Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

768(18) Ships' routeing
Geldigheid:23-11-1995 t/m Versie:vergelijk
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Status: Geldig vandaag

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Amended by A/Res.827(19) Rev.1

Ships' routeing


RECALLING Article 15(j) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Assembly in relation to regulations and guidelines concerning maritime safety,

FURTHER RECALLING resolution A.377(X) by which it established procedures for the adoption and amendment of routeing systems other than traffic separation schemes,

HAVING EXAMINED the reports of the Maritime Safely Committee on its sixtieth, sixty-first and sixty-second sessions,

CONFIRMS the adoption by the Organization of the new and amended routeing systems other than traffic separation schemes set out in the annex to the present resolution

Ingangsdatum: 23-11-1995

A/Res.768(18) amended by A/Res.827(19) Rev1

Ships' routeing


RECALLING  Article  15(j)  of  the  Convention  on  the  International  Maritime  Organization concerning the functions of the Assembly in relation to regulations and guidelines concerning maritime safety and the prevention and control of marine pollution from ships,

RECALLING  FURTHER  resolution  A.377(X)  by  which  it  established  procedures  for  the adoption and amendment of routeing systems other than traffic separation schemes,

HAVING  CONSIDERED  the  reports  of  the  Maritime  Safety  Committee  at  its  sixty-third, sixty-fourth and sixty-fifth sessions,

1.  CONFIRMS the adoption by the Organization of the new and amended routeing measures other than traffic separation schemes set out in Annex 1 to the present resolution; 

2.  CONFIRMS ALSO the adoption by the Organization of the Rules and Recommendations on Navigation  through  the  Strait  of  Istanbul,  the  Strait  of  Canakkale  and  the  Marmara  Sea  set  out  in Annex 2 to the present resolution; 

3.  CONFIRMS FURTHER that the Rules and Recommendations on Navigation through the Strait of Istanbul, the Strait of Canakkale and the Marmara  Sea  are  established  purely  for  the  purpose  of  safety of navigation and environmental protection and are not intended in any way to affect or prejudice the  rights  of  any  ship  using  the  Straits  under  international  law,  including  the  United  Nations Convention  on  the  Law  of  the  Sea,  1982  and  the  1936  Montreux  Convention,  and  that  national regulations promulgated  by  the  coastal  State  should  be  in  total  conformity  with  the  said  rules  and recommendations; 

4.  INVITES Governments to bring the Rules and Recommendations, set out in Annex 2, to the attention of shipowners, shipmasters and seafarers of ships which use the Strait of Istanbul, the Strait of Canakkale and the Marmara Sea and to ensure that these Rules and Recommendations are available on board such ships for information and compliance;

5.  REQUESTS  the  Maritime  Safety  Committee  to  review,  on  the  basis  of  submissions  from Governments, the operation of the Rules and Recommendations set out in Annex 2 and the conditions in the Strait of Istanbul, the Strait of Canakkale and the Marmara Sea, to consider, as appropriate, any suggestions for changes in the said Rules and Recommendations and to report on these matters to the next session of the Assembly;

6.  CONFIRMS  FURTHER  the  adoption  of  amendments  to  the  General  Provisions  on  Ships' Routeing consequential to the adoption of new SOLAS regulation V/8 set out in Annex 3 to the present resolution

Annex 2 Routeing measures other than traffic seperation schemes

Rules and recommendations on navigation trough the strait of Istanbul, the Strait of Canakkale and tehe Marmara Sea










*(Hereinafter referred to as the Straits)

Ingangsdatum: 23-11-1995

Rules and recommendations on navigation trough the strait of Istanbul, the Strait of Canakkale and tehe Marmara Sea










*(Hereinafter referred to as the Straits)

01 Use of ships' routeing

Ingangsdatum: 23-11-1995

1. Use of ships' routeing

1.1  Vessels navigating in the Straits shall exercise full diligence and regard for the requirements of the traffic separation schemes (TSSs).  1.2  A vessel that is not able to comply with the requirements of the TSS shall inform the traffic control  station  well  in  advance.    In  such  circumstances,  the  competent  authority  may  temporarily  suspend the particular TSS, or section[s] of it, and inform the vessels sailing in the area and advise them  to comply with rule 9 of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972.  1.3  In order to ensure safe transit of vessels which cannot comply with the TSS, the competent authority may temporarily  suspend  two-way  traffic  and  regulate  one-way  traffic  to  maintain  a  safe  distance between vessels.

02 Ships reporting and navigation information

Ingangsdatum: 23-11-1995

2. Ships reporting and navigation information

2.1  All vessels entering the Straits are strongly recommended to participate in the reporting system (TUBRAP) established by the competent authority and concerning which the appropriate information has been promulgated by notices to mariners and other means.  2.2  For the purpose of efficient and expeditious traffic management, in the interest of safety  of navigation and protection of the marine environment, vessels intending to pass through the Straits are strongly  advised  to  give  prior  information  on  the  size  of  the  vessel,  whether  in  ballast  or  loaded  condition and whether carrying any hazardous and noxious cargo, as defined in relevant international  conventions.  2.3  All  vessels  navigating  in  the  Straits  are  recommended  to  make  use  of  the  information broadcasts made by the information services operated by the competent authority, and to keep watch on VHF as appropriate, in accordance with the TUBRAP scheme.

03 Pilotage

Ingangsdatum: 23-11-1995

3. Pilotage

 3.1  Masters of vessels passing through the Straits are strongly recommended to avail themselves of the services of a qualified pilot in order to comply with the requirements of safe navigation.

04 Daylight transit

Ingangsdatum: 23-11-1995

4. Daylight transit

Vessels having a maximum draught of 15 m or more and vessels over 200 m in overall length are advised to navigate the Straits in daylight. 

05 Towing

Ingangsdatum: 23-11-1995

5. Towing

Passage  of  a  vessel  under  tow  may  only  be  carried  out  when  using  tugboat[s]  or  vessel[s] suitably equipped for the operation in order to ensure safe navigation.

06 Anchorage

Ingangsdatum: 23-11-1995

6. Anchorage

When required, vessels may use the anchorages designated for this purpose.

Annex Routeing Systems Other Than Traffic Separation Schemes

Ingangsdatum: 04-11-1993
Geldig tot en met: 22-11-1995

1 Areas to be Avoided

Ingangsdatum: 04-11-1993
Geldig tot en met: 22-11-1995

1.1 In the region of Fasht Buldani

1.1 In the region of Fasht Buldani

(Reference charts: British Admiralty 3774, 1986 edition, 3775, 1981 edition and 2882, 1987 edition. Note: These charts are based on Nahrwan Datum )

Description of the area to be avoided:

In order to avoid the risk of pollution due to stranding, or of damage to major subsea oil and gas pipelines in this area, which is in the close vicinity of important seagrass banks and prawn breeding grounds, all tankers, gas carriers and chemical tankers carrying noxious liquid substances regardless of size, and all other ships of more than 50,000 gross tonnage, should avoid the area bounded by a line connecting the following geographical positions:

(1) 28°13'.31 N, 48°55'.01 E      (5) 27°50'.90 N, 49°03'.50 E
(2) 28°18'.00 N, 49°08'.50 E      (6) 28°06'.39 N, 48°51'.78 E
(3) 28°08'.12 N, 49°18'.90 E      (7) 28°11'.10 N, 48°53'.21 E
(4) 27°53'.98 N, 49°20'.00 E

Ingangsdatum: 04-11-1993
Geldig tot en met: 22-11-1995

1.1 In the region of Fasht Buldani

(Reference charts: British Admiralty 3774, 1986 edition, 3775, 1981 edition and 2882, 1987 edition. Note: These charts are based on Nahrwan Datum )

Description of the area to be avoided:

In order to avoid the risk of pollution due to stranding, or of damage to major subsea oil and gas pipelines in this area, which is in the close vicinity of important seagrass banks and prawn breeding grounds, all tankers, gas carriers and chemical tankers carrying noxious liquid substances regardless of size, and all other ships of more than 50,000 gross tonnage, should avoid the area bounded by a line connecting the following geographical positions:

(1) 28°13'.31 N, 48°55'.01 E      (5) 27°50'.90 N, 49°03'.50 E
(2) 28°18'.00 N, 49°08'.50 E      (6) 28°06'.39 N, 48°51'.78 E
(3) 28°08'.12 N, 49°18'.90 E      (7) 28°11'.10 N, 48°53'.21 E
(4) 27°53'.98 N, 49°20'.00 E

1.1 In the region of the Shetland Islands (Amended area)

1.2 In the region of the Shetland Islands (amended area)

1.2 In the region of the Shetland Islands (amended area)

(Reference charts: British Admiralty 1119, 1989 edition; 1233, 1989 edition; 3292, 1986 edition. Note: These charts are based on Ordnance Survey of Great Britain (1936) Datum )

Description of the areas to be avoided and precautionary areas

(a) North of Shetland
In order to avoid the risk of oil pollution and severe damage to the environment of Shetland, ships of more than 5,000 gross tonnage carrying oil or other hazardous cargoes in bulk should avoid the area bounded by lines connecting the following geographical positions:

    (1) 60°39'.50 N, 1°09'.30 W
    (2) 61°04'.30 N, 1°09'.30 W
    (3) 61°04'.30 N, 0°29'.70 W
    (4) 60°38'.40 N, 0°12'.20 W
    (5) 60°34'.20 N, 0°48'.00 W (Funzie Ness)
    (6) 60°33'.80 N, 0°53'.50 W (Rams Ness)

    Thence up the Eastern side of Colgrave Sound to:

    (7) 60°35'.80 N, 0°55'.40 W
    (8) 60°36'.80 N, 0°58'.00 W
    (9) 60°38'.40 N, 0°58'.80 W

    Thence along the coastline to position (1) (b) West and South of Shetland
    In order to avoid the risk of oil pollution and severe damage to the environment of Shetland, ships of more than 5,000 gross tonnage carrying oil or other hazardous cargoes in bulk should avoid the area bounded by lines connecting the following geographical positions:
      (10) 60°02'.50 N, 1°10'.20 W (Helli Ness)
      (11) 59°59'.87 N, 1°09'.37 W (Perie Bard Lt)
      (12) 59°41'.00 N, 1°12'.00 W
      (13) 59°42'.70 N, 1°26'.00 W
      (14) 60°02'.00 N, 2°48'.00 W
      (15) 60°15'.00 N, 2°48'.00 W
      (16) 60°42'.50 N, 2°09'.00 W
      (17) 60°42'.50 N, 1°22'.00 W
      (18) 60°40'.00 N, 1°17'.00 W
      (19) 60°37'.30 N, 1°17'.90 W

      Thence along the west coastline to position (10) (c) Precautionary area in the northern approaches to Yell Sound
      A precautionary area is established in the northern approaches to Yell Sound. The area is bounded by a line connecting the following geographical positions:
        (20) 61°04'.30 N, 1°09'.30 W
        (21) 60°39'.50 N, 1°09'.30 W
        (22) 60°40'.00 N, 1°17'.00 W
        (23) 60°42'.50 N, 1°22'.00 W
        (24) 60°42'.50 N, 2°09'.00 W (d) Precautionary area in the south-eastern approaches to Yell Sound
        A precautionary area is established in the south-eastern approaches to Yell Sound. The area is bounded by a line connecting the following geographical positions:
          (25) 60°27'.40 N, 1°02'.40 W
          (26) 60°24'.00 N, 0°02'.50 W
          (27) 60°38'.40 N, 0°12'.20 W
          (28) 60°34'.20 N, 0°48'.00 W
          (29) 60°33'.80 N, 0°53'.50 W

          Thence up the eastern side of Colgrave Sound to:

          (30) 60°35'.80 N, 0°55'.40 W
          (31) 60°36'.80 N, 0°58'.00 W (e) Precautionary area in the approaches to Lerwick
          A precautionary area is established in the approaches to Lerwick. The area is bounded by a line connecting the following geographical positions:
            (25) 60°27'.40 N, 1°02'.40 W
            (26) 60°24'.00 N, 0°02'.50 W
            (12) 59°41'.00 N, 1°12'.00 W
            (11) 59°59'.87 N, 1°09'.37 W (Perie Bard)
            Ingangsdatum: 04-11-1993
            Geldig tot en met: 22-11-1995

            1.2 In the region of the Shetland Islands (amended area)

            (Reference charts: British Admiralty 1119, 1989 edition; 1233, 1989 edition; 3292, 1986 edition. Note: These charts are based on Ordnance Survey of Great Britain (1936) Datum )

            Description of the areas to be avoided and precautionary areas

            (a) North of Shetland
            In order to avoid the risk of oil pollution and severe damage to the environment of Shetland, ships of more than 5,000 gross tonnage carrying oil or other hazardous cargoes in bulk should avoid the area bounded by lines connecting the following geographical positions:

              (1) 60°39'.50 N, 1°09'.30 W
              (2) 61°04'.30 N, 1°09'.30 W
              (3) 61°04'.30 N, 0°29'.70 W
              (4) 60°38'.40 N, 0°12'.20 W
              (5) 60°34'.20 N, 0°48'.00 W (Funzie Ness)
              (6) 60°33'.80 N, 0°53'.50 W (Rams Ness)

              Thence up the Eastern side of Colgrave Sound to:

              (7) 60°35'.80 N, 0°55'.40 W
              (8) 60°36'.80 N, 0°58'.00 W
              (9) 60°38'.40 N, 0°58'.80 W

              Thence along the coastline to position (1) (b) West and South of Shetland
              In order to avoid the risk of oil pollution and severe damage to the environment of Shetland, ships of more than 5,000 gross tonnage carrying oil or other hazardous cargoes in bulk should avoid the area bounded by lines connecting the following geographical positions:
                (10) 60°02'.50 N, 1°10'.20 W (Helli Ness)
                (11) 59°59'.87 N, 1°09'.37 W (Perie Bard Lt)
                (12) 59°41'.00 N, 1°12'.00 W
                (13) 59°42'.70 N, 1°26'.00 W
                (14) 60°02'.00 N, 2°48'.00 W
                (15) 60°15'.00 N, 2°48'.00 W
                (16) 60°42'.50 N, 2°09'.00 W
                (17) 60°42'.50 N, 1°22'.00 W
                (18) 60°40'.00 N, 1°17'.00 W
                (19) 60°37'.30 N, 1°17'.90 W

                Thence along the west coastline to position (10) (c) Precautionary area in the northern approaches to Yell Sound
                A precautionary area is established in the northern approaches to Yell Sound. The area is bounded by a line connecting the following geographical positions:
                  (20) 61°04'.30 N, 1°09'.30 W
                  (21) 60°39'.50 N, 1°09'.30 W
                  (22) 60°40'.00 N, 1°17'.00 W
                  (23) 60°42'.50 N, 1°22'.00 W
                  (24) 60°42'.50 N, 2°09'.00 W (d) Precautionary area in the south-eastern approaches to Yell Sound
                  A precautionary area is established in the south-eastern approaches to Yell Sound. The area is bounded by a line connecting the following geographical positions:
                    (25) 60°27'.40 N, 1°02'.40 W
                    (26) 60°24'.00 N, 0°02'.50 W
                    (27) 60°38'.40 N, 0°12'.20 W
                    (28) 60°34'.20 N, 0°48'.00 W
                    (29) 60°33'.80 N, 0°53'.50 W

                    Thence up the eastern side of Colgrave Sound to:

                    (30) 60°35'.80 N, 0°55'.40 W
                    (31) 60°36'.80 N, 0°58'.00 W (e) Precautionary area in the approaches to Lerwick
                    A precautionary area is established in the approaches to Lerwick. The area is bounded by a line connecting the following geographical positions:
                      (25) 60°27'.40 N, 1°02'.40 W
                      (26) 60°24'.00 N, 0°02'.50 W
                      (12) 59°41'.00 N, 1°12'.00 W
                      (11) 59°59'.87 N, 1°09'.37 W (Perie Bard)
                      1.2 In the region of the Orkney Islands (New area)

                      1.3 In the region of the Orkney Islands (New area)

                      1.3  In the region of Three Kings Islands (New area) 

                      (Reference charts: British Admiralty 1954, 1988 edition; 1942, 1988 edition Note: These charts are based on Ordnance Survey of Great Britain (1936) Datum )

                      Description of the area to be avoided

                      In order to avoid the risk of oil pollution and severe damage to the environment of Orkney, ships of more than 5,000 gross tonnage carrying oil or other hazardous cargoes in bulk should avoid the area bounded by lines connecting the following geographical positions:

                        (1) 58°46'.73 N, 3°17'.69 W (Tor Ness)
                        (2) 58°55'.00 N, 3°50'.00 W
                        (3) 59°17'.00 N, 3°50'.00 W
                        (4) 59°28'.00 N, 3°15'.00 W
                        (5) 59°28'.00 W, 2°19'.00 W
                        (6) 59°24'.00 N, 2°09'.00 W
                        (7) 59°05'.00 N, 2°09'.00 W
                        (8) 58°50'.00 N, 2°35'.00 W
                        (9) 58°44'.15 N, 2°54'.90 W (Old Head)
                        (10) 58°55'.97 N, 3°21'.11 W (Braebuster Point)
                        (11) 58°57'.84 N, 3°21'.11 W (Breck Ness)
                        Ingangsdatum: 04-11-1993
                        Geldig tot en met: 22-11-1995

                        1.3  In the region of Three Kings Islands (New area) 

                        (Reference charts: British Admiralty 1954, 1988 edition; 1942, 1988 edition Note: These charts are based on Ordnance Survey of Great Britain (1936) Datum )

                        Description of the area to be avoided

                        In order to avoid the risk of oil pollution and severe damage to the environment of Orkney, ships of more than 5,000 gross tonnage carrying oil or other hazardous cargoes in bulk should avoid the area bounded by lines connecting the following geographical positions:

                          (1) 58°46'.73 N, 3°17'.69 W (Tor Ness)
                          (2) 58°55'.00 N, 3°50'.00 W
                          (3) 59°17'.00 N, 3°50'.00 W
                          (4) 59°28'.00 N, 3°15'.00 W
                          (5) 59°28'.00 W, 2°19'.00 W
                          (6) 59°24'.00 N, 2°09'.00 W
                          (7) 59°05'.00 N, 2°09'.00 W
                          (8) 58°50'.00 N, 2°35'.00 W
                          (9) 58°44'.15 N, 2°54'.90 W (Old Head)
                          (10) 58°55'.97 N, 3°21'.11 W (Braebuster Point)
                          (11) 58°57'.84 N, 3°21'.11 W (Breck Ness)
                          1.3 In the region of Three Kings Islands (New area)

                          1.4 In the region of the Fair Isle (new area)

                          1.4 In the region of the Fair Isle (new area)

                          (Reference charts: British Admiralty 1119, 1989 edition Note: This chart is based on Ordnance Survey of Great Britain (1936) Datum )

                          In order to avoid the risk of oil pollution and severe damage to the environment of Fair Isle, ships of more than 5,000 gross tonnage carrying oil or other hazardous cargoes in bulk should avoid the area contained within a circle of radius six and one half (6.5) miles centred upon geographical position 59°32'.00 N l°38'.00 W.

                          Note: See Part E - recommended routes in the Fair Isle Channel

                          Ingangsdatum: 04-11-1993
                          Geldig tot en met: 22-11-1995

                          1.4 In the region of the Fair Isle (new area)

                          (Reference charts: British Admiralty 1119, 1989 edition Note: This chart is based on Ordnance Survey of Great Britain (1936) Datum )

                          In order to avoid the risk of oil pollution and severe damage to the environment of Fair Isle, ships of more than 5,000 gross tonnage carrying oil or other hazardous cargoes in bulk should avoid the area contained within a circle of radius six and one half (6.5) miles centred upon geographical position 59°32'.00 N l°38'.00 W.

                          Note: See Part E - recommended routes in the Fair Isle Channel

                          1.4 In the region of Voriai Sporadhes Islands (New area)

                          1.5 In the approaches to Salina Cruz

                          1.6 Off the Washington coast

                          Ingangsdatum: 23-11-1995

                          1.6 Off the Washington coast

                          (Reference charts: United States 18500, 23rd Edition - 13 April 1991, and United States 18480, 23rd Edition - 24 October 1992) Description of the area to be a avoided

                          In order to reduce the risk of a marine casualty and resulting pollution and damage to the environment of the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary, all ships,* including barges, carrying cargoes of oil or hazardous materials should avoid the area bounded by a line connecting the following geographical positions :

                            (1) 48°23'.3 N, 124°38'.2 W (2) 48°23'.5 N, 124°38'.2 W (3) 48°25'.3 N, 124°46'.9 W (4) 47°51'.7 N, 125°15'.5 W (5) 47°07'.7 N, 124°47'.0 W (6) 47°07'.7 N, 124°11'.0 W

                            * This ATBA does not apply to any warship, naval auxilary, barge (whether towed by a government or commercial tug), or other ship owned or operated by a Contracting Government and used, for the time being, only on government commercial service.

                            1.7 North of the Straits of Tiran

                            Ingangsdatum: 23-11-1995

                            1.7 North of the Straits of Tiran

                            (Reference chart: British Admiralty No. 3595 (1986) E.D. 50) Description of the area to be avoided

                            In order to avoid the risk of severe damage to critical ecosystems, the environment and the economy of the area, all ships carrying dangerous or toxic cargoes, or any other ship exceeding 500 gross tonnage should avoid the area bounded by a line connecting the following geographical positions:

                              (1) 28°46'.0 N, 34°37'.5 E (2) 28°46'.0 N, 34°40'.0 E (3) 28°24'.0 N, 34°31'.0 E (4) 28°18'.0 N, 34°26'.0 E (5) 28°11'.0 N, 34°29'.0 E (6) 28°06'.0 N, 34°28'.0 E (7) 28°01'.5 N, 34°26'.5 E

                              1.8 North of Sharm EI Sheikh harbour

                              Ingangsdatum: 23-11-1995

                              1.8 North of Sharm EI Sheikh harbour

                              (Reference Chart: British Admiralty No. 2375 (1988) E.D. 50) Description of the area to be avoided

                              In order to avoid the risk of severe damage to critical ecosystems, the environment and the economy or he area, all ships carrying dangerous or toxic cargoes, or any other ship exceeding 500 gross tonnage Should avoid the area bounded by a line connecting the following geographical Positions:

                                (1) 27°58'.0 N, 34°25'.0 E (2) 27°50'.5 N, 34°20'.6 E (3) 27°51'.0 N, 34°17'.2 E

                                1.9 At the southern extremity of the Sinai peninsula

                                Ingangsdatum: 23-11-1995

                                1.9 At the southern extremity of the Sinai peninsula

                                (Reference chart: British Admiralty No. 2375 (1988) E.D. 50) Description of the area to be avoided

                                In order to avoid the risk of severe damage to critical ecosystems, the environment and natural resources contained within the declared boundaries of the Ras Mohammed National Park. all ships carrying dangerous or toxic cargoes, or any other ships exceeding 500 gross tonnage should avoid the area founded by a line connecting the following geographical positions:

                                  (1) 27°51'.10 N, 34°16'.60 E (2) 27°47'.18 N, 34°19'.00 E (3) 27°42'.20 N, 34°17'.00 E (4) 27°41'.00 N, 34°07'.00 E (5) 27°43'.00 N, 34°04'.00 E (6) 27°48'.30 N, 34°06'.00 E

                                  2 Other Roueting Measures

                                  2. Other Roueting Measures

                                  2.1 Recommended directions of traffic flow in the German Bight

                                  See the following traffic separation schemes in the German Bight: "Terschelling-German Bight", "Jade Approach", "Elbe Approach" and "German Bight Western Approach" (Part B).

                                  Recommended directions of traffic flow are established between the traffic separation scheme "Elbe Approach" and the eastern ends of the traffic separation schemes "Terschelling-German Bight" and "German Bight Western Approach", as shown in the chartlet below.

                                    Diagram - Recommended directions of traffic flow in the German Bight


                                    2.2 Recommended routes in the Fair Isle Channel
                                    Recommended directions of traffic flow are established in the Fair Isle Channel as follows:

                                      (a)      a single recommended route to the north of Fair Isle for use by westbound traffic; and
                                      (b)      separate recommended routes to the south-west of Fair Isle with eastbound traffic taking a route north-east of North Ronaldsay, and with westbound traffic taking a route to the south-west of Fair Isle.

                                      These routes are recommended for use by all ships transiting the area.

                                      See Chartlet attached to the areas to be avoided for Shetland, Fair Isle and Orkney Islands.

                                          Ingangsdatum: 04-11-1993
                                          Geldig tot en met: 22-11-1995

                                          2. Other Roueting Measures

                                          2.1 Recommended directions of traffic flow in the German Bight

                                          See the following traffic separation schemes in the German Bight: "Terschelling-German Bight", "Jade Approach", "Elbe Approach" and "German Bight Western Approach" (Part B).

                                          Recommended directions of traffic flow are established between the traffic separation scheme "Elbe Approach" and the eastern ends of the traffic separation schemes "Terschelling-German Bight" and "German Bight Western Approach", as shown in the chartlet below.

                                            Diagram - Recommended directions of traffic flow in the German Bight


                                            2.2 Recommended routes in the Fair Isle Channel
                                            Recommended directions of traffic flow are established in the Fair Isle Channel as follows:

                                              (a)      a single recommended route to the north of Fair Isle for use by westbound traffic; and
                                              (b)      separate recommended routes to the south-west of Fair Isle with eastbound traffic taking a route north-east of North Ronaldsay, and with westbound traffic taking a route to the south-west of Fair Isle.

                                              These routes are recommended for use by all ships transiting the area.

                                              See Chartlet attached to the areas to be avoided for Shetland, Fair Isle and Orkney Islands.

                                                  2 Other Rouering Measures

                                                  Ingangsdatum: 23-11-1995

                                                  2. Other Rouering Measures

                                                  2.1 Recommended directions of traffic flow in the German Bight

                                                  See the following traffic separation schemes in the German Bight: "Terschelling-German Bight", "Jade Approach", "Elbe Approach" and "German Bight Western Approach" (Part B).

                                                  Recommended directions of traffic flow are established between the traffic separation scheme "Elbe Approach" and the eastern ends of the traffic separation schemes "Terschelling-German Bight" and "German Bight Western Approach", as shown in the chartlet below.

                                                    Diagram - Recommended directions of traffic flow in the German Bight

                                                    Application  The route is recommended for use by the following classes of ships:  (a)  tankers  of  10,000  tons  gross  tonnage  and  upwards,  carrying  oils  as  defined  under Annex I to the International Convention for the  Prevention  of  Pollution  from  Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto (MARPOL 73/78);  (b)  tankers of 5,000 tons gross tonnage and upwards, carrying noxious liquid substances in bulk as assessed as categories A or B of Annex II, to the International Convention for the  Prevention  of  Pollution  from  Ships,  1973,  as  modified  by  the  Protocol  of  1978 relating thereto (MARPOL 73/78);  (c)  tankers of 10,000 tons gross tonnage and upwards, carrying noxious liquid substances in bulk as assessed as categories C or D of Annex II, to the International Convention for the  Prevention  of  Pollution  from  Ships,  1973,  as  modified  by  the  Protocol  of  1978 relating thereto (MARPOL 73/78);  (d)  ships of 10,000 tons gross tonnage and upwards, carrying liquefied gases in bulk.  These ships are urged to avoid the sea area between the recommended route and the Friesians Islands' coast except as provided in subparagraph (a)(ii) of the section on use of the route.  Pilotage  Ships recommended to use "the route for tankers from North Hinder to the German Bight and vice versa" are referred to resolution A.486(XII), adopted on 19 November 1981, concerning the "Recommendation on the use of adequately qualified Deep Sea Pilots in the North Sea, English Channel and Skagerrak"."

                                                    2.2 Recommended routes in the Fair Isle Channel Recommended directions of traffic flow are established in the Fair Isle Channel as follows:

                                                      (a)      a single recommended route to the north of Fair Isle for use by westbound traffic; and (b)      separate recommended routes to the south-west of Fair Isle with eastbound traffic taking a route north-east of North Ronaldsay, and with westbound traffic taking a route to the south-west of Fair Isle.

                                                      These routes are recommended for use by all ships transiting the area.

                                                      Note:See Chartlet attached to the areas to be avoided for Shetland, Fair Isle and Orkney Islands.

                                                      3 Recommendations on Navigation around the United Kingdom Coast

                                                      3. Recommendations on Navigation around the United Kingdom Coast

                                                      3.1 The following recommendations are made for specific locations around the coast of the United Kingdom:

                                                      1. In the Pentland Firth
                                                        Laden tankers not bound to or from Flotta and Scapa Flow should not transit the Firth against the tide or in restricted visibility or other adverse weather.
                                                      2. Off the Isles of Scilly
                                                        Laden tankers over 10,000 gross tonnage using the traffic separation scheme between Land's End and the Isles of Scilly should keep at least 3 miles to seaward of Wolf Rock, and should not use the scheme in restricted visibility or other adverse weather.
                                                      3. In the Minches
                                                        Except due to stress of weather or any other case of force majeure, all laden tankers over 10,000 gross tonnage should not pass through the Minches.
                                                      4. In the North Channel
                                                        The present requirements and recommendation as set out in "Ships Routeing" continue to apply. In addition, no laden tanker should use the narrow passage through Rathin Sound.
                                                      5. Off Smalls and Grassholme Channel
                                                        Laden tankers over 10,000 gross tonnage should not use the channel between Grassholme Island and Skomer Island unless moving between the anchorage in St. Bride's Bay and Milford Haven.
                                                      6. In the Needles Channel
                                                        Due to tidal problems and apparent movement of the sand banks in this channel, laden tankers over 10,000 gross tonnage should avoid this channel.
                                                      7. In the English Channel and Dover Strait
                                                        All ships navigating in this area should have on board the latest edition of Chart 5500 "Mariners Routeing Guide English Channel and Southern North Sea" or other equivalent guides.
                                                      8. In the Firth of Forth
                                                        Laden tankers should avoid the area between Bass Rock and the coast.

                                                      3.2 Reporting requirements

                                                      The following recommendations are associated with the areas set out in paragraph 3.1.
                                                      Ships intending to use the following routes, when at least 1 hour from the estimated time of arrival (ETA) of entering the route, and on final departure, should report to Coastguard as described below.

                                                      RouteShip conditionReport to CoastguardReport On / VHF Channel
                                                      Fair IsleladenShetland16
                                                      Pentland FirthladenPentland16
                                                      The Minchesladen or in ballastStornoway16
                                                      Isles of ScillyladenFalmouth16
                                                      Dover Strait TSSALL SHIPSDover or Cap Griz Nez69
                                                      CasquetsALL SHIPSJoburg69

                                                      3.3 Format of reports
                                                      The reporting should be in accordance with IMO resolution A.648(16) adopted on 19 October 1989 and should include the following:

                                                      ALFA               Name and call sign of the ship
                                                      BRAVO Day of month (two figures) and time in hours and minutes (UT(GMT) in four figures)
                                                      CHARLIE Latitude (4 figures + N or S) and longitude (5 figures + E or W)
                                                      DELTA True bearing (first 3 figures) and distance in nautical miles from identified landmark
                                                      ECHO True course in degrees (3 figures)
                                                      FOXTROT Speed in knots and decimal of knots (3 figures)
                                                      GOLF Last port of call
                                                      INDIA Destination
                                                      MIKE VHF Channels monitored
                                                      OSCAR Deepest draught in metres and centimetres
                                                      PAPA Type and quantity (tonnes) of cargo

                                                      Brief details of damage/deficiency/other limitations.











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