If a solid cargo, which is not listed in appendix 1 to the IMSBC Code, is proposed for carriage in bulk, the shipper shall, prior to loading, provide the competent authority of the port of loading with the characteristics and properties of the cargo in accordance with section 4 of the IMSBC Code. Based on the information received, the competent authority will assess the acceptability of the cargo for safe shipment.
When it is assessed that the solid bulk cargo proposed for carriage may present hazards as those defined by group A or B of the IMSBC Code as defined in section 1.7, advice is to be sought from the competent authorities of the port of unloading and of the flag State. The three competent authorities will set the preliminary suitable conditions for the carriage of this cargo (Tripartite Provisional Agreement / TPA).
When it is assessed that the solid bulk cargo proposed for carriage presents no specific hazards for transportation, the carriage of this cargo (which is a group C) shall be authorized. The competent authorities of the port of unloading and of the flag State shall be advised of that authorization.
Below, the updated scheme with concluded IMSBC agreements, with the NSI as a party, can be found.
Submission to the International Maritime Organization
The competent authority of the port of loading shall provide to the master a certificate stating the characteristics of the cargo and the required conditions for carriage and handling of this shipment. The competent authority of the port of loading shall also submit an application to the Organization, within one year from the issue of the certificate, to incorporate this solid bulk cargo into appendix 1 of the IMSBC Code.