Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

NtS 328/2001 Recommendations on Electric Welding
Geldigheid:15-11-2001 t/m Status: Geldig vandaag

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.

The Head of the Shipping Inspectorate;
Noting Article 174, first paragraph, of the Ships Decree 1965 and Article 45, first paragraph, item 1.2.3, of Annex II to that Decree,

Article 1
The following requirements apply to electric welding apparatus which are part of the equipment of ship:
1. the electric welding apparatus meet the requirements of the standard NEN-EN-IEC 60974-1 (1998+A1:2000) 'Equipment for arc welding';
2. only electric welding apparatus with the direct voltage indicated in that standard as zero pinch-off voltage are allowed, which are equipped for the use in an environment with an increased risk of an electric shock;
3. the zero pinch-off voltage is not more than 113 volts 'peak';
4. welding guns, welding cables and connection joints have been designed such that the parts carrying current have been adequately protected so that they can constitute no danger to persons or to the environment;
5. electric welding apparatus, welding guns, welding cables and connection joints have been properly maintained;
6. the electric welding apparatus are periodically tested by an expert person or body.

Article 2
Contrary to the provisions in Article 1, electric welding apparatus which were already part of the equipment of a ship on the date of entry into force of this Notice, and which do not comply with the provisions in Article 1, under 1, 2 and 3, may be used on board of that ship until not more than four years after the date of entry into force as referred to, provided the following requirements are observed:
1. the electric welding apparatus with its corresponding apparatus have been composed such that they can constitute no danger to persons or to the environment and they have been provided in an endurable and striking way with the instructions and directions necessary for safe control and use;
2. the electric welding apparatus with alternating voltage as zero pinch-off voltage are provided with apparatus for reducing the zero pinch-off voltage till a value of not more than 42 volts or are of a type of which the secundary voltage at zero pinch-off is not more than 42 volts. The mentioned value of the reduced zero pinch-off voltage is reached within 0.5 second after switching on the welding apparatus or breaking the obtained arc welding;
3. the proper functioning of the apparatus for reducing the zero pinch-off voltage as referred to under 2. guarantees a safe working method with the electric welding apparatus, also at normally occurring variations of the voltage and the frequency in the ship's net;
4. the electric welding apparatus with reduced zero pinch-off voltage are provided with a voltmeter, connected to the connectors at the welding side of the apparatus, with which the person entrusted with welding activities can determine at the start of the job that the reduced zero pinch-off voltage prescribed under 2 has been reached within the indicated period;
5. the voltmeter, as referred to under 4, has been properly constructed and, moreover, has been protected from mechanical damage. The nominal value of the reduced zero pinch-off voltage is clearly indicated on the metre scale.

Article 3
The following requirements apply to the performance of welding activities with electric welding apparatus, irrespective of alternating voltage or direct voltage is applied:
1. welding activities are only performed by persons who are sufficiently familiar with the safety requirements to be observed and who have been entrusted with these activities by the ship's management. The ship's management has to take into account that the performance of welding activities can entail risks. Especially in moist spaces and with a high ambient temperature this risk can be such that it should be considered to let perform no welding activities in such circumstances;
2. the person entrusted with the welding activities uses the protective clothing and devices which belong to these activities;
3. in case of welding with electric welding apparatus fitted with apparatus for reducing the zero pinch-off voltage, the person entrusted with the welding activities convinces himself at the start of the job, with the help of control apparatus mentioned in Article 2, under 4, that this apparatus functions properly;
4. in unfavourable circumstances, at least two persons are present at the job during the performance of welding activities, including the person who performs the welding activities.

Article 4
The Notice to Shipping no.123/1977 of 3 January 1977 (Gov.Gaz. 8) is withdrawn.

Article 5
This Notice entres into force as of the second day after the date of the Government Gazette in which it is published.

This Notice, together with its Explanatory Notes, will be publshed in the Government Gazette, in the Official Gazette of the Netherlands Antilles and in the Country Gazette of Aruba.
Rotterdam, 12 October 2001.
The Head of the Shipping Inspectorate,
H.G.H. ten Hoopen.

Explanatory Notes
Two judgments of the Maritime Court of the Netherlands (16/1999 and 21/2000) on accidents during electric welding on board of ships have been the cause for partially revising the current recommendation in this field, namely Notice to Shipping no.123/1977 (Gov.Gaz. 8). Besides, a more detailed orientation has resulted in a revision, implying that electric welding apparatus that belong to the equipment of a ship and having alternating voltage as zero pinch-off voltage, whether or not obtained through a so-called voltage reducing relais, are no longer allowed after a transitory period of four years. After this transitory period of four years and in case of replacement or purchase withing this period, all electric welding apparatus being part of the equipment of the ship will have to meet the standard NEN-EN-IEC 60974-1. Only the requirements concerning direct voltage of this NEN-EN-IEC standard apply to the zero pinch-off voltage. So the zero pinch-off voltage mentioned in Article 1, third paragraph with a `peak' value of not more than 113 volts, relates to a direct voltage, plus the maximum ripple. The zero pinch-off voltage, also called the open arc voltage, concerns the voltage between the mass clip and the electrode of the electric welding apparatus, where the electrode still does not contact the piece of work, the so-called welding pause.
Whether the circumstances in which the welding activities are performed on board are not favourable, is not only determined by the location of the welding activities itself, but of course also depends on the location where the ship actually is at that moment. It is, therefore, not exceptional that welding activities can take place on board of a ship in a so-called 'environment with an increased risk of an electric shock' because the activities take place in a moist space at a relatively high ambient temperature. In the standard NEN-EN-IEC 60974-1 'Equipment for arc welding' a similar circumstance is also indicated as such.
As a consequence of further developments of the welding technique, electric welding activities with direct voltage as secundary voltage, which is relatively safer than alternating voltage, are more often used nowadays. Dit terwijl niet of nauwelijks sprake behoeft te zijn van een beperking van de mogelijkheid tot het uitvoeren van reparatiewerkzaamheden door de bemanning zelf.
Furthermore, it is emphasized that risks during such activities can never be excluded completely. But because of concurrence of the use of adequate appartus, just in the circumstances sketched above, as well as (and certainly not less important) observance of the corresponding procedures, all has been done to make the work situation as safe as possible. While it is not or hardly a matter of restriction of the possibility for performing repair activities by the crew itself.
The expert person or body who performs the periodic testing of the electric welding apparatus as referred to in Article 1, under 6, may be an independent designated body, a maintenance service of the supplier or a person appointed by the shipping company or the ship's management. Whichever choice is made, the expert should in any case have the education required and should dispose of relevant information to be capable of performing the testing of the weldig apparatus. How often such a testing should take place also depends on the type of welding appaatus and the intensity of use. The master of the ship has to take care of the welding apparatus being adequate and in good condition. This can be ensured by regularly performing a testing. As a guidance, one testing per year may apply, but the instructions of the manufacturer may determine otherwise. The safety requirements as referred to in Article 3, first paragraph, among other things concern the requirements related to the manually performed arc welding process, where an electric shock is the major safety risk which may occur due to unintendedly touching parts which are carrying current.
Protective clothing and devices as referred to in Article 3, second paragraph, at least mean wearing proper chothing with long sleeves, properly insulating footwear, the use of a welding apron and welding gloves, eye protection by means of welding caps and appropriate ventilation of the workstation and/or a provision for extracting welding smoke. Besides, it is emphasized in relation to this that during exchanging electrodes (the electrode bekleding is definitely no insulator) welding gloves also have to be worn. The relevant person also has to use a dry rubber mat or wooden plate, especially when the welding activities are performed on his knees.
Unfavourable circumstances ar referred to in Article 3, fourth paragraph, among others means welding in:
a. spaces with a limited freedom of movement;
b. spaces which are completely of partly surrounded by conducting parts;
c. spaces with a wet, moist or warm environment.
The draft of this Notice has been reported to the Commission of the European Communities on 8 June 2001 (notification number 2001/0245/NL), in compliance with Article 8, first paragraph, of Directive no. 98/34/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union of 22 June 1998 concerning an information procedure in the field of standards and technical requirements and regulations on the services of the information society (PbEG L 204), as amended by Directive no. 98/48/EG of 20 July 1998 (PbEG L 217). The notification procedure has not resulted in amendments of the draft Noticie.
The NEN-EN-IEC standard mentioned in this Notice is open for public inspection with the Shipping Inspectorate, 's-Gravenweg 665 in Rotterdam and can be obtained from the Netherlands Standardisation Institute in Delft.

The Head of the Shipping Inspectorate,
H.G.H. ten Hoopen.
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