Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

1127 - Early Implementation Of Amendment To Solas Regulation iii/ Adopted By Resolution Msc.152(78)
Geldigheid:15-12-2004 t/m Status: Geldig vandaag

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.


Ref. T4/3.01                                                                                                               MSC/Circ.1127

15 December 2004


1          The  Maritime  Safety  Committee,  at  its  seventy-eighth  session  (12  to  21  May  2004), noting  the  urgent  need  to  give  effect  to  measures  to  prevent  accidents  with  lifeboats  and, in particular,toreducepersonalinjuriesresultingfromsuchaccidents,adoptedanamendmentto SOLASregulationIII/ of  launching  during  abandon  ship  drills.   The  amendment  is  not  scheduled  to  enter  into  force until 1 July 2006.


2          Recognizingtheeffectofthisamendmentinimprovingtheoccupationalhealthandsafety of  seafarers  and,  thus,  the  importance  of  avoiding  delays  in  relation  to  this  matter,  the Committee,   at   its   seventy-ninth   session   (1   to   10   December   2004),   urged   Contracting Governments to the 1974 SOLAS Convention to implement the amendment prior to its scheduled date  of  entry  into  force.         The  Committee  further  urged  Contracting  Governments  to  provide appropriate  documentation  for  ships  flying  their  flag  to  which  such  early  implementation  has been granted and port States to accept such early implementation.


3          The  Committee  also  urged  Contracting  Governments,  ship  masters  and  shipowners  to take  care  that  ship's  crew  are  not  exposed  to  new  or  additional  risks  in  accessing  or  exiting lifeboats  once  they  are  deployed/recovered  unmanned,  and  that  a  safe  means  of  access  is provided.


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