2.1 General2.1.1 Prior to use within a SECA, each EGCS-SOx unit should be issued with a SECA
Compliance Certificate (SCC) by the Administration.
2.1.2 The EGCS-SOx unit should be subject to survey on installation and at Initial,
Annual/Intermediate and Renewals Surveys by the Administration, irrespective of whether or not
the ship is in a SECA at the time of Survey.
2.1.3 The ship’s SCC should be duly endorsed at each survey as required by 2.1.2.
2.1.4 In accordance with regulation 10, EGCS-SOx units may also be subject to inspection by
PSC when operating within a SECA.
2.2 Procedures for the certification of an EGCS-SOx unit2.2.1 In order to meet the requirements of 2.1.1 either prior to, or after installation onboard,
each EGCS-SOx unit should be certified as meeting the emission limit of 6.0 g SOx/kWh under
the operating conditions and restrictions as given by the EGCS-SOx Technical Manual (ETM) as
approved by the Administration.
2.2.2 Determination of the emission value should be in accordance with the provisions of these
2.2.3 Each EGCS-SOx unit meeting the requirements of 2.2.1 should be issued by the
Administration with a SCC.
2.2.4 Application for a SCC should be made by the EGCS-SOx manufacturer, shipowner or
other party.
2.2.5 Subsequent EGCS-SOx units of the same design and rating as that certified under 2.2.1
may be issued with SCC by the Administration without the need for testing in accordance with
2.2.1 subject to section 4.2 of these Guidelines.
2.2.6 EGCS-SOx units of the same design, but with ratings different from that certified under
2.2.1 may be accepted by the Administration subject to section 4.3 of these Guidelines.
2.2.7 EGCS-SOx units which treat only part of the exhaust gas flow of the uptake in which they
are fitted should be subject to special consideration by the Administration to ensure that under all
defined operating conditions that the overall emission value of the exhaust gas down stream of
the system is no more than 6.0 g SOx /kWh.
2.3 EGCS-SOx Technical Manual2.3.1 Each EGCS-SOx unit is to be supplied with a EGCS-SOx Technical Manual (ETM)
provided by the Manufacturer. This ETM should, as a minimum, contain the following
(a) the identification of the unit (manufacturer, model/type, serial number and other
details as necessary) including a description of the unit and any required ancillary
(b) the operating limits, or range of operating values, for which the unit is certified.
These should, as a minimum, include:
(i) maximum and, if applicable, minimum mass flow rate of exhaust gas;
(ii) the power, type and other relevant parameters of the fuel oil combustion
unit for which the EGCS-SOx unit is to be fitted. In the cases of boilers,
the maximum air/fuel ratio at 100% load should also be given. In the cases
of diesel engines whether the engine is of 2 or 4 stroke cycle;
(iii) maximum and minimum wash water flow rate, inlet pressures and
minimum inlet water alkalinity (pH);
(iv) exhaust gas inlet temperature ranges and maximum exhaust gas outlet
temperature with the EGCS-SOx unit in operation;
(v) exhaust gas differential pressure range and the maximum exhaust gas inlet
pressure with the fuel oil combustion unit operating at MCR or 80% of
power rating whichever is appropriate;
(vi) salinity levels or fresh water elements necessary to provide adequate
neutralizing agents; and
(vii) other factors concerning the design and operation of the EGCS-SOx unit
relevant to achieving a maximum emission value no higher than 6.0 g
(c) any requirements or restrictions applicable to the EGCS-SOx unit or associated
equipment necessary to enable the unit to achieve a maximum emission value no
higher than 6.0 g SOx/kWh;
(d) maintenance, service or adjustment requirements in order that the EGCS-SOx unit
can continue to achieve a maximum emission value no higher than 6.0 g
(e) the means by which the EGCS-SOx unit is to be surveyed to ensure that its
performance is maintained and that the unit is used as required (see section 6);
(f) through range performance variation in wash water characteristics;
(g) design requirements of the wash water system; and
(h) the SCC.
2.3.2 The ETM should be approved by the Administration.
2.3.3 The ETM should be retained onboard the ship onto which the EGCS-SOx unit is fitted.
The ETM should be available for surveys as required.
2.3.4 Additions, deletions or amendments to the ETM should be approved by the
Administration. Where additions, deletions or amendments to the ETM are separate to the ETM
as initially approved, they should be retained with the ETM and should be considered as part of
the ETM.
2.3.5 As an alternative to the maximum emission rate stipulated in 2.3.1(b)(vii) of 6.0 g
SOx/kWh, SO2 (ppm) / CO2 (% ) ratio of 65 or below, measured downstream of EGCS-SOx unit
may be used.