Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

1171 Closure Of Inmarsat-E Services By Inmarsat Ltd.
Geldigheid:23-05-2005 t/m Status: Geldig vandaag

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.

Ref. T2-OSS/1.4                                                                                                        MSC/Circ.1171

23 May 2005



1          TheSub-CommitteeonRadiocommunicationsandSearchandRescue(COMSAR),atits ninth  session  (7  to  11  February  2005),  noted  that  MSC  79  in  December  2004  had  agreed,  in principle,  based  upon  a  realistic  analysis  of  the  comprehensive  information  received  from InmarsatLtd.onthefutureviabilityoftheInmarsatL-bandEPIRBsystem,withtheconclusion of  IMSO  that  there  was  no  reasonable  justification  for  requiring  Inmarsat  Ltd.  to  make  the considerableinvestmentneededtoensurecontinuedprovisionoftheInmarsat-Eservicebeyond 1 December2006,andhadalsoagreedthattheserviceshouldbeclosedonthatdate,subjectto thecommitmentsgivenbythecompany.   COMSAR9furthernotedthataccordingly,MSC79 hadalsorequestedIMSOtooverseetheorderlyclosureoftheInmarsat-Eservice,ensuringthat no  existing  registered  L-band  EPIRB  users  were  left  without  equivalent  EPIRB  cover  at  any time.


2          The  Maritime  Safety  Committee  (MSC),  at  its  eightieth  session  (11  to  20  May  2005), following  the  recommendation  of  COMSAR  9  and  recognizing  the  importance  of  additional information,  agreed  to  circulate  the  additional  information  on  closure  of  Inmarsat-E  services, givenatannex.


3          MemberGovernmentsareinvitedtobringtheannexedinformationtotheattentionofall parties concerned.






Annex Additional Information On Closure Of Inmarsat-E Services By Inmarsat Ltd.

1          After   in   depth   consultations   between   the   IMSO   Secretariat   and   the   company, Inmarsat Ltd.   has   advised   IMSO   that   it   will   close   the   L-Band   EPIRB   service   as   from 1 December 2006, with the followingcommitments:


.1         all  existing  registered  users  of  L-Band  EPIRBs  will  receive  a  replacement 406 MHz EPIRB with GPS capability free of charge;


.2         this replacement programme will be carried out during 2006;


.3         using   its   comprehensive   registration   database,  Inmarsat  Ltd.  will  notify  all existing registered L-Band EPIRB users accordingly before 1 December 2005;


.4         thereplacementprogrammewilladdressallregisteredusersofL-BandEPIRBs, including  leisure  users,  not  just  those  within  the  1974  SOLAS  Convention,  as amended.  EPIRBs will be replaced on an equivalent "like-for-like" basis; and


.5         no   existing   registered   L-Band   EPIRB   users   will   therefore   be   left   without equivalent EPIRB cover.


2          The orderly closure of the Inmarsat-E service will be overseen by IMSO.

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