Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

SOLAS Chapter VI - Carriage of cargoes and oil fuels
Geldigheid:09-05-2016 t/m 09-05-2016Versie:vergelijk
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Status: Was geldig

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.

1 Safe practice for cargo stowage and securing (15-22)

Both MSC.1/Circ.1352 Rev.1 and 1353 Rev. 1(amendments to the code of safe practice for cargo stowage and securing (CSS Code) as well as MSC.1/Circ. 1354 and 1355 (amendments to the guidelines for securing arrangements for the transport of road vehicles on Ro-Ro ships (Resolution A.581(14)) came into force, for ships built from this date. NSI is of the opinion that subject circulars, when applied, will significantly enhance the safety of the ship’s crew and lashing gangs from the shore during cargo operations and during the voyage whilst checking the lashings. Furthermore, other countries may strictly enforce these guidelines (UK) thus resulting in targeted inspections.

Taking the above mentioned reasons into account the Netherlands Flag State administration consider both MSC.1/Circ.1352 Rev.1 and 1353 Rev. 1 policy rule for ships with a keel laying date after 01 January 2017.

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