Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

706 Guidance on intact stability of existing tankers during liquid transfer operations
Geldigheid:03-10-1995 t/m Status: Geldig vandaag

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.

1 The Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) and the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC), noting concerns expressed regarding stability problems in the operation of existing tankers having cargo and/or ballast tanks without subdivision by longitudinal bulkheads, instructed the Sub-Committee on Stability and Load Lines and on Fishing Vessels Safety (SLF) to develop guidance for the master to enable liquid transfer operations and tank cleaning operations to be carried out safely.

2 The MSC, at its sixty-fifth session (9 to 17 May 1995) and the MEPC, at its thirty-seventh session (11 to 15 September 1995), approved the Guidance on intact stability of existing tankers, given in the annex, for use by ship's personnel engaged in liquid transfer operations at sea and in port.

3 Member Governments are invited to bring this Guidance to the attention of all concerned and to implement its provisions at the earliest.

Annex Guidance on Intact stability of existing tankers during liquid transfer operations

1 Member Governments are advised that the intact stability of double hull tankers and other tanker designs, which are subject to significant free surface effect during liquid transfer operations including lightering operations and tank cleaning operations, require special consideration.

2 Mandatory requirements to address such difficulties for new ships are being considered by the Committees. Such requirements are unlikely to become mandatory before the year 1998.

3 It is recommended that owners and operators should:
    .1 ensure that an oil tanker:

      .1 in port, has the initial metacentric height GMo, corrected for free surface measured at 0 degrees heel, not less than 0.15 m; and

      .2 at sea, complies with the requirements specified in paragraphs to of the Intact Stability Code (resolution A.749(18)), the initial metacentric height GMo being corrected for free surface measured at 0 degrees heel; and
      .2 adopt appropriate operational methods, where necessary, for the oil tanker to comply with the above requirements. 4 Where operating methods are necessary, simple operating instructions which supplement existing stability information should be prepared for the master, including:
        .1 the number of tanks which may be slack under all conditions of liquid transfer; and

        .2 the tanks (cargo and ballast) which may be slack under any specific condition of liquid transfer, including possible ranges of cargo densities. The slack tanks may vary during the liquid transfer operations and be of any combination which satisfies the criteria. 5 In the context of this recommendation, simple operating instructions to the ship's operating personnel mean instructions which:
          .1 are understandable to the officer-in-charge of transfer operations;

          .2 provide for planned sequences of cargo/ballast transfer operations;

          .3 allow comparisons of attained and required stability using stability performance criteria in graphical or tabular form;

          .4 require no extensive mathematical calculations by the officer-in-charge;

          .5 provide for corrective actions to be taken by the officer-in-charge in case of departure from recommended values and in case of emergency situations; and

          .6 are prominently displayed in the approved trim and stability booklet and at the cargo/ballast transfer control station and in any computer software by which stability calculations are performed.
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