Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

03 Certification of lifting appliances and loose gear based on ILO 152
Geldigheid:01-08-2006 t/m 26-06-2013Versie:vergelijk Status: Was geldig

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.

No. 3 - Certification of lifting appliances and loose gear based on ILO 152

1. Lifting appliances and loose gear used for cargo handling
In accordance with the relevant regulations of the Netherlands Working Conditions Decree (art 7.29) which are based on the ILO 152 convention, the RO is recognized by the Secretary of State for Social Affairs and Employment as certifying institution for lifting appliances and loose gear on board of seagoing ships.
The RO is authorized to:

  • Perform the initial examination, testing and certification of cargo handling lifting appliances and loose gear
  • Perform the 5-yearly testing and renewal of the certificate
  • Issue the "Register of Lifting Appliances and Loose Gear" and enter the results of the initial and 5-yearly certifications.
The NSI does not require any lifting appliances or loose gear to be "classed", but only that the relevant ILO 152 regulations must be complied with. It is up to the shipowner to employ any of the recognized RO's to carry out the above-mentioned examination, testing and certification services.

The annual thorough examinations required by ILO 152 may be carried out by a person from the ship's crew, shipyard, an independent contractor or RO, having the proper knowledge.

The conditions and reporting procedures that are part of the recognition by the Secretary of State for Social Affairs and Employment remain unchanged.

2. Other lifting appliances and loose gear on board ships "Non-cargo handling" lifting appliances and loose gear on board ships shall be administered according to the relevant regulations of the Working Conditions Decree (art 7.18, 7.18a and 7.20).
It is up to the owner or master how to comply with the requirements. Any involvement of the RO is not under the Agreement between the Administration and the RO.

As guidance the following items may be considered to be "Non-cargo handling" lifting appliances and loose gear (not limitative) :
  • I-beams above machinery etc.
  • Lifting eyes or lugs.
  • Overhead cranes in engine and pump rooms.
  • Provision and hose-handling cranes and davits.
  • Hand or power operated chain hoists (to be CE marked).
  • Loose blocks, tackle and slings for non-cargo handling use.
  • Gantry cranes for moving hatch covers
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