Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

1298 Guidance on the implementation of the LRIT system
Geldigheid:08-12-2008 t/m Status: Geldig vandaag

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.


Guidance on the implementation of the LRIT system

  1. The Maritime Safety Committee (the Committee), at its eighty-fifth session (26 November  to 5 December 2008), for the benefit of SOLAS Contracting Governments and Administrations and, in particular, of those involved in the initial implementation of the LRIT system, considered a  number  of  amendments  to  MSC.1/Circ.1256  on  Guidance  on  the  implementation  of  the  LRIT system and approved the Guidance on the implementation of the LRIT system (the Guidance),  as set out in the annex. 
  2. The  Guidance  identifies  the  primary  duties and obligations of  SOLAS  Contracting Governments and Administrations at the initial establishment of the LRIT system and should be read together with SOLAS regulation V/19-1  and  the  Revised  performance  standards  and functional  requirements  for  the  long-range  identification  and  tracking of ships  adopted  by resolution MSC.263(84). 
  3. The Committee also agreed to keep the Guidance under review and to amend  it  as  and when the circumstances so warrant. 

  4. SOLAS Contracting Governments are invited to bring the present circular and its annex to  the  attention  of  those  engaged  in  the  implementation  of  the  provisions  of  SOLAS  regulation V/19-1 and/or the development and establishment of their LRIT Data Centres and/or the initial establishment of the LRIT system.
  5. The United States, having agreed to provide the International LRIT Data Exchange on an interim  basis,  is  invited  to  bring  the  present  circular  to  the  attention of those involved in the operation of the International LRIT Data Exchange. 

  6. SOLAS  Contracting  Governments  are  also  invited  to  bring  the  present  circular  and  the salient parts of its annex to the attention of Companies operating ships entitled to fly their flag which are required to transmit LRIT information and to provide to such Companies any necessary further guidance and instruction so as to ensure that the objectives of this circular are achieved.
  7. SOLAS  Contracting  Governments,  international  organizations,  non-governmental organizations with consultative status, the LRIT Coordinator, LRIT Data Centres acting through the SOLAS Contracting Government(s) which have established them and the International LRIT Data  Exchange,  are  also  invited  to  bring  to  the  attention  of  the  Committee,  at  the  earliest opportunity, the results of the experience gained from the use of the Guidance for consideration of action to be taken.

  8. The circular revokes MSC.1/Circ.1256.


01 Purpose

1. Purpose

1.1  This  note  summarizes  the  various  aspects  of  the  LRIT  system  with  a  view  to  enabling Contracting Governments (1) to implement the system and to ensure the timely compliance of the ships (2) entitled to fly their flag with the obligation to transmit LRIT information.
1.2  In  addition,  this  note  provides  salient  information  which  would  enable  Companies operating ships which are required to comply with the obligation to transmit LRIT information to ensure the survey and certification of their compliance in a timely manner.

1Contracting Government means a Contracting Government to the International Convention  for the  Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended.

2Ship refers to ships, high-speed craft and mobile offshore drilling units which are required to comply with the  provisions of regulation V/19-1.


02 Related documents

2  Related documents

2.1  This note should always be read  together  with  regulation (1) V/19-1 and the Revised performance  standards  and  functional  requirements  for  the  Long-range  identification  and tracking of ships(2) (Revised performance standards).
2.2  Additional information is provided in:

  1. MSC.1/Circ.1299 on Transitional arrangements and measures for accelerating the completion of the establishment of the LRIT system;

  2. MSC.1/Circ.1296  on  Guidance  on  the  survey  and  certification  of  compliance  of ships with the requirement to transmit LRIT information; 

  3. MSC.1/Circ.1295  on  Guidance  in  relation  to  certain  types  of  ships  which  are required to transmit LRIT information, on exemptions and equivalents and certain operational matters; and

  4. MSC.1/Circ.1297  on  Guidance  to  Search  and  Rescue  services  in  relation  to requesting and receiving LRIT information.

Regulation means a regulation of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended.

2 Adopted by resolution MSC.263(84). 

03 Overview of the LRIT system

3. Overview of the LRIT system

3.1  The LRIT system provides for the global identification and tracking of ships.
3.2  The LRIT system consists of the shipborne LRIT information transmitting equipment, the Communication Service Provider(s), the Application Service Provider(s), the LRIT Data Centre(s), including  any  related  Vessel  Monitoring  System(s),  the  LRIT  Data  Distribution  Plan  and  the International LRIT Data Exchange.  Certain aspects of the performance of the LRIT system are reviewed or audited by an LRIT Coordinator acting on behalf of all Contracting Governments.

3.3  LRIT  information  is  provided  to  Contracting  Governments  and  Search  and  Rescue services1  entitled  to  receive  the  information,  upon  request,  through  a  system  of  National, Regional,  Cooperative  and  International  LRIT  Data  Centres, using where necessary, the International LRIT Data Exchange.
3.4  The obligations of ships to transmit LRIT information and the rights and obligations of Contracting  Governments  and  of  Search  and  Rescue  services  to  receive  LRIT  information  are established in regulation V/19-1.

The term search and rescue service is defined in regulation V/2.5.

04 LRIT Data Centres

4. LRIT Data Centres

4.1 General
4.1.1  Paragraph  15.1  of  the  Revised  performance  standards states that each Administration should decide to which LRIT Data Centre ships entitled  to  fly  its  flag  are  required  to  transmit LRIT information.
4.1.2  Paragraph  16.1  of  the  Revised  performance  standards  states  that  each  Contracting Government should obtain the LRIT information to which it is entitled to under the provisions of  regulation V/19-1, and has requested, from the LRIT Data Centre designated under  paragraph  15.1.    Contracting  Governments  which  have  no  ships  entitled  to  fly  their  flag  may receive the LRIT information they are entitled to under the provisions of regulation V/19-1 from any of the LRIT Data Centres but should select one LRIT Data Centre from which they wish to receive the information and should provide related information to the Organization.
4.1.3  Thus  each  Contracting  Government  should  either  establish  or  participate  in  the establishment  of  an  LRIT  Data  Centre  or  conclude  an  agreement  with  an  LRIT  Data  Centre which is prepared to provide services to it as an LRIT Data Centre.
4.2 National LRIT Data Centre
4.2.1  A  Contracting  Government  establishing  a  National  LRIT  Data  Centre  should  provide relevant details to the Organization as soon as possible and well before 31 December 2008 and thereafter should, without undue delay, update the information provided as and when changes occur.
4.2.2  In addition and in accordance with paragraph 8.3.2 of the Revised performance standards, the  Contracting  Government  establishing  a  National  LRIT  Data  Centre  should,  if  the  centre provides services to Contracting Governments other  than  those  which  established the centre, provide relevant details to the Organization as soon as possible and well before 31 December 2008 and  thereafter  should,  without  undue delay, update the information  provided  as  and  when changes occur.
4.3 Regional or Cooperative LRIT Data Centre
4.3.1  One of the Contracting Governments establishing a Regional or Cooperative LRIT Data Centre  should  provide  relevant  details  to  the  Organization  as  soon  as  possible  and  well  before  31  December  2008  and  thereafter  should,  without  undue  delay,  update  the  information provided as and when changes occur. 4.3.2  In addition and in accordance with paragraph 8.3.2 of the Revised performance standards one of the Contracting Governments establishing a Regional or Cooperative LRIT Data Centre should, if the centre provides services to Contracting Governments other than those which established the centre, provide relevant details to the Organization as soon as possible and well before  31  December  2008  and  thereafter  should,  without  undue  delay,  update  the  information provided as and when changes occur.
4.4 Contracting Governments other than those establishing National, Regional or Cooperative LRIT Data Centres
4.4.1  Contracting Governments other than those establishing National, Regional or Cooperative LRIT  Data  Centres  are  strongly  advised  to  take  action  so  as  to  conclude  an  agreement  with  an LRIT Data Centre as soon as possible and well before 31 December 2008.  Paragraphs 4.4.2  and  5.4.3  below  expand  on  some  of  the  reasons  which  may  delay  or  make  impossible  the conclusion of such agreements.  Paragraph 4.4.4 cites one of the likely adverse consequences of the non identification of the LRIT Data Centre the services of which are to be used may lead to.
4.4.2  Upon  request,  National,  Regional  and  Cooperative  LRIT  Data  Centres  may  provide services  to  Contracting  Governments  other  than  those  establishing  the  centre.   Although paragraph 8.3.1 of the Revised performance standards states that the arrangements for providing such services should be agreed between the LRIT Data Centre and the Contracting Government requesting  the  provision  of  the  services,  such  agreements  may  be  subject  to  the  agreement, approval, acceptance or concurrence of the Contracting Government(s)  establishing  the  centre.   In addition, the LRIT Data Centre would need to put in place and test, before 31 December 2008, the necessary arrangements for providing to the Contracting Government requesting the provision of the services as such arrangements may have implications on the systems of the centre.
4.4.3  Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 8.3.2 of the Revised performance standards Contracting Governments other than those establishing National, Regional or Cooperative LRIT Data Centres should provide to the Organization as soon as possible and well before 31 December 2008 information in relation to the LRIT Data Centre it would be using for obtaining LRIT information and thereafter should, without undue delay, update the information provided as and when changes occur.
4.4.4  Contracting Governments other than those establishing National, Regional or Cooperative LRIT  Data  Centres  are  advised  that  unless  they  provide  to  the  Organization  information  in relation to the LRIT Data Centre they would be using for obtaining LRIT information, their SAR services would be unable to request and receive LRIT information for the search and rescue of persons in distress at sea.
4.5 Settlement of financial obligations
4.5.1  Each  LRIT  Data  Centre  should  settle  its  financial  obligations  vis-à-vis  the  LRIT  Data Centres  which  provide  to  it  LRIT  information  in  a  timely  manner  in  accordance  with  the arrangements they have agreed.

05 Application Service Providers

5. Application Service Providers

5.1 General
5.1.1  Paragraphs 5.1.1 and 5.1.2 of the Revised performance standards state that Contracting Governments should recognize the Application Service Providers (ASPs) providing services  to the LRIT Data Centre and paragraph 5.2 states that Contracting Governments should provide to the Organization a list with the names and contact details of the ASPs they recognize together with any associated conditions of recognition and thereafter should, without undue delay, update the Organization as changes occur.
5.1.2  Contracting Governments should note that in all cases ASPs may require the conclusion of relevant agreement(s) between them and the Contracting Government(s) seeking to recognize them and/or the LRIT Data Centre to which they will be providing services.
5.2 Contracting Governments establishing National LRIT Data Centres
5.2.1  Contracting Governments establishing a National LRIT Data Centre should decide which ASP(s) is to provide the required services to the centre; should recognize them in accordance with their national practice; and should communicate to the Organization the required information as soon as possible and well before 31 December 2008 and thereafter should, without undue delay, update the information provided as and when changes occur.
5.3 Contracting Governments establishing Regional or Cooperative LRIT Data Centres
5.3.1  Paragraph 5.1.2 of the Revised performance standards states that in the case of Regional and Cooperative LRIT Data Centres the arrangements for recognizing the ASP(s) should be agreed amongst the Contracting Governments establishing or participating in the establishment of the centre.
5.3.2  Contracting Governments establishing Regional or Cooperative LRIT Data Centre should decide which ASP(s) are to provide the required services to the centre; should recognize them in accordance with their national practice; and should communicate to the Organization the required information as soon as possible and well before  31  December  2008  and  thereafter  should, without undue delay, update the information provided as and when changes occur.
5.3.3  Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 5.2 of the Revised performance standards which stipulates that each Contracting Government should communicate to the Organization information in relation to the ASPs it recognizes and taking into account that, in accordance with paragraph 8.2 of the Revised performance standards, one of the Contracting Governments establishing Regional or Cooperative LRIT Data Centres should provide relevant details to the Organization and thereafter should, without undue delay, update the information provided as and when changes occur,  in  lieu  of  each  of  the  Contracting  Governments  establishing  Regional or Cooperative LRIT Data Centres communicating individually to the Organization information in relation to the ASPs it recognizes, one of the Contracting Governments establishing such centres may, acting on behalf of the others, communicate to the Organization the relevant information and update the information provided as and when changes occur.
5.4 Contracting Governments other than those establishing National, Regional or Cooperative LRIT Data Centres
5.4.1  Contracting Governments other than those establishing National, Regional or Cooperative LRIT Data Centres should agree with the LRIT Data Centre the services of which they would be using the ASP(s) which is to provide the required services as far as the ships which are entitled to fly their flag.
5.4.2  In accordance with the Revised performance standards the selection of which ASPs are to provide services to an LRIT Data Centre is the prerogative of the Contracting Governments establishing the centre. 5.4.3 Contracting Governments other than those establishing National, Regional or Cooperative LRIT Data Centres should note that they may not be able to require the LRIT Data Centre the services of which they would be using to use an ASP of their choice in cases where such an ASP is not one of the ASP(s) which are recognized by the Contracting Government(s) establishing the centre. In addition, although the centre may be prepared to accommodate such  requests its decision may be subject to the agreement of the Contracting Government(s) establishing the centre.
5.4.4  Contracting Governments other than those establishing National, Regional or Cooperative
LRIT Data Centres, after they have reached an agreement with the LRIT Data Centre the services
of which they would be using in relation to the ASP(s) which is to provide the required services
as far as the ships entitled to fly their flag, should recognize the ASPs in accordance with their
national practice; and should communicate to the Organization the required information as soon
as possible and well before 31 December 2008 and thereafter should, without undue delay,
update the information provided as and when changes occur. The obligation to recognize the ASP(s) and to communicate to the Organization related information is not in any way waived or
altered by the fact that the ASP(s) may be the same as those recognized by the Contracting
Government(s) establishing the centre.

06 Communication Service Providers

6. Communication Service Providers

6.1 General
6.1.1  Contracting Governments are not required to recognize the Communication Service Provider(s) (CSPs) or to communicate to the Organization any information relating to the CSPs which are handling the LRIT information transmitted by ships entitled to fly their flag.

6.1.2  Contracting Government should note that although the provisions  of  the  Revised performance standards do not expressly state so, as the CSPs provide the communication services which link the shipborne equipment transmitting LRIT information with the ASPs, the CSPs need to be able to interface with the system used by the ASPs in providing the required services and thus is a matter to be decided by the ASPs.

07 Administrations

7. Administrations

7.1 General
7.1.1 Administrations should, as soon as possible and well before 31 December 2008, provide to:

  1. Companies and owners of ships entitled to fly their flag relevant guidance on all pertinent  LRIT-related matters and in particular  information in relation to the LRIT  Data  Centre  to  which  ships  should  transmit  LRIT  information,  the ASPs they have recognized within the framework of the Revised performance standards, the ASPs they have authorized to carry out conformance tests and the survey and certification of the compliance of ships with the provisions of regulation V/19-1 and the Revised performance standards; and

  2. Recognized Organizations which may be authorized to survey and certify the compliance of  the ships entitled to fly their flag with the requirements of regulation V/19-1 and the Revised  performance standards, relevant instructions including information in relation to the ASPs they have recognized,

and thereafter should, without undue delay, update the information provided.

7.1.2  Administrations should, as soon as possible and well before 31 December 2008, provide to the LRIT Data Centre they have decided to use the information specified in paragraph 15.2 of the Revised performance standards in relation to the ships which are entitled to fly their flag.  However, in doing so Administrations should note that in simplified terms regulation V/19-1.4.1 specifies that ships constructed on or after 31 December 2008 shall transmit LRIT information as from the date they enter service and for ships constructed before 31 December 2008 provides a phased-in implementation schedule which is dependent, inter alia, on the date on which the first survey of the radio installation of the ship becomes due after 31 December 2008 and in the case of ships  which operate exclusively in sea area A4 after1 July 2009. Thus for ships constructed before 31 December 2008:

  1.  other  than  those  operating  exclusively within sea area A4, the  phased-in implementation would end on 31 December 2009. However, in such cases if the Contracting Government is also a State Party to the 1988 SOLAS Protocol the phased in implementation would end on 31 March 2010; and
  2. operating exclusively  within sea area  A4, the phased-in implementation would end on 1 July 2010. However, in such cases if the Contracting Government is also a  State  Party to the  1988  SOLAS Protocol the phased-in  implementation would end on 1 October 2010.  As a result, for ships constructed before 31 December 2008, Administrations may opt, subject to the arrangements to be agreed with the LRIT Data Centre concerned, to provide the information specified in paragraph 15.2 of the Revised performance standards in stages at agreed periodical intervals which ensure that the centre is provided with  the information in a timely manner.  During the initial implementation of the LRIT system such an arrangement may prove to be beneficial for the Administration and the centre concerned especially if a large number of ships are involved or ships are likely to be transferred to the flag of another Contracting Government or another State during the period of the phased-in implementation.
7.1.3  Subject to the provisions of paragraph, Administrations are advised to provide the information specified in paragraph 15.2 of the Revised performance standards to the ASPs they recognize within the framework of the Revised performance standards, and to the  ASPs  they have authorized to carry out conformance tests. The ASPs, in order to provide the required services, may require additional information for example the shipborne equipment identifier for each of  the  ships which will be transmitting  LRIT information through them to an LRIT  Data Centre or other technical details of the shipborne equipment to be used for the transmission of LRIT  information.    In  such cases the Administration should either provide the required information or should direct Companies operating ships entitled to fly its flag to provide to the ASPs the relevant information.
7.1.4  Administrations should comply at all times with the provisions of paragraphs 15.3 to 15.5 of the Revised performance standards and should communicate to the LRIT Data Centre and to ASPs concerned the related information in a timely manner.
7.1.5  The communication of information by an Administration to Recognized Organizations acting  on its behalf in relation to matters which fall within the scope of the provisions of paragraphs 15.3 to  15.5 of the Revised performance standards is outside the scope of this guidance and remains subject  to the arrangements agreed between the Administration and the Recognized Organizations concerned.

7.1.6  Administrations should provide to Recognized Organizations acting on its behalf relevant instructions in relation to the survey and certification of ships which are entitled to fly their flag.
Transfer of flag
7.2.1  Contracting Governments should have in place  directions to Companies which plan to transfer a ship they operate to its flag which ensure  hat they are promptly advised by  the Companies concerned when a ship is to be transferred.  In such cases the Contracting Government concerned should provide to the LRIT Data Centre and to the ASP concerned the information specified in paragraphs 15.2 and 15.4 of the Revised performance standards in a timely manner so as to enable the integration of the ship into the LRIT system and the survey and certification of its compliance.
7.2.2  Administrations should have in place directions to Companies operating ships entitled to fly their flag which ensure that they are promptly advised by Companies when a ship entitled to fly their flag is to be transferred to the flag of another Contracting Government or another State or when the ship is to be taken permanently out of service.  In such cases the Administration concerned should promptly provide to the LRIT Data Centre and to the ASP concerned the information specified in paragraph 15.5 of  the Revised performance standards.  In cases where a ship is to be transferred to the flag of another Contracting Government, the  Administration concerned should promptly  issue the required direction so as to ensure the timely  decommissioning of  the shipborne equipment and thus enable the ship concerned to commence transmitting LRIT information to the LRIT Data Centre which has been identified by the Contracting Government whose flag the ship will be entitled to fly.

08 Contracting Governments

8. Contracting Governments

8.1 Communication of information to the Organization
8.1.1  Contracting Governments should, as soon as possible and well before 31 December 2008, communicate  to  the  Organization  and  enter  into  the  LRIT  Data  Distribution  Plan  the  required information so as to enable the establishment and operation of the LRIT system and thereafter should, without undue delay, update the information provided as and when changes occur so as to enable the continuous efficient functioning of the LRIT system.  The  information to be communicated to the Organization are those specified in regulation  V/19-1.8.2 and paragraphs 5.2, 8.1 or 8.2, 8.3.2, 11.2 and 16.1.1 of  the Revised performance standards. However, the information required in paragraphs 11.2.2 of the Revised performance standards should be entered in the LRIT Data Distribution Plan either manually or by uploading the relevant files in GML format as specified in the Technical specifications for the LRIT Data Distribution Plan.

8.1.2  Contracting Governments should, as soon as possible and well before 31 December 2008, communicate to the Organization a list with the names and contact details of the authorized testing ASPs 1 together with any associated conditions of authorization and thereafter should, without undue delay, update the Organization as changes occur.

8.1.3  Subject to the provisions of the statutes of the Contracting Government concerned all communications of information to the Organization should originate from the Head of the Ministry or Department of Foreign or External Affairs or equivalent; or the Head of the Ministry or Department  of  Transport or Communications or equivalent if under the statutes of the Contracting Government  concern is designated as the competent or appropriate authority for matters relating to the Convention 2 ; or the Head of the Ministry or Department or Agency which under the statutes of  the  Contracting Government concern is designated as the competent or appropriate authority for matters relating to the Convention, or by the Diplomatic Mission of the State concerned based in the United  Kingdom or accredited to the Government of theUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern  Ireland; or by the Permanent Mission of the Member State concerned to Organization, if such a mission exists.

8.1.4  All communications of information should be addressed and send to:
The Secretary-General
International Maritime Organization 4 Albert Embankment
London SE1 7SR
United Kingdom
Facsimile number:  + 44 20 7587 3210

E-mail address:  info@imo.org   (with copy to e-mail address : LRIT@imo.org)
8.1.5  The communication of information may be in the form of a signed and sealed letter or in case it originates from Ministry or Department of Foreign or External Affairs or equivalent or a Diplomatic or Permanent Mission it may be in the form of a note verbale.
  Subject to the practice of the Contracting Government concerned in relation to communicating information to the Organization or the Secretary-General in his capacity as the Depository  for  Convention, the communication of information should follow as much as is practically possible the models provided in the Appendix 1.
8.1.7  In addition, Contracting Governments should update the information they communicated to  the Organization pursuant to the provisions of regulation  XI-2/13  and  the  information  they have  provided in response to COMSAR/Circ.27 on Data format for new SAR.2 and SAR.3 circulars concerning information on current availability of SAR services, or in case they have not provided such information to do so.

8.1.8  The Contracting Governments have agreed that the LRIT system should use simplified geographical areas 3 when processing requests for the provision of LRIT information pursuant to the provisions of regulation V/19-1.8.1.  The agreed caveats to be posted on the LRIT Data Distribution Plan are set out in the Appendix 2.

8.2 Instructions to LRIT Data Centres in relation to the LRIT information requested
8.2.1  Contracting Governments should as soon as possible and well before 31 December 2008, provide to the LRIT Data Centres  they  are establishing or the services of which they will be using instructions in relation to the LRIT information they wish to receive taking into account the provisions of regulation V/19-1.8.1 and paragraphs 16.2 to16.4 of the Revised  performance standards and thereafter should update the instructions as the need arises.

8.3 Settlement of financial obligations
8.3.1  Each Contracting Government should settle its financial obligations vis-à-vis the LRIT Data Centres which provide to it LRIT information in a timely manner in accordance with the arrangements they have agreed.
8.3.2  Contracting Governments should use the designated national point(s) of contact for LRIT-related matters communicated to the Organization, as the first point of contact when initiating  discussions with a view to concluding relevant agreements with other Contracting Governments in relation to the settlement of financial obligations.

1    Refer to MSC.1/Circ.1296  on  Guidance  on the survey and  certification of compliance of ships  with the  requirement to transmit LRIT information

2  Convention means a Contracting Government to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended
3  The related guidance and associated constraints are specified in section 5 of part I of the Technical specifications for  the  LRIT  Data  Distribution  Plan  which  are  set  out  in  the  annex  to MSC.1/Circ.1259  on  Interim  revised technical specifications for the LRIT system.

09 Companies

9. Companies

9.1 Survey and certification of compliance of ships
9.1.1  Companies, with a view to ensuring the timely compliance of the ships they operate with the provisions of regulation V/19-1, should make the necessary arrangements for the conduct of the conformance tests set out in MSC.1/Circ.1296 on Guidance on the survey and certification of compliance of ships with the requirement to transmit LRIT information well ahead of the date on which the survey of the radio installation, which determines the date on which the ship is required to comply with the provisions of regulation V/19-1, becomes due.
9.1.2  Such an approach would enable the Companies to identify whether the shipborne equipment  is capable of transmitting LRIT information and if not to make the necessary arrangements for the rectification of any hardware or software deficiencies.
9.1.3  The conformance tests should be conducted by the ASPs which the Administration has recognized within the framework of the Revised performance standards and through which the ship  will be transmitting  LRIT information to the LRIT Data Centre identified by the Administration or the ASPs they have authorized to carry out conformance tests.

9.2 Transfer of flag
9.2.1  When a ship operated by the Company is to be transferred to the flag of another Contracting Government, the Company should:

  1. promptly provide to the Administration the information specified in paragraph 15.5 of the  Revised performance standards so as to enable  the Administration to provide to the LRIT  Data  Centre  and  the  ASP  the  required information in a timely manner;

  2. promptly provide to the Contracting Government to whose flag the ship would be transferred the information specified in paragraphs 15.2 and 15.3 of the Revised performance standards so as to enable the Contracting Government to provide to the LRIT Data Centre and the ASP the required information in a timely manner; and

  3. settle all outstanding or pending matters so as to enable the timely decommissioning of  the  shipborne equipment and enable the ship concerned to commence transmitting LRIT  information to the LRIT Data Centre which has been identified by the Contracting  Government whose flag the  hip will be entitled to fly.

9.2.2  When a ship operated by the Company is to be transferred to the flag of another State or when the ship is to be taken permanently out of service, the Company should promptly provide to the  Administration the information the Administration has specified so as to enable the Administration  concerned to provide to the LRIT Data Centre and the AS the required information in a timely manner.

10 Port State Notice of Arrival

10. Port State Notice of Arrival

10.1  Administrations wishing to engage in verifications of Notices of Arrival tendered by ships entitled to fly their flag to a port State in order to enable the port State concerned to initiate the process of tracking a specific ship proceeding to its port, should instruct the ships entitled to fly their flag to transmit a copy of the Notice of Arrival they tender to a port State to the LRIT Data Centre to which the ship is transmitting LRIT information. In this manner it would be up to each Administration, if it so wished, to validate the requests of any Contracting Government for the provision of LRIT information as a port State.

11 Ship not transmitting due to outside failure of the LRIT system

11. Ship not transmitting due to outside failure of the LRIT system

11.1  When the LRIT information transmitted by a ship cannot be received by those entitled to receive such information, for example a Contracting Government as a port State, due to a failure or a situation outside the control of the ship, for example:

  1. due to a failure of the CSP or the ASP or of the LRIT Data Centre; or

  2. because the Administration has not made the/any necessary arrangements; or

  3. because the LRIT Data Centre to which the ship is transmitting LRIT information is declining to provide the requested LRIT information to the LRIT Data Centre it is requesting them due to their financial disputes, in view of the fact that the failure or the situation is outside of the control of the ship, Contracting Governments should not impose sanctions on the ship because they are unable to receive LRIT information transmitted by the ship.

11.2  As matters are beyond the control of the ship, no grounds arise for either delaying or detaining  the ship pursuant to the provisions of  regulations I/19 and V/16 as long as the Conformance test report and related radio certificate are valid. However, it is possible that a Contracting Government, unaware of the circumstances, might decide to impose control measures or steps pursuant to regulation XI-2/9. To avoid such action it would be advisable for the ship to notify the port State of the situation. However, for doing so the ship needs to be made aware of the failure of the system or the circumstances involved. Those causing the failure of the system or those involved in the  prevailing situation should advise the ship accordingly if the duration of the failure is expected to exceed, for example 6 hours, and when the ship was being polled or is providing information on  demand. Administrations should consider the issue and determine the maximum duration of such failure beyond which the ship would need to inform the Contracting Governments concerned.
11.3  The question of imposition of any sanctions under the laws of the Contracting Government  is  an internal issue for the Contracting Government concerned. However, it is expected that Contracting Governments concerned should show a reasonable understanding of the circumstances.

12 Ship undergoing repairs, modifications or conversions....

12  Ship undergoing repairs, modifications or  conversions in dry-dock or in port or laid up for a long period

12.1  Paragraph 4.4.1 of the Revised performance standards provides that when a ship is undergoing  repairs,  modifications  or conversions in dry-dock or in port or is laid up for a long period, the  master or the  Administration may reduce the frequency of  the transmission LRIT information to one  transmission every 24-hour period, or may temporarily stop the transmission of such information.
12.2  Administrations should issue instructions to masters of ships entitled to fly their flag in relation  whether they are authorized, and if so under what circumstances and on how they are able, to  reduce, pursuant to the provisions  of paragraph 4.4.1 of the Revised performance standards, the frequency of the transmission  LRIT information or to temporarily stop the transmission of such information when a ship is undergoing repairs, modifications or conversions in dry-dock or in port or is laid up for a long period.
12.3  It should be noted that, depending on the duration of the suspension of the transmission of  LRIT  information, the apparent savings to be realized may be less than the cost and charges incurred as a result of consequence in terms of communication services.
12.4  It is highly advisable that, instead of suspending the transmission of LRIT information, to reduce the transmission rate to one every 24 hours and thus also leave the ship integrated in the LRIT system.

Appendix 1 Model of letter

Model of letter 
For communication of information

Guidance note


  1. The model letter provided below has been developed for use by Contracting Governments establishing National LRIT Data Centres.

  2. Contracting Governments establishing Regional or Cooperative LRIT Data Centres may modify accordingly the model letter provided below and should consult with the Secretariat to this end

  3. The part of model letter provided below relating to the communication of information in relation to authorized testing ASPs may be in a separate communication and the model may be used by all Contracting Governments irrespective of the LRIT Data Centre they will be establishing or using.

  4. Contracting Governments not establishing LRIT Data Centres but using the services of centres established by other Contracting Governments may modify accordingly the model provided below and should consult with the Secretariat to this end.

  5. Contracting Governments may opt to communicate in the first instance the names and contact details of the designated national point of contact for communications in relation to matters pertaining to LRIT-related matters and of his/her alternates, if any. In such cases, the designated national point of contact should communicate the rest of the required information using the model provided below by modifying it accordingly and before doing so should consult with the Secretariat.

  6. Contracting Governments are advised that the designated national point of contact would be issued with the required user name and password for access to the LRIT Data Distribution Plan and would be able to activate at any time thereafter the part of the plan which pursuant to the provisions of regulation V/19-1.9.1 would indicate to all Contracting Governments that the Contracting Government who has designate him/her as the national point of contact has decided that LRIT information about ships entitled to fly its flag shall not be provided pursuant to the provisions of regulation V/19- to one or several of the Contracting Governments. It would also be able, at any time thereafter, to amend, suspend or annul such actions. It is the responsibility of the Contracting Governments to issue appropriate instructions in this respect to those they would be designating as national points of contact and to monitor and supervise their action.

  7. Contracting Governments should consult with the Secretariat as far as the communication of information in relation to non-metropolitan territories to which the application of the Convention has been extend or special administrative regions in which the Convention applies.

Model letter

<insert date>
The Secretary-General
International Maritime Organization
4 Albert Embankment
London SE1 7SR
United Kingdom
Your Excellency,
I  have the honour to refer to the provisions of regulation V/19-1 of the International
Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended, on Long-range identification and
tracking  of  ships, and to the provisions of the Revised performance standards and functional
requirements  for the long-range identification and tracking of ships adopted by resolution
MSC.263(84) and I wish to inform you that the Government of  <insert name of State> has
designated as the national point of contact for communications in relation to matters pertaining to
long-range identification and tracking of ships:
<insert title, first name and family name or surname of official>
<insert position or functional title>
<insert ministry, department, agency, authority or organization where is employed>
<insert office address>
<insert postal address, if other than office address>
Telephone number:  <insert country code, area code and number>
[Outside office hours][Mobile] telephone number: <insert country code, area code and number>
Facsimile number:  <insert country code, area code and number>
E-mail address: <insert address>
[and  as  the  alternate  national  point of contact for  communications  in  relation  to  matters
pertaining to long-range identification and tracking of ships:
<insert title, first name and family name or surname of official>
<insert position or functional title>
<insert ministry, department, agency, authority or organization where is employed>
<insert office address>
<insert postal address, if other than office address>

Office telephone number:  <insert country code, area code and number>
[Outside office hours][Mobile] telephone number: <insert country code, area code and number>
Facsimile number:   <insert country code, area code and number>
E-mail address: <insert address>]
The aforesaid official(s) [has][have] been duly authorized to communicate all further information
required [, including the names and contact details of any official(s) who may be appointed as
their successor(s)].

The Government of  <insert name of State>  has decided to establish a National LRIT
Data Centre [, which will be operated on behalf of the Government of <insert name of State> by
<insert the registered name of the legal entity which has been contracted to establish and
operate the LRIT Data Centre>,].
  The contact details of centre are:
<insert address of the centre or the operator>
<insert postal address, if other than the address provided above>
Telephone number: <insert country code, area code and number>
24-hour telephone number1: <insert country code, area code and number>
Facsimile number: <insert country code, area code and number>
E-mail address: <insert address>
URI: <insert Uniform Resource Identifier>

The person in charge of the aforesaid centre is:
<insert title, first name and family name or surname>
<insert position or functional title>

Telephone number: <insert country code, area code and number>
Facsimile number: <insert country code, area code and number>
E-mail address: <insert address>
 [The Government of  <insert name of State> has agreed that its National LRIT Data
Centre will be also providing services to the Government (s) of <insert names of State to which
the LRIT Data Centre will be providing services>.]3 

The Government of  <insert name of State> has recognized as Application Service
Provider working with its National LRIT Data Centre:
<insert registered name of recognized Application Service Provider>
<insert office address>
<insert postal address, if other than office address>
Telephone number: <insert country code, area code and number>
24-hour telephone number2: <insert country code, area code and number>
Facsimile number: <insert country code, area code and number>
E-mail address: <insert address>
under the following conditions <insert conditions under which the recognition has been granted e.g., conditions which the Application Service Provider which is required to meet and which need to be known by other Contracting Government and information on whether it is authorized to conduct conformance testing only and submit its results for the issue of the related Conformance test report by the Government of <insert name of State> or to conduct conformance testing and issue the related Conformance test reports on behalf of the Government of <insert name of State>>. 

I have [also] the honour to refer to the provisions MSC.1/Circ.1296 on Guidance on the
survey and certification of compliance of ships with the requirement to transmit LRIT information
and I wish to inform you that the Government of  <insert name of State> has authorized the
following  as  Application  Service  Providers to act on its behalf as testing Application Service
Providers as defined in aforesaid circular:
{for each authorized testing Application Service Provider please provide the following information}

<insert registered name of authorized testing Application Service Provider>
<insert office address>
<insert postal address, if other than office address>
Telephone number: <insert country code, area code and number>
24-hour telephone number12: <insert country code, area code and number>
Facsimile number: <insert country code, area code and number>
E-mail address: <insert address>
under  the  following  conditions  <insert conditions under which the authorization has been
granted, e.g., to conduct conformance testing only and submit its results for the issue of the
related Conformance test report by the Government of <insert name of State> or to conduct
conformance testing and issue the related Conformance test reports on behalf of the Government
of <insert name of State>>.

<signature and official seal (if necessary)>
<insert title, first name and family name or surname of official>
<insert position or functional title>

1   If other than the telephone number. 
2  Refer to paragraphs 8.3.2 and 16.1.1 of the Revised Performance standards. 
3   If other than the telephone number.

Appendix 2 Caveats to be posted on the lrit data

Caveats to be posted on the lrit data

The  Contracting  Governments  to  the  International  Convention  for  the  Safety  of  Life  at Sea, 1974 as amended (the Convention) have agreed, solely for the convenience and the efficient functioning of the LRIT system and in order to enable the provision of the LRIT information they are  entitled  to  request  and  receive,  that,  in  lieu  of  providing  precise  geographical  coordinate points defining waters landward of the baselines and/or the territorial sea they have established in accordance with international law, to provide instead simplified approximations of waters on the landward side of the baselines which are navigated by ships which are required to comply with the  provisions  of  regulation  V/19-1  of  the  Convention  and  of  the  territorial  sea  and  of  their coastlines.
The geographical information provided in the LRIT Data Distribution Plan are unilateral declarations  of the Contracting Governments to the Convention (Contracting Governments) concerned and have been entered or uploaded by Contracting Governments themselves or have been entered or uploaded by the Secretariat on the expressed request of the Contracting Government concerned.
The geographical information so provided does not imply  ny right or obligation of individual Contracting Government other than for the sole purpose of complying with provisions of regulation V/19-1 of the Convention. Their use by the LRIT system does not constitute any form of recognition or acceptance by the other Contracting Governments.
The geographical information provided shall not be interpreted or considered as supporting or prejudicing the position of Contracting Governments in relation to land or maritime claims or land or maritime sovereignty disputes.
The Contracting Governments have further agreed that none of the data or information provided in relation to the geographical areas defined in the LRIT Data Distribution Plan shall prejudice  the  rights, \jurisdiction or obligations of States under international law, in particular relating to, the continental shelf, the legal regimes of the high seas, the exclusive economic zone, the contiguous  zone, the territorial seas, internal waters or the straits used for international navigation and archipelagic sea lanes.
The International Maritime Organization is making available through the LRIT  Data Distribution Plan server the geographical information provided by the Contracting Government at their request and this does not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the  International Maritime Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.

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