Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

278(85) Reporting system "Off the coast of Portugal - COPREP"
Geldigheid:01-06-2009 t/m Status: Geldig vandaag

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.

Adoption of the new mandatory ship reporting system "Off the coast of Portugal - COPREP"


RECALLING Article 28(b) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Committee,

RECALLING ALSO regulation V/11 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (SOLAS Convention), in relation to the adoption of ship reporting systems by the Organization,

RECALLING FURTHER resolution A.858(20) resolving that the function of adopting ship reporting systems shall be performed by the Committee on behalf of the Organization,

TAKING INTO ACCOUNT the guidelines and criteria for ship reporting systems adopted by  resolution MSC.43(64), as amended by resolutions MSC.111(73) and MSC.189(79),

HAVING CONSIDERED the recommendations of the Sub-Committee on Safety of Navigation at its fifty-fourth session,

  1. ADOPTS, in accordance with SOLAS regulation V/11, the new mandatory ship reporting system "Off the coast of Portugal - COPREP", set out in the Annex;

  2. DECIDES that the mandatory ship reporting system, "COPREP", will enter into force at 0000 hours UTC on 1 June 2009; and

  3. REQUESTS the Secretary-General to bring this resolution and its Annex to the attention of the Member Governments and Contracting Governments to the 1974 SOLAS Convention.


  1. Categories of ships required to participate in the system

    The following vessels are required to participate in the COPREP System:
    1. all vessels of 300 gross tonnage or above;
    2. all vessels carrying dangerous, hazardous and/or potentially polluting cargo;
    3. all passenger vessels;
    4.  vessels engaged in towing or pushing where the combined length of the vessel and tow or pushed vessel is more than 100 m LOA;
    5. fishing vessels with an LOA of 24 m or above; and
    6. any other type of vessel is invited to voluntarily participate in the System.

  2. Geographical coverage of the proposed systems and the number and edition of the reference chart used for delineation of the system

    2.1 Geographical coverage of the proposed systems
    The Ship Reporting System area is bounded by the shore and:
    1. In the North: latitude 39º 45' N
    2. In the West and South: By a line joining the following geographical positions:

      (i)39º 45'
      010º 14' W
      (ii)38º 41' N

      010º14' W

      (iii)36º 30' N
      009º 35' W
      (iv)36º 15' N
      008º 30' W

      1. In the East: longitude 008º 30' W

    2.2 Reference chart
    The reference chart is "Cabo Finisterra a Casablanca", Number 21101, Catalogue of Nautical Charts of the Portuguese Hydrographic Office, 4th impression - April 2002
    (Note: This chart is based on WGS 84 Datum).

    1. Reports and Procedures (Format and content of reports, authority to which reports should be sent)

      The format of information required in the COPREP reports is derived from the format given in resolution A.851(20) - General Principles for Ship Reporting Systems and Reporting Requirements, including guidelines for reporting incidents involving dangerous goods, harmful substances and/or marine pollutants.

      3.2 Content
      Vessels required to participate in the System shall make a report, with the short title "COPREP", to Roca Control and shall contain the following information, which is considered essential for the purpose of the System:

      AShip's name and callsign
      IMO identification or MMSI number on request
      CPosition (Latitude - Longitude), or
      DDistance and bearing from a landmark
      ETrue course in a three(3)-digit group
      FSpeed in knots
      GLast port of call

      HTime (UTC) and point of entry in the reporting sector
      INext port of call and ETA
      PHazardous cargo, IMO class or UN number and quantity
      Q or RBreakdown, damage and/or deficiencies affecting, the structure, cargo or equipment of the vessel or any other circumstances affecting normal navigation, in accordance with the provisions of the SOLAS and MARPOL Conventions
      WTotal number of persons on board (when requested)
      XMiscellaneous remarks (when requested)

      Any vessel may elect, for reasons of commercial confidentiality, to communicate the information regarding cargo (designator P of the report), by non-verbal means prior to entering the System.

      3.3 Time and geographical position for submitting reports

      3.3.1 Ships must submit a report:

      1. on entering the reporting area as defined in paragraph 2.1; or
      2. immediately after leaving a port, terminal or anchorage situated in the reporting area; or
      3. when deviating from the route leading to the originally declared destination, port, terminal, anchorage or position "for orders" given on entry into the reporting area; or
      4. when it is necessary to deviate from the planned route owing to weather conditions, damaged equipment or a change in navigational status; or
      5. when something is detected that could affect safety of navigation in the area; or
      6. on finally leaving the reporting area; or
      7. when requested by COPREP operator.

      3.3.2 Ships who have submitted a voluntary report with the same designator letters prior to entering the reporting area are only required to submit a mandatory report:

      1. if there are any changes in previously submitted information;
      2. with designator letters "A" and "H" when entering the reporting area.

      3.4 Shore-based authority
      The shore-based authority for COPREP mandatory ship reporting system, to which these reports should be sent, is ROCA CONTROL (identified in paragraph 7).

    2. Information to be provided to the participating ship and the procedures to be followed:
      ROCA CONTROL is an information service. Ships are provided with information broadcasts on weather, hazards affecting the safety of navigation and other traffic in the area.
      These broadcasts include:

      1. traffic information;
      2. hampered vessels such as vessels not under command or vessels restricted in their ability to manoeuvre;
      3. adverse weather conditions;
      4. weather warnings and forecast;
      5. displaced or defective aids to navigation;
      6. radar assistance; and
      7. information on local harbours.

      Information is broadcast on request or whenever necessary. Information broadcasts on ROCA CONTROL VHF main channel are preceded by an announcement on VHF channel 16. Information may be more frequent on occasions of adverse weather conditions, reduced visibility and imminent incident or accident.
      The VTS centre is linked to MRCC LISBON and pollution control authorities in order to allow a prompt response to any emerging distress or urgent situation.

    3. Communication requirements for the system, including frequencies on which reports should be transmitted and information to be reported:

      The communications required for the COPREP are as follows:
      1. The call to the shore-based authority shall be made on the VHF channel assigned to Vessel Traffic Service in the Portuguese Coast, or by the other available means based on the following contact information:

        CALL:Roca Control
        TELEPHONE: 351-214464830
        E-mail: oper.vts@imarpor.pt
        Primary channels:22 and 79          Secondary channel: 69
        CALL SIGN: CSG229
        MMSI:00 263 3030

      2. The language used for communication shall be Portuguese or English, using the IMO Standard Marine Communications Phrases, where necessary.
      3. Information of commercial confidentiality may be transmitted by non-verbal means.

    4. Rules and regulations in force in the area of the proposed system

      Portugal has taken appropriate action to implement international conventions to which it is a party including, where appropriate, adopting domestic legislation and promulgating regulations through domestic law. Relevant laws in force include domestic legislation and international regulations such as:

      1. International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGs), 1972, as amended;
      2. International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974, as amended;
      3. International Convention on the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL 73/78); and
      4. Directive 2002/59/CE.

    5. Shore-based facilities and personnel qualifications and training required to support the operation of the proposed system

      7.1 Shore-based facilities
      ROCA CONTROL maintains a continuous 24-hour watch over the COPREP area.
      The facilities of the Roca Control are the following:

      1. 8 Coastal Radars:
        (i)Long-range SCANTER primary radars
        (ii)Focus of long distance sea side coverage
        (iii)Special high gain 21" antennas

        Surveillance of all the continental Portuguese Coast


        Video from selected radar and combined radar data available to main
        centre's VTS operator;


        1. 8 Harbour Radars:
          (i)Short range primary radars (for 3 of those)
          (ii)Surveillance of the harbours approach area (for 5 of those)
          (iii)Video from selected radar and combined radar data available to main centre's VTS operator;

        2. 11 AIS Sites:

          Automatic identification of ships:

          • IMO standards
          • 3 types of information: ship static, dynamic and voyage
          (ii)Based on GPS positioning
          (iii)AIS position data merged with radar data at operator display (TDS)

          Ship identification correlated with National Maritime Ship Database;

        3. 11 Voice Radio Communication Sites:
          (i)VHF voice radio communication with ships and aeronautical emergency channel
          (ii)Complete coverage of the continental Portuguese Coast
          (iii)VTS operators are able to communicate within the coverage area

          Telephone and electronic communication between harbours and VTS control centres;

        4. 11 VHF Direction Finder Sites:
          (i)Azimuthing of radio communication
          (ii)Complete coverage of the continental Portuguese Coast
          (iii)Data from all sites available for the VTS operators

          RDF data is present on operator displays (TDS);

        5. 6 Meteorological Sites with:
          (i)Anemometer, Thermometer, Barometer, Hygrometer, Rainfall indicator, Visibility sensors
          (ii)Meteorological data of all sites will be presented to the VTS operators.

        7.2 Personnel qualifications and training

        The training given to ROCA CONTROL staff complies with the national and international recommendations and include a general study of navigational safety measures and the relevant national and international (IMO) provisions/requirements to support the operation of the proposed system.

      2. Alternative procedures if the communication facilities of the shore-based authority fail

        The system is designed to avoid, as far as possible, any irretrievable breakdown of equipment which would hinder the functioning of the services normally provided by ROCA CONTROL.
        The most important items of equipment and power sources are duplicated and the facilities are provided with emergency generating sets as well as with Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) units. A maintenance team is available 24 hours a day to attend to any breakdown.

        The system is also designed in such a manner that if one station fails, the adjacent station
        can provide the necessary coverage.

      3. Actions to take in the event of emergency or ship's non-compliance with the system requirements

        The main objectives of the system are to improve ships' safety in and off the Portuguese coast waters, support the organization of search and rescue and protect and improve the marine environment in the coast, developing the actions as fast and effective as possible if an emergency is reported or a report from a ship fails to appear, and it is impossible to establish communication with the ship. All means will be used to obtain the full participation of ships required to submit reports.
        The mandatory ship reporting system COPREP is for the exchange of information only and does not provide any additional authority for mandating changes in the ship's operations. This reporting system will be implemented consistent with UNCLOS, SOLAS and other relevant international instruments so that the reporting system will not constitute a basis for preventing the passage of a ship through the reporting area.
        Infringements of these regulations shall be punishable under Portuguese law, or reported to the ship's flag State in accordance with IMO resolution A.432(XI) - Compliance with the Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972, as amended.

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