Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

568 Required boarding arrangements for pilots
Geldigheid:23-02-1995 t/m Status: Geldig vandaag

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.


Required boarding arrangements for pilots

1 The Maritime Safety Committee, at its sixty-second session (24 May to 28 May 1993), noting a report by IMPA (MSC 62/21/3) on the continued rate of accidents to pilots while using pilot hoists, instructed the Sub-Committee on Life-Saving, Search and Rescue (LSR) to consider the matter and recommend as appropriate.

2 At its sixty-fourth session (5 to 9 December 1994), the Committee concurred in the recommendation of the twenty-fifth session of the LSR Sub-Committee and approved a revision of the poster attached to MSC/Circ.568 concerning use of pilot hoists.

3 The Committee, in view of the fact that the minimum distance between the nearer side ropes of the pilot hoist and the pilot ladder rigged in accordance with SOLAS regulation V/17(f)(v) is at least 1.4 m, rendering transfer from the pilot hoist to the ladder impracticable, agreed that a pilot ladder combined with an accommodation ladder is the safest method of embarking or disembarking a pilot on ships with high freeboards and that a pilot hoist should only be used following agreement between the master and the pilot.

4 Member Governments are requested to bring the revised poster and the above recommendation to the attention of their pilots, seafarers, shipowners, ship operators and others concerned with pilot boarding arrangements.

1 The Maritime Safety Committee at its fifty-ninth session (13 to 24 May 1991) approved the attached poster on "Required boarding arrangements for pilots" for circulation to Member Governments (MSC 59/33, paragraph 12.4).

2 Member Governments are requested to bring the poster to the attention of their pilots, seafarers, shipowners and others concerned with pilot boarding arrangements.
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