Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

668(16) Use of pilotage services in the Euro-Channel and IJ-Channel
Geldigheid:19-10-1989 t/m Status: Geldig vandaag

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.


RECALLING Article 15(j) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Assembly in relation to regulations and guidelines concerning maritime safety anti the prevention and control of marine pollution from ships,

RECALLING that regulation 1(10) of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978, recognizes the need to protect the environment,

BEING AWARE of the close relationship between the safety of navigation and the prevention of pollution from ships,

BEING ALSO AWARE of the need to protect the North Sea against pollution,

NOTING that the navigation of ships, especially large crude carriers, through the access channels to Rotterdam Europoort and Ijmuiden constitutes, due to the risk of grounding and collision, a potential danger of pollution of the North Sea,

NOTING ALSO that the Euro- and lj-Channels are difficult to navigate,


(a) resolutions A.475(XII) and A.572(14) on ships' routeing,

(b) resolution A.159(ES.IV) on pilotage,

(c) resolution A.486(XII) on deep-sea pilotage,

(d) resolution 5 of the International Conference on Marine Pollution, 1973 on intentional pollution of the sea and accidental spillages,

HAVING CONSIDERED the recommendation made by the Maritime Safety Committee at its fifty-seventh session,

RECOMMENDS that ships navigating in the Euro-Channel with a draught of 17.40 m or more and ships navigating in the Ij-Channel with a draught of more than 13.75 m use the pilotage services as prescribed in the regulations issued by the local authorities responsible for the approaches to Rotterdam-Europoort and Ijmuiden
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