Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

ItoS - International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code)
Geldigheid:12-02-2015 t/m 20-07-2021Status: Was geldig

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.

1 Effective gutterbars (14-02)

It shall be noted that gutterbars are only required for containerships with partially weathertight hatchway covers. For containerships without hatch cover the provisions of Regulation apply. For ships fitted with weathertight hatchway covers, the provisions of Regulation apply.

Whether hold covers can be considered as weathertight can be verified in the ‘survey for freeboard report’ where all weathertight openings on the freeboard deck are indicated.

Ships with partially weathertight hatchway covers are not common. In general hatchway covers are of the weathertight type. In case doubt exists whether a non-weathertight hatchway cover is fitted with effective gutterbars or not, this can be verified in the ships documentation, or, more easily, on board as the gutterbars should prevent flooding of any liquid down into the cargo hold. When this is apparently not the case, the non-weathertight hatch is not fitted with an effective gutterbar.

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