Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

755 United States Caribbean sea emission control area under MARPOL Annex VI
Geldigheid:02-11-2011 t/m Status: Geldig vandaag

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.

Information on the United States Caribbean sea emission control area under MARPOL Annex VI

  1. The Marine Environment Protection Committee, at its sixty-second session (11 to 15 July 2011), adopted, by resolution MEPC.202(62), amendments to MARPOL Annex VI to designate the United States Caribbean Sea Emission Control Area for NOx, SOx and particulate matter (amendments to regulations 13, 14 and Appendix VII).

  2. MEPC 62 agreed to circulate information on the United States Caribbean Sea Emission Control Area (ECA) and requested the Secretariat to disseminate the information as an MEPC Circular (MEPC 62/24, paragraph 6.37.7).

  3. Appendix VII to MARPOL Annex VI contains the definition and boundaries with the full coordinates of the United States Caribbean Sea ECA, which is based on the "North American Datum of 1983/World Geodetic System 1984 (NAD83/WGS84)". Diagrams showing the geographical distribution of the United States Caribbean Sea ECA are set out in annex 1 to this circular, and the full list of coordinates may be found in annex 2 to this circular.

  4. The above amendments are expected to enter into force on 1 January 2013, upon their deemed acceptance on 1 July 2012.

  5. In accordance with the provisions of regulation 14.7 of MARPOL Annex VI, the requirements within the United States Caribbean Sea ECA for SOx and particulate matter will be effective on 1 January 2014.

  6. While ships are operating in the United States Caribbean Sea ECA, the sulphur content of fuel oil used on board ships shall not exceed 1.00% m/m on and after 1 January 2014, and 0.10% m/m on and after 1 January 2015. For ships, built on or before 1 August 2011, that are powered by propulsion boilers that were not originally designed for continued operation on marine distillate fuel or natural gas, the above sulphur requirements may not be applied prior to 1 January 2020 (regulation 14.4.4 of MARPOL Annex VI).

  7. Ships constructed on or after 1 January 2016 shall comply with the NOx emission limits specified in regulation, when operating within the United States Caribbean Sea ECA.

  8. Member Governments are invited to bring this circular to the attention of their Administrations, relevant shipping organizations, recognized organizations, shipping companies and other stakeholders concerned.

Annex 1 Geographical distribution

Annex 1 - Geographical distribution of the United States Caribbean sea emission control area

Note: The points correspond to the list of coordinates in annex 2.

Annex 2 List of coordinates

Annex 2 - List of coordinates for the United States Caribbean sea emission control area

The United States Caribbean Sea area includes the sea area located off the Atlantic and Caribbean coasts of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the United States Virgin Islands, enclosed by geodesic lines connecting the following coordinates: 

117º 18' 37" N.67º 32' 14" W.2918º 21' 57" N.64º 40' 60" W.
219º 11' 14" N.67º 26' 45" W.3018º 21' 51" N.64º 40' 15" W.
319º 30' 28" N.65º 16' 48" W.3118º 21' 22" N.64º 38' 16" W.
419º 12' 25" N.65º 6' 8" W.3218º 20' 39" N.64º 38' 33" W.
518º 45' 13" N.65º 0' 22" W.3318º 19' 15" N.64º 38' 14" W.
618º 41' 14" N.64º 59' 33" W.3418º 19' 7" N.64º 38' 16" W.
718º 29' 22" N.64º 53' 51" W.3518º 17' 23" N.64º 39' 38" W.
818º 27' 35" N.64º 53' 22" W.3618º 16' 43" N.64º 39' 41" W.
918º 25' 21" N.64º 52' 39" W.3718º 11' 33" N.64º 38' 58" W.
1018º 24' 30" N.64º 52' 19" W.3818º 3' 2" N.64º 38' 3" W.
1118º 23' 51" N.64º 51' 50" W.3918º 2' 56" N.64º 29' 35" W.
1218º 23' 42" N.64º 51' 23" W.4018º 2' 51" N.64º 27' 2" W.
1318º 23' 36" N.64º 50' 17" W.4118º 2' 30" N.64º 21' 8" W.
1418º 23' 48" N.64º 49' 41" W.4218º 2' 31" N.64º 20' 8" W.
1518º 24' 11" N.64º 49' 0" W.4318º 2' 3" N.64º 15' 57" W.
1618º 24' 28" N.64º 47' 57" W.4418º 0' 12" N.64º 2' 29" W.
1718º 24' 18" N.64º 47' 1" W.4517º 59' 58" N.64º 1' 4" W.
1818º 23' 13" N.64º 46' 37" W.4617º 58' 47" N.63º 57' 1" W.
1918º 22' 37" N.64º 45' 20" W.4717º 57' 51" N.63º 53' 54" W.
2018º 22' 39" N.64º 44' 42" W.4817º 56' 38" N.63º 53' 21" W.
2118º 22' 42" N.64º 44' 36" W.4917º 39' 40" N.63º 54' 53" W.
2218º 22' 37" N.64º 44' 24" W.5017º 37' 8" N.63º 55' 10" W.
2318º 22' 39" N.64º 43' 42" W.5117º 30' 21" N.63º 55' 56" W.
2418º 22' 30" N.64º 43' 36" W.5217º 11' 36" N.63º 57' 57" W.
2518º 22' 25" N.64º 42' 58" W.5317º 4' 60" N.63º 58' 41" W.
2618º 22' 26" N.64º 42' 28" W.5416º 59' 49" N.63º 59' 18" W.
2718º 22' 15" N.64º 42' 3" W.5517º 18' 37" N.67º 32' 14" W.
2818º 22' 22" N.64º 38' 23" W.

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