Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

ItoS - National Legislation (Safety) - Ships Act, Ships Decree 2004, Regulation Safety Seagoing Vessels
Geldigheid:28-05-2022 t/m Versie:vergelijk Status: Geldig vandaag

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.

Legend / Explanation of abbreviations:

  • NVC: National Safety Certificate / Nationaal Veiligheids Certificaat
  • NSI: Netherlands Shipping Inspectorate
  • RVZ: Regulation Safety Seagoing Vessels / Regeling Veiligheid Zeeschepen

Exemptions of requirements on the National Safety Certificate

If the requirements do not prescribe that a separate exemption certificate needs to be issued, it is sufficient if the approved exemptions are recorded on the NVC cross-referencing the relevant item.

Sterile gloves - sailing area C

By means of Appendix 5 of the RVZ, a suture set is required under II.2.22, however under II.2.33 or II.2.34 sterile gloves and syringes with anaesthetics for sailing area C are not prescribed. Requiring a suture set at column C, without sterile gloves and anaesthetic injections on board, is an omission in the Appendix 5. Although it is not required, the NSI strongly advises to have sterile gloves (also) available on board for sailing area C. This will not be advised as such for anaesthetics, however, it is up to the shipowner to have syringes with anaesthetics on board and documented.

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