a special small diameter line is provided
8. Shipboard oil pollution emergency plan (regulation 26)
8.1 The ship is provided with a shipboard oil pollution emergency plan in compliance with
regulation 26
9. Equivalent arrangement for chemical tankers carrying oil9.1 As equivalent arrangements for the carriage of oil by a chemical tanker, the ship is
fitted with the following equipment in lieu of slop tanks (paragraph 6.2 above) and
oil/water interface detectors (paragraph 6.3 above) :
9.1.1 oily-water separating equipment capable of producing effluent with oil content
less than 100 ppm, with the capacity of ...........m³/h
9.1.2 a holding tank with the capacity of .......................m³
9.1.3 a tank for collecting tank washings which is :
.1 a dedicated tank
.2 a cargo tank designated as a collecting tank
9.1.4 a permanently installed transfer pump for overboard discharge of effluent
containing oil through the oily-water separating equipment
9.2 The oily-water separating equipment has been approved under the terms of resolution
A.393(X) and is suitable for the full range of Annex I products
9.3 The ship holds a valid Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in
10. Oil-like noxious liquid substancesThe ship is permitted in accordance with regulation 14 of Annex II of the Convention to carry
the oil-like noxious liquid substances carry the oil-like noxious liquid substances specified in
the list* attached.
* The list of oil-like noxious substances permitted for carriage, signed, dated and certified by a seal or a stamp of the
issuing authority shall be attached.
11. Exemption
Exemptions have been granted by the Administration from the requirements of chapters II
and III of Annex I of the Convention in accordance with regulation 2(4)(a) on those items
listed under paragraph(s) .............................................................................................................
................................................................................................................. of this Record
12. Equivalents (regulation 3)Equivalents have been approved by the Administration for certain requirements of Annex I
on those items listed under paragraph(s).....................................................................................
................................................................................................................. of this Record
THIS IS TO CERTIFY that this Record is correct in all respects.
Issued at ...............
(Place of issue of the Record)
................. 19............. .............................................................................................
(Signature of duly authorized officer issuing the Record)
(Seal or stamp of the issuing authority, as appropriate)