Text of the Article
Note of Explanation (if available)
Article 125b
1. Holders of a CoC, as referred to in Article 70, first paragraph of the Act, for the positions of Master (all ships), Master (small ships), Chief Mate (all ships), Chief Mate (small ships) or Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch (all ships), must present a CoP or documentary evidence to demonstrate that they are trained or have received additional training in the area of:
a. ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display Information Systems) and in relation to this, meet the applicable requirements of Section A-II/1 or Section A-II/2 of the STCW Code; and
b. radar navigation.
2. Holders of a CoC, as referred to in Article 70, first paragraph of the Act, for the positions of Chief Engineer (all ships), Chief Engineer (small ships), Second Engineer (all ships), Second Engineer (small ships) or Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch (all ships), must present a CoP or other documentary evidence to demonstrate that they are trained or have received additional training in the area of high voltage and in relation to this, meet the applicable requirements of Section A-III/1 or Section A-III/2 of the STCW Code.
3. Holders of a CoC, as referred to in Article 70, first paragraph of the Act, for the positions of First Maritime Officer (all ships), First Maritime Officer (small ships), Maritime Officer or Maritime Officer (small ships), must present a CoP or documentary evidence to demonstrate that they are trained or have received additional training in the area of:
a. ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display Information Systems) and in relation to this, meet the applicable requirements of Section A-II/1 or Section A-II/2 of the STCW Code;
b. high voltage and in relation to this, meet the applicable requirements of Section A-III/1 or Section A-III/2 of the STCW Code; and
c. radar navigation.
4. For the purposes of the first and third paragraphs, 'radar navigation' shall be understood to mean the training course for obtaining the Radar Navigator Certificate, as referred to in Article 70 of this Decree, as it read before the time of entry into force of Article I, Section O of the Decree referred to in the first paragraph of Article 125a. |
Article 125b contains the details of the transitional provisions included in Article 70 of the Wz. Seafarers who do not meet the standards of the Manila Amendments shall not be allowed to extend the validity of their CoC beyond 31 December 2016. However, if the specified requirements are met, the earlier issued CoC shall remain valid until after this date or the holder shall be considered eligible for a new CoC with a period of validity extending beyond 31 December 2016. Depending on the qualification, this involves training in the area of electronic nautical chart equipment (ECDIS: Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems) and high voltage. Holders of a specific CoC must demonstrate that they are trained for the section relevant to them. They may demonstrate this via a CoP or other documentary evidence. If the topic in question was a part of the study program followed at a nautical college, documentary evidence issued by the nautical college in question may be used to demonstrate that the specified requirements have been met. If the topics of ECDIS or high voltage were not part of the study program, a one-time additional training course must be followed. A CoP must subsequently be submitted as proof of this training. More information regarding these additional training courses can be obtained via the ILT website (www.ilent.nl).
At present, a great deal of attention is paid in mainstream education to the requirements included in Section A-II/2 with respect to ARPA (Automatic Radar Plotting Aid). The nautical colleges in question may inform KIWA B.V. that this component was a part of the study program or that the holder of a CoC can demonstrate this via documentary evidence issued by the relevant nautical college. If not, a one-time additional training course on radar navigation must be followed. |
Valid CoCs for Master, Chief Mate, Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch, Chief Engineer, Second Engineer, Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch, First Maritime Officer or Maritime Officer may be renewed for a period of validity of 5 years or upgraded by seafarers who meet the requirements with respect to the completion of the ECDIS, Radar Navigator and/or High Voltage training courses.
Requirements with respect to the completion of the ECDIS, and High Voltage training courses shall not apply for obtaining a CoC for coastal voyages.
Article 125d
1. Without prejudice to Article 8, the holder of a CoC, for the position of Master on coastal voyages or Master on coastal voyages without limitation in propulsion power, is entitled to a CoC for the position of Master of ships of less than 500 GT limited to voyages near the Dutch coast in a navigational area that extends to the Dutch territorial sea and the contiguous zone of the Kingdom adjacent to the Dutch territorial sea.
2. Without prejudice to Article 8, the holder of a CoC, for the position of Chief Mate on coastal voyages, is entitled to a CoC for the position of Chief Mate ships of less than 500 GT limited to voyages near the Dutch coast in a navigational area that extends to the Dutch territorial sea and the contiguous zone of the Kingdom adjacent to the Dutch territorial sea.
3. Without prejudice to Article 8, the holder of a CoC, for the position of Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch on coastal voyages, is entitled to a CoC for the position of Second Engineer ships of less than 3000 kW, limited to voyages near the Dutch coast in a navigational area that extends to the Dutch territorial sea and the contiguous zone of the Kingdom adjacent to the Dutch territorial sea. |
[Duplicate text of Article 125c]
Articles 125c to 125e regulate the conversion of CoCs for on-board positions on coastal voyages or coastal voyages without limitation in propulsion power into CoCs for on-board positions on voyages near the Dutch coast and on voyages in the vicinity of the international coast. The existing CoCs shall remain valid in accordance with the expiry date indicated therein. Pursuant to Article 125e, it is only possible to issue a CoC for voyages in the vicinity of the international coast and for voyages near the Dutch coast in a navigational area that extends to the Dutch territorial sea and the Dutch Exclusive Economic Zone, if the applicant is in the possession of the specified certificates. |
A CoC for coastal voyages issued after 3 May 2014 shall entitle the applicant to a CoC for the positions of Master, Chief Mate or Second Engineer in a navigational area that extends to the Dutch territorial sea and the contiguous zone.
Article 125e
1. Without prejudice to Article 8, the possession of a CoC for the position of Master on coastal voyages or Master on coastal voyages without limitation in propulsion power, along with the following:
a. Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats Certificate;
b. Advanced Fire Fighting Certificate;
c. Medical First Aid Certificate;
d. Medical Care Certificate;
e. General Certificate for Radio Operator; and
f. Supplement-N Certificate for Voyages in the Vicinity of the International Coast,
shall entitle the applicant to a CoC for the position of Master ships of less than 500 GT limited to voyages in the vicinity of the international coast.
2. Without prejudice to Article 8, the possession of a CoC for the position of Master on coastal voyages or Master on coastal voyages without limitation in propulsion power, along with the following:
a. Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats Certificate;
b. Advanced Fire Fighting Certificate;
c. Medical First Aid Certificate;
d. Medical Care Certificate; and
e. General Certificate for Radio Operator,
shall entitle the applicant to a CoC for the position of Master on ships of less than 500 GT limited to voyages near the Dutch coast in a navigational area that extends to the Dutch territorial sea and the Dutch Exclusive Economic Zone.
3. Without prejudice to Article 8, the possession of a CoC for the position of Chief Mate on coastal voyages along with the:
a. Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats Certificate;
c. Medical First Aid Certificate;
d. Medical Care Certificate; and
e. General Certificate for Radio Operator,
shall entitle the applicant to a CoC for the position of Chief Mate on ships of less than 500 GT limited to voyages in the vicinity of the international coast.
4. Without prejudice to Article 8, the possession of a CoC for the position of Chief Mate on coastal voyages along with the:
a. Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats Certificate;
c. Medical First Aid Certificate; and
e. General Certificate for Radio Operator,
shall entitle the applicant to a CoC for the position of Chief Mate on ships of less than 500 GT limited to voyages near the Dutch coast in a navigational area that extends to the Dutch territorial sea and the Dutch Exclusive Economic Zone.
5. Without prejudice to Article 8, the possession of a CoC for the position of Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch on coastal voyages along with the:
a. Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats Certificate; and
c. Medical First Aid Certificate,
shall entitle the applicant to a CoC for the position of Second Engineer on ships with less than 3000 kW propulsion power limited to voyages in the vicinity of the international coast.
6. Without prejudice to Article 8, the possession of a CoC for the position of Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch on coastal voyages along with the:
a. Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats Certificate; and
c. Medical First Aid Certificate,
shall entitle the applicant to a CoC for the position of Second Engineer on ships with less than 3000 kW propulsion power limited to voyages near the Dutch coast in a navigational area that extends to the Dutch territorial sea and the Dutch Exclusive Economic Zone.
7. The certificate referred to in Section f of the first paragraph is not mandatory until the date stipulated by a regulation of Our Minister (has been stipulated as 1 January 2016). (Is postponed until 1-1-2017) |
Articles 125c to 125e regulate the conversion of CoCs for on-board positions on coastal voyages or coastal voyages without limitation in propulsion power into CoCs for on-board positions on voyages near the Dutch coast and on voyages in the vicinity of the international coast. The existing CoCs shall remain valid in accordance with the expiry date indicated therein. Pursuant to Article 125e, it is only possible to issue a CoC for voyages in the vicinity of the international coast and for voyages near the Dutch coast in a navigational area that extends to the Dutch territorial sea and the Dutch Exclusive Economic Zone, if the applicant is in the possession of the specified certificates.
A CoC for coastal voyages issued after 3 May 2014 shall entitle the applicant to a CoC for the position of Master, Chief Mate or Second Engineer on voyages in the Dutch Exclusive Economic Zone or in the vicinity of the international coast, if the additional requirements (Bz, Article 19 and 20) are met.
Until 1 January 2016, proof of completion of the Supplement-N or Supplement-W training courses does not need to be submitted for the application, renewal or upgrade of a CoC. (See Bz, Article 125aa and Rz, Article 11.3). |
Article 125f
CoCs limited to contractors' equipment, issued before the time of entry into force of Article I, sections A and M of the Decree referred to in the first paragraph of Article 125a, shall remain valid in accordance with the expiry date indicated therein. |
Article 125f provides for the continuing validity of existing CoCs limited to contractors' equipment and has been included because of the modified definition of the concept of contractors' equipment in Article 1, Section s.
Article 125g
1. The first and second paragraphs of Article 35 shall not apply until 31 December 2016 to a seafarer referred to therein if:
a. he is in possession a valid CoC, with an endorsement indicating that the holder meets the requirements for the performance of special duties and responsibilities related to the cargo and associated equipment on tankers, as referred to in the first paragraph of Article 29 of this Decree, as it read before the time of entry into force of Article I, Section M of the Decree referred to in the first paragraph of Article 125a; or
b. it concerns a Rating Forming Part of a Navigational Watch or an Able Seafarer, either of whom can demonstrate at least three months of service on a tanker or is in possession of a certificate proving the successful completion of an appropriate training.
2. A seafarer, as referred to in the first paragraph, is entitled to the CoP for Basic Training For Oil and Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations, as referred to in the first paragraph of Article 35, and to the CoP for Basic Training For Gas Tanker Cargo Operations, as referred to in the second paragraph of Article 35. |
With effect from 1 January 2017, every seafarer serving on oil, chemical or gas tankers must be in the possession of the CoPs referred to in Article 35. Seafarers, who are in possession of valid tanker endorsements on their CoC, are entitled, pursuant to Articles 125g and 125h, to make use of these until 31 December 2016. However, these tanker endorsements must be converted into a CoP, as referred to in Article 35, by this date.
The CoCs of Ratings do not contain any tanker endorsements. On the basis of experience gained on a tanker or successful completion of a tanker training, they shall be eligible for the CoPs referred to in the first and second paragraphs of Article 35. These CoPs shall also be issued by Kiwa Register BV, on behalf of the Minister. |
The required qualification for serving on tankers may be included on the CoC until 1 January 2017. After this, the seafarer shall be required to obtain a separate CoP for tankers.
As of 1 January 2017, Ratings shall also be required to obtain a CoP issued by Kiwa Register BV or a certificate from a training institution.
As of 3 May 2014, CoC applications shall no longer contain endorsements indicating that the applicant has completed the appropriate tanker training. Hence, an application for a CoP must be submitted to Kiwa Register BV at the same time.
An applicant, who is in the possession of a certificate from a training institution or documentary evidence of the Tanker Familiarisation training, shall receive a CoP for Basic Training For Oil and Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations and a CoP for Basic Training For Gas Tanker Cargo Operations.
Article 125h
1. The third, fourth or fifth paragraph of Article 35 shall not apply until 31 December 2016 to a seafarer referred to therein, if he is in possession of a valid CoC containing an endorsement indicating that the holder meets the requirements in terms of the responsibility for performing duties on the type of tanker on which he is sailing, as referred to in the third paragraph of Article 29 of this Decree, as it read before the time of entry into force of Article I, Section M of the Decree referred to in the first paragraph of Article 125a.
2. The holder of a Bulk Handling and Transport of Oil and Petroleum Products On Board Oil Tankers Certificate, issued pursuant to Article 71 of this Decree, as it read before the time of entry into force of Article I, Section O of the Decree referred to in the first paragraph of Article 125a, is entitled to the CoP for Advanced Training For Oil Tanker Cargo Operations, as referred to in the third paragraph of Article 35.
3. The holder of a Bulk Handling and Transport of Chemicals On Board Chemical Tankers Certificate, issued pursuant to Article 72 of this Decree, as it read before the date referred to in the second paragraph, is entitled to the CoP for Advanced Training For Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations, as referred to in the fourth paragraph of Article 35.
4. The holder of a Bulk Handling and Transport of Liquefied or Compressed Gases On Board Gas Tankers Certificate, issued pursuant to Article 73 of this Decree, as it read before the date referred to in the second paragraph, is entitled to the CoP for Advanced Training For Gas Tanker Cargo Operations, as referred to in the fifth paragraph of Article 35. |
[Duplicate text of Article 125g]
With effect from 1 January 2017, every seafarer serving on oil, chemical or gas tankers must be in the possession of the CoPs referred to in Article 35. Seafarers, who are in possession of valid tanker endorsements on their CoC, are entitled, pursuant to Articles 125g and 125h, to make use of these until 31 December 2016. However, these tanker endorsements must be converted into a CoP, as referred to in Article 35, by this date.
The CoCs of Ratings do not contain any tanker endorsements. On the basis of experience gained on a tanker or successful completion of a tanker training, they shall be eligible for the CoPs referred to in the first and second paragraphs of Article 35. These CoPs shall also be issued by Kiwa Register BV, on behalf of the Minister. |
Article 125i
Articles 37 to 47 of this Decree, as they read before the time of entry into force of Article I, Section M of the Decree referred to in the first paragraph of Article 125a, shall remain applicable until 31 December 2016 with respect to the handling of an application for a CoC submitted by officers and former officers of the Naval Service of the Royal Netherlands Navy. |
[No Note of Explanation available]
Article 125j
The Ship Management-N and Ship Management-W Certificates, issued pursuant to Article 68 or 69 of this Decree, as it reads before the time of entry into force of Article I, Section O of the Decree referred to in the first paragraph of Article 125a, shall remain valid and, for the purposes of this Decree, shall be considered equivalent to the Ship Management-N Certificate or Ship Management-W Certificate respectively, as referred to in the second paragraph of Chapter 2. |
[No Note of Explanation available]
Article 125k
The Crowd Management in Emergencies On Board Passenger Ships Certificates and Crowd Management in Emergencies On Board Ro-Ro Passenger Ships Certificates, issued pursuant to Article 74 or 79 of this Decree, as it reads before the time of entry into force of Article I, Section O of the Decree referred to in the first paragraph of Article 125a, shall remain valid in accordance with the expiry date indicated therein and, for the purposes of this Decree, shall be considered equivalent to the documentary evidence for an acquired proficiency in crowd management, as referred to in the first paragraph of Article 36. |
[No Note of Explanation available]
Article 125l
The Familiarisation Training for Passenger Ship(s) Certificates and Familiarisation Training for Ro-Ro Passenger Ship(s) Certificates, issued pursuant to Article 75 or 80 of this Decree, as it reads before the time of entry into force of Article I, Section O of the Decree referred to in the first paragraph of Article 125a, shall remain valid and may serve as evidence to demonstrate that the requirement of following a familiarisation training, as referred to in the fifth paragraph of Article 36, has been met. |
[No Note of Explanation available]
Article 125m
The Hotel Personnel Passenger Ships Certificates and Hotel Personnel Ro-Ro Passenger Ships Certificates, issued pursuant to Article 76 or 81 of this Decree, as it reads before the time of entry into force of Article I, Section O of the Decree referred to in the first paragraph of Article 125a, shall remain valid and, for the purposes of this Decree, shall be considered equivalent to the documentary evidence for an acquired proficiency in safety training for personnel providing direct service to passengers in passenger spaces on board passenger ships, as referred to in the second paragraph of Article 36. |
[No Note of Explanation available]
Article 125n
The Passenger Safety Certificates and the Passenger Safety, Cargo Safety and Hull Integrity of Ro-Ro Passenger Ships Certificates, issued pursuant to Article 77 or 82 of this Decree, as it reads before the time of entry into force of Article I, Section O of the Decree referred to in the first paragraph of Article 125a, shall remain valid in accordance with the expiry date indicated therein and, for the purposes of this Decree, shall be considered equivalent to the Passenger Safety, Cargo Safety and Hull Integrity Certificate, as referred to in the fourth paragraph of Article 36. |
[No Note of Explanation available]
Article 125o
The Crisis Management and Human Behaviour Certificates, issued pursuant to Article 78 or 83 of this Decree, as it reads before the time of entry into force of Article I, Section O of the Decree referred to in the first paragraph of Article 125a, shall remain valid in accordance with the expiry date indicated therein and, for the purposes of this Decree, shall be considered equivalent to the Crisis Management and Human Behaviour Certificate, as referred to in the third paragraph of Article 36. |
[No Note of Explanation available]
Article 125p
The Steam Propulsion Certificates, issued pursuant to Article 84 of this Decree, as it read before the time of entry into force of Article I, Section O of the Decree referred to in the first paragraph of Article 125a, shall remain valid and, for the purposes of this Decree, shall be considered equivalent to the Steam Propulsion Certificate, as referred to in the Article 38. |
[No Note of Explanation available]
Article 125q
The Type Rating Certificates, issued pursuant to Article 85 of this Decree, as it read before the time of entry into force of Article I, Section O of the Decree referred to in the first paragraph of Article 125a, shall remain valid in accordance with the expiry date indicated therein and, for the purposes of this Decree, shall be considered equivalent to the Type Rating HSC Certificate, as referred to in the first paragraph of Article 37. |
[No Note of Explanation available]
Article 125r
The Large Sailing Vessels Certificates and diplomas issued by a nautical college for Mate large sailing vessels, issued pursuant to Article 86 of this Decree, as it read before the time of entry into force of Article I, Section O of the Decree referred to in the first paragraph of Article 125a, shall remain valid and, for the purposes of this Decree, shall be considered equivalent to the CoP for Mate large sailing vessels, as referred to in the first paragraph of Article 32. |
[No Note of Explanation available]
Article 125s
1. The Basic Training Certificates, issued pursuant to Article 87 of this Decree, as it read before the time of entry into force of Article I, Section O of the Decree referred to in the first paragraph of Article 125a, shall remain valid and, for the purposes of this Decree, shall be considered equivalent to the Basic Training Certificate, as referred to in the first paragraph of Article 40.
2. For crew members serving in the position of at least an Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch, an Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch or a Maritime Officer, a valid CoC shall be considered equivalent to a Basic Training Certificate until 31 December 2016. |
[No Note of Explanation available]
Until 31 December 2016, CoCs for Master, Mate, Engineer or Maritime Officer on ships of less than 3000 GT or all ships shall serve as evidence to demonstrate that the Basic Training, Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats and Advanced Fire Fighting training courses have been followed.
As of 1 January 2017, when seafarers apply for a CoC, they must have valid certificates for these training courses on board.
Article 125t
The Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats Certificates, issued pursuant to Article 88 of this Decree, as it read before the time of entry into force of Article I, Section O of the Decree referred to in the first paragraph of Article 125a, shall remain valid and, for the purposes of this Decree, shall be considered equivalent to the Life-Saving Appliances Certificate, as referred to in the second paragraph of Article 40 and the first and second paragraphs of Article 117. |
[No Note of Explanation available]
Article 125u
CoPs for the use of fast rescue boats, issued pursuant to Article 89 of this Decree, as it read before the time of entry into force of Article I, Section O of the Decree referred to in the first paragraph of Article 125a, shall remain valid and, for the purposes of this Decree, shall be considered equivalent to the Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats Certificate, as referred to in the third paragraph of Article 40 and the third paragraph of Article 117. |
[No Note of Explanation available]
Article 125v
The Advanced Fire Fighting Certificates, issued pursuant to Article 90 of this Decree, as it read before the time of entry into force of Article I, Section O of the Decree referred to in the first paragraph of Article 125a, shall remain valid and, for the purposes of this Decree, shall be considered equivalent to the Advanced Fire Fighting Certificate, as referred to in the fourth paragraph of Article 40. |
[No Note of Explanation available]
Article 125w
1. The Medical Training - Limited Certificates, issued pursuant to the first paragraph of Article 91 of this Decree, as it read before the time of entry into force of Article I, Section O of the Decree referred to in the first paragraph of Article 125a, shall remain valid in accordance with the expiry date indicated therein and, for the purposes of this Decree, shall be considered equivalent to the Medical First Aid and Medical Care Certificates, as referred to in the first paragraph of Article 42.
2. The Medical Training - Unlimited Certificates, issued pursuant to the second paragraph of Article 91 of this Decree, as it read before the date referred to in the first paragraph, shall remain valid in accordance with the expiry date indicated therein and, for the purposes of this Decree, shall be considered equivalent to the Medical First Aid and Medical Care Certificates, as referred to in the first paragraph of Article 42. |
Article 125w regulates the conversion of the Medical Training - Unlimited and Medical Training - Unlimited Certificates into the Medical First Aid and Medical Care Certificates. Both the Medical Training - Limited Certificate as well as the Medical Training - Unlimited Certificate shall be considered equivalent to the Medical First Aid and Medical Care Certificates. In terms of content and for the purpose of obtaining the necessary certificates, both the training courses were in compliance with Regulation VI/4 of the Appendix to the STCW Convention and Section A-VI/4 of the STCW Code, which specify the minimum requirements for first aid and medical care on board.
The Medical Training - Limited and the Medical Training - Unlimited Certificates shall remain valid in accordance with the expiry date indicated therein and both shall be considered equivalent to the Medical First Aid and Medical Care Certificates.
Article 125x
The Appropriate Knowledge of the Maritime Legislation of the Administration STCW Regulation I/10.2 Certificates, issued pursuant to Article 92a of this Decree, as it read before the time of entry into force of Article I, Section O of the Decree referred to in the first paragraph of Article 125a, shall remain valid and, for the purposes of this Decree, shall be considered equivalent to the Appropriate Knowledge of the Maritime Legislation of the Administration STCW Regulation I/10.2 Certificate, as referred to in the first paragraph of Article 10. |
[No Note of Explanation available]
Article 125y
The Ship Security Officer Certificates, issued pursuant to Article 2 of the Regulations on Ship Security Officer Certification (Regeling certificering scheepsbeveiligingsfunctionarissen) shall remain valid and, for the purposes of this Decree, shall be considered equivalent to the Ship Security Officer Certificate, as referred to in the first paragraph of Article 41. |
[No Note of Explanation available]
Article 125z
Declarations, as referred to in the first and second paragraphs of Article 123 of this Decree, as it read before the time of entry into force of Article I, Section AA of the Decree referred to in the first paragraph of Article 125a, shall remain valid in accordance with the expiry date indicated therein and, for the purposes of this Decree, shall be considered equivalent to the declaration referred to in the first paragraph of Article 123. |
Article 125z contains a transitional provision for the so-called Declaration of Communication, in which the ship's manager indicates how the obligations set forth in Article 122 with respect to on-board communication shall be implemented.
Declarations related to the working language shall remain valid and shall be considered equivalent to the new declarations.
Article 125aa
1. Notwithstanding the third paragraph of Article 20, the Supplement-N Certificate for Voyages in the Vicinity of the International Coast is not mandatory for obtaining a CoC for the position of Master on ships of less than 500 GT limited to voyages in the vicinity of the international coast until the date to be stipulated by a regulation of Our Minister (stipulated as 1 January 2016 1-1-2017).
2. Notwithstanding the fourth paragraph of Article 20, the Supplement-W Certificate for Voyages in the Vicinity of the International Coast is not mandatory for obtaining a CoC for the position of Chief Engineer on ships with less than 3000 kW propulsion power limited to voyages in the vicinity of the international coast until the date to be stipulated by a regulation of Our Minister (stipulated as 1 January 2016 1-1-2017). |
The training courses for obtaining the Supplement-N Certificate and Supplement-W Certificate for voyages in the vicinity of the international coast are new courses. Hence, there is need of respite from the obligation to possess these certificates. Article 125aa indicates that a date of entry into force shall be determined later by a ministerial regulation.
Until 1 January 2016, proof of completion of the Supplement-N or Supplement-W training courses does not need to be submitted for the application, renewal or upgrade of a CoC. (See Rz, Article 11.3)