Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

572(14) General provisions on ships' routeing
Geldigheid:20-11-1985 t/m 18-10-1989Versie:vergelijk Status: Was geldig

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.


General provisions on ships' routeing


RECALLING Article 15(j)of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Assembly in relation to regulations and guidelines concerning maritime safety ,

RECOGNIZING that the practice of complying with routeing measures adopted by the Organization for International use has contributed to the safety of navigation by reducing the risk of collisions and strandings,

RECOGNIZING FURTHER that such practice has consequently reduced the risk of pollution of the marine environment and the risk of damage to marine life resulting from collisions or strandings,

RECALLING regulation V/8 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea,1974, whereby the Organization is recognized as the only international body for establishing and adopting routeing measures on an international level,

RECALLING ALSO rules 1(d) and 10, as amended, of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972, which provide for the adoption of traffic separation schemes by the Organization and the behaviour of vessels in or near such schemes,

RECALLING FURTHER that the Ninth International Hydrographic Conference charged the International Hydrographic Bureau to deal with matters relating to the presentation on charts and in sailing directions of details of routeing provisions which have been considered, approved and adopted by the Organization for international use,

RECALLING ADDITIONALLY resolution A.378(X) on general provisions on ships' routeing and resolution A.428(Xl), which authorizes the Maritime Safely Committee to adopt for implementation , subject to confirmation by the Assembly, any amendments to the general provisions on ships' routeing,

HAVING ADOPTED amendments to resolution A.378(X) by resolutions A.428(Xl),A.475(Xll) and A.527(13),

HAVING ALSO ADOPTED resolutions A.376(X) and A.377(X) establishing procedures for the adoption of traffic separation schemes and other routeing systems,

DESIRING that all routeing systems including traffic separation schemes thereby adopted conform uniformly to the same general criteria and principles,

RECOGNIZING the need to consolidate and improve the general provisions on ships' routeing, taking account of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972, as amended,

HAVING CONSIDERED the recommendations made by the Maritime Safety Committee at its forty-ninth and fifty-first sessions,

1. CONFIRMS the amendments to the general provisions on ships' routeing adopted by the Maritime Safety Committee at its forty-ninth and fifty-first sessions,

2. ADOPTS the consolidated text of the general provisions on ships' routelng set out in the annex to the present resolution;

3. URGES Governments, when planning either to Introduce new routeing systems. or to amend existing systems, to ensure that such systems comply with the general provisions on ships' routeing set out in the annex to the present resolution,

4. REAFFIRMS its authorization to the Maritime Safety Committee to adopt for implementation, subject to confirmation by the Assembly, any amendments to the general provisions on ships' routeing and to advise all concerned accordingly;

5. REVOKES resolutions A.378(X), A.428(Xl), Annex2 to resolution A.475(Xll) and Annex 2 to resolution A.527(13), and

6. REQUESTS the Secretary-General to bring the present resolution to the attention of the International Hydrographic Organization .

Ingangsdatum: 20-11-1985


General provisions on ships' routeing


RECALLING Article 15(j)of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Assembly in relation to regulations and guidelines concerning maritime safety ,

RECOGNIZING that the practice of complying with routeing measures adopted by the Organization for International use has contributed to the safety of navigation by reducing the risk of collisions and strandings,

RECOGNIZING FURTHER that such practice has consequently reduced the risk of pollution of the marine environment and the risk of damage to marine life resulting from collisions or strandings,

RECALLING regulation V/8 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea,1974, whereby the Organization is recognized as the only international body for establishing and adopting routeing measures on an international level,

RECALLING ALSO rules 1(d) and 10, as amended, of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972, which provide for the adoption of traffic separation schemes by the Organization and the behaviour of vessels in or near such schemes,

RECALLING FURTHER that the Ninth International Hydrographic Conference charged the International Hydrographic Bureau to deal with matters relating to the presentation on charts and in sailing directions of details of routeing provisions which have been considered, approved and adopted by the Organization for international use,

RECALLING ADDITIONALLY resolution A.378(X) on general provisions on ships' routeing and resolution A.428(Xl), which authorizes the Maritime Safely Committee to adopt for implementation , subject to confirmation by the Assembly, any amendments to the general provisions on ships' routeing,

HAVING ADOPTED amendments to resolution A.378(X) by resolutions A.428(Xl),A.475(Xll) and A.527(13),

HAVING ALSO ADOPTED resolutions A.376(X) and A.377(X) establishing procedures for the adoption of traffic separation schemes and other routeing systems,

DESIRING that all routeing systems including traffic separation schemes thereby adopted conform uniformly to the same general criteria and principles,

RECOGNIZING the need to consolidate and improve the general provisions on ships' routeing, taking account of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972, as amended,

HAVING CONSIDERED the recommendations made by the Maritime Safety Committee at its forty-ninth and fifty-first sessions,

1. CONFIRMS the amendments to the general provisions on ships' routeing adopted by the Maritime Safety Committee at its forty-ninth and fifty-first sessions,

2. ADOPTS the consolidated text of the general provisions on ships' routelng set out in the annex to the present resolution;

3. URGES Governments, when planning either to Introduce new routeing systems. or to amend existing systems, to ensure that such systems comply with the general provisions on ships' routeing set out in the annex to the present resolution,

4. REAFFIRMS its authorization to the Maritime Safety Committee to adopt for implementation, subject to confirmation by the Assembly, any amendments to the general provisions on ships' routeing and to advise all concerned accordingly;

5. REVOKES resolutions A.378(X), A.428(Xl), Annex2 to resolution A.475(Xll) and Annex 2 to resolution A.527(13), and

6. REQUESTS the Secretary-General to bring the present resolution to the attention of the International Hydrographic Organization .

Annex 1 General provisions on ships'' routing

Ingangsdatum: 20-11-1985

1 Objectives

Ingangsdatum: 20-11-1985

1.1 The purpose of ships' routeing is to improve the safety of navigation in converging areas and in areas where the density of traffic is great or where freedom of movement of shipping is inhibited by restricted sea-room, the existence of obstructions to navigation, limited depths or unfavourable meteorological conditions.

1.2 The precise objectives of any routeing system will depend upon the particular hazardous circumstances which it is intended to alleviate, but may include some or all of the following;
  1. the separation of opposing streams of traffic so as to reduce the incidence of head-on encounters;
  2. the reduction of dangers of collision between crossing traffic and shipping in established traffic lanes;
  3. the simplification of the patterns of traffic flow in converging areas;
  4. the organization of safe traffic flow in areas of concentrated offshore exploration or exploitation;
  5. the organization of traffic flow in or around areas where navigation by all ships or by certain classes of ship is dangerous or undesirable;
  6. the reduction of risk of grounding to providing special guidance to vessels in areas where water depths are uncertain or critical;
  7. the guidance of traffic clear of fishing grounds or the organization of traffic through fishing grounds.

2 Definitions

Ingangsdatum: 20-11-1985

2.1 The following terms are used in connection with matters related to ships' routeing:
  1. Routeing system
    Any system of one or more routes or routeing measures aimed at reducing the risk of casualties; it includes traffic separation schemes, two-way routes, recommended tracks, areas to be avoided, inshore traffic zones, roundabouts, precautionary areas and deep water routes.
  2. Traffic separation scheme *
    A routeing measure aimed at the separation of opposing streams of traffic by appropriate means and by establishment of traffic lanes.
* These terms are used in the 1972 Collision Regulations.
  1. Separation zone or line *
    A zone or line separating the traffic lanes in which ships are proceeding in opposite or nearly opposite directions; or separating a traffic lane from the adjacent sea area; or separating traffic lanes designated for particular classes of ship proceeding in the same direction.
* These terms are used in the 1972 Collision Regulations.
  1. Traffic lane *
    An area within defined limits in which one-way traffic is established. Natural obstacles, including those forming separation zones, may constitute a boundary.
* These terms are used in the 1972 Collision Regulations.
  1. Roundabout
    A routeing measure comprising a separation point or circular separation zone and a circular traffic lane within defined limits. Traffic within the roundabout is separated by moving in a counterclockwise direction around the separation point or zone.
  2. Inshore traffic zone *
    A routeing measure comprising a designated area between the landward boundary of a traffic separation scheme and the adjacent coast, to be used in accordance with the provisions of rule 10(d), as amended, of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (Collision Regulations), 1972.
* These terms are used in the 1972 Collision Regulations.
  1. Two-way route
    A route within defined limits inside which two-way traffic is established, aimed at providing safe passage of ships through waters where navigation is difficult or dangerous.
  2. Recommended route
    A route of undefined width, for the convenience of ships in transit, which is often marked by centre line buoys.
  3. Recommended track
    A route which has been specially examined to ensure so far as possible that it is free of dangers and along which ships are advised to navigate.
  4. Deep water route
    A route within defined limits which has been accurately surveyed for clearance of sea bottom and submerged obstacles as indicated on the chart.
  5. Precautionary area
    A routeing measure comprising an area within defined limits where ships must navigate with particular caution and within which the direction of traffic flow may be recommended.
  6. Area to be avoided
    A routeing measure comprising an area within defined limits in which either navigation is particularly hazardous or it is exceptionally important to avoid casualties and which should be avoided by all ships, or certain classes of ship.
  7. Established direction of traffic flow
    A traffic flow pattern indicating the directional movement of traffic as established within a traffic separation scheme.
  8. Recommended direction of traffic flow
    A traffic flow pattern indicating a recommended directional movement of traffic where it is impractical or unnecessary to adopt an established directions of traffic flow.

3 Procedures and responsibilities

Procedures and functions of IMO.

3.1 IMO is recognized as the only international body responsible for establishing and recommending measures on an international level concerning sips' routeing.

3.2 In deciding whether or not to adopt or amend a traffic separation scheme, IMO will consider whether:
  1. the aids to navigation proposed will enable mariners to determine their position with sufficient accuracy to navigate in the scheme in accordance with rule 10 of the 1972 Collision Regulations, as amended;
  2. the state of hydrographic surveys in the area is adequate;
  3. the scheme takes account of the accepted planning considerations and complies with the design criteria for traffic separation schemes and with established methods of routeing.
3.3 In deciding whether or not to adopt or amend a routeing system other than a traffic separation scheme, IMO will consider whether the aids to navigation and the state of hydrographic surveys are adequate for the purpose of the system.

3.4 IMO shall not adopt or amend any routeing system without the agreement of the interested coastal States, where that system may affect:
  1. their rights and practices in respect of the exploitation of living and mineral resources;
  2. the environment, traffic pattern or established routeing systems in the waters concerned;
  3. demands for improvements or adjustments in the navigational aids or hydrographic surveys in the waters concerned.
Responsibilities of Governments and recommended practices.

3.5 A new amended routeing system adopted by IMO shall not come into force as an IMO adopted system before an effective date promulgated by the Government that proposed the system, which shall be communicated to IMO by the responsible Government. That date shall not be earlier than six months after the date of adoption of a routeing system by IMO but, when new chart editions necessitate a substantially longer period between adoption and implementation, IMO shall set a later date as required by the circumstances of the case. If the Government that proposed the system is unable at the time of adoption by IMO to declare a definite date of implementation, this information should be communicated to IMO as soon as possible thereafter and the implementation date then declared should not be earlier than four months after the date on which the declaration is made; in the case of a traffic separation scheme the exact time of implementation should also be stated. If there is a protracted delay in making such a declaration, the Government concerned should periodically inform IMO of the situation and forecast when implementation is likely to be possible. Either Notices to Mariners to amend charts, or revised charts to depict the system shall be made available in ample time before the system comes into force.

3.6 The responsible Government implementing a new or amended routeing system should ensure that full and final details of planned changes to aids to navigation, anchorage areas or pilot boarding areas which are closely associated with the system and important to its effective utilization by the mariner are provided to the appropriate hydrographic authority at least six months prior to the date of implementation.

3.7 The selection and development of routeing systems is primarily the responsibility of the Governments concerned.

3.8 A Government proposing a new routeing system or an amendment to an adopted routeing system, any part of which lies beyond its territorial sea, should consult IMO so that such system may be adopted or amended by IMO for international use. Such Government should furnish all relevant information, in particular with regard to the number, edition and where possible the geodetic datum of the reference chart used for the delineation of the routeing system. If appropriate, it should also provide the following additional information:
  1. the reasons for excluding certain ships or classes of ship from using routeing system or any part thereof; and
  2. any alternative routeing measure, if necessary, for ships or certain classes of ship which may be excluded from using a routeing system or parts thereof.
Such a system, when adopted, shall not be amended or suspended before consultation with and agreement by IMO, unless local conditions and the urgency of the case require that earlier action be taken. In considering the proposal, IMO shall take account of the objectives, procedures, responsibilities, methods and criteria for routeing systems as set out in these general provisions.

3.9 In an emergency such as might result from the unexpected blocking or obstruction of a traffic lane by a wreck or other hazard, immediate temporary changes in the use of the affected traffic separation scheme may be made by the responsible and sponsoring Government or Governments, with the object of directing traffic flow clear of the new hazard. In such cases, every possible measure shall be take by the Government or Governments concerned immediately to inform shipping of the hazard and of the temporary changes which have been made.

3.10 Governments are recommended to ensure, as far as practicable, that oil rigs, platforms and other similar structures are not established within routeing systems adopted be IMO or near their terminations. When the temporary positioning of an exploration rig or a similar structure in an adopted traffic separation scheme cannot be avoided, the scheme should, if necessary, be amended temporarily in accordance with the guidelines given in section 7.

3.11 If the above exploration activities lead to the finding of important exploitation prospects, the effect of subsequent exploitation on the safety of marine traffic should be considered carefully. If the establishment of permanent installations within a traffic separation scheme is unavoidable, permanent amendments to the scheme, if deemed necessary, should be submitted to IMO for adoption.

3.12 Governments establishing traffic separation schemes, no parts of which lie beyond their territorial seas, are requested to design them in accordance with IMO criteria for such schemes and submit them to IMO for adoption.

3.13 Where, for whatever reason, a Government decides not to submit a traffic separation scheme to IMO, it should, in promulgating the scheme to mariners, ensure that there are clear indications on charts and in nautical publications as to what rules apply to the scheme.

3.14 Governments establishing routeing systems, other than traffic separation schemes, no parts of which lie beyond their territorial seas, are recommended to follow the same procedure as that set out in paragraphs 3.12 and 3.13 above.

3.15 By rules 10(k) and 10(l) respectively of the 1972 Collision Regulations a vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre when engaged in an operation for either the maintenance of safety on navigation or the laying, servicing or picking up of a submarine cable in a traffic separation scheme is exempted from complying with rule 10 to the extent necessary to carry out the operation. The Government or authority responsible for safety of navigation in a traffic separation scheme should ensure that:
  1. the intention of undertaking such an operation is first notified to each Government or appropriate authority concerned;
  2. information about such ships working in a traffic separation scheme is, as far as practicable, promulgated in advance by Notice to Mariners, and subsequently by radionavigation warnings broadcast before and at regular intervals during the operations;
  3. such operations are, as far as possible, avoided in conditions of restricted visibility.

3.16 Nothing in the general provisions on ship's routeing shall prejudice the provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982) nor the present or future claims and legal views of any State concerning the law of the sea and the nature and extent of coastal and flag State jurisdiction.

4 Methods

Ingangsdatum: 20-11-1985
In meeting the objectives set out in section 1 the following are among the methods which may be used:
  1. The separation of opposing streams of traffic by separation zones, or lines where zones are not possible.

    In this method, streams of traffic proceeding in opposite or nearly opposite directions are separated by separation zones (4) or lines (3); the use of zones is to be preferred, but in narrow passages and restricted waters it may be necessary to use a separation line rather than a zone so as to allow more navigable space in the traffic lanes. A length of separation line may also be substituted for a zone in positions where this may encourage and facilitate correct procedures by crossing traffic. The outside limits of such traffic separation schemes are the outer boundaries of the traffic lanes. The arrow(1) indicate the established direction of traffic flow.
  2. The separation of opposing streams of traffic by natural obstructions and geographically defined objects.

    This method is used where there is a defined area with obstruction such as islands, shoals or rocks restricting free movement and providing a natural division for opposing traffic streams.
  3. The separation of through and local traffic by providing inshore traffic zones.

    Beyond the outside limits of traffic separation schemes, ships may navigate in any direction. Where such areas lie between the traffic separation scheme and the coast they may be designated as inshore traffic zones (see also figures 4 and 10), with the purpose of keeping local traffic clear of the traffic separation scheme which should be used by through traffic. Traffic in inshore traffic zones is separated from traffic in the adjacent traffic lane by separation zones (4) or by separation lines (3) (see also figures 4 and 10).
  4. The sectorial division of adjacent traffic separation schemes at approaches to focal points.

    This method is used where ships converge at a focal point or a small area from various directions. Port approaches, sea pilot stations, positions where landfall buoys or light vessels are located, entrances to channels, canals, estuaries, etc. may be considered as such focal points.
  5. The routeing of traffic at focal points and route junctions where traffic separation schemes meet. The routeing measure to be utilized at focal points, route junctions and intersections should be selected from the most appropriate of the following methods:

      .5.1 Roundabouts

      If the need can be demonstrated, a roundabout may be used to guide traffic counterclockwise round a circular separation zone (4)or specified point, as illustrated above.

      .5.2 Junctions

      These methods are used where two routes join or cross. The directions of traffic flow are established in the lanes of the adjoining schemes; the separation zone may be interrupted, as shown in figures 6 and 7 or replaced by a separation line, as shown in figures 8, in order to emphasize the correct method of crossing by traffic changing from one scheme to the other.

      .5.3 Precautionary areas

      It may be best, when routes converge, to terminate them clear of their potential joining points and in such a case a precautionary area (9) can be instituted so as to emphasize the need for care in navigation. Figures 9 and 10 illustrate the use of such an area at focal points; a direction of traffic flow may be recommended (2) around the focal point. as shown in figure 10. Figure 11 gives an example of how a precautionary area (9) can be used at a junction with crossing traffic. The traffic lanes are terminated short of the point where traffic is expected to cross and replaced by a precautionary area within which the recommended directions of traffic flow (2) are indicated. Precautionary areas may also be used at the termination of any single route.
    • Other routeing methods Other routeing methods which may be used are as shown in figures 12 to 18:

      .6.1 deep-water rotes (figures 12 and 13);

      .6.2 areas to be avoided (figures 10 and 18);

      .6.3 recommended directions of traffic flow (figure 14), tow-way routes (figure 15) and recommended routes and tracks through areas where navigation is difficult or dangerous (figures 16 and 17).

    5 Planning

    Ingangsdatum: 20-11-1985

    5.1 Routeing systems should only be established when safety of navigation in the area can thereby be clearly improved.

    5.2 The routeing system selected for a particular area should aim at providing safe passage for ships through the area without unduly restricting legitimate rights and practices, and taking account of anticipated or existing navigational hazards.

    5.3 When planning, establishing, reviewing or adjusting a routeing system, the following factors shall be among those taken into account by Government:
    1. their rights and practices in respect of the exploitation of living and mineral resources;
    2. previously established routeing systems in adjacent waters, whether or not under the proposing Government's jurisdiction;
    3. the existing traffic pattern in the area concerned, including coastal traffic, crossing traffic, naval exercise areas and anchorage areas;
    4. foreseeable changes in the traffic pattern resulting from port or offshore terminal developments;
    5. the presence of fishing grounds;
    6. existing activities and foreseeable developments of offshore exploration or exploitation of the sea-bed and subsoil;
    7. the adequacy of existing aids to navigation, hydrographic surveys and nautical charts of the area;
    8. environmental factors including prevailing weather conditions, tidal streams and currents and the possibility of ice concentrations; and
    9. the existence of environmental conservation areas and foreseeable developments in the establishment of such areas.
    5.4 Routeing systems should be reviewed, re-surveyed and adjusted as necessary, so as to maintain their effectiveness and compatibility with trade patterns, offshore exploration and resource exploitation, changes in depths of water, and other developments.

    5.5 Routeing systems should not be established in areas where the instability of the sea-bed is such that frequent changes in the alignment and positions of the main channels, and thus of the routeing system itself, are likely.

    5.6 When establishing areas to be avoided by all ships or by certain classes of ship, the necessity for creating such areas should be well demonstrated and the reasons stated. In general, these areas should be established only in places where inadequate survey or insufficient provision of aids to navigation may lead to danger of stranding, or where local knowledge is considered essential for safe passage, or where there is the possibility that unacceptable damage to the environment could result form a casualty, or where there might be hazard to a vital aid to navigation. These areas shall not be regarded as prohibited areas unless specifically so stated; the classes of ship which should avoid the areas should be considered in each particular case.

    5.7 Governments considering establishing a new routeing system or amending an existing one should consult at an early stage with:
    1. mariners using the area;
    2. authorities responsible for aids to navigation and for hydrographic surveys and nautical publications;
    3. port authorities; and
    4. organizations concerned with fishing, offshore exploration or exploitation and environmental protection, as appropriate.
    This consultation process is implied in paragraphs 3.4, 3.8, 5.3,5.5, and 6.2.

    6 Design criteria

    Ingangsdatum: 20-11-1985

    6.1 The following standards should, so for as the circumstances allow, be applied in the design of ships' routeing measures.

    6.2 Routes should follow as closely as possible the existing patterns of traffic flow in the areas as determined by traffic surveys.

    6.3 The configuration and length of routeing systems which are established to provide for an unobstructed passage through offshore exploration and exploitation areas may differ from the dimensions of normally established systems if the purpose of safeguarding a clear passage warrants such a special feature.

    6.4 Course alterations along a route should be as few as possible and should be avoided in the approaches to convergence areas and route junctions or where crossing traffic may be expected to be heavy.

    6.5 The number of convergence areas and route junctions should be kept to a minimum, and should be as widely separated from each other as possible. Adjacent traffic separation schemes should be placed such that nearly opposing streams of traffic in the adjacent schemes are separated as widely as possible. Route junctions should not be located where concentrated crossing traffic, not following established routes, may be expected, e.g. ferry traffic.

    6.6 Routes should be designed to allow optimum use of aids to navigation in the area, and of such shipborne navigational aids as are required or recommended to be fitted by international conventions or by IMO resolutions and recommendations.

    6.7 The state of hydrographic surveys within the limits of a routeing system and in the approaches thereto should be such that full information on existing depths of water and hazards to surface navigation is available to nautical charting authorities.

    Traffic separation schemes.

    6.8 The extent of a traffic separation scheme should be limited to what is essential in the interests of safe navigation.

    6.9 Traffic lanes should be designed to make optimum use of available depths of water and the safe navigable areas taking into account the maximum depth of water attainable along the length of the route. The width of lanes should take account of the traffic density, the general usage of the area and the sea-room available.

    6.10 Where there is sufficient space, separation zones should be used in preference to separation lines to separate opposing streams of traffic and to segregate inshore traffic zones from adjacent traffic lanes. Separation zones or lines may also be used to separate a traffic lane from adjacent sea areas other than inshore traffic zones, in appropriate circumstances, taking into account traffic density and the available means of fixing ships' positions.

    6.11 It should be possible for ships to fix their position anywhere within the limits of and in the immediate approaches to a traffic separation scheme by one or more of the following means, both by day and by night:
    1. visual bearings of readily identifiable objects;
    2. radar bearings and ranges of readily identifiable objects; and
    3. D/F bearings.
    6.12 When it is considered essential to provide within a traffic separation scheme an additional lane for ships carrying hazardous liquid substances in bulk, as specified in the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, in circumstances where it is not possible for ships to fix their position as set out in paragraph 6.11 over the whole area of that lane and an electronic position-fixing system covers that area, the existence of that system may be taken into account when designing the scheme.

    6.13 The minimum widths of traffic lanes and of traffic separation zones should be related to the accuracy of the available position-fixing methods, accepting the appropriate performance standards for shipborne equipment as set out in IMO resolutions and recommendations.

    6.14 Where space allows the use of traffic separation zones, the width of the zone should, if possible, be not less than three times the transverse component of the standard error (measured across the separation zone) of the most appropriate of the fixing methods listed in paragraph 6.11. Where necessary or desirable, and where practicable, additional separation should be provided to ensure that there will be adequate early indication that traffic proceeding in the opposite direction will pass on the correct side.

    6.15 If there is doubt as to the ability of ships to fix their positions positively and without ambiguity in relation to separation lines or zones, serious consideration should be given to providing adequate marking by buoys.

    Converging and junction areas.

    6.16 Whichever of the several available routeing methods is chosen for use at a route junction or in a converging area, it must be a cardinal principle that ambiguity or possible source of confusion in the application of the 1972 Collision Regulations must be avoided. This principle should be particularly borne in mind when establishing or recommending the direction of traffic flow in such areas. If recommended directions of traffic flow are adopted, these should take full account of the existing pattern of traffic flow in the area concerned, and also of all other applicable provisions of ships' routeing.

    6.17 At route junctions the following particular considerations apply:
    1. the need to encourage the crossing of traffic lanes as nearly as possible at right angles;
    2. the need to give ships which may be required to give way under the 1972 Collision Regulations as much room to manoeuvre as possible;
    3. the need to enable a stand-on vessel to maintain a steady course, as required by the 1972 Collision Regulations, for as long as possible before the route junction; and
    4. the need to encourage traffic not following an established route to avoid crossing at or near route junctions.
    Deep-water routes.

    6.18 In designing deep-water routes, consideration should be given to marking critical turning points. Any wrecks or sea-bed obstructions which lie within the limits of a deep-water route and which have less depth of water over them than the minimum depth of water for the route as indicated on the charts, should be marked.

    7 Temporary adjustments to traffic seperation schemes

    Ingangsdatum: 20-11-1985

    7.1 When the temporary positioning of an exploration rig is unavoidable, the design criteria and the provisions for planning should be taken into account before permitting the positioning of the rig or subsequently adjusting a traffic separation scheme.

    7.2 The said adjustments should be made in accordance with the following:
    1. When the drilling location is situated near the boundary of a traffic lane or separation zone, a relatively slight adjustment of the scheme could have such effect that the drilling rig and its associated safety zone are sufficiently clear of the traffic lane;

    2. If a small temporary adjustment of the traffic lane is not possible the whole or part of the scheme could be temporarily shifted away from the drilling area so that traffic connected with drilling operations will stay clear of the lane;

    3. Temporary local interruption of the scheme or part of the scheme in the area of location of the drilling rig. Such an interruption could be made a precautionary area;

    4. Temporary suspension of the whole scheme.
    7.3 In each case, exploration sites should be reviewed and such conditions specified as the responsible Government may deem necessary to ensure safety of navigation in the area.

    7.4 Details of these temporary adjustments should be forwarded to IMO and to appropriate hydrographic offices at least four months before the rig is positioned within an adopted traffic separation scheme so as to allow ample time to inform shipping. When the duration of such temporary adjustments is expected to be six months or more, this should be made known to the relevant hydrographic authorities in order to allow appropriate action to be taken in notifying mariners.

    7.5 In the event of a temporary adjustment to a traffic separation scheme remaining in force for more than one year, the responsible government should consider whether permanent amendments to the scheme may ultimately become necessary and , if appropriate, initiate timely procedures for IMO to adopt such amendments.

    8 The use of routeing systems

    Ingangsdatum: 20-11-1985

    8.1 Routeing systems are intended for use by day and by night in all weathers, in ice-free waters or under light ice conditions where no extraordinary manoeuvres or ice-breaker assistance are required.

    8.2 Routeing systems are recommended for use by all ships unless stated otherwise. Bearing in mind the need for adequate under-keel clearance, a decision to use a routeing system must take into account the charted depth, the possibility of changes in the sea-bed since the time of the last survey, and the effects of meteorological and tidal conditions on water depths.

    8.3 A ship navigating in or near a traffic separation scheme adopted by IMO shall in particular comply with rule 10 of the 1972 Collision Regulations to minimize the development of risk of collision with another ship. The other rules of the 1972 Collision Regulations apply in all respects, and particularly the rules of part B, sections II and III, if risk of collision with another ship is deemed to exist.

    8.4 At junction points where traffic from various directions meets, a true separation of traffic is not really possible, as ships may need to cross routes or change to another route. Ships should therefore navigate with great caution in such areas and be aware that the mere fact that a ship is proceeding along a through-going route gives that ship no special privilege or right of way.

    8.5 A deep-water route is primarily intended for use by ships which, because of their draught in relation to the available depth of water in the area concerned, require the use of such a route. Through traffic to which the above consideration does not apply should, as far as practicable, avoid using deep-water routes.

    8.6 Precautionary areas should be avoided, if practicable, by passing ships not making use of the associated traffic separation schemes or deep-water routes, or entering or leaving adjacent ports.

    8.7 In two-way routes, including two-way deep-water routes, ships should as far as practicable keep to the starboard side.

    8.8 Arrows printed on charts in connection with routeing systems merely indicate the general direction of established or recommended traffic flow; ships need not set their courses strictly along the arrows.

    8.9 The signal YG meaning "You appear not to be complying with the traffic separation scheme" is provided in the International Code of Signals for appropriate use.

    9 Representations on charts

    9.1 The legends, symbols and notes appearing in paragraphs 9.2, 9.3, 9.4 and 9.5 are recommended by the International Hydrographic Organization as guidance for the representation of details of routeing systems and associated measures on nautical charts They are included to illustrate the information likely to be found on charts and as an aid to those designing proposed routeing systems for adoption by IMO.

    9.2 use of legends on charts ann in notes

    LegendUse of legend
    Traffic separation scheme Not usually shown on charts. Referred to in notes as traffic separation scheme or its national language equivalent.
    Inshore traffic zone Inshore traffic zone or its national language equivalent is shown on charts and is referred to in notes.
    Precautionary area Precautionary area or its national language equivalent may be shown on charts in lieu of the symbol and is referred to in notes.
    Deep-water routeDW is shown on charts to indicate the deep water, DW or deep-water route is referred to in notes .
    Area to be avoided Area to be avoided or its national language equivalent is shown on charts and is referred to in notes.
    Two-way route Two-way route is not usually shown on charts but is referred to in notes.
    Recommended route Recommended route is not usually shown on charts but is referred to in notes.
    Recommended track Recommended track is not usually shown on charts but is referred to in notes

    9.3 Symbols for basic elements of routeing measures Unless otherwise specified , symbols are printed on charts in colour, usually magenta. 

    For examples of routeing measures using these basic symbols see figures 1 to 18 in section 4.

    1 Arrows dispersed over width of route. Arrows may be curved. Where the traffic lane is converging, arrows should be oriented to the approximate average directions of the side boundaries.
    2 Arrow omitted at intersections (other than roundabouts) to avoid implying priority of one lane.
    3 Separation line 3 mm wide where chart scale permits.
    4 Tint light enough not to obscure detail beneath it.
    5 If traffic lanes are separated by natural obstacles, may be replaced by the symbol for general maritime limits at the boundaries of the lanes.
    6 Stems of dashes point towards the area in question.
    7 Symbol intended for tracks to be followed closely through inadequately surveyed areas.
    8 Legend Precautionary area or its national language equivalent may also be used within the precautionary area instead of the symbol.

    9.4 Boundary symbols in detail
    Example : Boundary symbol 8 means that the boundary, Indicated by the line, between a precautionary area and an inshore traffic zone is to be shown by T-shaped dashes, with the stems of the Ts pointing towards the ITZ. 



    9.5 Cautionary and explanatory notes on charts

    9.5.1 Traffic separation schemes and other routeing measures
    The existence of special provisions applying to particular measures should be mentioned on the charts affected, if necessary referring mariners to the full text in sailing directions.

    9.5.2 Deep-water routes
    Where maintenance of a minimum depth can be guaranteed, the least depth(e.g. 22 m) may be given after the abbreviation "DW". In other cases charted soundings will indicate the least depth, preferably in conjunction with a note giving the date of the latest survey.

    9.5.3 Areas to be avoided
    Notes on conditions governing avoidance of areas (classes and sizes of ships, nature of cargoes, etc.) should preferably be given on charts and should always be given in sailing directions.

    Annex 2 General provisions for the adoption, designation and substitution of archipelagic sea lanes

    1 Objectives

    2 Definitions and clarifications

    3 Procedures and responsibilities

    Procedures and functions of IMO

    3.1 IMO is recognized as the competent international organization responsible for adopting archipelagic sea lanes in accordance with the relevant provisions of UNCLOS and these provisions.

    3.2 When adopting a proposed archipelagic sea lane, IMO will ensure that the proposed sea lane is in accordance with the relevant provisions of UNCLOS and determine if the proposal is a partial archipelagic sea lanes proposal. IMO may adopt only such archipelagic sea lanes as may be agreed by the Government of the proposing archipelagic State.

    3.3 Upon receipt of a proposal for designating archipelagic sea lanes and before consideration for adoption, the IMO shall ensure that the proposal is disseminated to all Governments and ICAO so as to provide them with sufficient opportunity to comment on the proposal.

    3.4 Following a proposal to the IMO by an archipelagic State, other States may request that the archipelagic State propose additional sea lanes to include all other normal passage routes used as routes for international navigation or overflight through or over archipelagic waters as required by UNCLOS.

    3.5 In order for IMO to ensure that sea lanes proposed for adoption include all normal passage routes, IMO shall retain continuing jurisdiction (i.e., competence) over the process of adopting archipelagic sea lanes until such time that sea lanes including all normal passage routes have been adopted as required by UNCLOS.

    Responsibilities of Governments and recommended practices

    3.6 The Government of an archipelagic State considering proposing archipelagic sea lanes should consult at an early stage with other user Governments and the IMO.

    3.7 Subject to paragraph 3.9, the Government of an archipelagic State which wishes to designate archipelagic sea lanes shall propose to IMO for adoption archipelagic sea lanes including all normal passage routes and navigational channels as required by UNCLOS.

    3.8 An archipelagic sea lanes proposal shall provide sea lanes suitable for the continuous and expeditious passage of foreign ships and aircraft in the normal mode through or over the archipelagic waters and the adjacent territorial sea. In proposing archipelagic sea lanes, the Government shall explain in its proposal the suitability of such sea lanes for such continuous and expeditious passage.

    3.9 The proposal shall also indicate if it is a partial archipelagic sea lane proposal.

    3.10 In proposing archipelagic sea lanes, Governments shall also include the number, edition and, where possible, the geodetic datum of the reference charts used for the proposed sea lanes, together with copies of the reference charts listed in the proposed sea lanes showing the axis of the proposed sea lanes.

    3.11 It is recommended that in areas where the 10 per cent rule applies (see paragraph 6.3) the outer limits of the sea lane should, so far as practicable, be clearly indicated on the charts.

    3.12 If IMO adopts a partial archipelagic sea lane proposal as a partial system of archipelagic sea lanes, the archipelagic State shall periodically inform IMO on its plans for conducting further surveys and studies that will result in the submission to IMO of proposals for adoption of all normal passage routes and navigational channels as required by UNCLOS, along with the general location of these lanes and time frame for this effort. In such a case, the archipelagic State is ultimately required to propose for adoption archipelagic sea lanes including all normal passage routes and navigational channels as required by UNCLOS.

    3.13 Archipelagic sea lanes adopted by IMO shall come into effect on a date promulgated by the Government of the archipelagic State that proposed the sea lanes, which shall be communicated to IMO by that Government. That date shall not be earlier than six months after the date of designation of the sea lanes by that Government. Either Notices to amend charts, or revised charts to depict the sea lanes, shall be made available at least six months before the sea lanes come into effect.

    4 Criteria for consideration and adoption of proposals

    5 Substitution of archipelagic sea lanes and traffic separation schemes

    6 Use of archipelagic sea lanes and normal passage routes

    7 Represeantation on charts

    7.1 Axis lines of archipelagic sea lanes are shown on charts for the purpose of defining the sea lanes. Axis lines do not indicate any routes or recommended tracks as defined in Part A of the IMO Publication on Ships' Routeing.

    7.2 The axis of designated archipelagic sea lanes, including a listing of geographical co-ordinates with geodetic datum that define axis turning points, so far as practicable the outer limits of the sea lanes where the 10 per cent rule applies (see paragraph 3.11 and 6.3), and any prescribed traffic separation schemes, shall be clearly shown on all appropriate scale charts, to which due publicity shall be given, and referred to in complementary hydrographic publications.

    7.3 The legends, symbols and notes appearing in paragraphs 7.4, 7.5, 7.6 and 7.7 are recommended by the International Hydrographic Organization as guidance for the representation of details of archipelagic sea lanes and associated measures on nautical charts. They are included to illustrate the information likely to be found on charts and as an aid to those designing archipelagic sea lanes proposed for adoption by IMO.

    7.4 Use of legends on charts and in notes
    LegendUse of legendArchipelagic Sea LaneNot usually shown on charts but referred to in notesASLShown on charts in conjunction with symbol for axis line (paragraph 7.5)7.5 Symbol for axis line of archipelagic sea lanesUnless otherwise specified, symbols are printed on charts in colour, usually magenta. NOTES:The axis line will be shown through other routeing measures without interruption, since it may not necessarily form the centre line of a routeing measure established in Archipelagic Sea Lanes, in accordance with Part A of the IMO Publication on Ships' Routeing.The legend ASL (see Note) should normally be used. The full legend Archipelagic Sea Lane (see Note) may however be used in cases where it is considered appropriate.Turning points are indicated by joined pecked lines.

    7.6 Symbol for outer limits of archipelagic sea lanes

      Unless otherwise specified, symbols are printed on charts in colour, usually magenta. 

      1. The solid half circle indicator is on the side of the limit of the area which lies within 10% of the distance between the nearest points on islands bordering the sea lane.

      7.7 Cautionary and explanatory notes on charts

      The following note provides an example of the type of information which should be included in the note:

      Archipelagic Sea Lanes as defined in UNCLOS have been designated in the area of this chart. Vessels exercising archipelagic sea lanes passage shall not deviate more than 25 miles from the charted axis line and shall not navigate, while in archipelagic sea lanes passage, within the areas indicated thus:

      Where a traffic separation scheme exists in a narrow channel in such a sea lane, rules for the use of traffic separation schemes apply. It should be noted that the axis line of the ASL does not indicate the deepest water, any route or recommended track.

      7 Representation on charts


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