Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

1139 - Conditions Applicable To Propulsion Control Automation Systems Of Ships Built After 1 July 1986, But Before 1 July 2004
Geldigheid:15-12-2004 t/m Status: Geldig vandaag

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.




Ref. T4/3.01                                                                                                               MSC/Circ.1139

                                                                                                                                    15 December 2004


1          The      Maritime       Safety      Committee       (MSC),     at      its      seventy-ninth        session (1to10December2004),recalledthat,atitsseventy-sixthsession,ithadadopted,byresolution MSC.134(76),amendmentstoSOLASregulationII-1/31,prescribingfunctionalrequirementsfor automated propulsion control systems.  The amendments entered into force on 1 July 2004.


2          RegulationII-1/31,becauseofitslocationinSOLASchapter II-1,appliestoallshipsthe keelsofwhicharelaidafter1 July 1986.   However,theCommitteeagreedthatitwasnotthe intentiontoapplythisregulationtoshipsalreadyinservice(constructedbefore1July2004).  The Committee,therefore,clarifiedthatregulation31.2.10ofpart Cofchapter II-1ofSOLASshould only apply to ships constructed on or after 1 July 2004.


3          TheCommitteenotedthatdraftSOLASamendmentstothateffecthadbeencirculatedby circular  letter  No.2592  of  28  October  2004,  following  a  request  by  the  United  Kingdom,  for consideration with a view to adoption at MSC 80 in May 2005.


4          MemberGovernmentsareinvitedtobringtheaboveinformationtotheattentionofallparties concerned.


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