Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

ItoS - International Labour Organisation - Maritime Labour Convention, ILO-152
Geldigheid:09-05-2016 t/m 22-02-2018Versie:vergelijk Status: Was geldig

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.

1 Smoking room

The amendment of the Seafarers Regulation article 3.13, paragraph 2 entered into force on 01 January 2017. As per this date a separate smoking room is only required on ships of 8000 GT or more.
For these ships (with keel laying date on or after 20 August 2013) the ship-owners smoking policy prevails. The smoking policy must be documented and available on board. In case no smoking policy exists a room, clearly marked with a 'smoking allowed' sign, may be designated.

2 Hospital

A treatment table shall not be considered as a bed in the context if the required number of beds available in a ship’s hospital room, as prescribed in article 3.12, paragraph 3 of the Regulation Seafarers.
A treatment bench is not considered sufficient because there may be several situations in which prolonged stay in hospital is desired, for example:

  • Oxygen needed;
  • Separation due to risk of infection;
  • Isolate due to risking their own lives or the lives of others (psychosis, severe depression, severe anxiety, tying is sometimes indicated);
  • The need for frequent monitoring of blood pressure, pulse, etc. (it is more convenient in a hospital than in one of the cabins);
  • To prevent social unrest.

3 Working hours

On 1 July 2017 the amendment to the Working Hours (Transport Workers) Decree, Chapter 6, article 6.5:4 entered into force. A seafarer is entitle to at least 15 minutes of break time after 7 (instead of 6) hours of work. This would allow for more flexibility in scheduling the hours of work and rest.
Studies such as the Horizon Project and the resulting prototype maritime fatigue prediction software MARTHA showed promising merits in alternative watch schedules however the break after 6 hours was in the way of such alternatives therefore this amendment was agreed upon.

ILO 152: Possibility of extending a survey of lifting appliances and loose gear

ItoRO no. 03 - Certification of lifting appliances and loose gear on board of ships based on ILO 152 has been amended. This aiming to provide ship owners with a more practical solution in cases where IMO and ILO certification survey windows do not match.

Until the IMO finalized its work to bring this particular ILO subject under SOLAS Chapter II, the Netherlands Shipping Inspectorate accepts that the annual and/or 5-yearly examination of the lifting gear (as detailed in ILO C134 / C32, Article 9.2.(4) / C152, article 25) can be carried out within the survey window as detailed in the IMO harmonized system of surveys and certification. This includes the provisions under SOLAS Chapter I, Regulation 14(e).

In case the 5-yearly survey needs to be extended, for reasons as detailed in SOLAS Chapter I,  Regulation 14(e), the annual survey has to be carried out as a minimum. Based on this survey, the load test can be postponed accordingly. From the anniversary date of the 5-yearly load test until the next planned load test has been done, the Safe Working Load (SWL) shall be downgraded with 20 per cent, provided that the next load test is conducted not later than three months after the anniversary date of the 5-yearly load test. This shall be recorded in the cargo gear record book and indicated at the relevant operational locations on board the ship.

It is the responsibility of the ship owner to provide 3rd parties with evidence that these provisions have been met.

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