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A.744(18) Guidelines on the enhanced programme of inspections during surveys of bulk carriers and oil tankers (MSC.197(80))
Geldigheid:01-01-2010 t/m Versie:vergelijk
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Adoption of amendments to the guidelines on the enhanced programme of inspections during surveys of bulk carriers and oil tankers (resolution a.744(18), as amended)


RECALLING Article 28(b) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Committee,

RECALLING ALSO resolution A.744(18) by which the Assembly adopted the Guidelines on the enhanced programme of inspections during surveys of bulk carriers and oil tankers (the Guidelines),

RECALLING FURTHER article VIII(b) and regulation XI-1/2 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974 (hereinafter referred to as “the Convention”) concerning the procedure for amending the Guidelines,

NOTING that the Assembly, when adopting resolution A.744(18), requested the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee to keep the Guidelines under review and update them as necessary, in the light of experience gained in their application,

NOTING ALSO resolutions MSC.49(66), MSC.105(73), MSC.125(75), MSC.144 77), MSC.197(80) and resolution 2 of the 1997 Conference of Contracting Governments to the Convention, by which amendments to the Guidelines were adopted by the Maritime Safety Committee and the Conference of Contracting Governments to the Convention, in accordance with article VIII(b) and regulation XI/2 of the Convention,

HAVING CONSIDERED, at its eighty-fourth session, amendments to the Guidelines proposed and circulated in accordance with article VIII(b)(i) of the Convention,

  1. ADOPTS, in accordance with article VIII(b)(iv) of the Convention, amendments to the Guidelines on the enhanced programme of inspections during surveys of bulk carriers and oil tankers, the text of which is set out in the Annex to the present resolution;
  2. DETERMINES, in accordance with article VIII(b)(vi)(2)(bb) of the Convention, that the amendments shall be deemed to have been accepted on 1 July 2009, unless, prior to that date, more than one third of the Contracting Governments to the Convention or Contracting Governments the combined merchant fleets of which constitute not less than 50% of the gross tonnage of the world’s merchant fleet, have notified their objections to the amendments;

  3. INVITES Contracting Governments to note that, in accordance with article VIII(b)(vii)(2) of the Convention, the amendments shall enter into force on 1 January 2010 upon their acceptance in accordance with paragraph 2 above;

  4. REQUESTS the Secretary-General, in conformity with article VIII(b)(v) of the Convention, to transmit certified copies of the present resolution and the text of the amendments contained in the Annex to all Contracting Governments to the Convention;

  5. FURTHER REQUESTS the Secretary-General to transmit copies of this resolution and its Annex to Members of the Organization, which are not Contracting Governments to the Convention.

Annex A Guidelines on the enhanced programme of inspections during surveys of bulk carriers

Part A Guidelines on the enhanced programme of inspections single-side skin

Guidelines on the enhanced programme of inspections during surveys of bulk carriers having single-side skin construction

Part B Guidelines on the enhanced programme of inspections double-side skin

Guidelines on the enhanced programme of inspections during surveys of bulk carriers having double-side skin construction

Annex B Guidelines on the enhanced programme of inspections during surveys of oil tankers

05 Preparations for survey

06 Documentation on board

07 Procedures for thickness measurements

08 Reporting and evaluation of survey

Annex 01 Requirements for close-up survey at periodical surveys

AGE = 55 < AGE = 1010 < AGE = 15AGE > 15
(A) ONE WEB FRAME RING - in a ballast wing tank, if any, or a cargo wing tank used primarily for water ballast

(B) ONE DECK TRANSVERSE - in a cargo tank

(D) ONE TRANSVERSE BULKHEAD - in a ballast tank

(D) ONE TRANSVERSE BULKHEAD - in a cargo wing tank

(D) ONE TRANSVERSE BULKHEAD - in a cargo centre tank
(A) ALL WEB FRAME RINGS - in a ballast wing tank, if any, or a cargo wing tank used primarily for water ballast

(B) ONE DECK TRANSVERSE - in each of the remaining ballast tanks, if any

(B) ONE DECK TRANSVERSE - in a cargo wing tank

(B) ONE DECK TRANSVERSE - in two cargo centre tanks

(C) BOTH TRANS-VERSE BULKHEADS in a wing ballast tank, if any, or a cargo wing tank used primarily for water ballast

(D) ONE TRANSVERSE BULKHEAD - in each remaining ballast tank

(D) ONE TRANSVERSE BULKHEAD - in a cargo wing tank

(D) ONE TRANSVERSE BULKHEAD - in two cargo centre tanks
(A) ALL WEB FRAME RINGS - in all ballast tanks

(A) ALL WEB FRAME RINGS - in a cargo wing tank

(A) ONE WEB FRAME RING - in each remaining cargo wing tank

(C) ALL TRANSVERSE BULKHEADS - in all cargo and ballast tanks

(E) ONE DECK AND BOTTOM TRANS - VERSE - in each cargo centre tank

(F) As considered necessary by the Administration
As for ships referred to in column 3

Additional transverses included as deemed necessary by the Administration

(A) - Complete transverse web frame ring including adjacent structural members
(B) - Deck transverse including adjacent deck structural members
(C) - Transverse bulkhead complete - including girder system and adjacent members
(D) - Transverse bulkhead lower part - including girder system and adjacent structural members
(E) - Deck and bottom transverse including adjacent structural members
(F) - Additional complete transverse web ring

Annex 02 Requirements for thickness measurements at periodical surveys

AGE = 55 < AGE = 1010 < AGE = 15AGE > 15
1 One section of deck plating for the full beam of the ship within the cargo area (in way of a ballast tank, if any, or a cargo tank used primarily for water ballast)

2 Measurements of structural members subject to close-up survey according to annex 1, for general assessment and recording of corrosion pattern

3 Suspect areas
1 Within the cargo area:
.1 Each deck plate
.2 One transverse section

2 Measurements of structural members subject to close-up survey according to annex 1, for general assessment and recording of corrosion pattern

3 Suspect areas

4 Selected wind and water strakes outside the cargo area
1 Within the cargo area:
.1 Each deck plate
.2 Two transverse sections

2 Measurements of structural members subject to close-up survey according to annex 1, for general assessment and recording of corrosion pattern

3 Suspect areas

4 Selected wind and water strakes outside the cargo area

5 All wind and water strakes within the cargo area
1 Within the cargo area:
.1 Each deck plate
.2 Three transverse sections
.3 Each bottom plate

2 Measurements of structural members subject to close-up survey according to annex 1, for general assessment and recording of corrosion pattern

3 Suspect areas

4 Selected wind and water strakes outside the cargo area

5 All wind and water strakes within the cargo area

Annex 03 Requirements for tank pressure testing at periodical surveys

AGE = 55 < AGE = 1010 < AGE = 15AGE > 15
1 Cargo tank boundaries facing ballast tanks, void spaces, pipe tunnels, fuel oil tanks, pump-rooms or cofferdams.

2 Representative tanks for fresh water, fuel oil and lubrication oil.
1 Cargo tank boundaries facing ballast tanks, void spaces, pipe tunnels, fuel oil tanks, pump-rooms or cofferdams.

2 All cargo tank bulkheads which form the boundaries of segregated cargoes.

3 Representative tanks for fresh water, fuel oil and lubrication oil.
1 Cargo tank boundaries facing ballast tanks, void spaces, pipe tunnels, fuel oil tanks, pump-rooms or cofferdams.

2 All remaining cargo tank bulkheads.

3 Representative tanks for fresh water, fuel oil and lubrication oil.
1 Cargo tank boundaries facing ballast tanks, void spaces, pipe tunnels, fuel oil tanks, pump-rooms or cofferdams.

2 All remaining cargo tank bulkheads.

3 All fresh water, fuel oil and lubrication oil tanks.

Annex 04 Requirements for extent of thickness measurements at areas of substantial corrosion.

Periodical survey within the cargo area.

Bottom structure
1 Bottom platingMinimum of three bays across tank, including aft bay. Measurements around and under all bell mouths.Five-point pattern for each panel between longitudinals and webs.
2 Bottom longitudinalsMinimum of three longitudinals in each bay where bottom plating measured.Three measurements in line across flange and three measurements on vertical web.
3 Bottom girders and bracketsAt fore and aft transverse bulkhead bracket toes and in centre of tanks.Vertical line of single measurements on web plating with one measurement between each panel stiffener, or a minimum of three measurements. Two measurements across face flat. Five-point pattern on girder/ bulkhead brackets.
4 Bottom transverse websThree webs in bays where bottom plating measured, with measurements at both end and middle.Five-point pattern over 2 square metre area. Single measurements on face flat
5 Panel stiffeningWhere fitted.Single measurements.

Deck structure
1 Deck platingTwo bands across tank.Minimum of three measurements per plate per band.
2 Deck longitudinalsMinimum of three longitudinals in each of two bays.Three measurements in line vertically on webs, and two measurements on flange (if fitted).
3 Deck girders and bracketsAt fore and aft transverse bulkhead bracket toes and in centre of tanks.Vertical line of single measurements on web plating with one measurement between each panel stiffener, or a minimum of three measurements. Two measurements across face flat. Five-point pattern on girder/ bulkhead brackets.
4 Deck transverse websMinimum of two webs with measurements at middle and both ends of span.5 point pattern over 2 square metre area. Single measurements on face flat.
5 Panel stiffeningWhere available.Single measurements.

Shell and longitudinal bulkheads
1 Deckhead and bottom strakes, and strakes in way of stringer platforms.Plating between each pair of longitudinals in a minimum of three baysSingle measurement
2 All other strakesPlating between every third pair of longitudinals in same three baysSingle measurement
3 Longitudinals - deckhead and bottom strakesEach longitudinal in same three baysThree measurements across web and one measurement on flange
4 Longitudinals - all othersEvery third longitudinal in same three baysThree measurements across web and one measurement on flange
5 Longitudinals - bracketMinimum of three at top, middle and bottom of tank in same three baysFive-point pattern over area of bracket
6 Web frames and cross tiesThree webs with minimum of three locations on each web, including in way of cross tie connectionsFive-point pattern over about 2 square metre area, plus single measurements on web frame and cross tie face flats

Transverse bulkheads and swash bulkheads
1 Deckhead and bottom strakes, and strakes in way of stringer platforms.Plating between pair of stiffeners at three locations
-approx. 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4 width of tank
Five-points pattern between stiffeners over 1 metre length
2 All other strakesPlating between pair of stiffeners at middle locationSingle measurement
3 Strakes in corrugated bulkheadsPlating for each change of scantling at centre of panel and at flange or fabricated connectionFive-point pattern over about 1 square metre of plating
4 StiffenersMinimum of three typical stiffenersFor web, five-point pattern over span between bracket connections (two measurements across web at each bracket connection, and one at centre of span). For flange, single measurements at each bracket toe and at centre of span
5 BracketsMinimum of three at top, middle and bottom of tankFive-point pattern over area of bracket
6 Deep webs and girdersMeasurements at toe of bracket and centre of spanFor web, five-point pattern over about 1 square metre area. Three measurements across face flat
7 Stringer platformsAll stringers with measurements at both ends and middleFive-point pattern over 1 square metre area plus single measurements near bracket toes and on face flats

Annex 05 Owner''s inspection report

Structural condition

Annex 06 Principles for planning document

1 A planning document is intended to identify critical structural areas and to stipulate the minimum extent, locations and means for close-up survey and thickness measurements with respect to sections and internal structures as well as to nominate suspect areas.

2 The document should be worked out by the owner in co-operation with the Administration well in advance of the survey.

3 The basis for nomination of tanks and areas referred to in 1 is a risk assessment in considerations of possible deteriorations where the following elements on the particular ship are taken into account:
.1 design features such as extent of high-tensile steel and local details;
.2 former history available at owner's and Administration offices with respect to corrosion, cracking, buckling, indents and repairs for the particular ship as well as similar ships;
.3 information from same offices with respect to type of cargo, use of different tanks for cargo/ballast, corrosion-prevention system and condition of coating, if any.

4 The degree of criticality should be judged and decided on the basis of recognized principles and practice.

5 The planning document should contain:
.1 main particulars;
.2 plan of tanks;
.3 list of tanks with information on use, protection and condition of coating;
.4 corrosion risk nomination of tanks;
.5 design risk nomination of structures;
.6 nomination of tanks and areas for close-up survey;
.7 nomination of sections and structures for thickness measurements; and
.8 list of acceptable corrosion allowance of different structures.

Annex 07 Procedures for certification of a company engaged in thickness measurements of hull structures

1 Application

This guidance applies for certification of the company which intends to engage in the thickness measurement of hull structures of ships.

2 Procedures for certification

Submission of documents

2.1 The following documents should be submitted to an organization recognized by the Administration for approval :
.1 Outline of the company, e.g. organization and management structure.
.2 Experience of the company on thickness measurement of hull structures of ships.
.3 Technicians' careers, i.e. experience of technicians as thickness measurement operators, technical knowledge and experience of hull structure, etc. Operators should be qualified according to a recognized industrial NDT Standard.
.4 Equipment used for thickness measurement such as ultrasonic testing machines and their maintenance/calibration procedures.
.5 A guide for thickness measurement operators.
.6 Training programmes for technicians for thickness measurement.
.7 Measurement record format in accordance with recommended procedures for thickness measurements (see annex 10).

Auditing of the company

2.2 Upon reviewing the documents submitted with satisfactory results, the company should be audited in order to ascertain that the company is duly organized and manacled in accordance with the documents submitted, and eventually is capable of conducting thickness measurement of the hull structure of ships.

2.3 Certification is conditional upon an on-board demonstration of thickness measurement as well as satisfactory reporting.

3 Certification

3.1 Upon satisfactory results of both the audit of the company referred to in 2.2 and the demonstration tests referred to in 2.3, the Administration or organization recognized by the Administration should issue a Certificate of Approval as well as a notice to the effect that the thickness measurement operation system of the company has been certified.

3.2 Renewal/endorsement of the certificate should be made at intervals not exceeding 3 years by verification that original conditions are maintained.

4 Report of any alteration to the certified thickness measurement operation system
In any case where alteration to the certified thickness measurement operation system of the company is made, such an alteration should be immediately reported to the organization recognized by the Administration. Re-audit should be made where deemed necessary by the organization recognized by the Administration.

5 Withdrawal of the certification

The certification may be withdrawn in the following cases:
.1 where the measurements were improperly carried out or the results were improperly reported;
.2 where the surveyor found any deficiencies in the approved thickness measurement operation system of the company;
.3 'where the company failed to report any alteration referred to in 4 to the organizationrecognized by the Administration as required.

Annex 08 Reporting principles

Reporting formats should be worked out individually by the Administration. As a principle the following contents of reports for oil tanker structures should be included as applicable for the survey.

1 Type of survey (periodical survey, intermediate enhanced survey, annual survey, other)

1.1 Date, location, whether or not the survey was in dry-dock and whether or not the survey was completed.

1.2 Date of the previous:
- bottom inspection ....................................................................
- dry-docking .............................................................................

2 Extent of the survey

2.1 Identification of overall surveyed tanks.

2.2 Where in each tank close-up survey has been carried out, and means of access.

2.3 Identification of tanks and location of structures to be given with respect to the thickness measurements carried out.

2.4 Identification of pressure-tested tanks.

3 Results of the survey

3.1 Coating condition of each tank (if applicable). Identification of tanks with anodes.

3.2 Structural condition of each tank:
- identified tank found in satisfactory condition. Otherwise identification of findings which should be corrected or recorded, such as:
      corrosion:     - structure members
                          - type of corrosion (pitting, general)
                          - extent
      cracks (location)
      buckling (location)
      indents (location)
The narrative report may be supplemented by sketches/photos of damages/repairs.

3.3 Thickness measurement report endorsed by the attending surveyor.

4 Actions to possible findings

4.1 Repair in identified tanks:
- structural member
- repair method
- repair extent

4.2 Recorded findings considered not to necessitate immediate repairs. Memoranda for future inspections and thickness measurements should be given, e.8. for areas found as suspect with respect to corrosion (see 1.2.6 of the guidelines).

4.3 Condition of class/flag State requirements.
The structure of the reporting contents may be different, depending on the report system for the Administration.

Annex 09 Condition evaluation report

Issued upon completion of periodical survey

General particulars

Ship's nameClass/Administration identity number:
Previous class/Administration identity number(s):
IMO number:

Port of registry:

National flag:
Previous national fag(s):

Deadweight (metric tonnes):

Cross tonnage:
        National :
        ITC (1969):

Date of build:

Classification notation :

Date of major conversion

Type of conversion:

  Previous owner(s):

1. The survey reports and documents listed below have been reviewed by the undersigned and found to be satisfactory
2 The periodical survey has been complete In accordance with the present Guidelines on
Condition evaluation                         Name                         Title
report completed by                         Signature
Office                                               Date
Condition evaluation                         Name                         Title
report verified by                             Signature
Office                                               Date

Attached reports and documents

Contents of condition evaluation report

Part 1 - general particulars: - See front page
Part 2 - Report review: - Where and how survey was done
Part 3 - Close-up survey: - Extent (which tanks)
Part 4 - Thickness measurements. - Reference to thickness measurement report
- Summary of where measured
- Separate form indicating the tanks/areas with substantial corrosion, and corresponding:
      - thickness diminution
      - corrosion pattern
Part 5 - Tank corrosion-prevention system: - Separate form indicating:
      - location of coating/anodes
      - condition of coating (if applicable)
Part 6 - Repairs- Identification of tanks/areas
Part 7 - Condition of class/flag State requirements:
Part 8 - Memoranda: - Acceptable defects
- Any points of attention for future surveys, e.g. for suspect areas
- Extended annual/intermediate enhanced survey due to coating breakdown
Part 9 - Conclusion:- Statement on evaluation/verification of survey report

Extract of thickness measurements

Reference is made to the thickness measurement report:
position of
substantially corroded
diminution [%]
Remarks: e.g.
Ref. attached

* Substantial corrosion, i.e. 75-100% of acceptable margins wasted.
** P = Pitting
    C = Corrosion in general

Tank corrosion-prevention system

Tank Nos.*Tank corrosion
prevention system**

* All segregated ballast tanks and combined cargo/ballast tanks should be listed.
** C = Coating       A = Anodes       NP = No protection
*** Coating condition according to the following standard.
 GOODcondition with only minor spot rusting-
 FAIRcondition with local breakdown of coating at edges of stiffeners and weld
connections and/or light rusting over 20% or more of areas under
consideration, but less than as defined for POOR condition.
 POORcondition with general breakdown of coating over 20% or more of areas or
hard scale at 10% or more of areas under consideration.
 If coating condition "POOR" is given, extended annual surveys should be introduced.
This should be noted in part 7 of the Contents of condition evaluation report.

Annex 10 Recommended procedures for thickness measurements


1 These procedures should be used for recording thickness measurements as required by annex 2 and 4.

2 Reporting forms TM1 -T, TM2-T, TM3-T, TM4-T, TM5-T and TM6-T, set out in appendix 2, should be used for recording thickness measurements and the maximum allowable diminution should be stated.

3 Appendix 3 contains guidance diagrams and notes relating to the reporting forms and the requirements for thickness measurement.

4 The reporting forms should, where appropriate, be supplemented by data presented on structural sketches.

Appendix 1 General particulars
Appendix 2 Reports on thickness measurement
Appendix 3 Guidance on thickness measurement

Annex 11 Guidelines for technical assessment in conjunction with the planning of enhanced surveys for oil tankers

Annex 12 Criteria for longitudinal strength of hull girder for oil tankers

1 General

1.1 These criteria should be used for the evaluation of longitudinal strength of the ship's hull girder as required by paragraph

1.2 In order that ship’s longitudinal strength to be evaluated can be recognized as valid, fillet welding between longitudinal internal members and hull envelopes should be in sound condition so as to keep integrity of longitudinal internal members with hull envelopes.

2 Evaluation of longitudinal strength
On oil tankers of 130 m in length and upwards and of over 10 years of age, the longitudinal strength of the ship's hull girder should be evaluated in compliance with the requirements of this annex on the basis of the thickness measured, renewed or reinforced, as appropriate, during the renewal survey of the Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate or Cargo Ship Safety Certificate (SC renewal survey).
The condition of the hull girder for longitudinal strength evaluation should be determined in accordance with the methods specified in appendix 3.

2.1 Calculation of transverse sectional areas of deck and bottom flanges of hull girder
2.1.1 The transverse sectional areas of deck flange (deck plating and deck longitudinals) and bottom flange (bottom shell plating and bottom longitudinals) of the ship’s hull girder should be calculated by using the thickness measured, renewed or reinforced, as appropriate, during the SC renewal survey.

2.1.2 If the diminution of sectional areas of either deck or bottom flange exceeds 10 % of their respective as-built area (i.e. original sectional area when the ship was built), either one of the following measures should be taken:
.1 to renew or reinforce the deck or bottom flanges so that the actual sectional area is not less than 90% of the as-built area; or
.2 to calculate the actual section moduli (Zact) of transverse section of the ship’s hull girder by applying the calculation method specified in appendix 1, by using the thickness measured, renewed or reinforced, as appropriate, during the SC renewal survey.

2.2 Requirements for transverse section modulus of hull girder

2.2.1 The actual section moduli of transverse section of the ship’s hull girder calculated in accordance with paragraph should satisfy either of the following provisions, as applicable:
.1 for ships constructed on or after 1 July 2002, the actual section moduli (Zact) of the transverse section of the ship's hull girder calculated in accordance with the requirements of paragraph should be not less than the diminution limits determined by the Administration, taking into account the recommendations adopted by the Organization*; or
.2 for ships constructed before 1 July 2002, the actual section moduli (Zact) of the transverse section of the ship's hull girder calculated in accordance with the requirements of paragraph should meet the criteria for minimum section modulus for ships in service required by the Administration or recognized classification society, provided that in no case Zact should be less than the diminution limit of the minimum section modulus (Zmc) as specified in appendix 2.

* Refer to resolution MSC.108(73) on Recommendation on compliance with the requirements of paragraph of annex 12 to Annex B to resolution A.744(18).

Annex B Guidelines on the enhanced programme of inspections during surveys of oil tankers others than double oil tankers

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