Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

ItoS - International Convention on Load Lines (ICLL)
Geldigheid:04-08-2023 t/m Versie:vergelijk Status: Geldig vandaag

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.

Legend / Explanation of abbreviations:

  • ICLL: International Convention on Load Lines 1966
  • NSI: Netherlands Shipping Inspectorate
  • NVC: 'Nationaal Veiligheids Certificaat' / National Safety Certificate
  • RO: Recognised Organisation
  • SOLAS: the International Convention for the Safety of ife at Sea, 1974, and its protocol of 1988: articles, annexes and certificates, as amended

Multiple load lines

With regard to the ICLL, article 3, paragraph (2) and regulation 2, paragraph (5), for a ship to which multiple load lines are assigned, the NSI authorizes the ROs to issue multiple Load Line Certificates, provided that:

  1. the stability information for the relevant statutory loading conditions corresponding to each load line mark, is approved and verified appropriately;
  2. the correspondent certificates are placed on board;
  3. the ship’s safety management system is revised and updated accordingly for multiple load line assignment, entailing at least the following points:
    1. One (1) Load Line Certificate is in use at any given time;
    2. Additional Load Line Certificate(s) is/are kept in a separated file and kept under the safe custody of the Master (in case of electronic certificates the certificates in use are clearly marked as (un-)active and visible for authorities either in the system or by written confirmation in the logbook by the Master);
    3. Official entry shall be made in the log book for change in Load Line marking;
    4. the old load line mark is to be painted out with the same color as its background, and the new load line mark is to be painted in, in accordance with ICLL, regulation 8;
    5. the stability booklet on the bridge must be in compliance with the new load line mark and the International Load Lines Certificate; and
  4. other documentation (e.g. (damage) stability calculations) have been amended accordingly, where needed.

It is considered of importance that the change of ILLC, and satisfactory completion of this procedure, is reported to the RO of the ship (for Hull and Machinery). Such also to ensure change of electronic certificates/exemption.

Guidelines for the assignment of reduced freeboard for dredgers

Exemptions on Load Lines for (a unit similar to) dredgers

With regard to the ICLL, article 6.2 and taking into account ICLL, article 25, the NSI may exempt:

  1. a dredger, as defined in the ‘Guidelines for the assignment of reduced freeboard for dredgers’ (DR-67 and DR-68/Rev.1), from ICLL, article 12.1 and a reduced freeboard be assigned, provided that the dredger complies with the provisions as set out in the ‘Guidelines for the assignment of reduced freeboard for dredgers’ (DR-67 or DR-68/Rev.1, as applicable) .
  2. a dredger, as defined in the ‘Guidelines for the assignment of reduced freeboard for dredgers’ (DR-67 and DR-68/Rev.1) without hatch covers (“open hopper”), from the ICLL, regulation 14, provided that the dredger complies with the provisions as set out in the ‘Guidelines for the assignment of reduced freeboard for dredgers’ (DR-67 or DR-68/Rev.1, as applicable).
  3. a unit similar to a dredger (e.g. a (non-self-propelled) hopper barge or a stone dumping ship) equipped with a cargo dumping system, as set out in paragraph 7.1 of the ‘Guidelines for the assignment of reduced freeboard for dredgers’ (DR-67 and DR-68/Rev.1), from ICLL, article 12.1 and a reduced freeboard be assigned, provided that the unit similar to a dredger complies with the relevant criteria as set out in the ‘Guidelines for the assignment of reduced freeboard for dredgers’ (DR-67 or DR-68/Rev.1, as applicable).
  4. a unit similar to a dredger (e.g. a (non-self-propelled) hopper barge or a stone dumping ship), without hatch covers, from ICLL, article 14, provided that the unit complies with the provisions as set out in section 6.1 of the ‘Guidelines for the assignment of reduced freeboard for dredgers’ (DR-67 or DR-68/Rev.1, as applicable).

Dredgers without assigned reduced freeboard

Dredgers without an assigned reduced freeboard fall under the relevant guideline DR-67 or DR-68 rev.1 as applicable, based on the understanding that DR-67 and DR-68 rev.1 are equivalent to the damage stability requirements of SOLAS, regulation II-1/4.

Dredgers with length less than 80 meters

Damage stability requirements for dredgers subject to DR-68 rev.1, are also applicable to dredgers with a length of less than 80 meters.

Dredgers, subject to DR-67, are in line with SOLAS, regulation II-1/4.  What means that with a length of less than 80 meters, they are not subject to damage stability requirements.

Application of SOLAS regulation II-1/9 to dredgers

Notwithstandig SOLAS regulation II-1/4(.3) for which the mutual understanding is that DR-67 or DR-68 rev.1 is equivalent to SOLAS damage stability, all other regulations of SOLAS are applicable.

This means that SOLAS regulation II-1/9 applies to dredgers as follows:

  1. a dredger shall be considered to be a cargo ship; and
  2. with regard to SOLAS regulation II-1/9.8, the following draughts shall be used when calculating the factor si in accordance with SOLAS regulation II-1/7-2, without the reduced freeboard described in DR-67 or DR-68 rev.1:
    1. deepest subdivision draught (ds) as defined in SOLAS regulation II-1/2.10;
    2. light service draught (dl) as defined in SOLAS regulation II-1/2.11; and
    3. partial subdivision draught (dp) as defined in SOLAS regulation II-1/2.12.

Reduced minimum bow height (10-46)

With regard to the ICLL, regulation 39(3), for ships, including pontoons in the condition ‘manned working’, holding an NVC, as defined in Regulation Safety Seagoing Vessels article 3a, the NSI permits a reduction of the calculated minimum bow height, as required in ICLL regulation 39(1), as set out in Table 1.

Sailing Area             Maximum significant wave height Permissible reduction rate to the calculated bow height1
≤ 15 miles2 ≤ 4.0 meters 70 %
≤   5 miles3 ≤ 2.0 meters 50 %

Table 1

For ships to which the NSI has previously permitted a reduction of the calculated minimum bow height, as set out in Table 2, the reduction rates of the calculated bow height and the criteria, as set out in Table 2, may continue to be applied.

Sailing Area            Maximum significant wave height Permissible reduction rate to the calculated bow height1
≤ 15 miles2 7 Beaufort 70 %
≤   5 miles3 5 Beaufort 50 %

Table 2

1 Permissible reduced bow height

In percentage of the bow height calculated according to ICLL reg. 39(1) and reg. 39(2).

2 Sailing area 15 miles

Coastal waters whereby the offshore distance does not exceed 15 nautical miles and the sailing time from a safe harbor or anchorage shall be within 6 hours.

3 Sailing area 5 miles

Coastal waters whereby the offshore distance does not exceed 5 nautical miles and the sailing time from the port of operation, mentioned on the safe manning certificate, shall be within 12 hours and shall not be more than 6 hours from a port of refuge.

Transport of solid bulk cargoes

The NSI prohibits ships, flying the flag of the Netherlands, to transport solid bulk cargoes in ‘open-top’ conditions where the cargo and other hatchways are not closed by weathertight covers of steel or other equivalent materials. Reference is also made to the equivalent arrangement Load Lines Article 8 – Open top general cargo ships XQ42482 , which states under the Introduction, sub 3. that the open top principle is especially meant to voluminous solid project items (e.g. windmill parts, yachts, transformers, port hoppers and other project parts).

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