Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

Chapter I General Provisions
Geldigheid:12-02-2015 t/m 08-05-2016Versie:vergelijk Status: Was geldig

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.


Chapter I - General Provisions

1 One in five-year dry-docking regime for passenger ships


Chapter I

Implementing a one in five-year dry-docking regime for passenger ships
MSC.1/Circular 1348 describes guidelines for the assessment of technical provisions for the performance of an in-water survey in lieu of bottom inspection in dry-dock to permit one dry-dock examination in any five-year period for passenger ships other than Ro-Ro passenger ships. The Netherlands will allow the application of this equivalent arrangement under the conditions as mentioned in the circular. Circular 1348 will be implemented in the next revision of the Policy Rule Safety seagoing vessels and may be applied in the meantime.


Dry docking (CI 2012-06)

The MSC.1/Circ.1348, is applicable for passenger ships other than Ro-Ro passenger ships. For such passenger ships NSI require that the surveys in dry-dock and the in-water surveys in lieu of the dry-dock surveys (IWS) should include the measurements of the shafting/stern tube and rudders. Resolution A 1053(27), the survey guidelines under the HSCC 2011, indicates that rudder bearing clearances need not be taken at the afloat inspections (other than IWS). The other Under water surveys (UWS) are to be carried out, under the same conditions as the IWS, where the measurements under 1 (Shafting and stern tube) and 7 (Rudders) as defined in MSC.1/Circ.1348 are to the discretion of the Recognized Organization.

Please note that for Ro-Ro passenger ships, two dry-dock surveys in the 5-year period shall be carried out, where the other bottom surveys may be carried out afloat, according the UWS requirements.


2 Extended dry dock interval cargo ships


Chapter I 

Extended dry dock interval cargo ships (Tripartite 10-55)
Some Flag states apply an extended dry docking interval for cargo ships. Under certain conditions they allow the interval to be extended to 7,5 years. This extension has not been formally established within the IMO and therefore the Netherlands position is not to apply the prolonged timeframe. SOLAS requirements are applicable.    


3 Inspection equipment within HSSC intervals


Chapter I 

Inspection equipment within HSSC intervals (Tripartite 09-15 and 11-03)
During the tri-partite meeting the question was raised which inspections are part of the HSSC intervals and inspection window. A familiar item is the inspection of the liferafts. These inspections are not  part of  the +/- 3 months window of the Passenger and Cargo ship safety certificate.

The Harmonised System of Survey and Certification (HSSC) standardises the period of validity and the intervals between surveys.
Under the HSSC, there are seven types of survey:

  • Initial survey;
  • Renewal Survey;
  • Periodical Survey;
  • Intermediate Survey;
  • Annual Survey;
  • Inspection of the outside of the ships bottom;
  • Additional Survey.

Reference is made to the IMO Resolution A.997(25), Survey guidelines under the Harmonized System of Survey and Certification, 2007, Annex 1, where the survey guidelines, including items to be examined, are mentioned. When subjects are not mentioned in this Annex 1 or there is no clear indication that the inspections should be within the required time windows, the surveyor should verify whether the subject is to his satisfaction and that the certificate of examination, if applicable, is still valid.
Furthermore, the validity of individual certificates of components should not be allowed to expire. If an individual certificate is valid for 12 months, the window of the SE certificate  does not provide the possibility to extend the validity of this individual certificate.

With respect to the required periodic servicing and maintenance of lifeboats, launching appliances and on-load release gear according IMO circular MSC.1/Circ.1206/rev.1, reference is made to the Instruction to RO's nr. 9.
The date of service should be within the window mentioned in the IMO Resolution A.997(25).

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