Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

05 Decree on the prevention of pollution by ships
Geldigheid:17-09-2008 t/m 30-06-2010Versie:vergelijk Status: Was geldig

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.

Ingangsdatum: 01-01-2007

Decree on the prevention of pollution by ships

Decree of 11 December 2006, BAD 693, containing rules for the prevention of pollution from ships, most recently amended by Decree of 7 October 2010, 746

We Beatrix, by the grace of God, Queen of the Netherlands, Princess of Orange Nassau, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera At the proposal of Our Minister for Transport, Public Works and Water Management of, No HDJZ/–, Principal Directorate for Legal Affairs, also put forward on behalf of the Secretary of State for Housing, Planning and the Environment;

Having regard to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, concluded in London on 2 November 1973 (Treaties Journal 1975, 147) and the Protocol to that Treaty that was adopted in London on 17 February 1978 (Treaties Journal 1978, 188), to Annex IV to the Protocol on environmental protection to the Antarctica Treaty, laid down in Madrid on 4 October 1991 (Treaties Journal 1992, 110), the International Convention on the control of harmful anti-fouling systems on ships, laid down in London on 5 October 2001 (Treaties Journal 2004, 44), Directive 2000/59/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2000 on port reception facilities for ship-generated waste and cargo residues (OJ L 332), Directive 2005/33/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 6 July 2005 amending Directive 1999/32/EC as regards the sulphur content of marine fuels (OJ L 191), and Articles 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8a, 9, 10, 11, 12c, 12e, 21, 23, and 38 of the Act on the prevention of pollution by ships;

Having heard the Council of State (recommendation of …, ref. …);

Having studied the more detailed report by Our Minister for Transport, Public Works and Water Management of, No HDJZ/SCH/…,

Principal Directorate for Legal Affairs, also issued on behalf of the Secretary of State for Housing,

Planning and the Environment;

Have approved and understood the following:

Chapter 1 Introductory provisions

Ingangsdatum: 01-01-2007
Chapter 1 - Introductory provisions

Article 1 Definitions of terms

Article 1a Application Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba

Article 2 Designation of harmful substances

Ingangsdatum: 01-01-2007

Article 2 - Designation of harmful substances

The following shall be regarded as harmful substances as referred to in Article 1(h) of the Act:

  1. oil and oil mixtures as referred to in regulation 1 to Annex I of the Convention;

  2. noxious liquids, including traces thereof, or ballast water, washing water from tanks or other mixtures that contain such substances;

  3. liquids which, on the basis of Annex II, have not been categorised or provisionally classified or assessed, or ballast water, washing water from tanks or other mixtures that contain such traces;

  4. harmful substances in packaged form;

  5. sanitary waste;

  6. garbage as referred to in regulation 1 of Annex V to the Convention.

Article 3 Designation of conventions

Ingangsdatum: 17-09-2008

Article 3 - Designation of conventions

The AFS Convention shall be designated as another convention as referred to in Articles 8(1) and (3), 8a, 21 and 23 of the Act.

Article 4 Construction date of a ship

Ingangsdatum: 01-01-2007

Art. 4 Construction date of a ship

  1. A ship’s construction date shall be the date on which the ship’s keel was laid, or the date on which, taking into consideration the relevant provisions laid down in the conventions or Codes that apply on the basis of this Decree, a construction date was reached that is comparable to that of keel laying.

  2. By way of deviation from paragraph 1, the construction date of a ship that has been reconstructed into another type of ship identified on the basis of this Decree shall be the date on which hose reconstruction works were commenced, unless otherwise provided for in the conventions or Codes that apply on the basis of this Decree.

  3. By regulation of Our Minister, more detailed rules may be laid down with regard to the date to be designated as construction date in the event of new constructions or reconstructions of ships. These rules may also pertain to the date to be designated as a construction date of a ship in the event of a deadline for completing a ship or a certain construction phase, to be determined by this regulation, being exceeded.

Chapter 2 Requirements for ships

Ingangsdatum: 01-01-2007
Chapter 2 - Requirements for ships

Article 10 Exemptions

Ingangsdatum: 01-01-2007

Article 10 - Exemptions

An exemption as referred to in Article 35(2) of the Act from the requirements referred to in Articles 5 and 6, if this is granted for a ship for which a certificate is issued as referred to in Article 12, will be noted on that certificate.

Article 11 Admission of equipment

Ingangsdatum: 01-01-2007

Article 11 - Admission of equipment

By regulation of Our Minister, rules may be laid down with regard to the conditions for admission of equipment onboard of ships, the use of that equipment and the documents by which it must be accompanied in the cases specified in that regulation.

Article 5 Requirements on basis of MARPOL

Ingangsdatum: 02-01-2007
Geldig tot en met: 11-10-2010

Article 5 - Requirements for ships on the basis of the MARPOL Convention

  1. Each ship shall meet the requirements of Annex I to the Convention that apply to that ship.

  2. A ship intended or used for the transport of noxious liquids in bulk shall meet the requirements of Annex II to the Convention that apply to that ship.

  3. Paragraph 2 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the ships referred to in that paragraph:

    1. for which a certificate as referred to in Article 12(2) is needed, or

    2. that do not sail to offshore ports within the legal jurisdiction of other parties to the Convention.

  4. The following ships that make international journeys shall meet the requirements of Annex IV to the Convention that apply to that ship:

    1. new ships as referred to in regulation 1 of this Annex of 400 GT or more;

    2. new ships as referred to in regulation 1 of this Annex of less than 400 GT that are entitled to transport more than 15 people;

    3. existing ships as referred to in regulation 1 of this Annex of 400 GT or more, with effect from 28 September 2008;

    4. existing ships as referred to in regulation 1 of this Annex of less than 400 GT that are entitled to transport more than 15 people, with effect from 28 September 2008;

  5. Each ship shall meet the requirements of Annex VI to the Convention that apply to that ship.
  6. A ship that is equipped with one or more diesel engines to which regulation 13 of Annex VI to the Convention applies shall also meet the requirements included in the NOx Code in respect of those engines. Compliance with those requirements shall, for each of those engines, be evident from an Engine International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate, issued in accordance with the NOx Code.

Article 6 Requirements on basis of the Antarctic Treaty

Ingangsdatum: 01-01-2007

Article 6 - Requirements for ships on the basis of the Antarctic Treaty

One or more collection tanks with sufficient capacity for storing sanitary waste shall be present onboard each ship that is located in the Antarctic area.

Article 7 Requirements on basis of AFS

Ingangsdatum: 17-09-2008

Article 7 - Requirements for ships on the basis of the AFS Convention

  1. Each ship shall meet the requirements of Annex I to the AFS Convention that apply to that ship.

  2. Each ship measuring 24 m or more in length, but weighing less than 400 GT, that makes international journeys shall be accompanied by a declaration signed by the owner or their authorised agent as referred to in regulation 5 of Annex 4 to the AFS Convention, which shall meet the relevant requirements prescribed in that regulation.

  3. Paragraph 2 shall not apply to floating platforms, floating storage units and floating production, storage and transit units.

Article 7a Requirements on basis of the BWM

Ingangsdatum: 01-01-2007

Article 7a - Requirements for ships on the basis of the Ballast Water Convention
(Not yet in force)

  1. Any ship complies with the requirements of regulation B-3 and regulation B-5, paragraph 2, of the Annex to the Ballast Water Convention which are applicable to that ship, unless it concerns an exception as referred to in regulation A-3 of the Annex to the Ballast Water Convention.

  2. Any ship complies with the requirements of regulation B-1 of the Annex to the Ballast Water Convention that are applicable to that ship for having a ballast water management plan.

  3. The requirements as referred to in the first and second paragraphs do not apply to ships that have not been designed or built for the carriage of ballast water and for ships carrying ballast water in permanently sealed tanks and which do not discharge this ballast water.

  4. Contrary to the first paragraph, to a ship on which a ballast water management system is used that complies with a program established by Ministerial Regulation for testing and assessing techniques for ballast water handling, the standard of regulation D-2 of the Annex to the Ballast Water Convention is not applicable during a period established in that Ministerial Regulation.

Article 8 More detailed requirements

Ingangsdatum: 01-01-2007

Article 8 - More detailed requirements

  1. By regulation of Our Minister, requirements may be prescribed with which ships must comply in connection with a certificate required pursuant to Article 15.

  2. By regulation of Our Minister, additional requirements may be laid down for ships, as well as more detailed rules with regard to the requirements referred to in Articles 5 to 7.

Article 9 Equivalent provisions

Ingangsdatum: 01-01-2007
Geldig tot en met: 30-06-2010

Article 9 - Equivalent provisions

The inspector-general may, taking into consideration the provisions in the relevant convention or the relevant Code, permit deviations from the requirements referred to in Article 5, if a provision is made onboard a ship which, in his opinion, is at least equivalent to the required provision in the regulation which is deviated from.

Chapter 3 Certificates and surveys

Ingangsdatum: 01-01-2007
Chapter 2 - Certificates and surveys

§ 1 Certificates

Ingangsdatum: 01-01-2007
§ 1 - Certificates

Article 12 Certificates on the basis of the MARPOL Convention

Article 13 Certificates on the basis of the AFS Convention

Article 13a Certificates on the basis of the BWM

Ingangsdatum: 01-01-2007

Article 13a - Certificates on the basis of the Ballast Water Convention
(Not yet in force)

  1. For a ship of 400 GT or more, which has shown after inspection that it complies with the requirements, as referred to in Article 7a and the requirements related to that Article, as referred to in Article 8, second and third paragraphs, an International Ballast Water Management Certificate as referred to in regulation E-4 of the Annex to the Ballast Water Convention is issued.

  2. The first paragraph is not applicable to floating platforms, floating storage units and floating production, storage and transshipment units.

Article 14 Reports, appendices, etc. associated with certificates

Ingangsdatum: 01-01-2007

Article 14 - Reports, appendices, etc. associated with certificates

The certificates referred to in Articles 12 and 13 shall be accompanied by the reports, annexes and summaries associated with that certificate, as well as the information with regard to the ship or cargo prescribed in the relevant conventions and Codes.

Article 15 Other certificates and declarations

Ingangsdatum: 01-01-2007

Article 15 - Other certificates and declarations

  1. By regulation of Our Minister, it may be stipulated that for certain ships, in respect of which a survey has shown that they meet the requirements that pertain to those ships, as referred to in Article 8(1), a special certificate must be issued.

  2. By regulation of Our Minister, it may be stipulated that for certain ships to which Articles 12 and 13 do not apply, in respect of which a survey has shown that they meet the requirements that apply to those ships, as referred to in Articles 5 to 7 and the requirements that relate to those articles, as referred to in Article 8, a declaration may be issued at the shipowner’s request.

§ 2 Surveys

Ingangsdatum: 01-01-2007

Article 16 Surveys in connection with MARPOL certificates

Article 17 Surveys in connection with the AFS certificate

Article 17a Inspections in connection with the BWM certificate

Ingangsdatum: 01-01-2007

Artcle 17a - Inspections in connection with the Ballast Water Management Certificate
(Not yet in force)

In order to obtain an International Ballast Water Management Certificate and during the period of validity of that certificate, a ship is subjected to the inspections laid down in regulation E-1 of the Annex to the Ballast Water Convention.

Article 18 Timing of surveys

Ingangsdatum: 01-01-2007

Article 18 - Timing of surveys

The surveys referred to in Articles 16 and 17 shall take place at the times laid down in the relevant conventions and codes, with the proviso that the renewal survey to which a ship is subject in connection with the renewal of a certificate must always take place in the last three months of the validity period of the certificate concerned.

Article 19 Recording of surveys

Ingangsdatum: 01-01-2007

Article 19 - Recording of surveys

The surveys undergone by a ship pursuant to Articles 16 and 17 during the validity period of a certificate shall be noted on the certificate by the party performing the survey.

Article 20 Other surveys

Ingangsdatum: 01-01-2007

Article 20 - Other surveys

  1. Rules may be laid down by regulation of Our Minister relating to:

    1. the surveys to which ships are subject in connection with a certificate as referred to in Article 15(1);

    2. the surveys to which ships to which Articles 12 and 13 do not apply are subject.

  2. More detailed rules may be laid down by regulation of Our Minister relating to the surveys that ships must undergo in order to obtain the certificates referred to in Articles 16 and 17 and during the validity period of those certificates.

Article 21 Authority of designated natural persons

Ingangsdatum: 01-01-2007

Article 21 - Authority of designated natural persons or legal entities

A natural person or legal entity designated pursuant to Article 8(3) of the Act shall be authorised, if a survey as referred to in Articles 16 and 17 reveals defects in the ship or its equipment, to require these defects to be rectified.

Article 22 Maintenance of condition following surveys

Ingangsdatum: 01-01-2007
Geldig tot en met: 30-12-2010

Article 22 - Maintenance of condition following surveys

Following completion of a survey laid down in or pursuant to this Decree, with the exception of the survey referred to in Article 17, the condition of the ship and its equipment shall be maintained in accordance with the rules laid down in or pursuant to this Decree. No alterations shall be made to this condition without prior approval from the inspector-general or from the natural person or legal entity designated pursuant to Article 8(3) of the Act that performed the survey.

§ 3 Validity of certificates

Ingangsdatum: 01-01-2007
§ 3 - Validity of certificates

Article 23 Validity period of certificates

Article 24 Renewal of certificates

Ingangsdatum: 01-01-2007

Article 24 - Renewal of certificates

Following the completion of a renewal survey in connection with the renewal of a certificate, the new certificate shall, by way of deviation from Article 23, be valid from the date of completion of the survey concerned to a date no more than five years after the expiry date of the existing certificate.

Article 25 Special extensions to the validity period

Ingangsdatum: 01-01-2007
Geldig tot en met: 30-12-2010

Article 25 - Special extensions to the validity period

  1. If a ship is not in a port where a renewed survey can take place at the time on which a certificate is no longer valid, Our Minister may extend the period of validity of the certificate with not more than three months in order to enable the ship to complete its voyage to the port where it will be surveyed. The ship shall subsequently not leave that port without a new certificate.

  2. The inspector-general extend the period of validity of a certificate that has been issued for the benefit of a ship engaged on short voyages with not more than one month.

  3. In cases as referred to in paragraph 1 or 2, once the renewal survey has taken place the validity period of the new certificate shall be determined on the basis of the original expiry date of the existing certificate.

  4. If, following completion of a renewal survey, the new certificate cannot be issued or provided to the ship before the expiry date of the existing certificate, the party that performed the survey may make a note of this on the existing certificate. In such cases, the existing certificate shall be regarded as valid for up to five months after its expiry date.

Article 26 More detailed rules

Ingangsdatum: 01-01-2007
Geldig tot en met: 30-06-2010

Article 26 - More detailed rules

By regulation of Our Minister, more detailed rules may be laid down relating to the validity period of the certificate and declaration referred to in Article 15, and more detailed rules may be laid down relating to the validity period of the certificate referred to in Articles 12 and 13.

Article 27 Expiry and withdrawal of certificates

Ingangsdatum: 01-01-2007
Geldig tot en met: 30-12-2010

Article 27 - Expiry and withdrawal of certificates

  1. If a shipowner withdraws a ship from general service as a ship, the certificates issued to that ship shall expire.

  2. If a shipowner withdraws a ship from a specific use that it had at the time when the certificates it requires were issued, but continues to use it as a ship, the certificates issued in connection with the specific use shall expire.

  3. The inspector-general may withdraw a certificate:

    1. °. if the ship has suffered significant damage that has not been repaired properly, or

    2. °. If a survey by the authorised official of the Shipping Division shows that the ship cannot leave port without the risk of pollution of the marine environment.

  4. The owner must send expired or withdrawn certificates to the inspector-general as soon as possible, via officials of the Shipping Division, officials responsible for Customs clearance, or Dutch diplomatic or consular officials.

  5. Proof of receipt shall be given for a submitted certificate on request.

Article 28 Restoration of expired certificates

Ingangsdatum: 01-01-2007
Geldig tot en met: 30-12-2010

Article 28 - Restoration of expired certificates

The inspector-general may restore the validity of a certificate that has been cancelled under Article 9, first paragraph, item e, of the Act, if, in his opinion, it has sufficiently appeared at a survey that the ship complies with the relevant requirements.

Chapter 4 Dumping and other actions

Ingangsdatum: 01-01-2007

Article 29 Prohibited dumping under the MARPOL Convention

Ingangsdatum: 13-02-2008
Geldig tot en met: 30-12-2010

Article 29 - Prohibited dumping under the MARPOL Convention

  1.  It shall be prohibited to discharge oil or oil-containing mixtures as referred to in regulation 1 of Annex I to the Convention into the sea, other than in compliance with the regulations set out in that Annex, provided that:
    1. in the area of the Mediterranean Sea, the area of the Baltic Sea, the area of the Black Sea, the Gulf area, the Northwest-European waters, as referred to in regulation 1 of that Annex, and the Antarctic region, the regulations 15 and 34 of that Annex, as regards discharges in special areas, are applicable.
    2. in the other special areas, as referred to in regulation 1 of that Annex, the regulations 15 and 34 of that Annex, as regards discharges outside special areas, are applicable, and in these areas the regulations 15 and 34 as regards discharges in special areas become applicable at a time to be determined by Decree of Our Minister, which will be published in the Government Gazette.
  2. It shall be prohibited to discharge the following liquids into the sea from a ship to which a certificate as referred to in Article 12(2) has been issued, other than in compliance with the regulations set out in Annex II to the Convention:

    1. noxious liquids, including traces thereof, or ballast water, washing water from tanks or other mixtures that contain such substances;

    2. liquids which, on the basis of Annex II, have not been categorised or provisionally classified or assessed, or ballast water, washing water from tanks or other mixtures that contain such traces.

    The discharge of bilge water, ballast water or other residues or mixtures containing only substances indicated as OS in the ‘pollution category’ column in Chapter 18 of the IBC Code shall be permitted.

  3. It shall be prohibited to discharge harmful substances in packaged form, other than in compliance with the regulations set out in Annex III to the Convention. This ban shall also apply to empty, uncleaned packaging previously used for the transport of harmful substances in packaged form, unless adequate measures have been taken to ensure that no traces remain that could harm the marine environment.

  4. It shall be prohibited to discharge sanitary waste into the sea from a ship as referred to in Article 5(4), other than in compliance with the regulations set out in Annex IV to the Convention.

  5. It shall be prohibited to discharge garbage as referred to in regulation 1 of Annex V to the Convention in sea, other than in compliance with the regulations set out in that Annex, provided that:
  1. regulation 5 of the Annex shall apply in the Baltic Sea, Gulf and North Sea regions, as referred to in regulation 5 of that Annex, and in the Antarctic region;
  2. regulation 3 of the Annex shall apply in the other special areas, as referred to in regulation 5 of the Annex, and regulation 5 of the Annex shall become applicable in these regions at a time to be determined by regulation of Our Minister, which will be published in the Government Gazette.
  • For the application of the regulations of the Convention applicable on the basis of this Article, Administration shall be understood to mean: Our Minister.

Article 30 Prohibited dumping under the Antarctica Convention

Ingangsdatum: 01-01-2007

Article 30 - Prohibited dumping under the Antarctica Convention

  1. It shall be prohibited to discharge sanitary waste from a ship in the Antarctic region other than in compliance with the regulations laid down in Annex IV to the Protocol on environmental protection to the Antarctica Treaty, laid down in Madrid on 4 October 1991 (Treaties Journal 1992, 110), with the proviso that, for the application of those regulations, ‘discharge into the sea of untreated sanitary waste’ shall be understood to mean ‘discharge of sanitary waste that does not comply with regulation 11.1.2 of Annex IV to the MARPOL Convention’ and ‘persons’ shall be understood to mean ‘passengers’.

  2. It shall be prohibited to discharge garbage as referred to in regulation 1 of Annex V to the Convention from a ship in the Antarctic region, other than in compliance with the regulations set out in the Annex IV referred to in paragraph 1.

Article 31 Other prohibited actions under the MARPOL Convention

Ingangsdatum: 02-01-2007
Geldig tot en met: 30-06-2010

Article 31 - Other prohibited actions under the MARPOL Convention

  1. It shall be prohibited to deliberately release ozone-depleting substances as referred to in regulation 2 of Annex VI to the Convention, other than in compliance with the regulations set out in that Annex.

  2. It shall be prohibited:

    1. to use on board ships fuel oil that does not comply with the requirements laid down with respect thereto in Annex VI to the Convention in general or for use in certain marine areas, unless, in accordance with the regulations of that Annex, alternative technical methods are used that comply with the requirements laid down in that respect in that Annex;

    2. to burn waste and other substances as referred to in regulation 16 of Annex VI to the Treaty on board a ship, other than in compliance with the regulations set out in that Annex.

  3. Paragraphs 1 and 2(b) shall also apply to foreign ships while they are on Dutch inland waterways.

Article 31a Prohibited discharges and acts under the Ballast Water Convention

Ingangsdatum: 01-01-2007
Geldig tot en met: 11-10-2011

Article 31a - Prohibited discharges and acts under the Ballast Water Convention

  1. It is prohibited to take in or discharge ballast water or sediment from ballast water, unless:

    1. this intake or discharge is in accordance with the provisions in the Annex to the Ballast Water Convention, the requirements pursuant to Article 8, second paragraph, or deviations from the Annex to the Ballast Water Convention allowed on the basis of Article 9, second paragraph;

    2. this intake or discharge is in accordance with the requirements established pursuant to Article 38, second paragraph;

    3. this intake or discharge takes place to exchange ballast water in an area assigned pursuant to Article 33a, second paragraph, in accordance with the requirements established pursuant to that Article, or

    4. a release or exemption has been granted for the relevant ship as referred to in Article 35 of the Act, in accordance with the Ballast Water Convention.

  2. It is prohibited to discharge ballast water with a ship during a more detailed inspection as referred to in Article 3, second paragraph, of the Port State Control Act or as long as the ship has been arrested on the basis of Article 20 or 21 of the Act or Article 7 of the Port State Control Act.

  3. The first paragraph is also applicable to foreign ships during the time that they are on the Dutch inland waterways.

Article 31a Cancelled

Article 32 More detailed rules

Ingangsdatum: 01-01-2007

Article 32 - More detailed rules

  1. By regulation of Our Minister, additional requirements may be laid down regarding the bans, regulations and requirements laid down in Articles 29, 30 and 31.

  2. The rules laid down pursuant to paragraph 1 may also be declared to apply to foreign ships while they are on Dutch inland waterways.

Chapter 5 Operational regulations

Ingangsdatum: 01-01-2007

Article 33 Transport

Ingangsdatum: 01-01-2007

Article 33 - Transport

  1. Oil as referred to in regulation 1 of Annex I to the Convention and ballast water shall be transported in compliance with the regulations set out in that Annex.

  2. Bulk noxious liquids shall be transported in accordance with the regulations set out in Annex II to the Convention.

  3. Harmful substances in packaged form shall be transported in accordance with the regulations set out in Annex III to the Convention.

  4. Paragraph 3 shall also apply to the transport empty, uncleaned packaging previously used for the transport of harmful substances in packaged form, unless adequate measures have been taken to ensure that no traces remain that could harm the marine environment.

Article 33a

Ingangsdatum: 01-01-2007

Article 33a
(Not yet in force)

  1. A ship to which the standards of regulation D-1 of the Annex to the Ballast Water Convention apply on the basis of regulation B-3 of the Annex to the Ballast Water Convention, exchanges ballast water in accordance with the provisions in regulation B-4 of the Annex to the Ballast Water Convention.

  2. Areas can be assigned by Ministerial Regulation as referred to in regulation B-4, paragraph 2, of the Annex to the Ballast Water Convention, where ballast water is exchanged according to the rules established there.

Article 34 Obligations incumbent on the captain

Ingangsdatum: 02-01-2007
Geldig tot en met: 31-07-2011

Article 34 - Obligations incumbent on the captain

The captain shall ensure that the regulations and obligations included in Annexes I, V and VI to the Convention are complied with on board ship.

Article 35 Discharge to port reception facilities

Ingangsdatum: 02-01-2007

Article 35 - Discharge to port reception facilities

  1. The captain of a ship calling in at a port designated pursuant to Article 6(1) of the Act shall discharge residues of noxious liquids to a port reception facility, if this is required pursuant to the regulations set out in Annex II to the Convention.

  2. The discharge of traces of harmful substances as referred to in Article 2(a) from the cargo space of an oil tanker and of traces of noxious liquids to a container of a port reception facility shall take place only in compliance with the regulations set out in Annexes I and II to the Convention.

  3. Ozone-depleting substances as referred to in regulation 2 of Annex VI to the Convention and equipment containing such substances shall be regarded as substances and equipment containing those substances as referred to in Article 12(1)(a) of the Act.

Article 36 Keeping of record books

Ingangsdatum: 02-01-2007
Geldig tot en met: 30-12-2010

Article 36 - Keeping of record books

  1. The captain of an oil tanker of 150 GT or more or of a ship other than an oil tanker of 400 GT or more shall ensure that oil record book Part I as referred to in regulation 17 of Annex I to the Convention is kept on board in compliance with the regulations in that regard in that Annex.

  2. The captain of an oil tanker of 150 GT or more shall also ensure that oil record book Part II as referred to in regulation 36 of Annex I to the Convention is kept on board in compliance with the regulations in that regard in that Annex.

  3. The captain of a ship intended or used for the transport of noxious liquids in bulk or of a ship as referred to in Article 5(3)(b) shall ensure that the loading record book as referred to in regulation 15 of Annex II to the Convention is kept on board in compliance with the regulations in that regard in that Annex.

  4. The captain of a ship in the Antarctic region shall ensure that each discharge of sanitary waste is recorded in a sanitary waste record book or in the garbage record book referred to in regulation 9 of Annex V to the Convention in compliance with the regulations in that regard in connection with garbage in that Annex.

  5. The captain:

    1. of any ship in the Antarctic region, and

    2. of any ship outside the Antarctic region with a tonnage of 400 GT or more or which may transport 15 or more people, shall ensure that the garbage record book as referred to in regulation 9 of Annex V to the Convention is kept in compliance with the regulations in that regard in that Annex.

  6. The captain of a ship that uses various types of fuel oil in order to comply with regulation 14 of Annex VI to the Convention shall ensure that a record book is kept on board in compliance with that regulation.
  7. The inspector-general makes notes in the cargo journal in accordance with the requirements given in Annex II to the Convention.

Article 36a

Ingangsdatum: 01-01-2007
Geldig tot en met: 11-10-2011

Article 36a

A master of a ship to which the requirements as referred to in Article 7a apply, keeps a ballast water  journal according to the provisions in regulation B-2 of the Annex to the Ballast Water Convention.

Article 36a Cancelled

Article 37 Procedure in the event of damage

Ingangsdatum: 01-01-2007
Geldig tot en met: 30-12-2010

Article 37 - Procedure in the event of damage

  1. If a ship has sustained damage or an event has occurred resulting in the suspicion that damage or a failure has been caused as a result of which the ship may endanger the environment, the master shall inform Our Minister as soon as possible. Furthermore, if the ship is in a port outside the Netherlands, he informs the local competent authorities.

  2. If the ship is in a port, the voyage may not be continued before the master has received a declaration from the inspector-general, stating that possible repairs have been properly done or that the voyage can be continued without danger to the environment, insofar as the local competent authorities do not oppose against continuation of the voyage.

Article 38 More detailed rules

Ingangsdatum: 17-09-2008

Article 38 - More detailed rules

  1. By regulation of Our Minister, additional requirements may be laid down for the carriage of noxious substances, as referred to in Article 33, as well as more detailed provisions as regards the requirements and obligations as referred to in the Articles 33 through 36.
  2. The rules laid down pursuant to paragraph 1 may also be declared to apply to foreign ships while they are on Dutch inland waterways.

Chapter 6 Unloading bay facilities

Ingangsdatum: 01-01-2007
Chapter 6 - Unloading bay facilities

Article 39 Unloading bay facilities

Ingangsdatum: 01-01-2007

Article 39 - Unloading bay facilities

  1. Managers of unloading bays in ports designated under Article 6(1) of the Act where ships may unload noxious liquids shall make provisions to ensure that such ships can completely empty their cargo tanks in compliance with the regulations set out in Annex II to the Convention and the more detailed rules regarding those regulations laid down pursuant to Article 38.

  2. At unloading bays as referred to in paragraph 1, provisions shall be made to prevent the contents of hoses or pipelines from the shore installations used for unloading noxious liquids from flowing back into the ship.

  3. If, in the opinion of the captain of a ship as referred to in paragraph 1 or of his representative, the provisions referred to in this article at unloading bays are inadequate, he may report this to the port manager. Article 8(2) to (4) of the Decree on port reception facilities shall apply mutatis mutandis to the handling of the report.

Article 40 More detailed rules

Ingangsdatum: 01-01-2007

Article 40 - More detailed rules

By regulation of Our Minister, additional requirements may be laid down regarding the regulations and obligations laid down in Article 39.

Chapter 7 Final provisions

Ingangsdatum: 01-01-2007
Chapter 7 - Final provisions

Article 41 Promulgation of Codes

Ingangsdatum: 01-01-2007

Article 41 - Promulgation of Codes

  1. Our Minister shall ensure that the Codes applicable pursuant to this Decree are promulgated.

  2. The method of promulgation shall be published in the Government Gazette.

Article 42 Amendments to conventions and Codes

Ingangsdatum: 01-01-2007

Article 42 - Amendments to conventions and Codes

  1. Amendments to the conventions and Codes applicable pursuant to this Decree shall, unless otherwise stated by regulation of Our Minister, apply to the implementation of this Decree as of the day on which the amendment enters into force at international level.

  2. Where an amendment as referred to in paragraph 1 applies only to ships built on or after a specific date, ships built before that date shall, unless otherwise stated by regulation of Our Minister, continue to be subject to the convention or Code as worded before the relevant amendment, taking into account the provisions regarding amendments in the amended convention or Code with regard to the regulations applicable to repairs, reconstructions and other alterations to the condition or equipment of a ship.

  3. Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall apply mutatis mutandis to amendments to the conventions and Codes referred to in paragraph 1 that have already entered into force prior to the entry into force of this Decree.

  4. A regulation of Our Minister as referred to in paragraph 1 or 2 shall be published in the Government Gazette.

Article 43 Transitional provisions

Article 44 Amendment to the Decree on port reception facilities

Ingangsdatum: 02-01-2007

Article 44 - Amendment to the Decree on port reception facilities

Article 2 of the Decree on port reception facilities reads as follows:


Article 2
By regulation of Our Minister, the ports shall be designated where the port managers shall ensure:

  1. that there are adequate port reception facilities suitable for receiving ships’ waste and other harmful substances or traces thereof determined in the designation;

  2. that there are adequate port reception facilities that, in line with the needs of ships using those ports, are suitable for receiving the substances determined in the designation or equipment containing those substances as referred to in Article 6(1)(b) of the Act.

Article 45 Revocation of legislation

Ingangsdatum: 17-09-2008

Article 45 - Revocation of legislation

The decrees, mentioned in article 45 of the "Decree on the prevention of pollution by ships" are revoked.

  1. the Decree on anti-fouling systems on ocean-going ships;

  2. the Decree on the reporting of incidents of pollution from ships;

  3. the Decree on sanitary waste from ocean-going ships;

  4. the Decree on the prevention of oil pollution from ships;

  5. the Decree on the prevention of pollution by noxious liquids carried in the bulk by ships;

  6. the Decree on the prevention of pollution by harmful substances in packaged form carried by ships;

  7. the Decree on the prevention of pollution by garbage from ships.

Article 46 Entry into force

Ingangsdatum: 02-01-2007

Article 46 - Entry into force

This Decree shall enter into force on a date to be determined by Royal Decree, which may be different for various articles or sections thereof and for various categories of ships.

Article 47 Official title

Ingangsdatum: 02-01-2007

Article 47 - Official title

This Decree shall be cited as: Decree on the prevention of pollution by ships.

Cause and order that this Decree and the explanatory notes thereto are published in the Bulletin of Acts and Decrees.

The minister for transport, public works and water management,
The state secretary for housing, planning and the environment,


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