5.1 The display device and/or printer should be able to
display a minimum of 32 characters per line.
5.2 If a dedicated display device is used, the following requirements
should be met:
- an indication of newly received unsuppressed messages should
be immediately displayed until acknowledged or until 24 hours after receipt; and
- newly received unsuppressed messages should also be displayed.
5.3 The display device should be able to display at least
16 lines of message text.
5.4 The design
and size of the display device should be such that displayed information is easily
read under all conditions by observers at normal working distances and viewing
5.5 If automatic line feed
entails division of a word, this should be indicated in the displayed/printed text.
5.6 When displaying received messages
on a display device, a clear indication of the end of a message should be given by
automatically adding line feeds after the message or including some other form of
delineation. The printer or printer output should automatically insert line feeds
after completing print of the received message.
5.7 The equipment should display/print an asterisk if the character is
received corrupted.
5.8 Where the printer
is not integrated, it should be possible to select the following data to be output
to a printer:
- all messages as they are received;
- all messages
stored in the message memory;
- all messages received on specified
frequencies, from specified locations or having specified message designators;
- all messages currently displayed; and
- individual messages
selected from those appearing on the display.