1.1 The application of the Revised
Interim Guidelines, hereunder referred to as "the Guidelines", is
shown in the following worked example illustrating the calculation
procedure of the oil outflow parameters for a tank barge. For
presentation purposes, a simplified hull form and level of
compartmentation have been assumed. The procedures described herein
are readily adaptable as a computer application, which will be
necessary as more complicated arrangements are evaluated. This
example is evaluated in accordance with the requirements for
.concept approval.. Additional requirements for a shipyard design
approval are noted where applicable.
1.2 An application of the Guidelines will
typically follow these seven basic steps:
.1 Vessel
design: In accordance with paragraph 3.1 of the Guidelines, the
vessel is designed to meet all applicable regulations of MARPOL
Annex I.
.2 Establishing
of the full load condition: In accordance with paragraph 5.1.5 of
the Guidelines, a full load condition is developed.
.3 Assembling of the damage cases: By
applying the damage density distribution functions provided in the
Guidelines, determine each unique grouping of damaged compartments
and the probability associated with that damage condition.
Independent sets of damage cases are derived for side (collision)
and bottom (stranding) damage.
.4 Computation of the equilibrium condition for each
damage case: Compute the final equilibrium condition for all side
and bottom damage conditions. This step is only required for the
final shipyard design, in accordance with paragraph of the
Computation of the oil outflow for each damage case: Calculate the
oil outflow for each damage case. Separate calculations are done for
side damage and for bottom damage at 0.0 m and 2.5 m fall in tide
conditions. For side damage, all oil is assumed to escape from
damaged tanks. For bottom damage, a hydrostatic balance method is
applied. For the final shipyard design, survivability is evaluated
in accordance with the requirements of MARPOL regulation I/25(3).
.6 Computation of the
oil outflow parameters: The cumulative probability of occurrence of
each level of oil outflow is developed. This is done for the side
damage and for each bottom damage tide condition. The associated oil
outflow parameters are then computed. The bottom damage tidal
parameters are combined in accordance with paragraph 5.1.3 and the
side and bottom damage parameters are then combined in accordance
with paragraph 5.1.2 of the Guidelines.
.7 Computation of the Pollution Prevention
Index E: The new design has satisfactory characteristics if index E,
as defined in paragraph 4.2 of the Guidelines, is greater than or
equal to 1.0.