Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

Seafarers Act - A guide to the Dutch manning legislation
Geldigheid:02-07-2018 t/m 17-06-2019Versie:vergelijk Status: Was geldig

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.

This is a guide to the revised manning legislation. With the revision of the legislation pursuant to amendments to the STCW Convention many changes have been made to its content. This guide, written for ships' managers, seafarers and regulatory authorities, explains these changes based on the implementation perspective. The guide is organised into a number of key topics, which act as a common thread running through the Act and the underlying decrees and regulations. These topics are:

  • Application and scope of the manning regulations
  • Training and education of seafarers
  • Ship and seafarer certification
  • Mustering, Seaman's Book, recording obligations and other documents
  • Monitoring, investigation and prohibitions

The topics are further subdivided into more detailed sub-topics.

The guide does not replace the official publications and serves only as a tool; no rights may be derived from this guide. The English text is an unofficial translation of the Dutch original and in case of any discrepancies between the Dutch text and the English translation, the Dutch text shall prevail.

The issuing of is Certificates of Competency and Seamans books is done by Kiwa Register BV and is as such an official governmental body acting on behalf of the Dutch Maritime Administration. More information can be obtained at Kiwa Register BV.

1 Temporary derogations pending amendments to the Seafarers' Act

The legislator has granted more time for complying with some of the new provisions of the Seafarers Act. The following four points have been laid down to help remove the bottlenecks created for seafarers due to the new provisions of the Seafarers Act. The decision to set aside more time for compliance with the new provisions of the Seafarers Act was taken after joint consultation between ILT/Shipping, the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport (Directoraat-generaal Bereikbaarheid, DGB), the Royal Association of Netherlands Shipowners (Koninklijke Vereniging van Nederlandse Reders, KVNR), the Association of Dredging companies (Vereniging van Waterbouwers, VvW) and Nautilus International.

1.1 Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch (all ships), based on MBO-3 diploma issued by a nautical college

Holders of a CoC that does not include the qualification for 'Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch (all ships)' based on an MBO (Dutch secondary vocational education) Level 3 diploma issued by a nautical college, may submit an application to Kiwa Register BV for a qualification as Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch (all ships), split up into Mate (all ships), Engineer (all ships) and Maritime Officer (all ships).

1.2 CRA based on combination of Certificates of Proficiency for tankers

The Confirmation of Receipt of Application (CRA) cannot be issued based on separate Certificates of Proficiency (CoPs) for tankers.

An application for an endorsement attesting the recognition of a certificate for Master or Officer for a tanker must consist of both an application for recognition of a qualification as well as an application for recognition of a CoP for tankers.

Two related CRAs shall be issued for such combined applications.

More information is available on the website of Kiwa Register BV .

2 General information

This chapter provides a shallow inside into the Dutch codification and implementation process.

2.1 Classification of Dutch legislation

The Seafarers Act is a so-called 'framework law'. There are two Decrees that fall under this framework:

  1. Decree seafarers merchant shipping and sailing ships (Besluit zeevarenden handelsvaart en zeilvaart)
  2. Decree manning seagoing fishing vessels (Besluit zeevisvaartbemanning)[1]

Under the Decree seafarers merchant shipping and sailing ships various regulations are in place. The most import one being the Regulation Seafarers.

[1] This Decree will not be explained any further in this guide.

2.2 Structural changes compared with the previous Manning Act

The Seafarers Act and the Decree seafarers merchant shipping and sailing ships have changed in terms of structure. Aspects such as professional requirements are no longer included in the Decree seafarers merchant shipping and sailing ships, but have instead been included in the Regulation seafarers. Hence, future amendments in, for example, the educational and training requirements, resulting from amendments to the STCW Code, can be incorporated more easily and quickly into the Dutch regulations.

2.3 Explanatory Memorandum, Note of Explanation and Explanation

In addition to the usual explanatory texts, the Explanatory Memorandum to the Seafarers Act contains further additions to and details concerning the sections of the Act. The same applies to the Note of Explanation to the Decree seafarers merchant shipping and sailing ships and the Explanation to the various regulations. These notes are an integral part of the regulations; together they form the complete legal framework.

2.4 Implementation of international regulations

The Seafarers Act and its underlying regulations contain the amendments that have resulted from the modifications made to the Appendix to the STCW Convention and the STCW Code, better known as the 'Manila Amendments'. In addition, the EU Directive on the minimum level of education for seafarers ( Directive 2008/106/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on the minimum level of training of seafarers (recast) (consolidated version) and the EU Directive on the minimum safety and health requirements for the improvement of medical treatment on board vessels ( Council Directive 92/29/EEC of 31 March 1992 on the minimum safety and health requirements for improved medical treatment on board vessels (consolidated version) ) have been incorporated within these regulations. Furthermore, some of the amendments are prompted by the desire to fill in the gaps in the old legislation and eliminate earlier ambiguities.

2.5 Structure of regulations, definitions, abbreviations and official publications

The regulations have been organised based on the Decree seafarers merchant shipping and sailing ships the Decree manning seagoing fishing vessels and a number of other regulations, of which the Regulation seafarers are the most prominent.

For the sake of convenience and readability, the various sections will be indicated with a single abbreviation.

This guide is a tool and makes use of the official publications of the regulations. The guide contains links to the official publications, so as to clearly indicate the amendments and explanations. You will also find a reference to the regulations with the complete and current text.

2.5.1 Structure of the regulations

Below is a schematic representation of the regulations discussed in this guide.



2.5.2 Definitions

The earlier regulations contained definitions that were sometimes not used in the relevant section. That is why all the definitions have been included in Article 1, under the section in which they are used for the first time.

A large number of definitions have been added and amended, whereby more emphasis has come to lie on the definitions in the STCW Convention, e.g. the definitions of experience, which is now expressed in months in accordance with the STCW Convention. Dynamic references to other Dutch regulations have also been used, such as in the case of the high-speed vessels.

2.5.3 Abbreviations

The following abbreviations[1] are used in this guide:

  • Seafarers Act – Wz
  • Decree seafarers merchant shipping and sailing ships – Bzhz
  • Regulation seafarers – Rz
  • Maritime Labour Convention – MLC
  • Standards on Training, Certification and Watchkeeping - STCW
  • Decree manning seagoing fishing vessels – Bz
  • Certificate of Competence – CoC
  • Certificate of Proficiency - CoP
  • Regulation manning seagoing sailing vessels - Rbzz
  • Recognition regulation maritime crew trainings - Eoz
  • Manning Act (2002-2013) – Zbw
  • Adult and Vocational Education Act – WEB
  • Higher Education and Research Act - WHW


[1] The abbreviations are taken from the Dutch wording

2.5.4 Official publications

Publication of the Seafarers Act

Publication of the Explanatory Memorandum

Publication of the Decree seafarers merchant shipping and sailing ships

Publication of the modifications to the Regulations

These official publications are especially important because of the explanations published along with them. For a proper understanding of the Seafarers Act, it is necessary to refer to these explanations.

3 Application and scope of the manning regulations

In general Dutch legislation shows in its first regulations the scope and application of the legislation. The manning legislation is no exeption.

3.1 Scope

The Wz applies to all Dutch seagoing ships. A vessel is a Dutch seagoing ship if it is registered as such in the Ships' Register or if it is authorised to carry the Dutch flag, pursuant to customary law. This customary law is applicable, for example, to government vessels.


It may be determined, via a ministerial regulation[1], that certain sections shall not apply to fishing vessels and ships registered in Bonaire, St. Eustatius or Saba.


[1] Such a ministerial regulation has not yet been formulated by the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment.

3.1.1 Exceptions for types of ships

There are certain ships within the category of Dutch seagoing ships to which the Wz does not apply. For example, the Wz does not apply to warships, naval auxiliary ships, rescue vessels and pleasure craft.

3.1.2 Exceptions for certain situations

Seagoing ships are exempt from the Wz if they operate exclusively in inland waters. These include, for example, tugs registered as seagoing ships that serve as harbour tugs. Inland water traffic is distinguished from seagoing traffic based on the offshore boundary, as defined in the Order determining the boundary pursuant to Article 1 of the Shipping Act (Besluit vaststelling lijn ex artikel 1 Schepenwet).

Ships are also exempt from the Wz if there are no seafarers present on board and the ship in question is not fitted with any propulsion equipment[1].


[1] Such situations are assessed on an individual basis by NSI.

3.1.3 Exemptions

The two existing exemption options pursuant to the Zbw, known as ship dispensation and crew dispensation, have been transferred in the Wz.

The purpose of the crew dispensations is to allow a seafarer who possesses a CoC to temporarily perform seagoing service in a position other than that indicated on the CoC. These crew dispensations must be requested from Kiwa Register BV. In many cases, manning problems can be resolved by requesting one or more crew dispensations, instead of a ship dispensation.

In addition to these exemptions, the Bzhz also includes the option to grant an exemption from the requirement of being in possession of a CoP as Ship's Cook.

Ship dispensations are exemptions that allow a ship to be manned with fewer people than indicated on the Minimum Safe Manning Certificate (Bemanningscertificaat). Such a dispensation is not a substitute for the crew dispensations. Ship dispensations must be requested from NSI.

The exemptions may only be granted if there is a question of force majeure.

For ships whose construction, use or propulsion deviates to such an extent as to make application of the STCW Convention meaningless, an exemption may be granted with respect to the preparation of the prescribed manning plan. Examples of such vessels might be commercially used submarines.


4 Training and education of seafarers

Major amendments have been made in the area of training and education. As a result of the Manila Amendments, new positions have been added, existing professional requirements supplemented or re-grouped and regulations changed.

4.1 Division of training and education between the ministries of Infrastructure and the Environment (IenM) and of Education, Culture and Science (OCW)

The Wz distinguishes between education that falls under the WEB or WHW and training courses that are mandatory under the Wz. In the context of the implementation of the STCW Convention and EU Directive 2008/106, all professional requirements are included in the Wz; however, as a result of the above-mentioned division, these professional requirements are also included at the MBO (Dutch secondary vocational education) and HBO (Dutch higher professional education) levels within the applicable WEB or WHW instruments: i.e. the qualification file for MBO and professional competence profile for HBO.

In the field of practical professional training (beroepspraktijkvorming, BPV), better known as 'in-service training', there is more clarity on how to replace the time spent on board a ship and the time spent in a simulator. In addition, it has been clearly defined who is eligible for such an in-service training, what kind of practical experience is involved and the requirements to be met by the simulator.

The remaining training courses are mostly short-term courses in the area of safety, security and courses for specific vessel types, such as tankers and passenger ships.

Within the regulations the term 'education' refers primarily to study programmes organised by OCW and the term 'training' is used to denote all matters that have been brought under the responsibility of IenM.

For the vast majority of these training courses, the Wz stipulates that they must be approved by the Dutch Maritime Authority. The Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILT) carries out the necessary activities for approving a training. The training courses approved by ILT are published on the ILT website: Approved training courses by NSI

In addition to the approved Dutch training courses, other accepted training courses are those conducted by the Maritime Authorities of EU Member States, EEA Member States and countries with which the Netherlands has an agreement for the recognition of CoCs. The list of countries is published in NeRF: Overview of STCW Parties with which the Netherlands has an undertaking in accordance with STCW Code Chapter I, Reg. 10

4.2 Changes in educational programmes

The STCW-based changes in the education organised by OCW have been incorporated into the qualification files (MBO) or professional competence profiles (HBO). Some of the amendments to the STCW Convention are minor in nature and were already a part of Dutch maritime education. An example of this is the addition of the "importance of proactive measures to protect the marine environment" in the column 'Knowledge, understanding and proficiency' at the operational level. This competence has already been part of Dutch professional study programmes for a long time and is not regarded as a gap for which additional training is required.

Only with respect to two subjects - namely, the knowledge of Electronic Chart Display Information Systems (ECDIS) and high-voltage installations - is the gap between the study programmes under the STCW 1995 regime and those under the STCW 2010 regime too wide, as a result of which additional training is needed. These training courses are also required if no ECDIS or high-voltage power plant is located on board the ship. These training courses are a one-off and generic in nature. However, this additional training requirement does not apply to study programmes aimed at obtaining qualifications for near coastal voyages.

The biggest amendment has been made in the area of study programmes for near coastal voyages. An amendment has been made to the STCW in this respect, leading to the need to more clearly define the area for which non-compliant CoCs may be acceptable. This amendment involves the obligation to conclude an agreement[1] for near coastal voyage activities of a Member State that is party to the STCW. To make the Dutch areas uniformly recognisable and simplify the conclusion of these agreements, it has been attempted to align these areas more closely to the areas described in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). As soon as IenM publishes the concluded agreements, these will be published by ILT on its website.

In addition, the positions added to the STCW Convention have been taken over by the Wz.

The Wz includes the following functions:

  • Master (all ships)
  • Master (ships of less than 3000 GT)
  • Master (ships of less than 500 GT)
  • Chief Mate (all ships)
  • Chief Mate (ships of less than 3000 GT)
  • Chief Mate (ships of less than 500 GT)
  • Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch (all ships)
  • Chief Engineer (all ships)
  • Chief Engineer (ships with less than 3000 kW propulsion power)
  • Second Engineer (all ships)
  • Second Engineer (ships with less than 3000 kW propulsion power)
  • Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch (all ships)
  • First Maritime Officer (all ships)
  • First Maritime Officer (ships of less than 3000 GT with less than 3000 kW propulsion power)
  • Maritime Officer (all ships)
  • Maritime Officer (ships of less than 3000 GT with less than 3000 kW propulsion power)
  • Electro-technical Officer (all ships)
  • Able Seafarer Deck (all ships)
  • Able Seafarer Engine (all ships)
  • Able Seafarer Deck and Engine (all ships)
  • Deck Rating Forming Part of a Navigational Watch (all ships)
  • Engine Rating Forming Part of a Navigational Watch (all ships)
  • Deck and Engine Rating Forming Part of a Navigational Watch (all ships)
  • Electro-technical Rating (all ships)
  • Master (sailing vessels)
  • Chief Mate (sailing vessels)
  • Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch (sailing vessels)
  • Rating (sailing vessels)
  • Skipper (seagoing fishing vessels)
  • Deputy-Skipper (seagoing fishing vessels)
  • Chief Mate (seagoing fishing vessels)
  • Mate/Engineer (seagoing fishing vessels)
  • Chief Engineer (seagoing fishing vessels)
  • Second Engineer (seagoing fishing vessels)
  • Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch (seagoing fishing vessels)
  • Rating (seagoing fishing vessels)
  • Radio Operator

In addition, the Wz recognises the position of Ship's Cook, based on the MLC.


[1] No agreements have yet been concluded by the ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment.

4.2.1 New educational programmes for Near coastal voyages

Due to changes in the NCV area major changes were made to the educational programmes leading up to a CoC limited to NCV areas. Underneath an explenation on the new NCV area's.

There are three designated sailing areas in which CoCs limited to near coastal voyages can be used. These areas are:

  • the Dutch territorial sea and the contiguous zone of the Kingdom adjacent to the Dutch territorial sea: these two adjacent areas extends combined 24 nautical miles from the Dutch coast;
  • the Dutch Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ): this extends up to a maximum of 200 nautical miles from the Dutch coast; but this is a shorter distance if this area overlaps with the EEZ of another country. The EEZ corresponds to the Netherlands continental shelf (NCP)
  • the international coast: a navigational area which, under Regulation I/3 of the Appendix to the STCW Convention, is designated as an area for coastal voyages by another State that is a party to the STCW Convention.

The above-mentioned hierarchy can also be seen in the study programmes and training courses necessary for obtaining a qualification limited to coastal voyages.

The Hydrographic Service (Dienst der Hydrografie) of the Royal Netherlands Navy is responsible for maintaining and publishing the Dutch zones and it has files available demarcating these Dutch zones. These files are published on the internet: Maritime zones.

An overview of the zones:

20141111_1410-0334-013_maritieme_zone_d02_893 - kopie

The link with a service port has been removed, but a condition has been imposed to the effect that nautical and technical support should be available from the shore. The Explanatory Memorandum indicates that such support may involve services that can assist with the inspection, maintenance and repair of rescue and safety equipment, propulsion installations and navigation equipment, as well as support during the preparation for the voyage and transport of cargo.

In the Zbw, for ships that can deploy crews holding CoCs limited to coastal voyages, the specified limits were 500 GT and 3000 kW. These limits were linked to one another.

Those who have completed the Skipper/Engineer (Near Coastal Voyage) (Schipper-Machinist Beperkt Werkgebied, SMBW) programme shall obtain two qualifications, one for deck service on ships up to 500 GT and one for engine room service on ships with up to 3000 kW propulsion power.

In relation to the transitional provision, Certificates of Competency with the limitation to Near coastal voyages from the previous Decree shall continue to be valid until the expiry date shown on the certificate.


[1] Source: The Hydrographic Service of the Royal Netherlands Navy.

4.2.2 Functions limited to contractors' equipment

For ships that meet the definition of contractors' equipment, only minor amendments have been made: e.g. the broadening of the definition that now refers to "installations at sea" instead of "mining installations at sea".

4.2.3 New functions

The new functions are as follows:

  • Electro-technical Officer (all ships) (STCW Regulation III/6)
  • Able Seafarer Deck (STCW Regulation II/5)
  • Able Seafarer Engine (STCW Regulation III/5)
  • Able Seafarer Deck and Engine (STCW Regulation VII/1)
  • Electro-technical Rating (STCW Regulation III/7)

The CoCs for these positions can be obtained in two different ways:

  • via a diploma, obtained from a Dutch nautical college; or
  • via a period on board, during which knowledge and skills are gained and recorded.

The first option of a diploma issued by a nautical college is not available within the existing Dutch nautical education system for the five functions mentioned.. More information can be found in the following paragraphs. Electro-technical Officer (ETO)

The position of Electro-technical Officer may be held on all ships regardless of tonnage, propulsion power or electrical power. It is not mandatory to add the Electro-technical Officer to existing crew compositionsnor to have it included on the Minimum Safe Manning Document (MSMD). However is the function of ETO is mentioned on the MSMD then the person assigned to that capacity must hold a CoC issued in line with STCW Regulation III/6.  As yet there is no study programme for this position in the Netherlands under the WEB or WHW. The Wz does not contain any alternative method for obtaining the CoC for the position of Electro-technical Officer. Able Seafarer Deck, Able Seafarer Engine and Able Seafarer Deck and Engine

The new position of Able Seafarer is an addition to the existing position of Rating Forming Part of a ... Watch. The position of Able Seafarer is based on the position of Rating Forming Part of a ... Watch. This is reflected in the obligation to meet the requirements for the position of Rating Forming Part of a ... Watch before being eligible for the CoC as an Able Seafarer. In terms of the work effort involved in watchkeeping positions, there is no difference between the two 'types' of Ratings.

Background information on why the Able Seafarer was added to the STCW can be found in STW 36/12 DEVELOPMENT OF COMPETENCE FOR RATINGS - Outcome of ILO Preparatory Technical Conference.

It is not mandatory to add the Able Seafarer to existing crew compositions, because the CoC as Rating Forming Part of a ... Watch is sufficient for performing watchkeeping activities. The introduction of the Able Seafarer has led to some confusion therefor a circulaire has been publiced by the IMO: STCW.7/Circ.24 - Interim Guidance for Parties, Administrations, port State control authorities, recognized organizations and other relevant parties on the requirements of the STCW Convention, 1978, as amended.

In the Annex under items 15 and 16 of this circulaire this confusion is addressed.

As yet there are no study programmes for the positions of Ratings in the Netherlands under the WEB or WHW. However, a qualification for these positions can also be obtained via specific documented onboard experience and additional training. Electro-technical Rating

The position of Electro-technical Rating is a new position. It is not mandatory to add the Electro-technical Rating to existing crew compositions. As yet there is no study programme for this position in the Netherlands under the WEB or WHW. However, a qualification for this position can also be obtained in another manner. This is described later in this guide. Alternative to obtaining a CoC as Rating Forming Part of a ... Watch/Able Seafarer and Electro-technical Rating

Besides obtaining a CoC as Rating via a diploma issued by a nautical college, there is also an alternative way of obtaining such a CoC. This can be done via a declaration from the Master and/or the Chief Engineer stating that the prospective Rating has mastered the STCW competences for the relevant position.

In some cases, this declaration must be supplemented by a Task Book (takenboek) showing that the competences of the relevant position have been mastered. This Task Book is maintained under the supervision of a Master for nautical positions and a Chief Engineer for technical positions. After successful completion of this Task Book, the Master and/or the Chief Engineer declares that the prospective Rating meets the professional requirements and that the Task Book has been successfully completed. The Task Books referred to here are those published by ISF/ICS .

In addition to the above-mentioned declaration, there are additional requirements, such as period of service and additional safety training requirements. Details can be found in Bzhz § 2. Vereisten voor de verkrijging van een vaarbevoegdheidsbewijs and the corresponding Note of Explanation. Other Ratings

Apart from the Able Seafarer, Rating Forming Part of a .... Watch and Electro-technical Rating, there are no other Ratings referred to in the Wz. In practice, there are often persons on board who perform tasks for which no qualification is necessary because they are not required to perform any watchkeeping duties. In this regard, the STCW refers to "...Ratings whose duties while on watch are of an unskilled nature". These persons may be referred to with the general term 'Rating' without any extra additions to, for instance, the Seamen's Book (monsterboekje) or the Crew List (bemanningslijst). This position does not appear on the Minimum Safe Manning Certificate (Bemanningscertificaat).

4.3 Overview of training courses

A number of changes have been implemented in the area of training courses. For example, two training courses have been added in the area of safety. In addition, existing training courses have been slightly modified. Also, the names of some training courses have changed, either to better reflect the content or to distinguish them from earlier training courses. For example, the training earlier known as Sloepsgast in Dutch is now known as 'Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats' (Reddingmiddelen). For medical training courses, the STCW titles have been retained.

One of the most notable amendments is the obligation to undergo refresher courses for the four safety training courses that will be launched from 1 January 2017 (Basic Training (Basisveiligheid), Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats, Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats (Snelle hulpverleningsboten) and Advanced Fire Fighting (Brandbestrijding voor gevorderden)). The refresher course frequency is fixed at five years. Possession of the relevant certificates is required as proof that a refresher course has been followed.

In addition, there are one-off training courses prescribed for bridging the gaps between STCW 1995 and STCW 2010 (i.e. the ECDIS and High Voltage (Hoogspanning) training courses) and a training course that is required as a transitional measure (Radar Navigator at Management Level (Radarnavigator management niveau)).

The Wz does not contain any equivalent provisions for training courses. Hence, courses from other sectors, which are similar to 'STCW training courses' in terms of content and purpose, may not be used as a substitute for the training courses prescribed in the Wz. In consultation with NSI, training institutions have limited room for manoeuvre for taking into consideration the existing knowledge and expertise of participants.

Dutch legislation includes the training courses listed below. A large number of these courses were also present in the earlier regulations.

Training courses not specific to the type of ship:

  • Basic Training
  • Life-saving Appliances
  • Advanced Fire Fighting
  • Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats
  • Ship Security Officer (Scheepsbeveiligingsfunctionaris)
  • Appropriate Knowledge of the Maritime Legislation of the Administration STCW Regulation I/10.2 (Wetgeving en openbaar gezag)
  • Ship Management-N (Scheepsmanagement-N)
  • Ship Management-W (Scheepsmanagement-W)
  • Radio Operator (Maritieme radiocommunicatie) (Under the supervision of the Telecom Agency (Agentschap Telecom))


Training courses not specific to the type of ship:

  • Security Awareness (Bewustwording scheepsbeveiliging)
  • Designated Security Duties (Uitvoering beveiligingstaken)
  • Medical First Aid (Medische eerste hulp aan boord)
  • Medical Care (Medische zorg aan boord)


Ship-specific training courses:

  • Crowd Management (Groepsbegeleiding)
  • Safety Training for Personnel Providing Direct Service to Passengers in Passenger Spaces On Board Passenger Ships (Dienstverlening aan passagiers)
  • Crisis Management and Human Behaviour (Crisisbeheersing en menselijk gedrag)
  • Passenger Safety, Cargo Safety and Hull Integrity (Passagiersveiligheid, ladingveiligheid en waterdichtheid van de scheepsromp)
  • Basic Training For Oil and Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations (Basis ladingbehandeling olie- en chemicaliëntankschepen)
  • Basic Training For Gas Tanker Cargo Operations (Basis ladingbehandeling (Basis ladingbehandeling olie- en chemicaliëntankschepen)
  • Advanced Training For Oil Tanker Cargo Operations (Ladingbehandeling olietankschepen voor gevorderden)
  • Advanced Training For Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations (Ladingbehandeling chemicaliëntankschepen voor gevorderden)
  • Advanced Training For Gas Tanker Cargo Operations (Ladingbehandeling gastankschepen voor gevorderden)
  • Basic Training for service on ships subject to the IGF Code
  • Advanced Training for service on ships subject to the IGF Code
  • Basic Training for ships operating in polar waters
  • Advanced Training for ships operating in polar waters
  • Type Rating High Speed Craft (HSC Code) (Type rating hogesnelheidsvaartuig)
  • Steam Propulsion (Stoomvoortstuwing)
  • Gas Turbine Propulsion (Gasturbinevoortstuwing)
  • Supplement-N for Near coastal voyages International Coast (Aanvulling-N voor reizen nabij de internationale kust)
  • Supplement-W for Near coastal voyages International Coast (Aanvulling-W voor reizen nabij de internationale kust)


Refresher training courses:

  • Basic Training
  • Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats
  • Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats
  • Advanced Fire Fighting


Transitional training courses:

  • High Voltage
  • Radar Navigator at Management Level


In addition to these training courses, there are two areas that persons need to be familiar with before starting service on board: the existing familiarisation with safety matters, along with an added familiarisation in the area of security.

4.4 Training courses not specific to the type of ship

For training courses not specific to the type of ship, this paragraph, as a service, also indicates the changes and consequences of these changes for these courses in relation to the pre-Manila STCW.

4.4.1 Basic training

For this training, minor modifications have been made to the topics covered. For example, two topics in the area of environmental protection have been added to this course. Also, certain competences or topics have been added in the areas of communication, teamwork and fatigue management.

4.4.2 Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats

This training is unchanged in terms of content. Only the Dutch name, formerly Sloepsgast in Dutch, has been changed to Reddingmiddelen to better reflect the subject matter of the training.

4.4.3 Advanced Fire Fighting

This training is unchanged in terms of content.

4.4.4 Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats

This training is unchanged in terms of content.

4.4.5 Ship Security Officer

This training is slightly modified in terms of content. Combating piracy and armed robbery have been added as new topics.

4.4.6 Appropriate Knowledge of the Maritime Legislation of the Administration - STCW Regulation I/10.2

The contents of this training course have been slightly modified, in part due to the changes resulting from the MLC and the Manila Amendments. It has been attempted to ensure that, when learning about the relevant legislation, participants are also aware of the manner in which the Netherlands incorporates international treaties into Dutch legislation. Since Dutch law increasingly makes use of dynamic referencing, the legislation specific to the Dutch flag may be sufficient.

This training is only mandatory for Masters with a foreign CoC.

For the other officers at the management level, i.e. Chief Mates, Chief Engineers and Second Engineers, it is sufficient if they can show documentary evidence of their knowledge of Dutch legislation.  For example, this may be done via an endorsement in the Ship's Log or via the overview prescribed in Article 3 of the Wz.

4.4.7 Ship Management-N

This training is almost unchanged in terms of content and implementation. For the mandatory subjects, it tries to align itself further to the tables of the STCW Code. This training is not mandatory for obtaining a CoC as Master on coastal voyages. The obligation for Chief Mates has lapsed. The training includes the components relating to Bridge Resourse Management. Therefore the Dutch legislation has no independent accredited training Bridge Resource Management.

4.4.8 Ship Management-W

For the mandatory subjects, it tries to align itself further to the tables of the STCW Code. Currently, this training is also mandatory for obtaining a CoC as Chief Engineer for ships with less than 3000 kW propulsion power but not for coastal voyages. The obligation for Second Marine Engineer has lapsed. The training includes the components relating to Engine room Resourse Management. Therefore the Dutch legislation has no independent accredited training Engine room Resource Management.

4.4.9 Radio Operator

The content of this training is largely determined by treaties other than the STCW Convention, such as those concluded under the auspices of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). The Telecom Agency is responsible for monitoring these training courses.

4.5 Training courses not specific to the type of ship added by the 2010 STCW Manila amendments

This paragraph describes the new training courses not specific to the type of ship.

4.5.1 Security Awareness

This training has resulted from one of the Manila amendments in the area of ship security and is therefore new. The topics covered correspond to a number of topics from the Ship Security Officer training course, including those in the area of combating piracy and armed robbery. The level of the training is different from that of the Ship Security Officer training course and suitable for the large group of seafarers who are required to comply with this training requirement.

4.5.2 Designated Security Duties

This training has resulted from one of the Manila amendments in the area of ship security and is therefore new. The topics covered correspond to a number of topics from the Ship Security Officer training course, including those in the area of combating piracy and armed robbery. The level of the training is different from that of the Ship Security Officer training and suitable for the group of seafarers who are required to comply with this training requirement.

4.5.3 Medical First Aid

The Dutch regulations with respect to medical training courses have been amended in order to align this training to the STCW standards of knowledge, understanding and proficiency. The Medical Training - Limited (Scheepsgezondheidszorg-B) and Medical Training - Unlimited (Scheepsgezondheidszorg-O) courses were national training courses that were somewhat different from what was prescribed under the STCW Convention. This training is consistent with STCW requirements to ensure the international recognition of CoCs. The Medical First Aid training contains a number of elements from the former Dutch Medical Training - Limited training, particularly in relation to the provision of first aid. Some seafarers are obliged to follow refresher courses; for this, see the paragraph on refresher courses.

4.5.4 Medical Care

As indicated for the Medical First Aid training, it has been attempted to align this training to the STCW standards of knowledge, understanding and proficiency. As a result, the more intensive medical topics and procedures, which were earlier divided over the Medical Training - Limited and Medical Training - Unlimited training courses, have been included under the Medical Care training. For example, invasive procedures, which may be performed only based on radiographic medical advice, is now included under this training. Some seafarers are obliged to follow refresher courses; for this, see the paragraph on refresher courses.

4.6 Pre 2010 STCW Manila amendments ship-specific training courses

An overview of training courses the were already in existence before the 2010 STCW Manila amendments ship-specific training courses.

4.6.1 Training courses for passenger ships

In the STCW Convention and the STCW Code, there are combined training courses for passenger ships and ro-ro passenger ships. This combination has no influence on past training courses and certificates. Familiarisation Training for Passenger Ships or Ro-Ro Passenger Ships

Before starting service on board a ship, every seafarer performing special duties on board passenger ships or ro-ro passenger ships must follow a ship-specific familiarisation training, for which documentary evidence must be provided. This training does not require recognition from ILT and the documentary evidence may be provided without the intervention of the Inspectorate or Kiwa Register BV. Crowd Management

This training is a continuation of the existing Crowd Management in Emergencies training course. Record of participation in this training shall be provided via documentary evidence. This training does not require recognition from ILT and the documentary evidence may be provided without the intervention of ILT or Kiwa Register BV. Safety Training for Personnel Providing Direct Service to Passengers in Passenger Spaces On Board Passenger Ships

This training is a continuation of the existing Hotel Personnel Passenger Ships (Hotelpersoneel passagiersschepen) training. Record of participation in this training shall be provided via documentary evidence. This training does not require recognition from ILT and the documentary evidence may be provided without the intervention of ILT or Kiwa Register BV. Crisis Management and Human Behaviour

This approved training is a continuation of the existing Crisis Management and Human Behaviour training and does not contain any changes in terms of content and implementation. Passenger Safety, Cargo Safety and Hull Integrity

The distinction between the two types of passenger ships has also been removed for this approved training As a result, the topic of hull integrity has also become part of the training for crew members working on passenger ships. Moreover, since such ships are often equipped with special openings in the skin, e.g. access doors, the addition of the above topic to the training does not constitute a major change.

4.6.2 Training courses for tankers

For tankers, changes have mainly been made to the training courses for personnel who do not have any direct responsibilities related to the cargo. Though the existing courses for personnel with direct responsibilities related to the cargo seem different after the introduction of the Manila Amendments, this is mainly due to a change in the way the training is displayed in the STCW Code; here, the old list of topics has been replaced by tables, as in the case of the other training courses. A small number of topics have been added or expanded, as compared to STCW 1995. Advanced Training For Oil Tanker Cargo Operations

This approved course is a continuation of the existing Bulk Handling and Transport of Oil and Petroleum Products On Board Oil Tankers (Behandeling en vervoer van aardolie en aardolieproducten in bulk aan boord van olietankschepen) training. A limited number of topics have been added or expanded; some of these additions and expansions are: knowledge and use of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), vapour recovery systems, use of personal protection equipment and protection of the environment, including protection against air pollution. Advanced Training For Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations

This approved course is a continuation of the existing Bulk Handling and Transport of Chemicals On Board Chemical Tankers (Behandeling en vervoer van chemicaliën in bulk aan boord van chemicaliëntankschepen) training. A limited number of topics have been added or expanded; some of these additions and expansions are: materials and coatings used for tanks and piping systems, cargo inhibitors and stabilisers, highly viscous cargoes and polymerisation. Advanced Training For Gas Tanker Cargo Operations

This approved course is a continuation of the existing Bulk Handling and Transport of Liquefied or Compressed Gases On Board Gas Tankers (Behandeling en vervoer van tot vloeistof verdichte of samengeperste gassen in bulk aan boord van gastankschepen) training. A limited number of topics have been added or expanded; some of these additions and expansions are: expansion equipment, cofferdam heating, gas compressor lubrication systems and cold combustion.

4.6.3 Other training courses

Overview of trainings that occur less frequently. Type Rating High Speed Craft

This is not a training prescribed by the STCW Convention, but one that originates in the High Speed Craft (HSC) Code. This approved course is a continuation of the existing Type Rating training. No changes have been made to the content of the training, but there is a change with respect to the issuance of the certificate; for this, see the topic Ship and seafarer certification. Steam Propulsion

This approved training had already been part of the earlier Bzhz since 2002. The background to this is that the STCW Code offers the freedom to exclude topics from the training course if this limitation is clearly indicated on the CoC. However, since there were no Dutch flagged ships with this type of propulsion, this option was never availed of in the past and no training courses have been approved. This is why the Steam Propulsion training course has been included again separately in the Wz. The Gas Turbine Propulsion (Gasturbine voorstuwing) training course has also been included in the same manner. In future, CoCs shall indicate the type of propulsion that a person is qualified for. Gasturbine Propulsion

The Gas Turbine Propulsion (Gasturbine voorstuwing) training course has been included to the array of training courses. In future, CoCs shall indicate the type of propulsion that a person is qualified for.

4.7 Ship-specific training courses added by the 2010 STCW Manila amendments

With respect to tankers, in the Manila amendments, the previous familiarisation training for service on board tankers (Tanker Familiarisation (Tanker familiarisatie)) has been split up into a training specifically for oil and chemical tankers and another for gas tankers. As in the case of the advanced tanker training courses mentioned above, here too a limited number of topics have been added to the training.

4.7.1 Basic Training For Oil and Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations

As mentioned earlier, this training replaces the approved familiarisation training for service on board tankers. Some changes have been made to the content of the training and as a result of the division between the two types of tankers, the content of this course is focused more strongly on these types of tanker, i.e. oil and chemical tankers. The changes with respect to the earlier training can be seen in the following areas: knowledge of the construction of oil and chemical tankers, fire-fighting competences, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and performing an emergency stop during loading or unloading.

4.7.2 Basic Training For Gas Tanker Cargo Operations

Changes with respect to the Tanker Familiarisation training are with respect to the following areas: washing of tanks, inert gas, pressure and extreme low temperatures and prevention of structural weakening due to embrittlement.

4.7.3 Gas Turbine Propulsion

This training will include elements from the tables in STCW Code Chapter III that are related to the propulsion of ships by means of gas turbines.

4.7.4 Supplement-N for Near Coastal Voyages outside the Dutch coastal area

This new training course provides a supplement if they want to apply for a certificate with the restriction for near coastal voyages other than the Dutch coast. The introduction of this certificate has been postponed twice (Published in the Official Gazette: https://zoek.officielebekendmakingen.nl/stcrt-2015-42367.html). During this period CoC’s with the restriction for near coastal voyages other than the Dutch coast have been issued. The legislation provided herein. However it will be noted that at the next renewal of such CoC the Supplement N certificate for the restriction for near coastal voyages other than the Dutch coast must be shown. If one is in possession of the certificate Ship Management-N and one requests a CoC with the restriction for near coastal voyages other than the Dutch coast this will be accepted as a substitute.

4.7.5 Supplement-W for Near Coastal Voyages outside the Dutch coastal area

This new training course provides a supplement if they want to apply for a certificate with the restriction for near coastal voyages other than the Dutch coast. The introduction of this certificate has been postponed twice (Published in the Official Gazette: https://zoek.officielebekendmakingen.nl/stcrt-2015-42367.html). During this period CoC’s with the restriction for near coastal voyages other than the Dutch coast have been issued. The legislation provided herein. However it will be noted that at the next renewal of such CoC the Supplement W certificate for the restriction for near coastal voyages other than the Dutch coast must be shown. If one is in possession of the certificate Ship Management-N and one requests a CoC with the restriction for near coastal voyages other than the Dutch coast this will be accepted as a substitute.

4.7.6 International Code of safety for ships using Gases or other low-flashpoint Fuels (IGF Code) training courses

As of 1-1-2017 these qualifications are required on ships where the IGF Code to applies.

There are two types of qualifications:

  1. proficiency basic training IGF Code
  2. proficiency advanced training IGF Code.

Not all the crew members have to be in possession of these qualifications. For the certificate of proficiency basic training IGF Code, the Decree seafarers commercial ships and sailing vessels determents that seafarers responsible for designated safety duties associated with the care, use or in emergency response to the fuel on board ships subject to the IGF Code, the certificate of proficiency basic training IGF Code is mandatory.

For the certificate of proficiency advanced training IGF Code, the Decree seafarers commercial ships and sailing vessels determents that masters, engineer officers, dual certificated officers (marof) and all personnel with immediate responsibility for the care and use of fuels and fuel systems on ships subject to the IGF Code shall hold a certificate in advanced training.

Seafarers who are already trained and hold CoP’s for gas tankers can, under certain conditions, use these qualifications for gas tankers to come into possession of CoP’s  for duties on board ships subject to the IGF Code.

More information can obtain form Kiwa Register BV.

4.7.7 Polar Code training courses

Seafarers with a nautical function on ships sailing in polar regions must follow special training courses.

These are the following training courses:

  1.     Basic training Polar Code for ships sailing in polar waters
  2.     Advanced training Polar Code for ships sailing in polar waters

You can follow these training courses at the training institutes listed on the Overview of recognized training courses. The ILT has recognized these training courses.

You must convert the certificate of the training institute into an official Certificate of Proficiencyertificate of competence. You can do this at Kiwa.

The Polar Code has been developed for ships sailing in polar regions. The Polar Code sets requirements for the crew and the ship. The requirements for the crew are:

  1.     training in working safely under extreme conditions such as in the polar regions
  2.     training in dealing with the particularly sensitive marine environment in polar regions
  3.     training in the recognition of risks of navigation in polar regions
  4.     training in the use of life-saving equipment under extreme conditions that can be found in the polar regions

A useful tool is the Infographic Polar Code of the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS).

4.8 Refresher courses

A refresher course is mandatory for some of the training courses. For the safety training courses, this requirement results from the STCW Convention, whereas the obligation to undergo refresher medical training, as applicable to Masters and seafarers who are designated to provide on-board medical assistance, results from Directive 92/29/EEC.

4.8.1 General obligation to undergo refresher courses

Refresher courses are mandatory for: Basic Training, Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats, Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats, Advanced Fire Fighting, Medical First Aid and Medical Care. The medical training courses are discussed in a separate paragraph, because of the earlier-mentioned EU background to this obligation.


Regarding the duration and content of refresher courses, the Wz indicates that such a course should include all the topics of the initial course, but the focus should lie on the topics that cannot be trained on board. Regarding the duration of refresher courses, it is indicated that the duration should be half that of the initial training course.


Just as in the case of the initial training courses, approved refresher courses are published by ILT: List of approved training courses

4.8.2 Obligation to undergo refresher courses on safety

This obligation shall enter into force from 1 January 2017. As of that date, a seafarer must demonstrate that he has followed the safety training courses or refresher courses within the past five years. This must be demonstrated via a certificate. If the training of five years ago was an initial training course, then the obligation to undergo a refresher course can only be met by once again following an approved initial training course or by attending an approved refresher course. If the seafarer does not possess a certificate, he must obtain it before 1 January 2017. After 1 January 2017, a valid CoC shall no longer be sufficient for demonstrating that an initial or refresher training course has been followed.


art. 40 lid 7 Besluit zeevarenden handelsvaart en zeilvaart

4.8.3 Obligation to undergo refresher medical training

The obligation to undergo refresher medical training is a consequence of European Directive 92/29/EC. This Directive applies to all Masters and seafarers who are designated medical care duties on board Dutch ships. The Directive stipulates that the Master and seafarer with designated medical care duties must follow a refresher course every five years.


In this case, the refresher training obligation implies that the entire initial training course must be followed. There is no longer any question of separate refresher courses.

4.9 Additional training courses

Several gaps, some minor and some major, have been identified between the STCW 1995 regulations and the Manila Amendments 2010. Two of these gaps must be bridged. These differences have been described in the Wz. The gaps can be bridged by attending additional training courses.

The identified gaps lie in the areas of ECDIS and High Voltage training and are applicable to merchant shipping CoCs, excluding CoCs limited to coastal voyages and CoCs limited to sailing ships. There are two ways to demonstrate that the gap has been bridged: via documentary evidence issued by the nautical college that provided the diploma or a certificate obtained after successful completion of an approved training course.

4.9.1 Documentary evidence for ECDIS/High Voltage training

If it can be demonstrated, via documentary evidence issued by the nautical college, that the study programme has covered either the topic of ECDIS or High Voltage, then the additional training is not required. The adjustments to the qualification files (MBO) and the professional competence profile (HBO) should imply that holding diplomas issued by a nautical college guarantees that the holder has knowledge of the topics ECDIS and/or High Voltage. Hence, if a CoC is applied for based on these diplomas issued by a nautical college, no additional training shall be necessary. The Appendix provides an overview per nautical college.

4.9.2 ECDIS and High Voltage

The second option of bridging the gap via a training course is described below. ECDIS

Though minor changes have been made to the ECDIS training course in terms of content, by and large it remains a continuation of the generic ECDIS training as assessed earlier by ILT. Certificates issued after the successful completion of earlier training courses, which had already been assessed and approved by ILT, may be used to meet the additional training requirement. This involves a generic training.


In addition to this generic training, a type-specific ECDIS training is also required. This is a requirement that has to be fulfilled by ship's manager, pursuant to Article 4 of the Wz. ILT does not grant any recognition for a type-specific ECDIS training.


The Manila amendments have implications for how the acquired competences can be determined. As a result, the duration of the training has increased.


The IMO has published a circular regarding the ECDIS training course: STCW.7-Circ.18 High Voltage

Training courses were organised in the past to fulfil the ship's manager's responsibility, pursuant to Article 4 of the Zbw, to train crew members for ships equipped with a high voltage installation. These training courses are similar to the type-specific training, but may not be used as additional training. In consultation with ILT, training institutions have a limited amount of freedom in deciding how much of the knowledge and skills that participants have gained from earlier training courses will be taken into account.

To comply with the additional training obligation, an ILT-approved generic High Voltage training course must be followed.

4.10 Transition training courses

This type of training is distinguished from additional training courses based on its connection to the earlier legislative regime. Both additional training courses and transition training courses are necessary until 1 January 2017, after which they will be superfluous. In this guide, we are concerned with only one transition training course, i.e. the Radar Navigator Management Level training.

4.10.1 Radar Navigator at Management Level training

This training was already part of a transitional arrangement in the earlier regulations in connection with the phasing-out of the rank-related training programmes. Hence, this training must necessarily return under the new legislation, because the CoCs that are based on the earlier regulations remain valid until 1 January 2017. Holders of such CoCs are entitled to maintain, renew and upgrade their qualifications until 1 January 2017, based on the old regulations. For renewal of such CoCs, with a period of validity after 1 January 2017, it must be demonstrated this radar training has been followed.

4.11 Transitional provisions

Articles 125 to 125aa of the Bzhz contain transitional provisions for training courses and the certificates issued thereafter before the entry into force of the new regulations. Almost all training courses followed in the past have been equated with the equivalent training under the new regulations.

Exceptions to this are courses which are no longer mandatory, e.g. the Appropriate Knowledge of the Maritime Legislation of the Administration STCW Regulation I/10.2 training is no longer mandatory for Chief Mates, Chief Engineers and Second Engineers. More information regarding this can be found under the topic Ship and seafarer certification.

5 Ship and seafarer certification

The most significant amendments in the area of ship certification can be found with regard to the Minimum Safe Manning Proposal (Bemanningsplan), Minimum Safe Manning Certificate and Declaration of Communication (Communicatieverklaring).

The new regulations contain some changes with respect to the application or use of seafarers' certificates. In addition, the STCW contains stricter measures to prevent CoC-related fraud. A consequence of this is the 100% verification obligation by the Maritime Authority before the issue of a CoC or a CoP for Masters and officers for serving on tankers.

5.1 Certification of ships

The amendment of the Wz also influences the certification of Dutch-flagged ships. There are changes in the Minimum Safe Manning Proposal and Declaration of Communication. In addition, some changes may have influence on the Minimum Safe Manning Certificate.

5.1.1 Manning proposal

The Wz now offers the option of submitting a Minimum Safe Manning Proposal for a group of ships, if these ships are built based on the same construction drawing (identical) and if they have a similar navigational and usage profileP8F[1]P. Based on one such Minimum Safe Manning Proposal for identical ships, a Minimum Safe Manning Certificate shall be issued for each individual ship. The Minimum Safe Manning Proposal approved for the group of ships must be available on board each of the ships in such a group of identical ships.


The Minimum Safe Manning Proposal (Sea-Going Vessels) Regulations (Regeling bemanningsplan zeevaart) has been incorporated within the Rz and its format may be freely decided. The minimum information to be included in the Minimum Safe Manning Proposal remains unchanged, but the Minister may determine that additional information must be included in this Proposal. The Minimum Safe Manning Proposal form can be found the ILT website.


As before, a copy of the Minimum Safe Manning Proposal must be available on board the ship.


The Minimum Safe Manning Proposal has no end date, but there is an obligation to report any changes to ILT.


The obligation to submit a Minimum Safe Manning Proposal for fishing vessels with a length of more than 45 metres has lapsed. With this, the obligation to submit a Minimum Safe Manning Proposal also lapses for all other fishing vessels.


[1] The regulation, which will determine the cases in which it may be sufficient to submit a single Minimum Safe Manning Proposal, has not yet been formulated by the legislator.

5.1.2 Exemption from the Minimum Safe Manning Proposal

A new option in the Wz is the ability to request and receive a Minimum Safe Manning Certificate for special vessels, without having to first submit a Minimum Safe Manning Proposal. This option is only available to vessels that deviate so widely from the norm, that the application of all parts of the Wz would be unreasonable. An example of this type of vessel is the commercially used submarine, for which the usual training requirements and CoCs hardly offer any points of reference.

5.1.3 Minimum Safe Manning Certificate

The Minimum Safe Manning Certificate has undergone a number of changes for the purpose of formalising existing practices. For example, there is a change in the provision requiring the Minimum Safe Manning Certificate to be issued in duplicate and a copy of it displayed at a place where it is visible for everyone on board. The provision "issued in duplicate" has been removed and the obligation to display it visibly at a public place on board has been changed to indicate that a photocopy shall suffice.


If Minimum Safe Manning Certificates refer to positions, for which no CoC was required in the past but where the position could be included on the certificate on request, such as in the case of the position of Electrician, it is advisable to request a new Minimum Safe Manning Certificate, because CoCs are now mandatory for such positions.


The Minimum Safe Manning Certificate is issued for a maximum period of five years.

5.1.4 Declaration of Communication

Under the old legislation, the ship's manager was obliged to submit a Declaration of Communication in triplicate to ILT, which would then certify and return two copies. This obligation has now lapsed. Moreover, there is no longer any prescribed format, hence the information to be provided will be specified via a ministerial regulationP9F[1]P. The Declaration of Communication is prepared by the ship's manager and a copy is provided to the Master.


The Declaration of Communication is valid for five years for all ships, except passenger and ro-ro passenger ships. For these vessels, the period of validity is one year.


[1] The above-mentioned regulation has not yet been formulated by the legislator. The Inspectorate expects the information to correspond to that contained in the earlier Declaration of Communication and makes the earlier Declaration of Communication available in a modified form.

5.2 Dutch certification of seafarers

In addition to the certification of ships, the amendments with respect to education and training, as described in the previous topic, will also have an influence on the certification of seafarers. The introduction of the concept of Certificate of Proficiency in the STCW Convention can be seen in the change in the manner in which it can be demonstrated that tanker training courses have been followed. Limitations and supplements to the CoCs will change and new positions will be displayed.

5.2.1 Certificate of Competency, Certificate of Proficiency, certificate and documentary evidence

Since the STCW Convention now includes CoPs as well as CoCs, this distinction has also been taken over with respect to the certification of seafarers in the Netherlands. Within the definition of CoPs, there is also question of a distinction depending on the authority that issues the CoP (the nautical college, training institution or Kiwa Register BV) and to whom it is issued. Certificates of Competency

The scope of CoCs has been expanded to include evidence for the new positions, as referred to under the topic Training and education of seafarers.


For functions at the STCW support level Kiwa Register BV has issued a standard statement. It is ​available at the Kiwa Register website.


The external look of the CoC has not yet changed, but this will undergo changes in the future to meet the requirements of European Directive 2008/106/EU. For example, the supplements and limitations will change. The qualifications of Engineers must indicate that these are not valid on board ships with steam or gas turbine propulsion installations, if the additional training requirement has not been met. In addition, limitations with respect to tonnage and kilowattage have been amended in detail, in order to bring these in line with the removal of the definition of small vessels from the Wz.


The passport photos on Dutch CoCs and CoPs issued by Kiwa Register BV are subject to the requirements of the Passport Act (Paspoortwet). The passport photo on the Seaman's Book is subject to the requirements specified in Article 98 of the Bzhz.

The photos for a Dutch endorsement attesting the recognition of a certificate must be "similar to passport photos".


There will no longer be any difference in the colours of the CoC and CoP, a single colour is in use for all documents issued by Kiwa Register BV.


Documents that are acceptable as a Dutch Certificate of Competency are certificates of competency issued under article 119 of the Dutch Shipping Order 1965, documents issued under the provisions of the Dutch  Manning Act (2002-2014) and the Dutch Seafarers Act (2014 and onwards) Certificates of Proficiency

Besides the CoCs, there are also CoPs. Basically, these are all documents, other than CoCs, which are issued after following an approved training to acquire proficiencies. Hence, the certificates issued by training institutions for approved training courses, such as the Basic Training and Advanced Fire Fighting, are all CoPs. Exceptions to this are the CoPs required for performing functions on board tankers. Though these certificates, issued by a training institution for training courses that qualify a person to perform functions on board tankers, are also CoPs, officers and Masters must first convert these certificates into a CoP issued by Kiwa Register BV. Certificates of Proficiency for tankers

There are five types of CoP for tankers:

  1. Certificate of Proficiency for Basic Training For Oil and Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations

  2. Certificate of Proficiency for Basic Training For Gas Tanker Cargo Operations

  3. Certificate of Proficiency for Advanced Training For Oil Tanker Cargo Operations

  4. Certificate of Proficiency for Advanced Training For Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations

  5. Certificate of Proficiency for Advanced Training For Gas Tanker Cargo Operations


A common requirement for the issuance of all types of CoPs for tankers is that the person must be in the possession of a valid Basic Training Certificate.


CoPs for basic proficiencies can be obtained after following an approved training or after meeting the experience requirements.


CoPs for advanced proficiencies can be obtained if one is in the possession of a valid Basic Training For Gas Tanker Cargo Operations Certificate, has acquired the advanced proficiencies via an approved training and met the experience requirements.


The Master, officers and persons who are directly responsible for cargo handling operations on board a tanker, must be in the possession of a CoP issued by the Maritime Authority of the flag state.

Seafarers who are not directly responsible for cargo handling operations, are excluded from this requirement; for them it is sufficient that they are in the possession of the certificate issued by the training institution where they have followed the approved training course.


As a result of this special status of CoPs for tankers, the certificate issued by training institutions after completing an approved training course must be converted by Kiwa Register BV into a CoP issued by the Maritime Authority.


Transitional provisions have been specified with respect to the existing endorsement on the CoC for service on board tankers. In some cases, for CoCs for Ratings, no endorsement for the Tanker Familiarisation training was placed on the CoC but instead, a written statement was issued in the name of the person, drawn up by the then Shipping Inspectorate (SI). In combination with a CoC, such statements shall be considered as a CoC with a tanker endorsement and hence these shall also fall under the transitional provisions.


When applying for CoPs for tankers, relevant experience on board the relevant type(s) of tanker(s) must be demonstrated. For assessing the type of tanker, Kiwa Register BV will use the information provided in the Equasis database.


In case of any further ambiguities, the ship's certificates will indicate clearly the type(s) of tanker(s) on which the experience has been gained. These ship's certificates are:

•     For oil tankers, the International Oil Pollution Prevention (IOPP) Certificate Form B

•     For chemical tankers, the Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (COFchem)

•     For gas tankers, the Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk (COFgas)


In case of combinations of different types of tankers, such as the frequently occurring combination of oil and chemical tanker, the experience gained shall be valid for both tanker CoPs, for the initial application as well as for maintaining the CoPs.


The CoP issued by Kiwa Register BV has the same external look as a CoC. Overview of required documents for issuance of Certificates of Proficiency for tankers

Below is a list of documents required for issuing a tanker CoP. The term 'Certificate' refers to the document issued by the training institution, while 'Certificate of Proficiency' is the document issued by Kiwa Register BV.



Basic Training Certificate


3 months of experience on board oil or chemical tankers


Certificate of Proficiency for Basic Training For Oil and Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations



Basic Training Certificate


Basic Training For Oil and Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations Certificate


Certificate of Proficiency for Basic Training For Oil and Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations




Basic Training Certificate


3 months of experience on board gas tanker


Certificate of Proficiency for Basic Training For Gas Tanker Cargo Operations



Basic Training Certificate


Basic Training For Gas Tanker Cargo Operations Certificate


Certificate of Proficiency for Basic Training For Gas Tanker Cargo Operations



Basic Training Certificate


3 months of experience on board oil tanker


Basic Training For Gas Tanker Cargo Operations Certificate


Advanced Training For Oil Tanker Cargo Operations Certificate


Certificate of Proficiency for Advanced Training For Oil Tanker Cargo Operations



Basic Training Certificate


3 months of experience on board oil tanker


Certificate of Proficiency for Basic Training For Oil Tanker Cargo Operations


Advanced Training For Oil Tanker Cargo Operations Certificate


Certificate of Proficiency for Advanced Training For Oil Tanker Cargo Operations




Basic Training Certificate


3 months of experience on board chemical tankers


Basic Training For Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations Certificate


Advanced Training For Oil Tanker Cargo Operations Certificate


Certificate of Proficiency for Advanced Training For Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations



Basic Training Certificate


3 months of experience on board chemical tankers


Certificate of Proficiency for Basic Training For Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations


Advanced Training For Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations Certificate


Certificate of Proficiency for Advanced Training For Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations




Basic Training Certificate


3 months of experience on board gas tanker


Basic Training For Gas Tanker Cargo Operations Certificate


Advanced Cargo Handling on Gas Tankers Certificate


Certificate of Proficiency for Advanced Training For Gas Tanker Cargo Operations



Basic Training Certificate


3 months of experience on board gas tanker


Certificate of Proficiency for Basic Training For Gas Tanker Cargo Operations


Advanced Cargo Handling on Gas Tankers Certificate


Certificate of Proficiency for Advanced Training For Gas Tanker Cargo Operations

= Acceptance foreign training certificates to apply for Dutch certificate

Foreign training certificates from countries with which the Netherlands has an agreement that meets the STCW Regulation I/10 conditions are accepted when making a request for a Dutch certificate. Conditions for acceptance are:

  • The training is recognized by the Maritime Authority of the country with which the agreement has been concluded. This recognition as such is verifiable.

  • The certificate contains at least the information indicated in STCW.7/Circ.15 Data required to be included in documentary evidence

  • The training is given at least the same STCW level as the training recognized by the ILT.


An overview of countries  that meet the STCW I/10 regulations can be found here: Overview of STCW Parties with which the Netherlands has an undertaking in accordance with STCW Code Chapter I, Reg. 10

5.2.2 Special Certificates of Proficiency

In addition to the aforementioned CoPs, resulting from the STCW Convention, there are two special CoPs based on other conventions. Ship's Cook (general)

The CoP as Ship's Cook results from the MLC and not from the STCW Convention. Hence, the question of recognising foreign certificates for ships' cooks does not arise. However, Dutch law allows holders of foreign certificates for ships' cooks, such as a foreign CoC as Ship's Cook or a foreign diploma as Ship's Cook, to perform this function on Dutch flagged ships. In this context, though Dutch legislation refers to 'recognition', this is used more in the sense of an 'approval'. Dutch certificates for ships' cooks

Those who are already in the possession of Dutch documents demonstrating that they are qualified to serve in the position of Ship's Cook, may use these documents to apply for a CoP as Ship's Cook. Those who are in the possession of a Dutch diploma as Cook and have worked for one month in the galley of a seagoing vessel, may apply for a CoP as Ship's Cook based on this diploma. The following shall be deemed as valid diplomas as Cook:


  • diplomas issued on the qualification file with Crebo (Dutch Central Register of Vocational Courses) code '22177 Cook'; this qualification file includes the following final qualifications:

  • < >< >< >< >

    diplomas issued on the qualification file with Crebo (Dutch Central Register of Vocational Courses) code '25182 Cook';


  • diplomas issued based on the qualification files and final qualification documents, which preceded Crebo code 22177, shall also be deemed as valid diplomas as Cook. These are the Crebo codes that begin with the digits '10'.


  • diplomas for Consumption Technology, Specialisation as Cook (Consumptieve techniek differentiatie koken) issued under the Secondary Education Act (Wet op het voortgezet onderwijs)


  • diplomas (Short) training course restaurant-cook issued under the Law on Secondary Education


  • diplomas as Cook issued under the Apprenticeship Act (Wet Leerlingwezen)


  • diplomas as Cook issued under the Pilot Projects and Professional Education Decree (Besluit proefprojecten beroepsonderwijs)


  • diploma as Ship's Cook issued by the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate


  • CoCs as Ship's Cook issued by the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate


  • diploma Ship’s Cook issued by the Inspector General of the Shipping Inspectorate


  • documents issued before 3 May 2014 containing the following text: Holders of a diploma as Cook, who have reached the age of 18 and have at least six months of experience in the galley of ships, may send this basic diploma, along with two identical passport photos and their Seaman's Book to the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate, Attn: Crew Matters Sub-department, PO Box 8634, 3009 AP Rotterdam, requesting this to be certified as a 'Ship's Cook Diploma'.


  • diploma as Sailor Royal Navy of the Care Logistics Service (Matroos van de logistieke dienst verzorging) issued by the Royal Netherlands Navy


  • diploma as Restaurant Cook issued by or on behalf of Stichting Vakbekwaamheid Horeca (SVH)


  • diploma cook issued by ‘Streekschool Elandsstraat’ before 1-8-1995


  • diploma cook issued by ‘Culinaire Vakschool Groningen’ before 1-8-1995


  • ship cook issued by ‘Zadkine Contract Activiteiten bv’ before 1-1-2003


  • diploma Consumption Technology, Specialisation as Cook issued under the Eindexamenbesluit l.b.o. (KB 23 januari 1976, Stb.31) by R.K. horeca- en banketbankersvakschool Zomerhof at Rotterdam.


CoPs as Ship's Cook are issued by Kiwa Register BV.


The CoPs as Ship’s Cook issued by Kiwa Register BV have the same appearance as an ordinary CoC. Foreign certificates for ships' cooks

Certificates as Ship's Cook issued by the following countries are accepted on Dutch flagged ships:

  • EU Member States

  • EEA States

  • Countries with which the Netherlands has concluded an agreement as referred to in Regulation I/10 of the Appendix to the STCW Convention

  • Countries that have ratified the MLC

  • Countries that have ratified the ILO 69 Ships' Cooks Convention (Scheepskokverdrag)


A list of the countries that have ratified the MLC or the ILO 69 Ships' Cooks Convention can be found on the ILO website.

Ratification of MLC: ILO link

Ratification of ILO 69: ILO link


The names of the countries with which the Netherlands has concluded an STCW I/10 agreement can be found on the ILT website: Overview of STCW Parties with which the Netherlands has an undertaking in accordance with STCW Code Chapter I, Reg. 10 Ship's Cook on the Minimum Safe Manning Certificate

The presence of a Ship's Cook is mandatory on board only if the prescribed manning consists of more than nine persons. The prescribed manning is the manning level stipulated on the Minimum Safe Manning Certificate. If the prescribed manning consists of fewer than 10 persons, everyone who works with food should have received instructions about food, food hygiene, food handling and the storage of food on board ships.


Under special circumstances, it is possible to get an exemption from the requirement of having a Ship's Cook on board as prescribed in the Minimum Safe Manning Certificate. As with any exemption in the context of the manning, there must be a question of force majeure. This exemption shall be granted for a maximum period of one month. Persons appointed, in the absence of the Ship's Cook, for working with food should have received instructions about food, food hygiene, food handling and the storage of food on board ships. This involves a so-called 'ship dispensation' granted by ILT. More information about ship and crew dispensations can be found in Chapter 3. Type Rating High Speed Craft

The HSC Code states that seafarers on board HSC ships need additional training. CoP’s that this training has been followed must be issued by the Maritime Authority. The certificate issued by the training provider will be endorsed by Kiwa Register BV and a CoP will be used by Kiwa Register BV.

5.2.3 Documentary evidence

There are some training courses that seafarers are required to follow, but which do not need to be approved by the Maritime Authority.

This concerns two training courses for seafarers on board passenger ships (including ro-ro passenger ships) and a training course for foreign Masters to obtain knowledge of the laws and regulations of the flagged state.


The ship's manager is free to decide the manner in which these training courses will be offered to seafarers. The documentary evidence may be provided in form of an entry in the register that needs to be maintained on board in accordance with Article 3 of the Wz or may be recorded in the form of an entry in the Ship's Log. It does not necessarily have to be a document issued to the seafarers. However, a seafarer who leaves the service of the ship's manager, is entitled to receive a written declaration stating that the relevant training course has been followed.


Another form of documentary evidence is a declaration from nautical colleges stating that, during their study programme, seafarers have fulfilled the additional training requirements with respect to the ECDIS, radar navigation and/or high voltage training courses and that they are no longer required to follow any additional training in these areas.

5.3 Acquisition, validity and maintenance of Certificates of Competency

There are a number of amendments with respect to the way in which a CoC can be acquired and maintained. It is important for prospective seafarers that the diploma issued by a nautical college should be used within four years of its issue to request a CoC. After these four years, it is no longer possible to obtain a CoC based on a diploma issued by a nautical college, because the regulations are now based on the possession of a CoC. After four years, retention of knowledge and skills, as required by the STCW, can no longer be demonstrated. As a consequence, holders of a diploma issued by a nautical college that is older than four years must obtain a new diploma from a nautical college. Since the regulation assumes the possession of a CoC as the starting point, the above situation is different than when one is in possession of an expired CoC. In that case, there are three ways to restore the validity of an expired CoC. These options are discussed in this chapter.


Seafarers, who have terminated their seafaring career, are advised to find out whether they can renew or upgrade their CoC, so that they receive a CoC that is valid for another five years. A valid CoC makes it easier to return to the shipping sector. In case of an expired CoC, there will be additional requirements imposed, such as gaining more than the standard experience or in the worst case, obtaining a new diploma from a nautical college.

In this context, it must also be noted that it is possible to maintain a CoC based on alternative positions held, such as that of pilot, surveyor or engineer at a power plant. Details regarding these alternative positions can be found further on in this chapter as well as in Article 10.7 of the Rz.  

5.3.1 Issue of Certificates of Competency

A CoC shall be granted based a diploma issued by a nautical college. The Wz defines a diploma issued by a nautical college as follows:


a certificate of proficiency issued by an institution, as referred to in WEB or WHW.


The earlier regulations, which indicate the documents to be submitted for requesting a CoC, are included in the Rz. The most notable aspect is that all safety (or refresher) training certificates must be submitted for each CoC application.

In the cases where no separate certificates can be provided for the Basic Training, Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats (formerly, Sloepsgast in Dutch) and Advanced Fire Fighting training courses, a valid CoC was accepted as evidence until 31 December 2016.


Articles 10.1 and 10.2 or do mention the qualifications for service on board tankers but not the qualifications for the Polar Code and the IGF Code. Articles 10.1 and 10.2 are, however, apply to these qualifications. This omission will be corrected by the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment which these articles also formally apply to all qualifications issued by Kiwa Register BV.

5.3.2 Period of validity

The maximum period of validity of a CoC continues to be five years. However, the period of service required for maintaining a qualification has changed. In the past, there was only one option of at least 12 months of service in the past five years.


A second option has been added: three months of service in the six consecutive months prior to the date of application of the new CoC, as long as the CoC is valid.

5.3.3 Expired qualifications

In this respect, first see Chapter 1 - Temporary deviations in the implementation of the Seafarers Act


The new regulations make a distinction between CoCs that have expired less than five years ago and those that have expired more than five years ago.


If a CoC has expired less than five years ago, there are three options for seafarers to obtain a valid CoC. These options are:


  1. Obtaining a new diploma issued by a nautical college

  2. Gaining three months of experience in the six months preceding the date of the application for renewal in a position that can be considered relevant for the renewal of the CoC; this involves a position at a level higher than the manning levels indicated in the Minimum Safe Manning Certificate

  3. Gaining three months of experience in the six months preceding the date of the application for renewal in a position that can be considered relevant for the renewal of the CoC; this involves a position within the manning level, but at a lower level than that for which the expired CoC was valid


In practice, the latter option means that a seafarer with an expired CoC as Master may sail for three months as Chief Mate based on an officially issued CoC. The official CoC is valid for six months but has the same external look as a regular CoC. If this period is too short for gaining the required three months of experience, a one-time application may be submitted again for an officially issued CoC. This officially issued CoC shall also be valid for a period of six months. After this time, the seafarer may be considered once again eligible for obtaining a qualification as Master. The option of fulfilling the three-month requirement in the position of Chief Mate is not available to a seafarer, since a Chief Mate acts as the Master's substitute. The same line of reasoning applies to a seafarer with an expired CoC as Chief Engineer. The seafarer may serve for three months in the position of an Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch, after the end of which period he would again be eligible for obtaining a qualification as Chief Engineer. The option of fulfilling the three-month requirement in the position of Second Engineer is not available to a seafarer, since a Second Engineer acts as the Chief Engineer's substitute. This provision does not apply to seafarers with an expired CoC as Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch or Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch, because there is no relevant lower qualification for these positions.



If the CoC has expired more than five years ago, there is only one possibility of once again obtaining a valid CoC, which is via a new diploma issued by a nautical college that falls under the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. The nautical colleges may avail of the options offered by educational regulations to take the existing knowledge and skills of the candidate into account in the study programme to be followed in order to obtain a new diploma.

5.3.4 Alternative experience

The option of using experience gained in a non-seafaring position for the purpose of maintaining a CoC remains unchanged. Just as before, it is not possible to upgrade an existing qualification; the alternative experience is exclusively for the purpose of maintaining the CoC. However, some amendments have been made with respect to the amount of experience to be demonstrated. This has been increased to 24 months in the five years preceding the application.


In addition to the list of similar positions, Article 10.7 of the Rz offers the Minister the possibility of considering other positions eligible, after the necessary assessment. You will find below a list of the positions that may be considered eligible based on the above-mentioned assessment, but these are not (yet) mentioned in Article 10.7 of the Rz:



  • Maritime Auditor

  • Crew Member On Board Salt Water Ferries

  • Tow Master

  • Salvage Master

  • Dual Master

  • Pipe Operator

  • < >

    Commissioning Engineer Ship Installations

  • Dual Master

  • Safety Maintenance Master

  • Facility Master


If you wish to avail of the above option, you are requested to provide a proper description of these activities, to facilitate the assessment.


In order to exercise this option a document meeting the requirements as a Dutch Certificate of Competency must be available.

5.3.5 Demonstrate knowledge and experience by seafarers who already had a CoC in their possession for May 3, 2014

For obtaining a CoC as:


  • Master all ships

  • Chief Mate all ships

  • 1st Maritime officer all ships

  • Master 3000 GT


a certificate radar navigator management level is not required for those before the date of enactment of the Act seafarers on May 3, 2014 were already in possession of the said certificates.


For obtaining a CoC as:


  • Master all ships

  • Chief Mate all ships

  • 1st Maritime officer all ships

  • Master 3000 GT


a certificate ship management-N not required for those before the date of enactment of the Act seafarers on May 3, 2014 were already in possession of the said certificates.


For obtaining a Coc as:


  • Chief engineer all ships

  • Chief engineer 3000 kW


a certificate ship management-W is not required for those who were already in possession of the date of enactment of the Act seafarers on May 3, 2014 of the said certificates.

5.4 Certificates of Competency and Certificates of Proficiency of foreign seafarers

In this area, a significant amendment is the mandatory verification of a CoC by the foreign maritime authority. For this reason, the option of a Confirmation of Receipt of Application (CRA) was added to the Wz as a temporary exemption from the requirement of possessing an endorsement attesting the recognition of a certificate. The CRA allows the holder to serve onboard a Dutch flagged ship while holding a valid foreign CoC. A CRA has a validity of three months.

5.4.1 100% verification

The modification of the STCW Convention with respect to combating fraud and the inclusion in the Convention of the 100% verification rule by the Maritime Authority before a qualification is issued, means that the time between the application and provision of an endorsement attesting the recognition of a certificate will increase. In order to resolve this issue, the option of a CRA, which was already offered under the STCW Convention, was taken over. A seafarer, who is required to be in the possession of an endorsement attesting the recognition of a certificate may, for a maximum period of three months, perform a position on board a Dutch ship, if the seafarer is in possession of a valid, national CoC and proof of application for recognition of a foreign CoC, better known as the Confirmation of Receipt of Application or CRA. Kiwa Register BV is responsible for issuing this CRA.

5.4.2 Confirmation of Receipt of Application (CRA)

Two conditions attached to the issue of a CRA:

  1. a declaration by the ship manager of the employment contract concluded with the seafarer; and

  2. a declaration by the ship manager that the documents and data provided are valid and authentic, insofar as the ship manager can judge.


No CRA can be issued based on separate CoPs for tankers. An application for an endorsement attesting the recognition of a certificate for a Master or Officer for the purpose of serving on board a tanker must include both a qualification as well as a CoP in order to qualify for the issue of a combined CRA.

5.4.3 Appropriate Knowledge of the Maritime Legislation of the Administration STCW Regulation I/10.2 Certificate

This training course is only applicable to Masters who need to obtain an approval for their foreign CoC in order to serve on board Dutch flagged ships.

For the other officers at the management level, i.e. Chief Mates, Chief Engineers and Second Engineers, it is sufficient if they can show documentary evidence of their knowledge of Dutch legislation. The ship's manager is free to decide how this knowledge can be demonstrated. A possible solution is an overview, as referred to in Article 3, paragraph 3 of the Seafarers Act, of the education, experience, professional qualifications and medical fitness of crew members and all seafarers on board. Another possibility is to make a record in the Ship's Log.


The written evidence of the other officers at management level, 1st mates, chief engineer and 2nd engineer need not be submitted with the application for a certificate of recognition.

5.4.4 Issue Dutch proficiency for tankers to foreign seafarers

Foreign seafarers with foreign training certificate are not eligible for a Dutch certificate of competence for tankers . They may be eligible for a recognition of the foreign certificate of competence for tankers issued by a foreign Maritime Authority which they hold.

5.5 Documents to be held by seafarers

In case of a large number of certificates, these documents are conditions for obtaining a CoC. However, there are also documents which are not linked to the qualification and there are other provisions for ensuring that certain training certificates are available on board.

5.5.1 Safety training certificates

These are the safety training certificates for the Basic Training, Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats (formerly, Sloepsgast in Dutch), Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats and Advanced Fire Fighting Certificates.


In general, it can be said that the deployment of seafarers in combating disasters on board is a determining factor for the possession of safety training certificates.


In particular, seafarers who are in the possession of a CoC as Master or officer must also be in possession of the safety training certificates required for obtaining a CoC. Basic (Safety) Training

The Basic Training A-VI/1.2 course in the STCW Convention is a part of the competences required by Masters and officers. This has been included in the Wz, via a reference to this in the professional requirements and by making this training a condition for issuing a CoC.


In addition, every seafarer with a task involving a role in emergencies must be in the possession of the Basic Training Certificate.


For trainees, although there is no legal requirement of holding a Basic Training Certificate, this is a requirement based on an agreement between the training companies (ships' managers) and the education sector. The absence of a legal requirement for trainees is based on the reasoning that trainees will not be assigned an independent task requiring them to play a role in emergencies.


For the Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats Certificate, it is implied that ships which are, compulsorily or voluntarily, equipped with a fast rescue boat, must have a sufficient number of people on board who are capable of manning the fast rescue boat in the prescribed manner.

5.5.2 Medical training certificates

Masters must always be in possession of valid medical training certificates that have been issued no more than five years ago.


For Masters, with a qualification for coastal voyages along the Dutch coast in a navigational area that extends to the Dutch territorial sea and the contiguous zone of the Kingdom adjacent to the Dutch territorial sea, the Medical First Aid Certificate shall suffice.


All other Masters must be in the possession of the Medical First Aid and Medical Care Certificates.

If the Master designates another person to perform the task of providing medical care on board, this person must also always be in possession of valid medical training certificates of the same level as those of the Master. For these certificates as well, the condition is that they should have been issued not more than five years ago.


Note: Having a Ship's Doctor on board does not exempt the Master and any other person designated to provide medical first aid or medical care from the requirement of being in possession of the relevant medical training certificates.

5.5.3 Security certificates

Seafarers, designated in the Ship Security Plan (Scheepsbeveiligingsplan) as Ship Security Officer, must be in the possession of the Ship Security Officer (SSO) Certificate.


Seafarers, designated in the Ship Security Plan to perform security duties, must be in the possession of the Designated Security Duties Certificate.


All other seafarers must be in the possession of the Security Awareness Certificate.


More information about the persons on board, who may be regarded as seafarers, can be found in the Annex DMLC Part I:  DMLC Part I, Annex Existing ships (keel laid before 20-08-13 (dd-mm-yy)) or DMLC Part I, Annex New ships (keel laid on or after 20-08-13 (dd-mm-yy))

5.6 Medical fitness examinations

The classification of medical fitness examinations into three categories as well as the option of equating examination regimes from other legislation with those in the shipping sector, are the most significant amendments in the area of medical examinations.

5.6.1 Distinction depending on type of seafarer

The first distinction made, with respect to medical examinations, is that between the seafarers who are referred to in Article 18 of the Wz  and those who are not referred to in Article 18 of the Wz. For the group that is referred to in Article 18, a distinction is made between seafarers performing lookout or watchkeeping activities and those who do not perform such activities.


Schematically, the various examinations can be divided into three categories:


  1. All seafarers who are serving (or will serve) in a position as referred to in Article 18, second paragraph of the Act, involving lookout or watchkeeping activities

  2. All seafarers who are serving (or will serve) in a position as referred to in Article 18, second paragraph of the Act, not involving any lookout or watchkeeping activities and seafarers with safety or security duties

  3. All other seafarers

5.6.2 Equalisation of examination regimes

The Wz offers the possibility to equate examinations from other legislation with those prescribed for the shipping sector. Such an equalisation may take place at an individual level as well as for a group of seafarers.

5.6.3 Period of validity of medical fitness certificates

The examination is valid for two years for seafarers above the age of 18, while seafarers under the age of 18 must undergo a medical examination each year. If there are medical reasons thereto, a medical examiner may specify a shorter period on the medical examination certificate. In addition to the length of time, a medical certificate may also be limited to a certain navigational area.


The amendments to the STCW Convention also imply that medical examination certificates must also specify an expiry date (STCW Section A-I/9, 7.3.10). Though the Netherlands has already included the expiry date in its medical certificates, this rule has not yet been applied by some of the countries chose CoCs are recognised by the Netherlands. If the expiry date is missing The Netherlands will notify the  issuing country of the shortcoming but, to prevent delay, will check the validity of the medical certificate by adding two years to the date of issuance (one year if the seafarer is under 18 years).

5.7 Upgrade and renewal of Certificate of Competency

Certain matters related to the application for a CoC have been amended. For example, articles have been added to the Rz regarding, firstly, the way on which experience gained in a dual function can be taken into consideration for mono-disciplinary qualifications and, secondly, the transition from one sector to another, such as from merchant shipping to the fisheries sector.

5.7.1 Upgrade of qualifications within a sector

CoCs within an sector are often limited to one category of ships. For example, tonnage and kilowattage limits are applicable to merchant ships. These limits are also reflected in the study programmes at nautical colleges. To raise or nullify such limits, a new diploma will have to be obtained from the nautical college. Within the legal limits of the WEB or WHW, nautical colleges have the option of issuing a diploma, via an accelerated procedure, to persons who have sufficiently demonstrated the relevant knowledge and skills.

5.7.2 Experience between dual and mono functions

The way in which experience should be divided, in order to maintain or upgrade mono and dual CoCs, has been a topic of discussion since the introduction of the dual functions. Due to the exceptional nature of dual functions, in relation to mono-disciplinary functions and vice versa, the outcome of this debate has been never clearly laid down. With Article 10.5 of the Rz, the legislator has finally brought clarity to this issue.

5.7.3 Use of qualifications in another sector

CoCs are valid only for a particular sector. CoCs for the merchant shipping sector may not be used on board fishing vessels and vice versa.

The only way to switch to another sector is via a diploma obtained from a nautical college. Within the legal limits set by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, nautical colleges have the option of issuing a diploma, via an accelerated procedure, to persons who have sufficiently demonstrated the relevant knowledge and skills. Subsequently, a CoC can be applied for based on this diploma issued by a nautical college.

At the end of this paragraph, you will find a more detailed elaboration of this scheme.

In this system, a distinction is made between CoCs for nautical positions, engineering positions and for Maritime Officers.

Pursuant to the Seafarers Act, a brief adjustment period has been built-in for nautical officers, during which they can gain three months of experience. Based on the new diploma issued by a nautical college and possible additional training courses, a long-term CoC can be applied for in the normal way for obtaining the initial qualification. After gaining three months of experience while holding this initial qualification, an application may be submitted for a higher CoC, in accordance with the table.

In this manner, one can obtain several CoCs, each of which is valid for a specific sector. The notes to the Rz indicate that the period of service performed in a particular sector, with a CoC that is useful for this sector, shall be taken into consideration for CoCs for other sectors, so that one is not required to switch from one sector to another in order to maintain multiple qualifications.

5.8 Transitional provisions Manning Act - Seafarers Act

Transitional provisions have been laid down for CoCs, certificates and documentary evidence issued before the entry into force of the Wz. In some cases, this has not been done because these documents are no longer prescribed.
Due to the nature of the transitional arrangements, they have been displayed in a tabular form. These tables can be found in Appendix 1 of this guide.

6 Mustering, Seaman's Book and recording obligations

This chapter deals with rules and regulations surrounding administrative obligations such as mustering, Seaman's Book and other forms of log keeping.

6.1 Mustering

A few amendments have been made with respect to mustering. The Ship's Articles and Seafarer's Book Regulations (Regeling monsterrol en monsterboekje) have been included in the Rz.

6.2 Crewlist

The crewlist plays quit an import role in the adminstrative obligations. Underneath a more detailed explanetion can be found.

6.2.1 Crew list format

The format is unchanged and the IMO FAL 5 form is still used for this purpose. This form is attached as an appendix to the Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic .

6.2.2 Obligations with respect to the Crew List

The obligation of the ship's manager to inform the Minister regarding the receipt of the Crew List has lapsed. A similar provision for the Master has also lapsed. This is a formalisation of existing practices.

With every change in the crew composition, a new Crew List must be drawn up. The maximum period of validity of a Crew List is 12 months.

The Crew Lists are kept at the office of the ship's manager in the Netherlands and made available for inspection by ILT. The ship's manager must maintain the Crew List, even after it has been replaced or has expired, for three years after the date of replacement or expiry date.

6.3 Seaman's Book

The option of issuing a temporary Seaman's Book - i.e. the Seaman's Book with a red cover - has been removed. As a result, virtually all the articles concerning the Seaman's Book have been amended; though not with any great effect. In addition, there are amendments with respect to the information to be entered in the Seaman's Book. To facilitate this, the layout of the Seaman's Book has been adapted.

6.3.1 Seaman's Book for foreign crew

With the amendments in relation to the Seaman's Book, there is now an option of having foreign crew members on board, provided they have a Seaman's Book drawn up in English. This option already existed in the case of Ratings.

6.3.2 Authority to endorse the Seaman's Book

The authority of the training institutions to endorse the Seaman's Book, as confirmation of successfully completed training courses, remains unchanged. These endorsements are not a substitute for the certificate confirming the successful completion of a training.
In addition to the training institutions and the Master, there is also a third party authorised to endorse the Seaman's Book,  namely the approved medical examiners who are authorised to add endorsements in the Seaman's Book regarding the tuberculosis test. However, such endorsements are not a substitute for the medical examination certificate demonstrating medical fitness.

6.4 Record of period of service

The Crew List and Seaman's Book together form the system of recording the period of service. There is no possibility of exemption from the requirement of maintaining the Crew List or being in possession of a Seaman's Book.

6.5 Obligation to record and provide information

The manning regulations contain a number of provisions for recording matters related to the crew, besides the matters recorded in the Crew List and Seamen's Book. Moreover, there are a number of provisions regarding the provision of information to the crew.

6.5.1 Recording of information

The Wz provides for a number of records and overviews that must be maintained by the ship's manager. The most important of these are listed in the paragraphs below. Crew overview

Article 3 of the Seafarers Act refers to an overview to be maintained by the ship's manager. This overview should contain the following information for each crew member: education, experience, professional competences and medical fitness. This overview can also be used to fulfil the requirement of recording the documentary evidence for a number of training courses. An example of this is the Crowd Management training course applicable to passenger ships and ro-ro passenger ships. Ship's Log

If a ship has a Minimum Safe Manning Certificate with multiple crew compositions, the manning with which the ship starts its voyage must be recorded by the Master in the Ship's Log. In addition, any deviations from the Minimum Safe Manning Proposal must also be recorded in the Ship's Log.

In the case of contractors' equipment the port of operation should be noted in the Ship's Log.

Refusals of permission to leave the ship shall be recorded by the Master in the Ship's Log.

6.5.2 Access to information

A copy of the Minimum Safe Manning Certificate, Maritime Labour Certificate, Maritime Labour Declaration, the MLC insurance documentation and work schedule must be available on board for consultation in a public place where it is accessible to all. In addition, copies of the signed employment contract, the Collective Bargaining Agreement and other applicable terms and conditions of employment conditions must be available to all seafarers as well as a copy of the onboard complained procedure.

7 Monitoring, investigation and prohibitions

7.1 Designated regulatory and enforcement authorities

Based on the relevant regulations, ILT Inspectors, officials of the National Police Corps (Korps Nationale Politie) and Officers of the Royal Military Police (Koninklijke Marechaussee) are assigned to monitor compliance with the Seafarers Act. Customs officials are also designated for this task on the basis of the General Customs Act (Algemene douanewet).

7.2 Investigation and enforcement

Of the designated regulatory authorities, only ILT Inspectors are authorised to formally detain a ship. However, other regulatory authorities are authorised to seize a ship; 'seizure' shall also imply that the ship may be prevented from leaving the port, as under a detention. Following seizure, the concerned regulatory authorities shall request ILT to convert the seizure into a detention.

7.3 Prohibitions

The Act lists a number of reasons, e.g. unsafe or dangerous situations, on the basis of which a ship may be detained. In such cases, a detention often involved a violation of the Shipping Act. Under the Shipping Act, a ship was prohibited from leaving the port after a detention. Such a prohibition has now also been included in the Seafarers Act.

In addition to a prohibition from leaving the port after a detention, there are several other prohibitions. Some of these are highlighted here:

·         navigation without a valid Minimum Safe Manning Certificate

·         navigation with insufficient manning on board

·         exercise of positions without authorisation

·         failure to draw up a Crew List

·         failure to divide the watches in accordance with Chapter VIII of the STCW

·         operating under the influence of alcohol


With regard to the prohibition of operating under the influence of alcohol, there is a new provision in the Seafarers Act that obliges the ship's manager to have a written policy for preventing alcohol abuse.

Articles 56 to 60a of the Wz .

8 Appendices

8.1 Appendix 1 - Transitional provisions

Text of the Article

Note of Explanation (if available)


Article 125

The medical fitness certificates for the shipping sector, issued before the time of entry into force of Article I, Sections F to L and Section P of the Decree of 5 July 2012 amending the general administrative regulations in the area of shipping pursuant to the implementation of the Maritime Labour Convention 2006, shall remain valid until the expiry date indicated therein.

[No Note of Explanation available]

Medical certificates, issued before 20 August 2013, shall remain valid until 20 August 2015 at the latest.

Article 125a

  1. A valid CoC, issued before 1 January 2012, may be renewed until 31 December 2016, in compliance with the conditions for its renewal, as laid down before the time of entry into force of Article I, Section F, of the Decree of 31 March 2014 amending the general administrative regulations in the area of shipping pursuant to the implementation of the amendment of the Appendix to the STCW Convention and STCW Code, and the implementation of Directive 2012/35/EU, and some other matters concerning the maritime crew (Bulletin of Acts and Decrees 150).
  2. A CoC, issued based on the first paragraph, shall remain valid until 31 December 2016 at the latest.

Article 125a implements the transitional provisions of Regulation I/15, second paragraph of the Appendix to the STCW Convention, which allows the issuance and renewal of CoCs and official certificates until 1 January 2017, in accordance with the provisions of the STCW Convention as applicable immediately prior to 1 January 2012. Needless to say, it should be noted that «renewal» does not merely refer to the extension of the validity of the existing qualification, but also to the issuance of a CoC for a higher position than that associated with the initial qualification.

A valid CoC may be renewed or upgraded until 31 December 2016 for seafarers who meet the requirements stated in the earlier Bzhz, Articles 14-23 and 57-65.

New CoCs, which meet the STCW requirements as applicable prior to 1 January 2012, may also be issued with a period of validity until 31 December 2016.


A CoC as Master or Chief Mate on coastal voyages may be renewed until 31 December 2016, provided that the additional conditions mentioned in Articles 18-20 of the Bzhz  are met.


Article 125b

1.  Holders of a CoC, as referred to in Article 70, first paragraph of the Act, for the positions of Master (all ships), Master (small ships), Chief Mate (all ships), Chief Mate (small ships) or Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch (all ships), must present a CoP or documentary evidence to demonstrate that they are trained or have received additional training in the area of:

a.   ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display Information Systems) and in relation to this, meet the applicable requirements of Section A-II/1 or Section A-II/2 of the STCW Code; and

b. radar navigation.

2.  Holders of a CoC, as referred to in Article 70, first paragraph of the Act, for the positions of Chief Engineer (all ships), Chief Engineer (small ships), Second Engineer (all ships), Second Engineer (small ships) or Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch (all ships), must present a CoP or other documentary evidence to demonstrate that they are trained or have received additional training in the area of high voltage and in relation to this, meet the applicable requirements of Section A-III/1 or Section A-III/2 of the STCW Code.

3.  Holders of a CoC, as referred to in Article 70, first paragraph of the Act, for the positions of First Maritime Officer (all ships), First Maritime Officer (small ships), Maritime Officer or Maritime Officer (small ships), must present a CoP or documentary evidence to demonstrate that they are trained or have received additional training in the area of:

a.   ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display Information Systems) and in relation to this, meet the applicable requirements of Section A-II/1 or Section A-II/2 of the STCW Code;

b. high voltage and in relation to this, meet the applicable requirements of Section A-III/1 or Section A-III/2 of the STCW Code; and

c.   radar navigation.

4.         For the purposes of the first and third paragraphs, 'radar navigation' shall be understood to mean the training course for obtaining the Radar Navigator Certificate, as referred to in Article 70 of this Decree, as it read before the time of entry into force of Article I, Section O of the Decree referred to in the first paragraph of Article 125a.

Article 125b contains the details of the transitional provisions included in Article 70 of the Wz. Seafarers who do not meet the standards of the Manila Amendments shall not be allowed to extend the validity of their CoC beyond 31 December 2016. However, if the specified requirements are met, the earlier issued CoC shall remain valid until after this date or the holder shall be considered eligible for a new CoC with a period of validity extending beyond 31 December 2016. Depending on the qualification, this involves training in the area of electronic nautical chart equipment (ECDIS: Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems) and high voltage. Holders of a specific CoC must demonstrate that they are trained for the section relevant to them. They may demonstrate this via a CoP or other documentary evidence. If the topic in question was a part of the study programme followed at a nautical college, documentary evidence issued by the nautical college in question may be used to demonstrate that the specified requirements have been met. If the topics of ECDIS or high voltage were not part of the study programme, a one-time additional training course must be followed. A CoP must subsequently be submitted as proof of this training. More information regarding these additional training courses can be obtained via the ILT website (www.ilent.nl).








At present, a great deal of attention is paid in mainstream education to the requirements included in Section A-II/2 with respect to ARPA (Automatic Radar Plotting Aid). The nautical colleges in question may inform KIWA N.V. that this component was a part of the study programme or that the holder of a CoC can demonstrate this via documentary evidence issued by the relevant nautical college. If not, a one-time additional training course on radar navigation must be followed.

Valid CoCs for Master, Chief Mate, Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch, Chief Engineer, Second Engineer, Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch, First Maritime Officer or Maritime Officer may be renewed for a period of validity of 5 years or upgraded by seafarers who meet the requirements with respect to the completion of the ECDIS, Radar Navigator and/or High Voltage training courses.


Requirements with respect to the completion of the ECDIS, and High Voltage training courses shall not apply for obtaining a CoC for coastal voyages.


Article 125c

A CoC for an on-board position for coastal voyages or for coastal voyages without limitation in propulsion power, issued to a seafarer before the time of entry into force (3 May 2014) of Article I, Sections A and M of the Decree referred to in the first paragraph of Article 125a, shall remain valid in accordance with the expiry date indicated therein.

Articles 125c to 125e regulate the conversion of CoCs for on-board positions on coastal voyages or coastal voyages without limitation in propulsion power into CoCs for on-board positions on voyages near the Dutch coast and on voyages in the vicinity of the international coast. The existing CoCs shall remain valid in accordance with the expiry date indicated therein. Pursuant to Article 125e, it is only possible to issue a CoC for voyages in the vicinity of the international coast and for voyages near the Dutch coast in a navigational area that extends to the Dutch territorial sea and the Dutch Exclusive Economic Zone, if the applicant is in the possession of the specified certificates.

A CoC for coastal voyages issued before 3 May 2014 shall remain valid in accordance with the expiry date indicated therein.

Article 125d

1.  Without prejudice to Article 8, the holder of a CoC, for the position of Master on coastal voyages or Master on coastal voyages without limitation in propulsion power, is entitled to a CoC for the position of Master of ships of less than 500 GT limited to voyages near the Dutch coast in a navigational area that extends to the Dutch territorial sea and the contiguous zone of the Kingdom adjacent to the Dutch territorial sea.

2.  Without prejudice to Article 8, the holder of a CoC, for the position of Chief Mate on coastal voyages, is entitled to a CoC for the position of Chief Mate ships of less than 500 GT limited to voyages near the Dutch coast in a navigational area that extends to the Dutch territorial sea and the contiguous zone of the Kingdom adjacent to the Dutch territorial sea.

3.  Without prejudice to Article 8, the holder of a CoC, for the position of Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch on coastal voyages, is entitled to a CoC for the position of Second Engineer ships of less than 3000 kW, limited to voyages near the Dutch coast in a navigational area that extends to the Dutch territorial sea and the contiguous zone of the Kingdom adjacent to the Dutch territorial sea.

[Duplicate text of Article 125c]

Articles 125c to 125e regulate the conversion of CoCs for on-board positions on coastal voyages or coastal voyages without limitation in propulsion power into CoCs for on-board positions on voyages near the Dutch coast and on voyages in the vicinity of the international coast. The existing CoCs shall remain valid in accordance with the expiry date indicated therein. Pursuant to Article 125e, it is only possible to issue a CoC for voyages in the vicinity of the international coast and for voyages near the Dutch coast in a navigational area that extends to the Dutch territorial sea and the Dutch Exclusive Economic Zone, if the applicant is in the possession of the specified certificates.

A CoC for coastal voyages issued after 3 May 2014 shall entitle the applicant to a CoC for the positions of Master, Chief Mate or Second Engineer in a navigational area that extends to the Dutch territorial sea and the contiguous zone.

Article 125e

1.  Without prejudice to Article 8, the possession of a CoC for the position of Master on coastal voyages or Master on coastal voyages without limitation in propulsion power, along with the following:

a.   Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats Certificate;

b.   Advanced Fire Fighting Certificate;

c.   Medical First Aid Certificate;

d.   Medical Care Certificate;

e.   General Certificate for Radio Operator; and

f.    Supplement-N Certificate for Voyages in the Vicinity of the International Coast,


shall entitle the applicant to a CoC for the position of Master ships of less than 500 GT limited to voyages in the vicinity of the international coast.

2.  Without prejudice to Article 8, the possession of a CoC for the position of Master on coastal voyages or Master on coastal voyages without limitation in propulsion power, along with the following:

a.   Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats Certificate;

b.   Advanced Fire Fighting Certificate;

c.   Medical First Aid Certificate;

d.   Medical Care Certificate; and

e.   General Certificate for Radio Operator,


shall entitle the applicant to a CoC for the position of Master on ships of less than 500 GT limited to voyages near the Dutch coast in a navigational area that extends to the Dutch territorial sea and the Dutch Exclusive Economic Zone.

3.  Without prejudice to Article 8, the possession of a CoC for the position of Chief Mate on coastal voyages along with the:

a.   Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats Certificate;

c.   Medical First Aid Certificate;

d.   Medical Care Certificate; and

e.   General Certificate for Radio Operator,


shall entitle the applicant to a CoC for the position of Chief Mate on ships of less than 500 GT limited to voyages in the vicinity of the international coast.

4.  Without prejudice to Article 8, the possession of a CoC for the position of Chief Mate on coastal voyages along with the:

a.   Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats Certificate;

c.   Medical First Aid Certificate; and

e.   General Certificate for Radio Operator,


shall entitle the applicant to a CoC for the position of Chief Mate on ships of less than 500 GT limited to voyages near the Dutch coast in a navigational area that extends to the Dutch territorial sea and the Dutch Exclusive Economic Zone.

5.  Without prejudice to Article 8, the possession of a CoC for the position of Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch on coastal voyages along with the:

a.   Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats Certificate; and

c.   Medical First Aid Certificate,


shall entitle the applicant to a CoC for the position of Second Engineer on ships with less than 3000 kW propulsion power limited to voyages in the vicinity of the international coast.

6.  Without prejudice to Article 8, the possession of a CoC for the position of Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch on coastal voyages along with the:

a.   Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats Certificate; and

c.   Medical First Aid Certificate,


shall entitle the applicant to a CoC for the position of Second Engineer on ships with less than 3000 kW propulsion power limited to voyages near the Dutch coast in a navigational area that extends to the Dutch territorial sea and the Dutch Exclusive Economic Zone.

7.  The certificate referred to in Section f of the first paragraph is not mandatory until the date stipulated by a regulation of Our Minister (has been stipulated as 1 January 2016). (Is postponed until 1-1-2017)

Articles 125c to 125e regulate the conversion of CoCs for on-board positions on coastal voyages or coastal voyages without limitation in propulsion power into CoCs for on-board positions on voyages near the Dutch coast and on voyages in the vicinity of the international coast. The existing CoCs shall remain valid in accordance with the expiry date indicated therein. Pursuant to Article 125e, it is only possible to issue a CoC for voyages in the vicinity of the international coast and for voyages near the Dutch coast in a navigational area that extends to the Dutch territorial sea and the Dutch Exclusive Economic Zone, if the applicant is in the possession of the specified certificates.

A CoC for coastal voyages issued after 3 May 2014 shall entitle the applicant to a CoC for the position of Master, Chief Mate or Second Engineer on voyages in the Dutch Exclusive Economic Zone or in the vicinity of the international coast, if the additional requirements (Bzhz, Article 19 and 20) are met.

Until 1 January 2016, proof of completion of the Supplement-N or Supplement-W training courses does not need to be submitted for the application, renewal or upgrade of a CoC. (See Bzhz, Article 125aa and Rz, Article 11.3).

Article 125f

CoCs limited to contractors' equipment, issued before the time of entry into force of Article I, sections A and M of the Decree referred to in the first paragraph of Article 125a, shall remain valid in accordance with the expiry date indicated therein.

Article 125f provides for the continuing validity of existing CoCs limited to contractors' equipment and has been included because of the modified definition of the concept of contractors' equipment in Article 1, Section s.


Article 125g

1.  The first and second paragraphs of Article 35 shall not apply until 31 December 2016 to a seafarer referred to therein if:

a.   he is in possession a valid CoC, with an endorsement indicating that the holder meets the requirements for the performance of special duties and responsibilities related to the cargo and associated equipment on tankers, as referred to in the first paragraph of Article 29 of this Decree, as it read before the time of entry into force of Article I, Section M of the Decree referred to in the first paragraph of Article 125a; or

b.   it concerns a Rating Forming Part of a Navigational Watch or an Able Seafarer, either of whom can demonstrate at least three months of service on a tanker or is in possession of a certificate proving the successful completion of an appropriate training.


2.         A seafarer, as referred to in the first paragraph, is entitled to the CoP for Basic Training For Oil and Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations, as referred to in the first paragraph of Article 35, and to the CoP for Basic Training For Gas Tanker Cargo Operations, as referred to in the second paragraph of Article 35.

With effect from 1 January 2017, every seafarer serving on oil, chemical or gas tankers must be in the possession of the CoPs referred to in Article 35. Seafarers, who are in possession of valid tanker endorsements on their CoC, are entitled, pursuant to Articles 125g and 125h, to make use of these until 31 December 2016. However, these tanker endorsements must be converted into a CoP, as referred to in Article 35, by this date.


The CoCs of Ratings do not contain any tanker endorsements. On the basis of experience gained on a tanker or successful completion of a tanker training, they shall be eligible for the CoPs referred to in the first and second paragraphs of Article 35. These CoPs shall also be issued by Kiwa Register BV, on behalf of the Minister.

The required qualification for serving on tankers may be included on the CoC until 1 January 2017. After this, the seafarer shall be required to obtain a separate CoP for tankers.


As of 1 January 2017, Ratings shall also be required to obtain a CoP issued by Kiwa Register BV or a certificate from a training institution.


As of 3 May 2014, CoC applications shall no longer contain endorsements indicating that the applicant has completed the appropriate tanker training. Hence, an application for a CoP must be submitted to Kiwa Register BV at the same time.

An applicant, who is in the possession of a certificate from a training institution or documentary evidence of the Tanker Familiarisation training, shall receive a CoP for Basic Training For Oil and Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations and a CoP for Basic Training For Gas Tanker Cargo Operations.


Article 125h

1.  The third, fourth or fifth paragraph of Article 35 shall not apply until 31 December 2016 to a seafarer referred to therein, if he is in possession of a valid CoC containing an endorsement indicating that the holder meets the requirements in terms of the responsibility for performing duties on the type of tanker on which he is sailing, as referred to in the third paragraph of Article 29 of this Decree, as it read before the time of entry into force of Article I, Section M of the Decree referred to in the first paragraph of Article 125a.

2.  The holder of a Bulk Handling and Transport of Oil and Petroleum Products On Board Oil Tankers Certificate, issued pursuant to Article 71 of this Decree, as it read before the time of entry into force of Article I, Section O of the Decree referred to in the first paragraph of Article 125a, is entitled to the CoP for Advanced Training For Oil Tanker Cargo Operations, as referred to in the third paragraph of Article 35.

3.  The holder of a Bulk Handling and Transport of Chemicals On Board Chemical Tankers Certificate, issued pursuant to Article 72 of this Decree, as it read before the date referred to in the second paragraph, is entitled to the CoP for Advanced Training For Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations, as referred to in the fourth paragraph of Article 35.

4.  The holder of a Bulk Handling and Transport of Liquefied or Compressed Gases On Board Gas Tankers Certificate, issued pursuant to Article 73 of this Decree, as it read before the date referred to in the second paragraph, is entitled to the CoP for Advanced Training For Gas Tanker Cargo Operations, as referred to in the fifth paragraph of Article 35.

[Duplicate text of Article 125g]

With effect from 1 January 2017, every seafarer serving on oil, chemical or gas tankers must be in the possession of the CoPs referred to in Article 35. Seafarers, who are in possession of valid tanker endorsements on their CoC, are entitled, pursuant to Articles 125g and 125h, to make use of these until 31 December 2016. However, these tanker endorsements must be converted into a CoP, as referred to in Article 35, by this date.


The CoCs of Ratings do not contain any tanker endorsements. On the basis of experience gained on a tanker or successful completion of a tanker training, they shall be eligible for the CoPs referred to in the first and second paragraphs of Article 35. These CoPs shall also be issued by Kiwa Register BV, on behalf of the Minister.


Article 125i

Articles 37 to 47 of this Decree, as they read before the time of entry into force of Article I, Section M of the Decree referred to in the first paragraph of Article 125a, shall remain applicable until 31 December 2016 with respect to the handling of an application for a CoC submitted by officers and former officers of the Naval Service of the Royal Netherlands Navy.

[No Note of Explanation available]


Article 125j

The Ship Management-N and Ship Management-W Certificates, issued pursuant to Article 68 or 69 of this Decree, as it reads before the time of entry into force of Article I, Section O of the Decree referred to in the first paragraph of Article 125a, shall remain valid and, for the purposes of this Decree, shall be considered equivalent to the Ship Management-N Certificate or Ship Management-W Certificate respectively, as referred to in the second paragraph of Chapter 2.

[No Note of Explanation available]


Article 125k

The Crowd Management in Emergencies On Board Passenger Ships Certificates and Crowd Management in Emergencies On Board Ro-Ro Passenger Ships Certificates, issued pursuant to Article 74 or 79 of this Decree, as it reads before the time of entry into force of Article I, Section O of the Decree referred to in the first paragraph of Article 125a, shall remain valid in accordance with the expiry date indicated therein and, for the purposes of this Decree, shall be considered equivalent to the documentary evidence for an acquired proficiency in crowd management, as referred to in the first paragraph of Article 36.

[No Note of Explanation available]


Article 125l

The Familiarisation Training for Passenger Ship(s) Certificates and Familiarisation Training for Ro-Ro Passenger Ship(s) Certificates, issued pursuant to Article 75 or 80 of this Decree, as it reads before the time of entry into force of Article I, Section O of the Decree referred to in the first paragraph of Article 125a, shall remain valid and may serve as evidence to demonstrate that the requirement of following a familiarisation training, as referred to in the fifth paragraph of Article 36, has been met.

[No Note of Explanation available]


Article 125m

The Hotel Personnel Passenger Ships Certificates and Hotel Personnel Ro-Ro Passenger Ships Certificates, issued pursuant to Article 76 or 81 of this Decree, as it reads before the time of entry into force of Article I, Section O of the Decree referred to in the first paragraph of Article 125a, shall remain valid and, for the purposes of this Decree, shall be considered equivalent to the documentary evidence for an acquired proficiency in safety training for personnel providing direct service to passengers in passenger spaces on board passenger ships, as referred to in the second paragraph of Article 36.

[No Note of Explanation available]


Article 125n

The Passenger Safety Certificates and the Passenger Safety, Cargo Safety and Hull Integrity of Ro-Ro Passenger Ships Certificates, issued pursuant to Article 77 or 82 of this Decree, as it reads before the time of entry into force of Article I, Section O of the Decree referred to in the first paragraph of Article 125a, shall remain valid in accordance with the expiry date indicated therein and, for the purposes of this Decree, shall be considered equivalent to the Passenger Safety, Cargo Safety and Hull Integrity Certificate, as referred to in the fourth paragraph of Article 36.

[No Note of Explanation available]


Article 125o

The Crisis Management and Human Behaviour Certificates, issued pursuant to Article 78 or 83 of this Decree, as it reads before the time of entry into force of Article I, Section O of the Decree referred to in the first paragraph of Article 125a, shall remain valid in accordance with the expiry date indicated therein and, for the purposes of this Decree, shall be considered equivalent to the Crisis Management and Human Behaviour Certificate, as referred to in the third paragraph of Article 36.

[No Note of Explanation available]


Article 125p

The Steam Propulsion Certificates, issued pursuant to Article 84 of this Decree, as it read before the time of entry into force of Article I, Section O of the Decree referred to in the first paragraph of Article 125a, shall remain valid and, for the purposes of this Decree, shall be considered equivalent to the Steam Propulsion Certificate, as referred to in the Article 38.

[No Note of Explanation available]


Article 125q

The Type Rating Certificates, issued pursuant to Article 85 of this Decree, as it read before the time of entry into force of Article I, Section O of the Decree referred to in the first paragraph of Article 125a, shall remain valid in accordance with the expiry date indicated therein and, for the purposes of this Decree, shall be considered equivalent to the Type Rating HSC Certificate, as referred to in the first paragraph of Article 37.

[No Note of Explanation available]


Article 125r

The Large Sailing Vessels Certificates and diplomas issued by a nautical college for Mate large sailing vessels, issued pursuant to Article 86 of this Decree, as it read before the time of entry into force of Article I, Section O of the Decree referred to in the first paragraph of Article 125a, shall remain valid and, for the purposes of this Decree, shall be considered equivalent to the CoP for Mate large sailing vessels, as referred to in the first paragraph of Article 32.

[No Note of Explanation available]


Article 125s

1.  The Basic Training Certificates, issued pursuant to Article 87 of this Decree, as it read before the time of entry into force of Article I, Section O of the Decree referred to in the first paragraph of Article 125a, shall remain valid and, for the purposes of this Decree, shall be considered equivalent to the Basic Training Certificate, as referred to in the first paragraph of Article 40.

2.         For crew members serving in the position of at least an Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch, an Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch or a Maritime Officer, a valid CoC shall be considered equivalent to a Basic Training Certificate until 31 December 2016.

[No Note of Explanation available]

Until 31 December 2016, CoCs for Master, Mate, Engineer or Maritime Officer on ships of less than 3000 GT or all ships shall serve as evidence to demonstrate that the Basic Training, Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats and Advanced Fire Fighting training courses have been followed.


As of 1 January 2017, when seafarers apply for a CoC, they must have valid certificates for these training courses on board.


Article 125t

The Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats Certificates, issued pursuant to Article 88 of this Decree, as it read before the time of entry into force of Article I, Section O of the Decree referred to in the first paragraph of Article 125a, shall remain valid and, for the purposes of this Decree, shall be considered equivalent to the Life-Saving Appliances Certificate, as referred to in the second paragraph of Article 40 and the first and second paragraphs of Article 117.

[No Note of Explanation available]


Article 125u

CoPs for the use of fast rescue boats, issued pursuant to Article 89 of this Decree, as it read before the time of entry into force of Article I, Section O of the Decree referred to in the first paragraph of Article 125a, shall remain valid and, for the purposes of this Decree, shall be considered equivalent to the Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats Certificate, as referred to in the third paragraph of Article 40 and the third paragraph of Article 117.

[No Note of Explanation available]


Article 125v

The Advanced Fire Fighting Certificates, issued pursuant to Article 90 of this Decree, as it read before the time of entry into force of Article I, Section O of the Decree referred to in the first paragraph of Article 125a, shall remain valid and, for the purposes of this Decree, shall be considered equivalent to the Advanced Fire Fighting Certificate, as referred to in the fourth paragraph of Article 40.

[No Note of Explanation available]


Article 125w

1.  The Medical Training - Limited Certificates, issued pursuant to the first paragraph of Article 91 of this Decree, as it read before the time of entry into force of Article I, Section O of the Decree referred to in the first paragraph of Article 125a, shall remain valid in accordance with the expiry date indicated therein and, for the purposes of this Decree, shall be considered equivalent to the Medical First Aid and Medical Care Certificates, as referred to in the first paragraph of Article 42.

2.  The Medical Training - Unlimited Certificates, issued pursuant to the second paragraph of Article 91 of this Decree, as it read before the date referred to in the first paragraph, shall remain valid in accordance with the expiry date indicated therein and, for the purposes of this Decree, shall be considered equivalent to the Medical First Aid and Medical Care Certificates, as referred to in the first paragraph of Article 42.

Article 125w regulates the conversion of the Medical Training - Unlimited and Medical Training - Unlimited Certificates into the Medical First Aid and Medical Care Certificates. Both the Medical Training - Limited Certificate as well as the Medical Training - Unlimited Certificate shall be considered equivalent to the Medical First Aid and Medical Care Certificates. In terms of content and for the purpose of obtaining the necessary certificates, both the training courses were in compliance with Regulation VI/4 of the Appendix to the STCW Convention and Section A-VI/4 of the STCW Code, which specify the minimum requirements for first aid and medical care on board.

The Medical Training - Limited and the Medical Training - Unlimited Certificates shall remain valid in accordance with the expiry date indicated therein and both shall be considered equivalent to the Medical First Aid and Medical Care Certificates.

Article 125x

The Appropriate Knowledge of the Maritime Legislation of the Administration STCW Regulation I/10.2 Certificates, issued pursuant to Article 92a of this Decree, as it read before the time of entry into force of Article I, Section O of the Decree referred to in the first paragraph of Article 125a, shall remain valid and, for the purposes of this Decree, shall be considered equivalent to the Appropriate Knowledge of the Maritime Legislation of the Administration STCW Regulation I/10.2 Certificate, as referred to in the first paragraph of Article 10.

[No Note of Explanation available]


Article 125y

The Ship Security Officer Certificates, issued pursuant to Article 2 of the Regulations on Ship Security Officer Certification (Regeling certificering scheepsbeveiligingsfunctionarissen) shall remain valid and, for the purposes of this Decree, shall be considered equivalent to the Ship Security Officer Certificate, as referred to in the first paragraph of Article 41.

[No Note of Explanation available]


Article 125z

Declarations, as referred to in the first and second paragraphs of Article 123 of this Decree, as it read before the time of entry into force of Article I, Section AA of the Decree referred to in the first paragraph of Article 125a, shall remain valid in accordance with the expiry date indicated therein and, for the purposes of this Decree, shall be considered equivalent to the declaration referred to in the first paragraph of Article 123.

Article 125z contains a transitional provision for the so-called Declaration of Communication, in which the ship's manager indicates how the obligations set forth in Article 122 with respect to on-board communication shall be implemented.

Declarations related to the working language shall remain valid and shall be considered equivalent to the new declarations.

Article 125aa

1.  Notwithstanding the third paragraph of Article 20, the Supplement-N Certificate for Voyages in the Vicinity of the International Coast is not mandatory for obtaining a CoC for the position of Master on ships of less than 500 GT limited to voyages in the vicinity of the international coast until the date to be stipulated by a regulation of Our Minister (stipulated as 1 January 2016 1-1-2017).

2.  Notwithstanding the fourth paragraph of Article 20, the Supplement-W Certificate for Voyages in the Vicinity of the International Coast is not mandatory for obtaining a CoC for the position of Chief Engineer on ships with less than 3000 kW propulsion power limited to voyages in the vicinity of the international coast until the date to be stipulated by a regulation of Our Minister (stipulated as 1 January 2016 1-1-2017).

The training courses for obtaining the Supplement-N Certificate and Supplement-W Certificate for voyages in the vicinity of the international coast are new courses. Hence, there is need of respite from the obligation to possess these certificates. Article 125aa indicates that a date of entry into force shall be determined later by a ministerial regulation.

Until 1 January 2016, proof of completion of the Supplement-N or Supplement-W training courses does not need to be submitted for the application, renewal or upgrade of a CoC. (See Rz, Article 11.3)


8.2 Appendix 2 Transition between merchant shipping and fisheries

The letters: A, B, C and D in the columns correspond to the steps in the figure.


Tekening voor PUC gids

8.2.1 Table representing the transition from the merchant shipping to the fisheries sector

In general:

The transition from merchant shipping to fisheries is only possible via a relevant study programme in accordance with the legislation of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (WEB or WHW), see column B.
Based on the obtained diploma (= diploma issued by a nautical college), the seafarer shall receive a CoC as a starting professional, see column C.
All required additional certificates are indicated in column B.

A (CoC for merchant shipping sector)

B (diploma + any additional certificates)

C (CoC for 3 months)

D (CoC for fisheries sector)

Master (all ships)

+ 36 months of experience (in total, as Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch, Chief Mate or Master)


Mate (seagoing fishing vessels) S4 or Mate/Engineer (seagoing fishing vessels) SW4


Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats


Radar Navigator ML

Deputy-Skipper (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels on voyages in unlimited navigational area.


3 months of experience


Skipper (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels on voyages in unlimited navigational area

Master (ships of less than 3000 GT)

+ 36 months of experience (in total, as Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch, Chief Mate or Master)


Mate (all fishing vessels) SW5



Radar Navigator ML

Deputy-Skipper (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels with a length of less than 60 metres and a propulsion power of less than 3000 kW, on voyages in unlimited navigational area


3 months of experience


Skipper (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels with a length of less than 60 metres and a propulsion power of less than 3000 kW, on voyages in unlimited navigational area

Master (all ships) limited to contractors' equipment

+ 36 months of experience (in total, as Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch, Chief Mate or Master)


Mate (all fishing vessels) SW5



Radar Navigator ML

Deputy-Skipper (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels with a length of less than 60 metres and a propulsion power of less than 3000 kW, on voyages in unlimited navigational area


3 months of experience


Skipper (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels with a length of less than 60 metres and a propulsion power of less than 3000 kW, on voyages in unlimited navigational area

Master (ships of less than 500 GT)

+ 24 months of experience (in total, as Chief Mate or Master)

Mate (all fishing vessels) SW6




Deputy-Skipper (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels with a length of less than 45 metres and a propulsion power of less than 1500 kW, on voyages in unlimited navigational area.


3 months of experience


Skipper (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels with a length of less than 45 metres and a propulsion power of less than 1125 kW, on voyages within navigational area I


Master (ships of less than 500 GT)

+ 36 months of experience (in total, as Chief Mate or Master)

Mate (all fishing vessels) SW6



Deputy-Skipper (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels with a length of less than 45 metres and a propulsion power of less than 1500 kW, on voyages in unlimited navigational area.


3 months of experience


Skipper (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels with a length of less than 24 metres and a propulsion power of less than 750 kW, on voyages in unlimited navigational area.

Master (ships of less than 500 GT)

+ 12 months of experience (in total, as Chief Mate or Master)

Mate (all fishing vessels) SW6



Deputy-Skipper (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels with a length of less than 45 metres and a propulsion power of less than 1125 kW, for voyages within navigational area I


3 months of experience


Skipper (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels with a length of less than 24 metres and a propulsion power of less than 750 kW, for voyages within navigational area I

Chief Mate (all ships)

+ 24 months of experience (in total, as Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch or Chief Mate)

Mate (seagoing fishing vessels) S4 or Mate/Engineer (seagoing fishing vessels) SW4


Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats


Radar Navigator ML



Deputy-Skipper (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels on voyages in unlimited navigational area

Chief Mate (ships of less than 3000 GT) or

Chief Mate (all ships) limited to contractors' equipment


Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch (all ships) + 12 months of experience


Mate/Engineer (seagoing fishing vessels) SW5



Radar Navigator OL



Deputy-Skipper (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels with a length of less than 60 metres and a propulsion power of less than 3000 kW, on voyages in unlimited navigational area


Chief Mate on ships of less than 500 GT + 12 months of experience as Mate on ships of less than 500 GT

Mate/Engineer (seagoing fishing vessels) SW6



Radar Navigator OL



Deputy-Skipper (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels with a length of less than 45 metres and a propulsion power of less than 1500 kW, on voyages in unlimited navigational area


Chief Mate (ships of less than 500 GT)

Mate/Engineer (seagoing fishing vessels) SW6




Deputy-Skipper (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels with a length of less than 45 metres and a propulsion power of less than 1125 kW, for voyages within navigational area I


Chief Mate on ships of less than 500 GT + Second Engineer on ships with a propulsion power of less than 3000 kW, limited to coastal voyages

Mate/Engineer (seagoing fishing vessels) SW6



Radar Navigator OL

> 18 years



Mate/Engineer (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels with a length of 24 metres or more and a propulsion power of less than 3000 kW, on voyages in unlimited navigational area

Chief Mate on ships of less than 500 GT + Second Engineer on ships with a propulsion power of less than 3000 kW, limited to coastal voyages

+ 12 months of experience

Mate/Engineer (seagoing fishing vessels) SW6





Mate/Engineer (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels with a length of 24 metres or more and a propulsion power of 3000 kW or more, on voyages in unlimited navigational area

Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch (all ships)

Mate/Engineer (seagoing fishing vessels) SW6



> 18 years



Deputy-Skipper (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels with a length of less than 45 metres and a propulsion power of less than 1125 kW, for voyages within navigational area I


Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch (all ships) + 12 months of experience


Mate/Engineer (seagoing fishing vessels)




Radar Navigator ML



Deputy-Skipper (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels with a length of less than 60 metres and a propulsion power of less than 3000 kW, on voyages in unlimited navigational area I


Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch (all ships)

+ 24 months of experience


Mate/Engineer (seagoing fishing vessels)

SW4 or Mate (seagoing fishing vessels) S4


Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats


Radar Navigator ML



Deputy-Skipper for all fishing vessels on voyages in unlimited navigational area

Chief Engineer for all ships or ships of less than 3000 kW

Second Engineer for all ships of less than 3000 kW

Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch (all ships)

No additional training requirements



Engineer (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels on voyages in unlimited navigational area

8.2.2 Table representing the transition from the fisheries to the merchant shipping sector

In general:

The transition from merchant shipping to fisheries is only possible via a relevant study programme in accordance with the legislation of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (WEB or WHW), see column B.

Based on the obtained diploma (= diploma issued by a nautical college), the seafarer shall receive a CoC as a starting professional, see column C.

Ship Management-N or Ship Management-W is included in Column B, but must be obtained before D, if required.

If a Basic Training certificate is required, the Basic Safety Training Fishing (BST-F) is deemed sufficient.

To request a CoC with a period of validity of five years, the relevant requirements must be met with respect to completion of the ECDIS, Radar Navigator or High Voltage training courses.

Prior to submitting the application for the CoC, as referred to in column D, the applicant must be in the possession of the required Medical First Aid Certificate or Medical Care Certificate.

All required additional certificates are indicated in column B.

A (CoC for fisheries sector)

B (diploma + any additional certificates)

C (CoC) + any experience requirement

D (CoC for merchant shipping sector)

Skipper (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels on voyages in unlimited navigational area

Maritime Officer higher professional education (all ships) or Maritime Officer secondary professional education (all ships)

Basic Training

Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats

Advanced Fire Fighting

Medical First Aid

Medical Care



Ship Management-N


Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch (all ships)


3 months of experience


Master (all ships)

Skipper (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels with a length of less than 60 metres and a propulsion power less than 3000 kW, on voyages in unlimited navigational area

Mate/Engineer (small ships)

Basic Training

Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats

Advanced Fire Fighting

Medical First Aid

Medical Care



Ship Management-N


Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch (all ships)


3 months of experience



Master (ships of less than 3000 GT)

Master (all ships) limited to contractors' equipment

Skipper (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels with a length of less than 45 metres and a propulsion power of less than 1125 kW, for voyages within navigational area I

Skipper/Engineer on voyages in limited navigational area

Basic Training

Medical First Aid


> 18 years


First Mate on ships of less than 500 GT limited to voyages near the Dutch coast in a navigational area that extends to the Dutch territorial sea and the contiguous zone of the Dutch Kingdom adjacent to the Dutch territorial sea


3 months of experience

> 20 years

Master on ships of less than 500 GT limited to voyages near the Dutch coast in a navigational area that extends to the Dutch territorial sea and the contiguous zone of the Dutch Kingdom adjacent to the Dutch territorial sea

Master (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels with a length of less than 24 metres and a propulsion power of less than 750 kW, on voyages in unlimited navigational area

Skipper/Engineer on voyages in limited navigational area

Basic Training

Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats

Advanced Fire Fighting

Medical First Aid

Medical Care


> 18 years


Chief Mate on ships of less than 500 GT limited to voyages near the Dutch coast in a navigational area that extends to the Dutch territorial sea and the Dutch Exclusive Economic Zone


3 months of experience

> 20 years

Master on ships of less than 500 GT limited to voyages near the Dutch coast in a navigational area that extends to the Dutch territorial sea and the Dutch Exclusive Economic Zone

Skipper (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels with a length of less than 24 metres and a propulsion power of less than 750 kW, for voyages within navigational area I

Skipper/Engineer on voyages in limited navigational area

Basic Training

Medical First Aid


> 18 years


First Mate on ships of less than 500 GT limited to voyages near the Dutch coast in a navigational area that extends to the Dutch territorial sea and the contiguous zone of the Dutch Kingdom adjacent to the Dutch territorial sea


3 months of experience

> 20 years

Master on ships of less than 500 GT limited to voyages near the Dutch coast in a navigational area that extends to the Dutch territorial sea and the contiguous zone of the Dutch Kingdom adjacent to the Dutch territorial sea

Master (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels with a length of less than 24 metres, on voyages within navigational area II


Master (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels with a length of less than 45 metres, on voyages within navigational area II

Skipper/Engineer on voyages in limited navigational area

Basic Training

Medical First Aid


> 18 years


First Mate on ships of less than 500 GT limited to voyages near the Dutch coast in a navigational area that extends to the Dutch territorial sea and the contiguous zone of the Dutch Kingdom adjacent to the Dutch territorial sea


3 months of experience

> 20 years

Master on ships of less than 500 GT limited to voyages near the Dutch coast in a navigational area that extends to the Dutch territorial sea and the Dutch Exclusive Economic Zone

Master (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels with a length of not more than 45 metres for which a Minimum Safe Manning Certificate has been issued for voyages with mussels or seed mussels between the Wadden Sea and the Zeeland waters


Skipper/Engineer on voyages in limited navigational area

Basic Training

Medical First Aid


> 18 years


First Mate on ships of less than 500 GT limited to voyages near the Dutch coast in a navigational area that extends to the Dutch territorial sea and the contiguous zone of the Dutch Kingdom adjacent to the Dutch territorial sea


3 months of experience

> 20 years

Master on ships of less than 500 GT limited to voyages near the Dutch coast in a navigational area that extends to the Dutch territorial sea and the contiguous zone of the Dutch Kingdom adjacent to the Dutch territorial sea

Deputy-Skipper (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels on voyages in unlimited navigational area

Maritime Officer higher professional education (all ships) or Maritime Officer secondary professional education (all ships)

Basic Training

Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats

Advanced Fire Fighting

Medical First Aid


> 18 years


Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch (all ships)


3 months of experience

Chief Mate (all ships)

Deputy-Skipper (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels with a length of less than 60 metres and a propulsion power of less than 3000 kW, on voyages in unlimited navigational area


Mate/Engineer (small ships)

Basic Training

Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats

Advanced Fire Fighting

Medical First Aid


> 18 years


Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch (all ships)


Period of in-service training provides seafarers time to get accustomed to the shipping industry


Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch (all ships)

Chief Mate on ships of less than 3000 GT

Chief Mate (all ships) limited to contractors' equipment

Deputy-Skipper (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels with a length of less than 45 metres and a propulsion power of less than 1500 kW, on voyages in unlimited navigational area

Skipper/Engineer on voyages in limited navigational area

Basic Training

Medical First Aid


> 18 years


First Mate on ships of less than 500 GT limited to voyages near the Dutch coast in a navigational area that extends to the Dutch territorial sea and the contiguous zone of the Dutch Kingdom adjacent to the Dutch territorial sea


3 months of experience

> 20 years

Master on ships of less than 500 GT limited to voyages near the Dutch coast in a navigational area that extends to the Dutch territorial sea and the Dutch Exclusive Economic Zone

Deputy-Skipper (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels with a length of less than 45 metres and a propulsion power of less than 1125 kW, for voyages within navigational area I

Skipper/Engineer on voyages in limited navigational area

Basic Training

Medical First Aid


> 18 years


With additional certificates, EEZ and international coast.

First Mate on ships of less than 500 GT limited to voyages near the Dutch coast in a navigational area that extends to the Dutch territorial sea and the contiguous zone of the Dutch Kingdom adjacent to the Dutch territorial sea


3 months of experience

> 20 years

Master on ships of less than 500 GT limited to voyages near the Dutch coast in a navigational area that extends to the Dutch territorial sea.

Mate/Engineer (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels with a length of 24 metres or more and a propulsion power of less than 3000 kW, on voyages in unlimited navigational area

Skipper/Engineer on voyages in limited navigational area

Basic Training

Medical First Aid


> 18 years



First Mate on ships of less than 500 GT limited to voyages near the Dutch coast in a navigational area that extends to the Dutch territorial sea and the contiguous zone of the Dutch Kingdom adjacent to the Dutch territorial sea


Second Engineer on ships with less than 3000 kW propulsion power,

limited to voyages near the Dutch coast in a navigational area that extends to the Dutch territorial sea and the contiguous zone of the Kingdom adjacent to the Dutch territorial sea


> 20 years

Mate/Engineer (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels with a length of 24 metres or more and a propulsion power of 3000 kW or more, on voyages in unlimited navigational area

Mate/Engineer (small ships)

Basic Training

Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats

Advanced Fire Fighting

Medical First Aid


> 18 years


Maritime Officer (all ships)


Period of in-service training provides seafarers time to get accustomed to the shipping industry


Maritime Officer (all ships)

First Maritime Officer on ships of less than 3000 GT and with a propulsion power of less than 3000 kW

First Maritime Officer (all ships) limited to contractors' equipment

Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch (all ships)

Chief Mate on ships of less than 3000 GT

Chief Mate (all ships) limited to contractors' equipment

Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch (all ships)

Second Engineer on ships with less than 3000 kW propulsion power

Second Engineer (all ships) limited to contractors' equipment.


Mate/Engineer (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels with a length of 24 metres or more and a propulsion power of 3000 kW or more, on voyages in unlimited navigational area

Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch up to 3000 GT

Basic Training

Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats

Advanced Fire Fighting

Medical First Aid




Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch (all ships)

Chief Mate on ships of less than 3000 GT

Chief Mate (all ships) limited to contractors' equipment

Mate/Engineer (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels with a length of 24 metres or more and a propulsion power of 3000 kW or more, on voyages in unlimited navigational area


Basic Training

Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats

Advanced Fire Fighting

Medical First Aid

High voltage training


Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch (all ships)

Second Engineer on ships with less than 3000 kW propulsion power

Second Engineer (all ships) limited to contractors' equipment


Engineer (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels on voyages in unlimited navigational area

Basic Training

Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats

Advanced Fire Fighting

Medical First Aid

High Voltage training



Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch (all ships)

Second Engineer on ships with less than 3000 kW propulsion power

Second Engineer (all ships) limited to contractors' equipment

Engineer (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels on voyages in unlimited navigational area

+ 12 months of experience



Basic Training

Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats

Advanced Fire Fighting

Medical First Aid

High Voltage training

Ship Management-W



Chief Engineer on ships with less than 3000 kW propulsion power

Chief Engineer (all ships) limited to contractors' equipment

Second Engineer (all ships)

Engineer (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels on voyages in unlimited navigational area

+ 36 months of experience as Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch


12 months as Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch + 12 months as Second Engineer



Basic Training

Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats

Advanced Fire Fighting

Medical First Aid

High Voltage training

Ship Management-W


Chief Engineer (all ships)



8.3 Appendix 3 Transition from the Royal Netherlands Navy to other marine sector

8.3.1 Table representing the transition from the Royal Netherlands Navy to the merchant marine


The transition from the Royal Netherlands Navy (RNLN) to the merchant shipping sector is only possible via a relevant study programme in accordance with the legislation of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science Education Act (WEB or WHW), see column B.

All required additional certificates are indicated in column B.

Ship Management-N, if required, is included in column B, but must be obtained before D.

Based on the obtained diploma (= diploma issued by a nautical college), the seafarer shall receive a CoC as a starting professional, see column C.

Based on three months of experience in merchant shipping, the seafarer shall receive the CoC in column D.

Experience of RNLN staff is demonstrated by means of a declaration for seagoing service from RNLN HR.

Sailors from the Royal Netherlands Navy shall receive a CoC if they have followed the required safety training(s).

To request a CoC with a period of validity of five years, the relevant requirements must be met with respect to completion of the ECDIS and Radar Navigator training courses.

Prior to submitting the application for the CoC, as referred to in column D, the applicant must be in the possession of the Medical First Aid Certificate or Medical Care Certificate, as prescribed.


Rank, position or training within the Royal Netherlands Navy

B (diploma + any additional certificates)

C (CoC) + any experience requirement

D (CoC for merchant shipping sector)

Commander (Kapitein-luitenant ter Zee (Kltz) or higher (naval service)


36 months of experience, of which at least 12 months as Commandant on warships in the past 5 years


Maritime Officer higher professional education (all ships) or Maritime Officer secondary professional education (all ships)

Basic Training

Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats

Advanced Fire Fighting

Medical First Aid

Medical Care



Ship Management-N


Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch (all ships)


3 months of experience


Master (all ships)

Lieutenant Commander (Luitenant ter Zee 1ste klasse (Ltz 1)) (naval service)


36 months of experience, of which at least 12 months as Commandant on warships in the past 5 years

Maritime Officer higher professional education (all ships) or Maritime Officer secondary professional education (all ships)

Basic Training

Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats

Advanced Fire Fighting

Medical First Aid

Medical Care



Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch (all ships)


3 months of experience


Chief Mate (all ships)


Lieutenant (Luitenant ter Zee der 2e klasse oudste categorie (Ltz 2OC)) or higher naval service with Navigation Officer large surface vessel


At least 24 months of experience as Navigation Officer, of which at least 12 months in the past 5 years


Maritime Officer higher professional education (all ships) or Maritime Officer secondary professional education (all ships)

Basic Training

Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats

Advanced Fire Fighting

Medical First Aid

Medical Care



Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch (all ships)


3 months of experience


Chief Mate (all ships)


Lieutenant (Luitenant ter Zee der 2e klasse oudste categorie (Ltz 2OC)) or higher naval service with Navigational Watch Standards-B (Zeewachtstandaard-B) Certificate


Maritime Officer higher professional education (all ships) or Maritime Officer secondary professional education (all ships)

Basic Training

Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats

Advanced Fire Fighting

Medical First Aid

Medical Care



Period of in-service training provides seafarers time to get accustomed to the shipping industry


Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch (all ships)

Naval Service Officer with Navigational Watch Standards-B (Zeewachtstandaard-A) Certificate


Maritime Officer higher professional education (all ships) or Maritime Officer secondary professional education (all ships)

Basic Training

Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats

Advanced Fire Fighting

Medical First Aid

Medical Care



Period of in-service training provides seafarers time to get accustomed to the shipping industry


Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch (all ships)

Navigational Watch Standards-K (Zeewachtstandaard-K) Certificate


Mate/Engineer (small ships)

Basic Training

Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats

Advanced Fire Fighting

Medical First Aid

Medical Care



Period of in-service training provides seafarers time to get accustomed to the shipping industry


Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch (all ships)

Nav Module for ships of less than 500 GT


At least 24 months of experience as Skipper, of which at least 12 months in the past 5 years


Skipper/Engineer on voyages in limited navigational area

Basic Training

Medical First Aid (Medische eerste hulp aan boord)



Period of in-service training provides seafarers time to get accustomed to the shipping industry


Master on ships of less than 500 GT limited to voyages near the Dutch coast

Nav Module for ships of less than 500 GT


Skipper/Engineer on voyages in limited navigational area

Basic Training

Medical First Aid (Medische eerste hulp aan boord)



Period of in-service training provides seafarers time to get accustomed to the shipping industry


Chief Mate on ships of less than 500 GT limited to voyages near the Dutch coast +

Sailor Royal Navy 1 or higher (naval service)


No additional training

Basic Training

Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats



Able Seafarer


Sailor Royal Navy 2 or higher (naval service)


No additional training

Basic Training



Rating Forming Part of a Navigational Watch


8.3.2 Table representing the transition from the Royal Netherlands Navy to the fisheries sector


The transition from the Royal Netherlands Navy (RNLN) to the fisheries sector is only possible via a relevant study programme in accordance with the legislation of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science Education Act (WEB or WHW), see column B.

All required additional certificates are indicated in column B.

Based on the obtained certificate (= diploma issued by a nautical college), the seafarer shall receive the CoC shown in column C.

Based on three months of experience in the fisheries sector vessels and having met the relevant requirements of the Bz (Article 25-37), the seafarer shall receive the CoC shown in column D.

Experience of RNLN staff is demonstrated by means of a declaration for seagoing service from RNLN HR.

Rank, position or training within the Royal Netherlands Navy

B (diploma + any additional certificates)

C (CoC) + any experience requirement

D (CoC for merchant shipping sector)

Commander (Kapitein-luitenant ter Zee (Kltz) or higher (naval service)


36 months of experience, of which at least 12 months as Commandant on warships in the past 5 years


Mate (seagoing fishing vessels) S4 or Mate/Engineer (seagoing fishing vessels) SW4

Basic Safety Training - Fishing vessels

Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats


Radar Navigator ML

Deputy-Skipper (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels on voyages in unlimited navigational area.


3 months of experience


Skipper (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels on voyages in unlimited navigational area


Lieutenant Commander (Luitenant ter Zee 1ste klasse (Ltz 1)) (naval service)


36 months of experience, of which at least 12 months as Commandant on warships in the past 5 years


Mate/Engineer for seagoing fishing vessels SW5

Basic Safety Training - Fishing vessels


Radar Navigator ML

Deputy-Skipper (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels with a length of less than 60 metres and a propulsion power of less than 3000 kW, on voyages in unlimited navigational area


3 months of experience


Skipper (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels with a length of less than 60 metres and a propulsion power of less than 3000 kW, on voyages in unlimited navigational area


Lieutenant (Luitenant ter Zee der 2e klasse oudste categorie (Ltz 2OC)) or higher naval service with Navigation Officer large surface vessel


At least 24 months of experience as Navigation Officer, of which at least 12 months in the past 5 years


Mate/Engineer for seagoing fishing vessels SW5

Basic Safety Training - Fishing vessels


Radar Navigator ML

Mate/Engineer (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels


3 months of experience


Deputy-Skipper (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels with a length of less than 60 metres and a propulsion power of less than 3000 kW, on voyages in unlimited navigational area

Lieutenant (Luitenant ter Zee der 2e klasse oudste categorie (Ltz 2OC)) or higher naval service with Navigational Watch Standards-B (Zeewachtstandaard-B) Certificate


Mate/Engineer for seagoing fishing vessels SW5

Basic Safety Training - Fishing vessels


Radar Navigator ML

Period of in-service training provides seafarers time to get accustomed to the shipping industry


Mate/Engineer (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels


Naval Service Officer with Navigational Watch Standards-B (Zeewachtstandaard-A) Certificate


Mate/Engineer for seagoing fishing vessels SW5

Basic Safety Training - Fishing vessels


Radar Navigator ML


Period of in-service training provides seafarers time to get accustomed to the shipping industry


Mate/Engineer (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels


Navigational Watch Standards-K (Zeewachtstandaard-K) Certificate


Mate/Engineer for seagoing fishing vessels SW5

Basic Safety Training - Fishing vessels


Radar Navigator ML


Period of in-service training provides seafarers time to get accustomed to the shipping industry


Mate/Engineer (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels


Nav Module for ships of less than 500 GT


At least 24 months of experience as Skipper, of which at least 12 months in the past 5 years


Mate/Engineer for seagoing fishing vessels SW6

Basic Safety Training - Fishing vessels


Deputy-Skipper (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels with a length of less than 45 metres and a propulsion power of less than 1500 kW, on voyages in unlimited navigational area


3 months of experience


Skipper (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels with a length of less than 45 metres and a propulsion power of less than 1125 kW, for voyages within navigational area I

Nav Module for ships of less than 500 GT


At least 24 months of experience as Skipper, of which at least 12 months in the past 5 years


Mate/Engineer for seagoing fishing vessels SW6

Basic Safety Training - Fishing vessels


Radar Navigator OL

Deputy-Skipper (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels with a length of less than 45 metres and a propulsion power of less than 1500 kW, on voyages in unlimited navigational area


3 months of experience


Master (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels with a length of less than 24 metres and a propulsion power of less than 750 kW, on voyages in unlimited navigational area

Nav Module for ships of less than 500 GT


At least 12 months of experience in the past 5 years


Mate/Engineer for seagoing fishing vessels SW6

Basic Safety Training - Fishing vessels



Period of in-service training provides seafarers time to get accustomed to the shipping industry


Deputy-Skipper (seagoing fishing vessels) on board fishing vessels with a length of less than 45 metres and a propulsion power of less than 1125 kW, for voyages within navigational area I

Sailor Royal Navy 1 or higher (naval service)


No CoC for the fisheries sector.



Sailor Royal Navy 2 (naval service)


No CoC for the fisheries sector.




8.3.3 Table representing the transition from the Royal Netherlands Navy to the sailing sector


The transition from the Royal Netherlands Navy to the sailing sector is only possible via the training conducted by the Enkhuizer Zeevaartschool.

All required additional certificates are indicated in column B.

Based on the obtained sailing diploma, the seafarer shall receive the CoC shown in column C.

Prior to submitting the application for the CoC, as referred to in column D, the applicant must be in the possession of the Medical First Aid Certificate or Medical Care Certificate, as prescribed.

Based on three months of experience in the sailing sector and having met the relevant requirements of the Decree seafarers merchant shipping and sailing ships (Article 12-32) or the Rbzz (Article 3-7), the seafarer shall receive the CoC shown in column D.

Experience of RNLN staff is demonstrated by means of a declaration for seagoing service from RNLN HR.

Sailors from the Royal Netherlands Navy shall receive a CoC if they have completed the required safety training.

Rank, position or training within the Royal Netherlands Navy

B (sailing diploma + any additional certificates)

C (CoC) + any experience requirement

D (CoC for merchant shipping sector)

Commander (Kapitein-luitenant ter Zee (Kltz) or higher (naval service)


24 months of experience, of which at least 12 months as Commandant on warships in the past 5 years


Mate on large sailing vessels

Basic Training

Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats

Advanced Fire Fighting

Medical First Aid



Chief Mate (sailing vessels)


3 months of experience

Master (sailing vessels)

Lieutenant Commander (Luitenant ter Zee 1ste klasse (Ltz 1)) (naval service)


24 months of experience, of which at least 12 months as Commandant on warships in the past 5 years

Mate on large sailing vessels

Basic Training

Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats

Advanced Fire Fighting

Medical First Aid



Chief Mate (sailing vessels)


3 months of experience

Master (sailing vessels)

Lieutenant (Luitenant ter Zee der 2e klasse oudste categorie (Ltz 2OC)) or higher naval service with Navigation Officer large surface vessel


At least 12 months of experience as Navigation Officer in the past 5 years


Mate on large sailing vessels

Basic Training

Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats

Advanced Fire Fighting

Medical First Aid



Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch (sailing vessels)


3 months of experience

Chief Mate (sailing vessels)


Lieutenant (Luitenant ter Zee der 2e klasse oudste categorie (Ltz 2OC)) or higher naval service with Navigational Watch Standards-B (Zeewachtstandaard-B) Certificate


At least 12 months of experience as Officer of the Watch Royal Navy in the past 5 years

Mate on large sailing vessels

Basic Training

Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats

Advanced Fire Fighting

Medical First Aid



Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch (sailing vessels)


3 months of experience

Chief Mate (sailing vessels)

Naval Service Officer with Navigational Watch Standards-B (Zeewachtstandaard-A) Certificate


Mate on large sailing vessels

Basic Training

Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats

Advanced Fire Fighting

Medical First Aid



Rating (sailing vessels)


3 months of experience

Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch (sailing vessels)

Navigational Watch Standards-K (Zeewachtstandaard-K) Certificate


Mate on large sailing vessels

Basic Training

Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats

Advanced Fire Fighting

Medical First Aid



Rating (sailing vessels)


3 months of experience

Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch (sailing vessels)

Nav Module for ships of less than 500 GT


At least 24 months of experience as Skipper, of which at least 12 months in the past 5 years



Mate (small sailing vessels)

Basic Training

Medical First Aid



Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch sailing vessels limited to sailing vessels of less than 500 GT on voyages within the navigational areas I, II and IIIA


3 months of experience

Master on sailing vessels limited to sailing vessels of less than 500 GT on voyages within the navigational areas I, II and IIIA

Nav Module for ships of less than 500 GT


Mate (small sailing vessels)

Basic Training

Medical First Aid



Rating (sailing vessels)


3 months of experience

Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch on sailing vessels limited to sailing vessels of less than 500 GT on voyages within the navigational areas I, II and IIIA

Sailor Royal Navy 1 or higher (naval service)


No additional training

Basic Training



Rating (sailing vessels)


Sailor Royal Navy 2 or higher (naval service)


No additional training

Basic Training



Rating (sailing vessels)



8.4 Appendix 4 Documentary evidence issued by nautical colleges

No information is available for the blank sections. The dates mentioned are the dates on which the course commenced.


Higher professional education (HBO)



Name of nautical college - BRIN

Radar Navigator Management



High Voltage


Maritime Officer

NHL Hogeschool – 21WN

As of 01/07/2005

As of 01/07/2016

As of 01/07/2016

HZ University of Applied Sciences - 21MI

As of 01/07/2000

As of 01/07/2013

As of 01/07/2015

Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences – 28DN

As of 01/07/2007

As of 01/07/2013

As of 01/07/2015

Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences– 22OJ

As of 01/07/2003

As of 01/07/2010

As of 01/07/2016


Officer in charge of a navigational watch (all ships)

NHL Hogeschool – 21WN

As of 01/07/2005

As of 01/07/2016

As of 01/07/2016

HZ University of Applied Sciences - 21MI

As of 01/07/2000

As of 01/07/2013

As of 01/07/2015

Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences – 28DN

As of 01/07/2007

As of 01/07/2013

As of 01/07/2015

Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences– 22OJ

As of 01/07/2003

As of 01/07/2010

As of 01/07/2016


Engineer officer in charge of an engineering watch (all ships)

NHL Hogeschool – 21WN

As of 01/07/2005

As of 01/07/2016

As of 01/07/2016

HZ University of Applied Sciences - 21MI

As of 01/07/2000

As of 01/07/2013

As of 01/07/2015

Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences – 28DN

As of 01/07/2007

As of 01/07/2013

As of 01/07/2015

Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences– 22OJ

As of 01/07/2003

As of 01/07/2010

As of 01/07/2016



Senior secondary vocational education (MBO)



Naam opleidingsinstituut - BRIN

Radar navigator Management level


High Voltage


Maritiem officier alle schepen 

Scheepvaart en Transport College – 05EA

Vanaf 01/09/2011

Vanaf 01/09/2011

Vanaf 01/09/2011



ROC Kop van Noord-Holland – 04EU






Scalda – 25PV






Noorderpoort – 25LW



Vanaf 01/07/2015

Vanaf 01/07/2015



Deltion College – 25PJ






ROC Nova College – 25PX






Berechja College – 18XX











Scheepswerktuigkundige alle schepen

Scheepvaart en Transport College – 05EA



Vanaf 01/09/2011



ROC Kop van Noord-Holland – 04EU






Scalda – 25PV






Noorderpoort – 25LW






Deltion College – 25PJ






ROC Nova College – 25PX






Berechja / ROC Friese Poort College – 18XX











Stuurman alle schepen

Scheepvaart en Transport College – 05EA

Vanaf 01/09/2011

Vanaf 01/09/2011




ROC Kop van Noord-Holland – 04EU






Scalda – 25PV






Noorderpoort – 25LW






Deltion College – 25PJ






ROC Nova College – 25PX






Berechja / ROC Friese Poort College – 18XX











Maritiem officier alle schepen

Scheepvaart en Transport College – 05EA

Vanaf 01/09/2012

Vanaf 01/09/2012

Vanaf 01/09/2012



ROC Kop van Noord-Holland – 04EU






Scalda – 25PV






Noorderpoort – 25LW









Deltion College – 25PJ






ROC Nova College – 25PX






Berechja / ROC Friese Poort College – 18XX

Vanaf januari 2013

Vanaf januari 2013

Vanaf januari 2013








Scheepswerktuigkundige alle schepen

Scheepvaart en Transport College – 05EA



Vanaf 01/09/2012



ROC Kop van Noord-Holland – 04EU






Scalda – 25PV






Noorderpoort – 25LW






Deltion College – 25PJ






ROC Nova College – 25PX






Berechja / ROC Friese Poort College – 18XX

Vanaf januari 2013

Vanaf januari 2013

Vanaf januari 2013








Stuurman alle schepen

Scheepvaart en Transport College – 05EA

Vanaf 01/09/2012

Vanaf 01/09/2012




ROC Kop van Noord-Holland – 04EU






Scalda – 25PV






Noorderpoort – 25LW






Deltion College – 25PJ






ROC Nova College – 25PX






Berechja / ROC Friese Poort College – 18XX

Vanaf januari 2013

Vanaf januari 2013

Vanaf januari 2013








Maritiem waterbouwer

Scheepvaart en Transport College – 05EA






ROC Kop van Noord-Holland – 04EU






Scalda – 25PV






Noorderpoort – 25LW






Deltion College – 25PJ












Berechja / ROC Friese Poort College – 18XX











Scheepswerktuigkundige waterbouw

Scheepvaart en Transport College – 05EA



Vanaf 01/09/2011



ROC Kop van Noord-Holland – 04EU






Scalda – 25PV






Noorderpoort – 25LW






Deltion College – 25PJ






Berechja / ROC Friese Poort College – 18XX











Stuurman waterbouw

Scheepvaart en Transport College – 05EA

Vanaf 01/09/2011

Vanaf 01/09/2011




ROC Kop van Noord-Holland – 04EU






Scalda – 25PV






Noorderpoort – 25LW






Deltion College – 25PJ






Berechja / ROC Friese Poort College – 18XX











Scheepswerktuigkundige waterbouw

Scheepvaart en Transport College – 05EA



Vanaf 01/09/2012



ROC Kop van Noord-Holland – 04EU






Scalda – 25PV






Noorderpoort – 25LW






Deltion College – 25PJ






Berechja / ROC Friese Poort College – 18XX











Stuurman waterbouw

Scheepvaart en Transport College – 05EA

Vanaf 01/09/2012

Vanaf 01/09/2012




ROC Kop van Noord-Holland – 04EU






Scalda – 25PV






Noorderpoort – 25LW






Deltion College – 25PJ






Berechja / ROC Friese Poort College – 18XX











Scheepswerktuigkundige kleine schepen

Scheepvaart en Transport College – 05EA



Vanaf 01/09/2011



ROC Kop van Noord-Holland – 04EU






Scalda – 25PV






Noorderpoort – 25LW






Deltion College – 25PJ






ROC Nova College – 25PX



Niet inclusief



Berechja / ROC Friese Poort College – 18XX











Stuurman kleine schepen

Scheepvaart en Transport College – 05EA

Vanaf 01/09/2011

Vanaf 01/09/2011




ROC Kop van Noord-Holland – 04EU






Scalda – 25PV






Noorderpoort – 25LW






Deltion College – 25PJ






ROC Nova College – 25PX






Berechja / ROC Friese Poort College – 18XX











Stuurman-werktuigkundige kleine schepen

Scheepvaart en Transport College – 05EA

Vanaf 01/09/2011

Vanaf 01/09/2011

Vanaf 01/09/2011



ROC Kop van Noord-Holland – 04EU






Scalda – 25PV






Noorderpoort – 25LW









Deltion College – 25PJ






ROC Nova College – 25PX






Berechja / ROC Friese Poort College – 18XX











Werktuigkundige kleine schepen

Scheepvaart en Transport College – 05EA






ROC Kop van Noord-Holland – 04EU






Scalda – 25PV






Noorderpoort – 25LW






Deltion College – 25PJ






ROC Nova College – 25PX






Berechja / ROC Friese Poort College – 18XX











Stuurman kleine schepen

Scheepvaart en Transport College – 05EA

Vanaf 01/09/2012

Vanaf 01/09/2012




ROC Kop van Noord-Holland – 04EU






Scalda – 25PV






Noorderpoort – 25LW






Deltion College – 25PJ






ROC Nova College – 25PX






Berechja / ROC Friese Poort College – 18XX











Stuurman-werktuigkundige kleine schepen

Scheepvaart en Transport College – 05EA

Vanaf 01/09/2012

Vanaf 01/09/2012

Vanaf 01/09/2012



ROC Kop van Noord-Holland – 04EU






Scalda – 25PV






Noorderpoort – 25LW






Deltion College – 25PJ






ROC Nova College – 25PX






Berechja / ROC Friese Poort College – 18XX














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