Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

ItoS - General information and decisions
Geldigheid:18-09-2023 t/m Status: Geldig vandaag

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.

Legend / Explanation of abbreviations:

  • ISM: International Safety Management
  • LAN: Local Area Network

Approved documents on board in digital format

With regard to the documents which shall be approved in accordance with relevant legislation on board ships flying the Dutch flag, the most recent approved version of the document shall be on board. This document must be the original one and can be either a hardcopy version or a digital version as approved by- or on behalf of the Government of the Netherlands. Scans of an original hardcopy are not considered an original digital version and thus not allowed.

In case the documents are in digital format, the following items shall be taken into consideration:

  1. It should be possible to present the drawings on the bridge, engine control room and ships office (as far as applicable and required for the activities on board);

  2. The computers shall meet any requirements as stated by the supplier of the digital documents at all times and suitable for use on board ships;

  3. A back-up arrangement shall be provided on board and by the ISM company;

  4. The back-up arrangement should be independent from the main facility and preferably be located close to or on the navigation bridge;

  5. Displays, screens and peripherals should be visible, dimmable and clearly readable at all times;

  6. Software used on the main as well as the back-up arrangement may differ in format as long as it is compatible with the software used for the digital documents;

  7. Both the main as well as the back-up arrangement should be capable of presenting and printing;

  8. Both the main as well as the back-up arrangement should have up to date antivirus software installed;

  9. Both the main as well as the back-up arrangement should be kept up to date on a regular basis with software updates; and

  10. In case the software is installed on a network, via a LAN application, this network should be redundant.

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