Ref. T2-MSS/2.11.1 MSC/Circ.1155
23 May 2005
1 The Maritime Safety Committee (the Committee), at its seventy-eighth session (12 to 21 May2004),instructedtheSub-CommitteeonRadiocommunicationsandSearchandRescue (COMSARSub-Committee)toconsiderquestionsrelatingtothemessagepriorityandthetesting
of ship security alert systems and to develop, if necessary, guidance to this end.
2 TheCOMSARSub-Committee,atitsninthsession(7to11February2005),considered the matter and submitted its recommendations on the issue to the Committee.
3 The Committee, at its eightieth session (11 to 20 May 2005), considered the recommendationoftheCOMSARSub-CommitteeandapprovedtheGuidanceonthemessage priority and the testing ofship security alert systems (the Guidance), as set out at annex.
4 SOLASContractingGovernmentsareinvitedtobringtheGuidancetotheattentionofall parties concerned with matters relating with ship security alerts and systems.
5 SOLAS Contracting Governments, international organizations and non-governmental organizationswithconsultativestatus whichencounterdifficultieswiththeimplementationof the Guidanceshouldbring,attheearliestopportunity,themattertotheattentionoftheCommittee
for consideration of the issues involved and decision on the actions to be taken.