Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

Nr. 17 Enhanced survey programme
Geldigheid:24-04-1996 t/m 31-12-2004Status: Was geldig

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.

H.A. de Rooy
24 April 1995
Our reference:
SI-20. 890/96/SIKN
Enhanced Survey Programme

Dear Sirs,

Further to my letter SI-20-276/96/SIKN dated 6 February 1996 I herewith inform you that the proposed procedure for the implemetation of the Enhanced Survey Programme (ESP) has been amended after receipt of some of your comments.

1. It appeared tobe en item of discussion who is responsible for submitting a copy of the Survey Programme Document (SPD) to NSZ.
After careful consideration it is decided that the owner shall send a class approved copy of SPD to NSI.

2. Another remark was the extent of reporting to NSI. NSI wishes to receive a complete survey report, including condition evaluation report and conclusion of analysis after a renewal survey of each ship in ESP. On request thickness measurement report shall be send to NSI. For ships older than 10 years NSI wishes to receive full reports after annual and intermedlate surveys too.

Please find the revised procedure as enclosure to this letter.

Yours truly,

Head Shipping Inspection,
on behalf,
Head, Mechant Shipping Department

P. D. Langbaert

NSI proceduce for implementation of Enhanced Survey Programme (ESP).

1. NSI will address owners of ships registered in the Kingdom of the Netherlands reminding them of ESP and with reference to IMO Res. A 744 (18) and MSC Circ. 655.

2. Recognized classification societies are authorized to perform surveys in accordance with ESP.

3. Owner and class will prepare a "Survey Programme Document" (SPD). The owner shall send a copy of the class approved SPD to NSI.

4.4 The owner will inform NSI of the survey date(s) in due time, preferable not later than 4-6 weeks prior to surveydate. NSI may request additional infermation from class and/or owner. NSI may decide to carry out or witness ESP surveys,

5. For ships older than 10 years class shall send a copy of every ESP report (annual, intermediate and renewal) to NSI. The report of the renewal survey shall include the condition evaluation report and conclusion of analysis. The thickness measurements report shall be available on request. Class is authorized to endorse the condition evaluation report. For ships of an age of 10 years or less class shall submit copy of the ESP report of the renewal survey.

Rotterdam, 24 April 1996

Giudance for planning the enhanced programme of inspections during survey of bulk carriers and oil tankers

1. The assembly, at its eighteenth session, adopted resolution A. 744 (18) - Guidelines on the Enhanced Program of Inspections during Surveys of Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers. In adopting these guidelines, the Assembly recognide the necessity of ensuring that effective syrveys were carried out on Bulk carriers and oil tankers, and that efficient planning was conducted prior to these surveys.

2. The guidance, sot out at annex to this circular and approved by the Maritime Safety Committee at its sixty-third session (16 to 25 may 1994 ), is intended to assist Administrations and shipowners in the development of the survey programme specified in subparagraph 5.1.1 of the guidelines. The use of this guidance should result in the development of a comprehensive survey programme document wich will enable shipowners. Administrations or organisations recohnized by an Administration to plan and conduct thorough and efficient inspections to fulfil the reguirements in the guidelines.

3. The guidance should be used in conjuction with resolution A.744 (15): When used co-operatively between shipowners and Administrations or recognized organizations, the guidance should ensure that the required inspections are carried out in the most effective and consistent manner.

4. Member Governments are invited to use the attenched guidance in developing a survey programme document for conducting the enhanced programme of inspections during surveys of bulk carriers and oil tankers specified in resolution A.744 (15).



* Part A : bulk carriers : special survey - Hull
* Part B : Oil Tankers : special survey - Hull

Part A

Bulk Carriers

Special Survey - Hull

2.1 General
2.2 Minimum requirements
2.3 Timing
2.4 Technical assessment
2.5 Contents
3.1 General
3.2 Methods
3.2.1. Collection of information
3.2.2. Design details
3.2.3. Corrosion
3.2.4. Areas for close-up survey and thickness measurement



1.1 The objective of this document is to provide additional guidance for planning an enhanced survey programme as required by paragraph 5 of Annex A of the Guidelines on the Enhanced Programme of Inspections during Surveys of Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers (resolution A.744 (18)).

1.2 It is NOT the pbjective of this document to offer guidance on the alternative method of determining close-up survey requirements as stated in subparagraph 5.1.3 of Annex A of the Guidelines on the Enhanced Programme of Inspection during Surveys of Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers (resolution A.744 (18)).


2.1 General
The survey programme, wich should be in a written format, is intendet to indentify conditions of survey, critical structural areas and to stipulate the extent and locations for close-up survey and thickness measurements with respect to transverse sections (sections) and internal structures as well as nominate suspect areas.

2.2Minimun requirements
In all cases, the close-up surveys and thickness measurements required by Annex 1 and Annex 2 of Annex A of the Guidelines on the Enhanced Programme of Inspections during Surveys of Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers (resolution A.744 (18)) should be conducted, as a minimun.

The survey programme should be developed by the owner or operator in co-operation with the Administration well in advance of the commencement of the special survey, i.e. prior commencing the survey and normally at least 12 to 15 months before the completion due date.

2.4 Technical assessment
2.4.1 The basis for nomination of tanks and areas sor survey should take the following elements of the perticular ship into account: Design features such as stress levels on various structural elements, design details and extent of use of high zensile steel; History with respect to corrosion, cracking, buckling and repairs for the particular ship as well as similar vessels, where available ; information with respect to type of cargo, corrosion prevention system of tanks, and condition of coatings, if any, of holds and tanks.

2.4.2 The degree of criticality of these elements should ce judged and decided on the basis of recognized principles and praczises, such as may be found in the IACS publication "Hulk Carriers: Guidelines for Surveys. Assessment and Repaur of Hull Structure".

2.5 Contents
The survey programme shoul contain:

1. ship particulars;
2. plan of holds and tanks
3. list of holds and tanks with information on use, corrosion protection systems and condition of coatings;
4. corrosion risk nomination of holds and tanks;
5. selected structural details where damages have been reported on the particular ship or, where available, similar vessels;
6. selected holds and tanks adn areas for close-up survey;
7. selected sections for thickness measurements;
8. acceptable corrosion allowances.


3.1 General

3.1.1 There are three basic types of pssible failures to be considered in connection with development of a survey programme; corrosion, cracks and buckling. Contact damages, however, would not normally be covered by the programme as indents are usually dealt with as a normal routine by surveyors.

3.1.2 The development of a survey programme should in principle be as shown schematically in figure 1. The approach is based on an evaluation of experience and knowledge basically related to:
- design
- corrosion

3.1.3 The structual design should be considered with respect to structual details which may be susceptible to buckling or crackling as a result vibration, high stress levels of fatique.

3.1.4 Corrosion is related to the age of a ship, and is closely connected with the quality of the corroion prevention system and subsequent maintenance during the service life. Corrosion may also lead to cracking and/or buckling.

3.2 Methods

3.2.1 Collection of information
Before cmmencing the development of the survey programme, the following information should be collected:

- survey status and basic ship information;
- main structural plans (scantling drawings), including information regarding use of high consilo steels (HTS);
- previous survey report
- previous damage experience, including damage experience for similair ships, were available;
- typical hull damages for the particular type of ship (as applicable/available);
- acceptable corrosion allowances;
- information regarding the use ship`s holds and tanks, typical cargoes, loading/unloading procedures, and other relevant data;
- information regarding teh corrosion prevention system;
- information regarding the relevant maintenance level during operation.

Proper co-operation between the owner and the Administration is essential in order to collect the necessary information for those developing the survey programme.

3.2.2 Design details Damage expereince related to the ship in question end similar ships were available, is the main source of information to be used in the development of the survey programme. In addition, a selection of structural details from the design drawings should be included. Typical damage experience to be considered will consist of:

- number, extent, location and frequency of cracks;
- location of buckles.

This information may be found in the survey reports and/or the owner`s files. The defect should be analysed, noted and marked on sketches. In addition, general experience should be untilized. For example, figure 2 shows typical locations in bulk carriers which experience has shown may be susceptible to structural damage of corrosion. Also, references should be made to IACS publication "Bulk Carriers: Guidelines for Surfeys, Assessement ans Repair of Hull Structure", which contains a catalogus of typical damages and proposed repair methods for various bulk carrier structural details. Such figures should be used together with a revieuw of the main drawings, in order to indentify similar details which may susceptible to damage. An example is shown in figure J. The revieuw of the main structural drawings, in addition to using the above-mentained figures, should include checking for typical design details where cracking has been experienced. The factors contributing to damage should be carefully considered. The use of high tensile steel (HTS) in an important factor. Details showing good service expereince where ordinary mild steel has been used may be more susceptible to damage when HTS, and it`s higher associated stresses, are utilized. There is extensive and, in general, good experience., with the use of HTS for longitudinal material in deck and bottom. Experience in other locations, where the dynamic stresses may be higher, is less favourable. e.g. side structures. In this respect, in accordance with the latest classification rules or other relevant methods, should be considered. The selected areas of the structure identified during this proces should be recorded and marked on the structual drawings which should be included in the survey programme document.

3.2.3 Corrosion The following information should generally be considered in order to evaluate the corrosion risks:

- usage of tanks, holds and spaces;
- condition of caotings;
- condition of anodes;
- cleaning procedures for cargo holds;
- previous wastage;
- cargo hold/ballast tank usage (frequency / time)
- corrosion risks in cargo holds and ballast tanks;
- location of ballast tanks adjacent to heated fuel oil tanks.

The Tanker Structural Cooperative Forum (TSCF) publication "Condition Eveluation and Maintenance of Tanker Structures, 1992" gives defenitive examples which can be used for judging and describing coating condition, for both bulk carriers and oil tanks. The evaluation risks for both bulk carriers and oil tanks should be based on information contained in the above-mentioned TSCF publication, together with relevant information on the anticipated condition of the ship as derived from the information collected in accordance with 3.2.1. and the age of the ship. The tanks, holds and other spaces should be listed in a table with the risk of corrosion nominated accordingly.

3.2.4. Areas for cloe-up survey and thickness measurement The areas for initial close-up survey and thickness measurement (section) should be chosen on the basis of the table of corrosion risks indicated in and an evaluation of historical structural experiences. sections subject to thickness should normally be nominated in tanks, hold in other spaces where the risk of corrosion is judged to be the highest. The nomination for close-up survey of tanks, holds and other spaces should be hased on the highest corrosion risk.

Part B


2.1 General
2.2 Minimun requirements
2.3 Timing
2.4 Technical assessment
2.5 Contents
3.1 General
3.2 Methods
3.2.1. Collection of information
3.2.2. Design details
3.2.3. Corrosion
3.2.4. Areas for close-up survey thickness measurement


1.1 The objective of this document is to provide additional guidance for planning an enhanced survey programme as required by paragraph 5 of Annex A of the Guidelines on the Enhanced Programme of Inspections during Surveys of Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers (resolution A.744 (18)).

1.2 It is NOT the pbjective of this document to offer guidance on the alternative method of determining close-up survey requirements as stated in subparagraph 5.1.3 of Annex A of the Guidelines on the Enhanced Programme of Inspection during Surveys of Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers (resolution A.744 (18)).


2.1 General
The survey programme, wich should be in a written format, is intendet to indentify conditions of survey, critical structural areas and to stipulate the extent and locations for close-up survey and thickness measurements with respect to transverse sections (sections) and internal structures as well as nominate suspect areas.

2.2Minimun requirements
In all cases, the close-up surveys and thickness measurements required by Annex 1 and Annex 2 of Annex A of the Guidelines on the Enhanced Programme of Inspections during Surveys of Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers (resolution A.744 (18)) should be conducted, as a minimun.

The survey programme should be developed by the owner or operator in co-operation with the Administration well in advance of the commencement of the special survey, i.e. prior commencing the survey and normally at least 12 to 15 months before the completion due date.

2.4 Technical assessment
2.4.1 The basis for nomination of tanks and areas sor survey should take the following elements of the perticular ship into account: Design features such as stress levels on various structural elements, design details and extent of use of high zensile steel; History with respect to corrosion, cracking, buckling and repairs for the particular ship as well as similar vessels, where available ; information with respect to type of cargo, corrosion prevention system of tanks, and condition of coatings, if any, of holds and tanks.

2.4.2 The degree of criticality of these elements should ce judged and decided on the basis of recognized principles and praczises, such as may be found in the IACS publication "Hulk Carriers: Guidelines for Surveys. Assessment and Repaur of Hull Structure".

2.5 Contents
The survey programme shoul contain:

1. ship particulars;
2. plan of holds and tanks
3. list of holds and tanks with information on use, corrosion protection systems and condition of coatings;
4. corrosion risk nomination of holds and tanks;
5. selected structural details where damages have been reported on the particular ship or, where available, similar vessels;
6. selected holds and tanks adn areas for close-up survey;
7. selected sections for thickness measurements;
8. acceptable corrosion allowances.


3.1 General

3.1.1 There are three basic types of pssible failures to be considered in connection with development of a survey programme; corrosion, cracks and buckling. Contact damages, however, would not normally be covered by the programme as indents are usually dealt with as a normal routine by surveyors.

3.1.2 The development of a survey programme should in principle be as shown schematically in figure 1. The approach is based on an evaluation of experience and knowledge basically related to:
- design
- corrosion

3.1.3 The structual design should be considered with respect to structual details which may be susceptible to buckling or crackling as a result vibration, high stress levels of fatique.

3.1.4 Corrosion is related to the age of a ship, and is closely connected with the quality of the corroion prevention system and subsequent maintenance during the service life. Corrosion may also lead to cracking and/or buckling.

3.2 Methods

3.2.1 Collection of information
Before cmmencing the development of the survey programme, the following information should be collected:

- survey status and basic ship information;
- main structural plans (scantling drawings), including information regarding use of high consilo steels (HTS);
- previous survey report
- previous damage experience, including damage experience for similair ships, were available;
- typical hull damages for the particular type of ship (as applicable/available);
- acceptable corrosion allowances;
- information regarding the use ship`s holds and tanks, typical cargoes, loading/unloading procedures, and other relevant data;
- information regarding teh corrosion prevention system;
- information regarding the relevant maintenance level during operation.

Proper co-operation between the owner and the Administration is essential in order to collect the necessary information for those developing the survey programme.

3.2.2 Design details Damage expereince related to the ship in question end similar ships were available, is the main source of information to be used in the development of the survey programme. In addition, a selection of structural details from the design drawings should be included. Typical damage experience to be considered will consist of:

- number, extent, location and frequency of cracks;
- location of buckles.

This information may be found in the survey reports and/or the owner`s files. The defect should be analysed, noted and marked on sketches. In addition, general experience should be untilized. For example, figure 2 shows typical locations in bulk carriers which experience has shown may be susceptible to structural damage of corrosion. Also, references should be made to IACS publication "Bulk Carriers: Guidelines for Surfeys, Assessement ans Repair of Hull Structure", which contains a catalogus of typical damages and proposed repair methods for various bulk carrier structural details. Such figures should be used together with a revieuw of the main drawings, in order to indentify similar details which may susceptible to damage. An example is shown in figure J. The revieuw of the main structural drawings, in addition to using the above-mentained figures, should include checking for typical design details where cracking has been experienced. The factors contributing to damage should be carefully considered. The use of high tensile steel (HTS) in an important factor. Details showing good service expereince where ordinary mild steel has been used may be more susceptible to damage when HTS, and it`s higher associated stresses, are utilized. There is extensive and, in general, good experience., with the use of HTS for longitudinal material in deck and bottom. Experience in other locations, where the dynamic stresses may be higher, is less favourable. e.g. side structures. In this respect, in accordance with the latest classification rules or other relevant methods, should be considered. The selected areas of the structure identified during this proces should be recorded and marked on the structual drawings which should be included in the survey programme document.

3.2.3 Corrosion The following information should generally be considered in order to evaluate the corrosion risks:

- usage of tanks, holds and spaces;
- condition of caotings;
- condition of anodes;
- cleaning procedures for cargo holds;
- previous wastage;
- cargo hold/ballast tank usage (frequency / time)
- corrosion risks in cargo holds and ballast tanks;
- location of ballast tanks adjacent to heated fuel oil tanks.

The Tanker Structural Cooperative Forum (TSCF) publication "Condition Eveluation and Maintenance of Tanker Structures, 1992" gives defenitive examples which can be used for judging and describing coating condition, for both bulk carriers and oil tanks. The evaluation risks for both bulk carriers and oil tanks should be based on information contained in the above-mentioned TSCF publication, together with relevant information on the anticipated condition of the ship as derived from the information collected in accordance with 3.2.1. and the age of the ship. The tanks, holds and other spaces should be listed in a table with the risk of corrosion nominated accordingly.

3.2.4. Areas for cloe-up survey and thickness measurement The areas for initial close-up survey and thickness measurement (section) should be chosen on the basis of the table of corrosion risks indicated in and an evaluation of historical structural experiences. sections subject to thickness should normally be nominated in tanks, hold in other spaces where the risk of corrosion is judged to be the highest. The nomination for close-up survey of tanks, holds and other spaces should be hased on the highest corrosion risk.

art. 1 A letter from P. D. Langebaert

H.A. de Rooy
24 April 1995
Our reference:
SI-20. 890/96/SIKN
Enhanced Survey Programme

Dear Sirs,

Further to my letter SI-20-276/96/SIKN dated 6 February 1996 I herewith inform you that the proposed procedure for the implemetation of the Enhanced Survey Programme (ESP) has been amended after receipt of some of your comments.

1. It appeared tobe en item of discussion who is responsible for submitting a copy of the Survey Programme Document (SPD) to NSZ.
After careful consideration it is decided that the owner shall send a class approved copy of SPD to NSI.

2. Another remark was the extent of reporting to NSI. NSI wishes to receive a complete survey report, including condition evaluation report and conclusion of analysis after a renewal survey of each ship in ESP. On request thickness measurement report shall be send to NSI. For ships older than 10 years NSI wishes to receive full reports after annual and intermedlate surveys too.

Please find the revised procedure as enclosure to this letter.

Yours truly,

Head Shipping Inspection,
on behalf,
Head, Mechant Shipping Department

P. D. Langbaert

art. 2 NSI proceduce for implementation of Enhanced Survey Programme (ESP).

1. NSI will address owners of ships registered in the Kingdom of the Netherlands reminding them of ESP and with reference to IMO Res. A 744 (18) and MSC Circ. 655.

2. Recognized classification societies are authorized to perform surveys in accordance with ESP.

3. Owner and class will prepare a "Survey Programme Document" (SPD). The owner shall send a copy of the class approved SPD to NSI.

4.4 The owner will inform NSI of the survey date(s) in due time, preferable not later than 4-6 weeks prior to surveydate. NSI may request additional infermation from class and/or owner. NSI may decide to carry out or witness ESP surveys,

5. For ships older than 10 years class shall send a copy of every ESP report (annual, intermediate and renewal) to NSI. The report of the renewal survey shall include the condition evaluation report and conclusion of analysis. The thickness measurements report shall be available on request. Class is authorized to endorse the condition evaluation report. For ships of an age of 10 years or less class shall submit copy of the ESP report of the renewal survey.

Rotterdam, 24 April 1996

art. 3 Giudance for planning the enhanced programme of inspections during survey of bulk carriers and oil tankers

1. The assembly, at its eighteenth session, adopted resolution A. 744 (18) - Guidelines on the Enhanced Program of Inspections during Surveys of Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers. In adopting these guidelines, the Assembly recognide the necessity of ensuring that effective syrveys were carried out on Bulk carriers and oil tankers, and that efficient planning was conducted prior to these surveys.

2. The guidance, sot out at annex to this circular and approved by the Maritime Safety Committee at its sixty-third session (16 to 25 may 1994 ), is intended to assist Administrations and shipowners in the development of the survey programme specified in subparagraph 5.1.1 of the guidelines. The use of this guidance should result in the development of a comprehensive survey programme document wich will enable shipowners. Administrations or organisations recohnized by an Administration to plan and conduct thorough and efficient inspections to fulfil the reguirements in the guidelines.

3. The guidance should be used in conjuction with resolution A.744 (15): When used co-operatively between shipowners and Administrations or recognized organizations, the guidance should ensure that the required inspections are carried out in the most effective and consistent manner.

4. Member Governments are invited to use the attenched guidance in developing a survey programme document for conducting the enhanced programme of inspections during surveys of bulk carriers and oil tankers specified in resolution A.744 (15).


art. 4 * Part A : bulk carriers : special survey - Hull

2.1 General
2.2 Minimum requirements
2.3 Timing
2.4 Technical assessment
2.5 Contents
3.1 General
3.2 Methods
3.2.1. Collection of information
3.2.2. Design details
3.2.3. Corrosion
3.2.4. Areas for close-up survey and thickness measurement



1.1 The objective of this document is to provide additional guidance for planning an enhanced survey programme as required by paragraph 5 of Annex A of the Guidelines on the Enhanced Programme of Inspections during Surveys of Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers (resolution A.744 (18)).

1.2 It is NOT the pbjective of this document to offer guidance on the alternative method of determining close-up survey requirements as stated in subparagraph 5.1.3 of Annex A of the Guidelines on the Enhanced Programme of Inspection during Surveys of Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers (resolution A.744 (18)).


2.1 General
The survey programme, wich should be in a written format, is intendet to indentify conditions of survey, critical structural areas and to stipulate the extent and locations for close-up survey and thickness measurements with respect to transverse sections (sections) and internal structures as well as nominate suspect areas.

2.2Minimun requirements
In all cases, the close-up surveys and thickness measurements required by Annex 1 and Annex 2 of Annex A of the Guidelines on the Enhanced Programme of Inspections during Surveys of Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers (resolution A.744 (18)) should be conducted, as a minimun.

The survey programme should be developed by the owner or operator in co-operation with the Administration well in advance of the commencement of the special survey, i.e. prior commencing the survey and normally at least 12 to 15 months before the completion due date.

2.4 Technical assessment
2.4.1 The basis for nomination of tanks and areas sor survey should take the following elements of the perticular ship into account: Design features such as stress levels on various structural elements, design details and extent of use of high zensile steel; History with respect to corrosion, cracking, buckling and repairs for the particular ship as well as similar vessels, where available ; information with respect to type of cargo, corrosion prevention system of tanks, and condition of coatings, if any, of holds and tanks.

2.4.2 The degree of criticality of these elements should ce judged and decided on the basis of recognized principles and praczises, such as may be found in the IACS publication "Hulk Carriers: Guidelines for Surveys. Assessment and Repaur of Hull Structure".

2.5 Contents
The survey programme shoul contain:

1. ship particulars;
2. plan of holds and tanks
3. list of holds and tanks with information on use, corrosion protection systems and condition of coatings;
4. corrosion risk nomination of holds and tanks;
5. selected structural details where damages have been reported on the particular ship or, where available, similar vessels;
6. selected holds and tanks adn areas for close-up survey;
7. selected sections for thickness measurements;
8. acceptable corrosion allowances.


3.1 General

3.1.1 There are three basic types of pssible failures to be considered in connection with development of a survey programme; corrosion, cracks and buckling. Contact damages, however, would not normally be covered by the programme as indents are usually dealt with as a normal routine by surveyors.

3.1.2 The development of a survey programme should in principle be as shown schematically in figure 1. The approach is based on an evaluation of experience and knowledge basically related to:
- design
- corrosion

3.1.3 The structual design should be considered with respect to structual details which may be susceptible to buckling or crackling as a result vibration, high stress levels of fatique.

3.1.4 Corrosion is related to the age of a ship, and is closely connected with the quality of the corroion prevention system and subsequent maintenance during the service life. Corrosion may also lead to cracking and/or buckling.

3.2 Methods

3.2.1 Collection of information
Before cmmencing the development of the survey programme, the following information should be collected:

- survey status and basic ship information;
- main structural plans (scantling drawings), including information regarding use of high consilo steels (HTS);
- previous survey report
- previous damage experience, including damage experience for similair ships, were available;
- typical hull damages for the particular type of ship (as applicable/available);
- acceptable corrosion allowances;
- information regarding the use ship`s holds and tanks, typical cargoes, loading/unloading procedures, and other relevant data;
- information regarding teh corrosion prevention system;
- information regarding the relevant maintenance level during operation.

Proper co-operation between the owner and the Administration is essential in order to collect the necessary information for those developing the survey programme.

3.2.2 Design details Damage expereince related to the ship in question end similar ships were available, is the main source of information to be used in the development of the survey programme. In addition, a selection of structural details from the design drawings should be included. Typical damage experience to be considered will consist of:

- number, extent, location and frequency of cracks;
- location of buckles.

This information may be found in the survey reports and/or the owner`s files. The defect should be analysed, noted and marked on sketches. In addition, general experience should be untilized. For example, figure 2 shows typical locations in bulk carriers which experience has shown may be susceptible to structural damage of corrosion. Also, references should be made to IACS publication "Bulk Carriers: Guidelines for Surfeys, Assessement ans Repair of Hull Structure", which contains a catalogus of typical damages and proposed repair methods for various bulk carrier structural details. Such figures should be used together with a revieuw of the main drawings, in order to indentify similar details which may susceptible to damage. An example is shown in figure J. The revieuw of the main structural drawings, in addition to using the above-mentained figures, should include checking for typical design details where cracking has been experienced. The factors contributing to damage should be carefully considered. The use of high tensile steel (HTS) in an important factor. Details showing good service expereince where ordinary mild steel has been used may be more susceptible to damage when HTS, and it`s higher associated stresses, are utilized. There is extensive and, in general, good experience., with the use of HTS for longitudinal material in deck and bottom. Experience in other locations, where the dynamic stresses may be higher, is less favourable. e.g. side structures. In this respect, in accordance with the latest classification rules or other relevant methods, should be considered. The selected areas of the structure identified during this proces should be recorded and marked on the structual drawings which should be included in the survey programme document.

3.2.3 Corrosion The following information should generally be considered in order to evaluate the corrosion risks:

- usage of tanks, holds and spaces;
- condition of caotings;
- condition of anodes;
- cleaning procedures for cargo holds;
- previous wastage;
- cargo hold/ballast tank usage (frequency / time)
- corrosion risks in cargo holds and ballast tanks;
- location of ballast tanks adjacent to heated fuel oil tanks.

The Tanker Structural Cooperative Forum (TSCF) publication "Condition Eveluation and Maintenance of Tanker Structures, 1992" gives defenitive examples which can be used for judging and describing coating condition, for both bulk carriers and oil tanks. The evaluation risks for both bulk carriers and oil tanks should be based on information contained in the above-mentioned TSCF publication, together with relevant information on the anticipated condition of the ship as derived from the information collected in accordance with 3.2.1. and the age of the ship. The tanks, holds and other spaces should be listed in a table with the risk of corrosion nominated accordingly.

3.2.4. Areas for cloe-up survey and thickness measurement The areas for initial close-up survey and thickness measurement (section) should be chosen on the basis of the table of corrosion risks indicated in and an evaluation of historical structural experiences. sections subject to thickness should normally be nominated in tanks, hold in other spaces where the risk of corrosion is judged to be the highest. The nomination for close-up survey of tanks, holds and other spaces should be hased on the highest corrosion risk.

art. 5 * Part B : Oil Tankers : special survey - Hull

Part B


2.1 General
2.2 Minimun requirements
2.3 Timing
2.4 Technical assessment
2.5 Contents
3.1 General
3.2 Methods
3.2.1. Collection of information
3.2.2. Design details
3.2.3. Corrosion
3.2.4. Areas for close-up survey thickness measurement


1.1 The objective of this document is to provide additional guidance for planning an enhanced survey programme as required by paragraph 5 of Annex A of the Guidelines on the Enhanced Programme of Inspections during Surveys of Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers (resolution A.744 (18)).

1.2 It is NOT the pbjective of this document to offer guidance on the alternative method of determining close-up survey requirements as stated in subparagraph 5.1.3 of Annex A of the Guidelines on the Enhanced Programme of Inspection during Surveys of Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers (resolution A.744 (18)).


2.1 General
The survey programme, wich should be in a written format, is intendet to indentify conditions of survey, critical structural areas and to stipulate the extent and locations for close-up survey and thickness measurements with respect to transverse sections (sections) and internal structures as well as nominate suspect areas.

2.2Minimun requirements
In all cases, the close-up surveys and thickness measurements required by Annex 1 and Annex 2 of Annex A of the Guidelines on the Enhanced Programme of Inspections during Surveys of Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers (resolution A.744 (18)) should be conducted, as a minimun.

The survey programme should be developed by the owner or operator in co-operation with the Administration well in advance of the commencement of the special survey, i.e. prior commencing the survey and normally at least 12 to 15 months before the completion due date.

2.4 Technical assessment
2.4.1 The basis for nomination of tanks and areas sor survey should take the following elements of the perticular ship into account: Design features such as stress levels on various structural elements, design details and extent of use of high zensile steel; History with respect to corrosion, cracking, buckling and repairs for the particular ship as well as similar vessels, where available ; information with respect to type of cargo, corrosion prevention system of tanks, and condition of coatings, if any, of holds and tanks.

2.4.2 The degree of criticality of these elements should ce judged and decided on the basis of recognized principles and praczises, such as may be found in the IACS publication "Hulk Carriers: Guidelines for Surveys. Assessment and Repaur of Hull Structure".

2.5 Contents
The survey programme shoul contain:

1. ship particulars;
2. plan of holds and tanks
3. list of holds and tanks with information on use, corrosion protection systems and condition of coatings;
4. corrosion risk nomination of holds and tanks;
5. selected structural details where damages have been reported on the particular ship or, where available, similar vessels;
6. selected holds and tanks adn areas for close-up survey;
7. selected sections for thickness measurements;
8. acceptable corrosion allowances.


3.1 General

3.1.1 There are three basic types of pssible failures to be considered in connection with development of a survey programme; corrosion, cracks and buckling. Contact damages, however, would not normally be covered by the programme as indents are usually dealt with as a normal routine by surveyors.

3.1.2 The development of a survey programme should in principle be as shown schematically in figure 1. The approach is based on an evaluation of experience and knowledge basically related to:
- design
- corrosion

3.1.3 The structual design should be considered with respect to structual details which may be susceptible to buckling or crackling as a result vibration, high stress levels of fatique.

3.1.4 Corrosion is related to the age of a ship, and is closely connected with the quality of the corroion prevention system and subsequent maintenance during the service life. Corrosion may also lead to cracking and/or buckling.

3.2 Methods

3.2.1 Collection of information
Before cmmencing the development of the survey programme, the following information should be collected:

- survey status and basic ship information;
- main structural plans (scantling drawings), including information regarding use of high consilo steels (HTS);
- previous survey report
- previous damage experience, including damage experience for similair ships, were available;
- typical hull damages for the particular type of ship (as applicable/available);
- acceptable corrosion allowances;
- information regarding the use ship`s holds and tanks, typical cargoes, loading/unloading procedures, and other relevant data;
- information regarding teh corrosion prevention system;
- information regarding the relevant maintenance level during operation.

Proper co-operation between the owner and the Administration is essential in order to collect the necessary information for those developing the survey programme.

3.2.2 Design details Damage expereince related to the ship in question end similar ships were available, is the main source of information to be used in the development of the survey programme. In addition, a selection of structural details from the design drawings should be included. Typical damage experience to be considered will consist of:

- number, extent, location and frequency of cracks;
- location of buckles.

This information may be found in the survey reports and/or the owner`s files. The defect should be analysed, noted and marked on sketches. In addition, general experience should be untilized. For example, figure 2 shows typical locations in bulk carriers which experience has shown may be susceptible to structural damage of corrosion. Also, references should be made to IACS publication "Bulk Carriers: Guidelines for Surfeys, Assessement ans Repair of Hull Structure", which contains a catalogus of typical damages and proposed repair methods for various bulk carrier structural details. Such figures should be used together with a revieuw of the main drawings, in order to indentify similar details which may susceptible to damage. An example is shown in figure J. The revieuw of the main structural drawings, in addition to using the above-mentained figures, should include checking for typical design details where cracking has been experienced. The factors contributing to damage should be carefully considered. The use of high tensile steel (HTS) in an important factor. Details showing good service expereince where ordinary mild steel has been used may be more susceptible to damage when HTS, and it`s higher associated stresses, are utilized. There is extensive and, in general, good experience., with the use of HTS for longitudinal material in deck and bottom. Experience in other locations, where the dynamic stresses may be higher, is less favourable. e.g. side structures. In this respect, in accordance with the latest classification rules or other relevant methods, should be considered. The selected areas of the structure identified during this proces should be recorded and marked on the structual drawings which should be included in the survey programme document.

3.2.3 Corrosion The following information should generally be considered in order to evaluate the corrosion risks:

- usage of tanks, holds and spaces;
- condition of caotings;
- condition of anodes;
- cleaning procedures for cargo holds;
- previous wastage;
- cargo hold/ballast tank usage (frequency / time)
- corrosion risks in cargo holds and ballast tanks;
- location of ballast tanks adjacent to heated fuel oil tanks.

The Tanker Structural Cooperative Forum (TSCF) publication "Condition Eveluation and Maintenance of Tanker Structures, 1992" gives defenitive examples which can be used for judging and describing coating condition, for both bulk carriers and oil tanks. The evaluation risks for both bulk carriers and oil tanks should be based on information contained in the above-mentioned TSCF publication, together with relevant information on the anticipated condition of the ship as derived from the information collected in accordance with 3.2.1. and the age of the ship. The tanks, holds and other spaces should be listed in a table with the risk of corrosion nominated accordingly.

3.2.4. Areas for cloe-up survey and thickness measurement The areas for initial close-up survey and thickness measurement (section) should be chosen on the basis of the table of corrosion risks indicated in and an evaluation of historical structural experiences. sections subject to thickness should normally be nominated in tanks, hold in other spaces where the risk of corrosion is judged to be the highest. The nomination for close-up survey of tanks, holds and other spaces should be hased on the highest corrosion risk.
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