Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

687(17) Fire test procedures for ignitability of primary deck coverings
Geldigheid:06-11-1991 t/m Status: Geldig vandaag

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.


RECALLING Article 15(j) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Assembly in relation to regulations and guidelines concerning maritime safety,

NOTING the progress achieved in conducting fire tests prescribed by resolution A.214(VII) "Improved provisional guidelines on test procedures for primary deck coverings" since the date of its adoption,

RECALLING ALSO that the Assembly, by resolution A.214(VII), instructed the Maritime Safety Committee to amend the test procedures as may be necessary,

HAYING CONSIDERED the recommendations made by the Maritime Safety Committee at its fifty-ninth Session,

1. ADOPTS the Recommendation on Fire Test Procedures for Ignitability of Primary Deck Coverings set out in the annex to the present resolution;

2. INVITES Governments to apply the Recommendation in determining compliance with the requirements specified in the annex;

3. REQUESTS the Maritime Safely Committee to continue its work on the development of further fire test procedures, as may be appropriate;

4. REVOKES resolution A. 214(VII).

Annex Recommendation on fire test procedures for ignitability of primary deck coverings


In accordance with the provisions of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea,1974, and subsequent amendments thereto, primary deck coverings, if applied within accommodation and service spaces and control stations, should be of approved materials which will not readily ignite or give rise to toxic or explosive hazards at elevated temperatures. This Recommendation specifies a procedure for evaluating the ignitability of the primary deck coverings. Toxic and explosive hazards of the primary deck coverings should be verified to the satisfaction of the Administration.


2.1 Taking into account the wide range of materials used as coverings and their application, this Recommendation should be applied to those deck coverings which are laid upon a steel deck plate and beneath a surface material, if applied, of the floor. However, thin films such as paints may be exempted from consideration.

2.2 If a deck covering applied on a steel deck plate is exposed and no other floor covering is provided, the deck coverings in areas where low flame spread materials are required should meet the requirements of floor coverings specified in the Recommendation on improved fire test procedures for surface flammability of bulkhead, ceiling and deck finish materials, adopted by the Organization by resolution A.653(16).

2.3 If the deck covering has a multilayer construction, the Administration may require the tests to be conducted for each layer or for combinations of some layers of the deck covering.


The deck covering should be tested in accordance with the Recommendation on improved fire test procedures for surface flammability of bulkhead, ceiling and deck finish materials, adopted by the Organization by resolution A.653(16), and additional provisions given below.

3.1 Specimen
The deck covering should be applied to a steel plate having the thickness of 3 ± 0.3 mm. The specimens should have a nominal thickness and the components and construction of the deck covering should be the same as those used in practice.

3.2 Classification
The deck covering is classified as not readily ignitable if it fulfils the requirements of floor coverings specified in paragraph 10 of the annex to Assembly resolution A653(16) and does not produce burning droplets.
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