Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

957(23) Amended Traffic Separation Scheme "Off Finisterre"
Geldigheid:01-06-2004 t/m Status: Geldig vandaag

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.


RECALLING Article 15(j) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Assembly in relation to regulations and guidelines concerning maritime safety and the prevention and control of marine pollution from ships,

RECALLING ALSO resolution A.858(20) by which the Assembly, recognizing the need for an expeditious adoption and amendment procedure for traffic separation schemes, routeing measures other than traffic separation schemes, including the designation and substitution of archipelagic sea lanes, and ship reporting systems, resolved that all the aforementioned functions should be performed by the Maritime Safety Committee on behalf of the Organization,

RECALLING FURTHER resolution A.767(18) by which it adopted amendments to the traffic separation scheme .Off Finisterre.,

NOTING the urgent need to implement the amendments to the traffic separation scheme "Off Finisterre" proposed by the Government of Spain in order to enhance maritime safety, safety of navigation and protection of the marine environment in the area concerned, and the invitation by the Maritime Safety Committee at its seventy-seventh session to the Assembly to adopt the proposed amendments, subject to the Sub-Committee on Safety of Navigation being satisfied that all the pertinent criteria had been met,

HAVING CONSIDERED the report of the Maritime Safety Committee on its seventy-seventh session and the recommendation of the Sub-Committee on Safety of Navigation at its forty-ninth session,

1. ADOPTS the amendments to the traffic separation scheme .Off Finisterre. set out in the Annex to the present resolution, for implementation at 0000 hours UTC on 1 June 2004, on which date resolution A.767(18) will be revoked;

2. REQUESTS the Secretariat to issue, as soon as possible, a COLREG.2 circular containing the aforementioned traffic separation scheme in its new form, incorporating the initial scheme as amended.

Annex Amended Traffic Seperation Scheme "Off Finisterre"

New traffic lanes for ships carrying dangerous or pollutant cargoes in bulk in the traffic separation scheme "Off Finisterre.

Amended traffic separation scheme "Off Finisterre":

(a) A separation zone is bounded by a line connecting the following geographical positions:
     (1) 42º 52’.90      N 009º 44’.00 W      (4) 43º 21’.50      N 009º 37’.70 W
     (2) 43º 10’.50      N 009º 44’.00 W      (5) 43º 11’.00      N 009º 45’.20 W
     (3) 43º 21’.00      N 009º 36’.40 W      (6) 42º 52’.90      N 009º 45’.70 W
(b) A separation zone is bounded by a line connecting the following geographical positions:
     (7) 42º 52’.90      N 009º 49’.40 W      (10) 43º 25’.00      N 009º 47’.00 W
     (8) 43º 12’.20      N 009º 49’.40 W      (11) 43º 13’.70      N 009º 54’.80 W
     (9) 43º 23’.00      N 009º 41’.90 W      (12) 42º 52’.90      N 009º 54’.80 W
(c) A traffic lane for northbound traffic is established between the separation zones described in paragraphs (a) and (b).

(d) A traffic lane for northbound traffic is established between the separation zones described in paragraphs (b) and (e).

(e) A separation zone at the outside limit of the existing scheme, bounded by lines connecting the following geographical positions:
     (13) 42º52’.90      N 009º59’.00 W
     (14) 43º14’.70      N 009º59’.00 W
     (15) 43º26’.40      N 009º50’.90 W
     (16) 43º28’.20      N 009º56’.00 W
     (17) 43º16’.45      N 010º04’.25 W
     (18) 42º52’.90      N 010º04’.25 W
(f) A traffic separation zone bounded by lines connecting the following geographical positions:
     (19) 42º52’.90      N 010º08’.30 W
     (20) 43º17’.40      N 010º08’.30 W
     (21) 43º29’.30      N 010º00’.00 W
     (22) 43º30’.00      N 010º01’.20 W
     (23) 43º17’.75      N 010º09’.75W
     (24) 42º52’.90      N 010º09’.75 W
(g) A traffic lane for southbound traffic is established between the separation zones described in paragraphs (e) and (f).

(h) A traffic lane for southbound traffic is established between the traffic separation zone described in paragraph (f) and a line connecting the following geographical positions:
     (25) 42º52’.90      N 010º13’.70 W
     (26) 43º19’.00      N 010º13’.70 W
     (27) 43º31’.40      N 010º05’.15 W
Inshore traffic zone The area between the landward boundary of the traffic separation scheme and the Spanish coast and lying between a line drawn from position 43º 06’.70 N, 009º 13’.40 W to position (3) 43º 21’.00 N, 009º 36’.40 W (northern limit) and a line drawn from position 42º 52’.90 N, 009º 16’.20 W to position (1) 42º 52’.90 N, 009º 44’.00 W (southern limit) is designated as an inshore traffic zone.


1 The traffic lane described in paragraph (c) should be used by northbound ships not carrying dangerous cargoes in bulk.

2 The traffic lane described in paragraph (d) should be used by northbound ships carrying dangerous cargoes in bulk1.

3 The traffic lane described in paragraph (g) should be used by southbound ships not carrying dangerous cargoes in bulk.

4 The traffic lane described in paragraph (h) should be used by southbound ships carrying dangerous cargoes in bulk.
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