Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

1393 Early application of new SOLAS regulation III/1.5
Geldigheid:20-05-2011 t/m Status: Geldig vandaag

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.

Early application of new SOLAS regulation III/1.5

  1. The Maritime Safety Committee, at its eighty-ninth session (11 to 20 May 2011), adopted, by resolution MSC.317(89), new SOLAS regulation III/1.5 and, by resolution MSC.320(89), related amendments to chapter IV of the LSA Code, which are expected to enter into force on 1 January 2013. The Committee also approved the associated Guidelines for evaluation and replacement of lifeboat release and retrieval systems (MSC.1/Circ.1392).

  2. In light of the provision of the new SOLAS regulation III/1.5, the Committee agreed that:

    1. for ships constructed on or after 1 July 2014, on-load release and retrieval systems shall comply with the LSA Code, as amended by resolution MSC.320(89); and

    2. Member Governments are encouraged to ensure that ships constructed on or after 20 May 2011 but before 1 July 2014, on-load release and retrieval systems comply with the LSA Code, as amended by resolution MSC.320(89).

  3. In order for parties concerned to take relevant actions with regard to paragraph 2 above, Member Governments are encouraged to initiate, at the earliest opportunity, approval processes for new on-load release and retrieval systems, which comply with the LSA Code, as amended by resolution MSC.320(89).

  4. In adopting the aforementioned amendments, the Committee agreed to the recommendation by the Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Equipment, at its fifty-fifth session (21 to 25 March 2011), that parties concerned should be encouraged to take necessary action to evaluate existing lifeboat release and retrieval systems, based on the aforementioned Guidelines, at the earliest available opportunity, pending the entry into force of new SOLAS regulation III/1.5.

  5. Member Governments, shipyards and shipowners are invited to take account of this circular and bring it to the attention of all parties concerned. In particular, manufacturers are urged to evaluate existing lifeboat release and retrieval systems at the earliest available opportunity, in accordance with the aforementioned Guidelines.
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