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210(81) REVOKED Performance standards and requirements for Long-Range Identification and Tracking of Ships
Geldigheid:12-10-2007 t/m 31-12-2008Versie:vergelijk
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Performance standards and requirements for Long-Range Identification and Tracking of Ships

    dd-mm-yyyy = Entry into force
Document MSC.210(81) 19-05-2006
Amended by MSC.254(83) 12-10-2007
Revoked by MSC.263(84) 31-12-2008

Ingangsdatum: 19-05-2006

Performance standards and requirements for Long-Range Identification and Tracking of Ships

    dd-mm-yyyy = Entry into force
Document MSC.210(81) 19-05-2006
Amended by MSC.254(83) 12-10-2007
Revoked by MSC.263(84) 31-12-2008


Performance standards and functional requirements for the Long-Range Identification and Tracking of ships


RECALLING Article 28(b) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Committee,

RECALLING ALSO resolution A.886(21) on Procedure for the adoption of, and amendments to, performance standards and technical specifications, by which the Assembly resolved that the function of adopting performance standards and technical specifications, as well as amendments thereto shall be performed by the Maritime Safety Committee,

RECALLING FURTHER the provisions of the new regulation V/19-1 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended (the Convention), relating to the long-range identification and tracking of ships,

RECOGNIZING the need to adopt appropriate performance standards and functional requirements on long-range identification and tracking of ships,

HAVING CONSIDERED the recommendation made by the Sub-Committee on Radiocommunications, Search and Rescue, at its tenth session,

  1. ADOPTS the Performance standards and functional requirements for the long-range identification and tracking of ships, set out in the Annex to the present resolution;

  2. RECOMMENDS Contracting Governments to the Convention to ensure that:

  1. Shipborne systems and equipment used to meet the requirements of regulation V/19-1 of the Convention conform to performance standards not inferior to those specified in the Annex to the present resolution;

  2. all Long-range identification and tracking (LRIT) Data Centres and the International LRIT Data Exchange conform to functional requirements not inferior to those specified in the Annex to the present resolution; and

  3. they promptly submit to the Organization and to the LRIT Data Centres the required information to enable the establishment and the continuous functioning of the LRIT system and that they update such information as and when changes occur;

  • AGREES to review and amend, in the light of experience gained as necessary, the Performance standards and functional requirements for the long-range identification and tracking of ships, set out in the Annex to the present resolution.

Ingangsdatum: 19-05-2006
Geldig tot en met: 30-12-2008

Performance standards and functional requirements for the Long-Range Identification and Tracking of ships


RECALLING Article 28(b) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Committee,

RECALLING ALSO resolution A.886(21) on Procedure for the adoption of, and amendments to, performance standards and technical specifications, by which the Assembly resolved that the function of adopting performance standards and technical specifications, as well as amendments thereto shall be performed by the Maritime Safety Committee,

RECALLING FURTHER the provisions of the new regulation V/19-1 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended (the Convention), relating to the long-range identification and tracking of ships,

RECOGNIZING the need to adopt appropriate performance standards and functional requirements on long-range identification and tracking of ships,

HAVING CONSIDERED the recommendation made by the Sub-Committee on Radiocommunications, Search and Rescue, at its tenth session,

  1. ADOPTS the Performance standards and functional requirements for the long-range identification and tracking of ships, set out in the Annex to the present resolution;

  2. RECOMMENDS Contracting Governments to the Convention to ensure that:

  1. Shipborne systems and equipment used to meet the requirements of regulation V/19-1 of the Convention conform to performance standards not inferior to those specified in the Annex to the present resolution;

  2. all Long-range identification and tracking (LRIT) Data Centres and the International LRIT Data Exchange conform to functional requirements not inferior to those specified in the Annex to the present resolution; and

  3. they promptly submit to the Organization and to the LRIT Data Centres the required information to enable the establishment and the continuous functioning of the LRIT system and that they update such information as and when changes occur;

  • AGREES to review and amend, in the light of experience gained as necessary, the Performance standards and functional requirements for the long-range identification and tracking of ships, set out in the Annex to the present resolution.

1 Overview

Ingangsdatum: 19-05-2006
Geldig tot en met: 30-12-2008

1.1       The  Long-Range  Identification  and  Tracking  (LRIT)  system  provides  for  the  global identification and tracking of ships.


1.2       TheLRITsystemconsistsoftheshipborneLRITinformationtransmittingequipment,the Communication   Service   Provider(s),   the   Application   Service   Provider(s),   the   LRIT   Data Centre(s),includinganyrelatedVesselMonitoringSystem(s),theLRITDataDistributionPlan and  the  International  LRIT  Data  Exchange.   Certain  aspects  of  the  performance  of  the  LRIT system  are  reviewed  or  audited  by  an  LRIT  Co-ordinator  acting  on  behalf  of  all  Contracting Governments.  Figure 1 provides an illustration ofthe LRIT systemarchitecture.




1.3       LRIT  information  is  provided  to  Contracting  Governments  and  Search  and  rescue services1   entitled  to  receive  the  information,  upon  request,  through  a  system  of  National, Regional,Co-operativeandInternationalLRITDataCentres,usingwherenecessary,theLRIT

International Data Exchange.


1.4       EachAdministrationshouldprovidetotheLRITDataCentreithasselected,alistofthe shipsentitledtoflyitsflag,whicharerequiredtotransmitLRITinformation,togetherwithother salient details and should update, without undue delay, suchlistsas and when changes occur.  Ships shouldonlytransmittheLRITinformationtotheLRITDataCentreselectedbytheirAdministration.


1.5       TheobligationsofshipstotransmitLRITinformationandtherightsandobligationsof Contracting  Governments  and  of  Search  and  rescue  services  to  receive  LRIT  information  are establishedinregulationV/19-1 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention.


1          The  term  search  and  rescue  service  is  defined  in  SOLAS  regulation  V/2.5  (see  amendments  to  chapter V adopted on 20 May 2004,under coverof resolutionMSC.153(78),which will enter into forceon 1 July 2006).



10 International LRIT Data Exchange

10.1     An   International   LRIT   Data   Exchange   recognized   by   the   Committee   should   be established.


10.2     ContractingGovernmentsshouldco-operate,undertheco-ordinationoftheCommittee, with a view to ensuring the establishmentof the International LRIT Data Exchange.


10.3     The LRIT InternationalData Exchange should:


.1         route  LRIT  information  between  LRIT  Data  Centres  using  the  information provided in the LRIT Data Distribution Plan;


.2         be connected to all LRIT Data Centres;


.3         use a store and forward-buffer to ensure LRIT information is received;


.4         automatically  maintain  journal(s)  containing  message  header  information  only which may be used for:

.1         invoicingfunctionsandsettlement of invoicing disputes; and


.2         audit purposes;


.5         archive  journal(s),  for  at  least  one  year  and  until  such  time  as  the  Committee reviews  and  accepts  the  LRIT  Co-ordinator's  annual  report  of  the  audit  of  its performance.  However,thearchivedjournal(s)shouldprovideacompleterecord

of  the  activities  of  the  exchange  between  two  consecutive  annual  audits  of  its performance;




.6         prepare,  as  necessary,  performance  related  statistical  information  based  on  the information contained inthe journal(s);


.7         use a standard protocol for communications with LRIT Data Centres;


.8         use a standard secure access method with the LRIT Data Centres;


.9         useastandardandexpandablemessageformatforcommunicatingwiththeLRIT Data Centres;


.10       use  reliable  connections  (e.g.  TCP)  to  ensure  that  the  LRIT  information  is successfullyreceived bythe LRIT Data Centres;


.11       use agreed protocols to connect to LRIT Data Centres;


.12       not archive LRIT information; and



.13   have continuous access to current LRIT Data Distribution Plan.


Ingangsdatum: 12-10-2007
Geldig tot en met: 30-12-2008

10.1     An   International   LRIT   Data   Exchange   recognized   by   the   Committee   should   be established.


10.2     ContractingGovernmentsshouldco-operate,undertheco-ordinationoftheCommittee, with a view to ensuring the establishmentof the International LRIT Data Exchange.


10.3     The LRIT InternationalData Exchange should:


.1         route  LRIT  information  between  LRIT  Data  Centres  using  the  information provided in the LRIT Data Distribution Plan;


.2         be connected to all LRIT Data Centres;


.3         use a store and forward-buffer to ensure LRIT information is received;


.4         automatically  maintain  journal(s)  containing  message  header  information  only which may be used for:

.1         invoicingfunctionsandsettlement of invoicing disputes; and


.2         audit purposes;


.5         archive  journal(s),  for  at  least  one  year  and  until  such  time  as  the  Committee reviews  and  accepts  the  LRIT  Co-ordinator's  annual  report  of  the  audit  of  its performance.  However,thearchivedjournal(s)shouldprovideacompleterecord

of  the  activities  of  the  exchange  between  two  consecutive  annual  audits  of  its performance;


.5A receive journal(s) from Regional, Co-operative, and the International LRIT Data Centre and combine these jornal(s) with its own journal(s).



.6         prepare,  as  necessary,  performance  related  statistical  information  based  on  the information contained inthe journal(s);


.7         use a standard protocol for communications with LRIT Data Centres;


.8         use a standard secure access method with the LRIT Data Centres;


.9         useastandardandexpandablemessageformatforcommunicatingwiththeLRIT Data Centres;


.10       use  reliable  connections  (e.g.  TCP)  to  ensure  that  the  LRIT  information  is successfullyreceived bythe LRIT Data Centres;


.11       use agreed protocols to connect to LRIT Data Centres;


.12       not archive LRIT information; and


.13       not be able to view or access the LRIT information;


.14       have continuous access to current LRIT Data Distribution Plan; and


.15 receive updated pricing information from LRIT Data Centres, create a master price list for all LRIT Data Centres and transmit the master price list to an LRIT Data Centre on request.

10.4 The LRIT Co-ordinator should have access to all journals. Contracting Governments and LRIT Data Centres should have only acces to the share of the journals (i.e. with respect to LRIT information requested and provided). The journal(s) should be accessed off-line.

11 LRIT Data Distribution Plan

Ingangsdatum: 19-05-2006
Geldig tot en met: 30-12-2008

11.1     The Organization should establish and maintain the LRIT Data Distribution Plan.


11.2     The LRIT Data Distribution Plan should include:


.1         a  list  of  Contracting  Governments  and  Search  and  rescue  services  entitled  to receive LRIT information, and their points of contact;


.2         informationontheboundariesofgeographicareaswithinwhicheachContracting Governmentis entitled to receive LRITinformation about ships in the area;


.3         informationonanystandingordersgivenbyaContractingGovernmentpursuant

to paragraphs 16.1.2, 16.1.3 and/or 16.1.4;


.4         information      supplied     by    Administrations      pursuant     to    the    provisions     of regulation V/19-;


.5         information      supplied     by    Administrations      pursuant     to    the    provisions     of regulation V/19-1.9.2;


.6         a   list   of   ports   and   port   facilities   together   with   the   associated   geographic co-ordinates  (based  on  WGS  84  datum)  located  within  the  territory  of  each ContractingGovernment;


.8         a  list  of  the  National,  Regional,  Co-operative  and  International  LRIT  Data Centre(s) and their points of contact; and


.9         a  record  indicating  which  LRIT  Data  Centre  is  collecting  and  archiving  LRIT information for each of the Contracting Governments.




12 LRIT System Security

Ingangsdatum: 19-05-2006
Geldig tot en met: 30-12-2008

12.1    LRIT  communications  using  land-line  links  should  provide  for  data  security  using methods such as:


.1         authorization:  Accessshouldonlybegrantedtothosewhoareauthorizedtosee the specific LRIT information;


.2         authentication:  AnypartyexchanginginformationwithintheLRITsystemshould require authentication before exchanging information;


.3         confidentiality:  Parties       running     an    application     server    should    protect    the confidentiality  of  the  LRIT  information  to  ensure  that  it  is  not  disclosed  to unauthorized recipients when it travels across the LRIT system; and


.4         integrity:  PartiesexchangingLRITinformationshouldensurethattheintegrityof the LRIT information is guaranteed and that no data has been altered.


13 LRIT System Performance

Ingangsdatum: 19-05-2006
Geldig tot en met: 30-12-2008

13.1     LRITinformationshouldbeavailabletoanLRITDataUserwithin15minofthetimeitis transmittedbytheship.


13.2     On-demand   LRIT   information   reports   should   be   provided   to   an   LRIT   Data   User within30minofthetimetheLRITDataUserrequestedtheinformation.


13.3     The quality ofservice:


Number ofdelivered reports meetinglatency requirements


Total number of report requests                      x 100%


should be:


.1         95% of the time over any 24-hour period; and


.2         99% over any 1 month.


14 LRIT Co-Ordinator

Ingangsdatum: 19-05-2006
Geldig tot en met: 30-12-2008

14.1     The LRIT Co-ordinator should be appointed by the Committee.


14.2     TheLRITCo-ordinatorshouldassistintheestablishmentoftheInternationalLRITData Centre and International LRIT Data Exchange by:


.1         participating  in  the  development  of  any  required  technical  specifications  taking intoaccountthepresentPerformancestandardandanyrelevantdecisionsofthe Committee;


.2         issuing  requests  for  the  submission  of  proposals  for  the  establishment  and operation  of  the  International  LRIT  Data  Centre  and  International  LRIT  Data Exchange;


.3         evaluating  the  management,  operational,  technical  and  financial  aspects  of  the proposalsreceivedtakingintoaccountthepresentPerformancestandardandany otherrelateddecisionsoftheCommitteeandsubmittingitsrecommendationsin this respect for consideration by the Committee; and


.4         participatingintheinitialdevelopmentaltestingoftheLRITsystemandreporting its findings in this respect for consideration by theCommittee.


14.3     The LRIT Co-ordinator should performthe following administrative functions:


.1         upon  request,  investigation  of  disputes  and  operational,  technical  and  invoicing difficulties   and   make   recommendations   for   their   settlement   to   the   parties concerned;


.2         participationinthetestingfortheintegrationofnewLRITDataCentresintothe LRIT system and providing relevant information to the Committee; and


.3         participation  in  the  testing  of  new  or  modified  procedures  or  arrangements  for communications  between  the  International  LRIT  Data  Exchange  and  the  LRIT Data Centres and providing relevant information to the Committee.


14.4     The  LRIT  Co-ordinator  should  undertake  a  review  of  the  performance  of  the  LRIT systemtakingintoaccounttheprovisionsofregulationV/19-1,thepresentPerformancestandard andanyrelateddecisionsoftheCommitteeandshouldreportitsfindingstotheCommitteeat least annually.  In this respect, the LRIT Co-ordinator should:


.1         review  the  performance  of  Application  Service  Providers  (or  Communication Service  Providers  when  they  act  as  Application  Services  Providers)  providing services to the International LRIT Data Centre;


.2         audit  the  performance  of  all  LRIT  Data  Centres  based  on  archived  information and their fee structures;


.3         audit  the  performance  of  the  International  LRIT  Data  Exchange  and  its  fee structure, if any; and


.4         verifythatContractingGovernmentsandSearchandrescueservicesreceivethe LRIT information they have requested and are entitled to receive.

14.5     TheLRITCo-ordinatorshould,forthepurposeofreviewingtheperformanceoftheLRIT system:


.1         be  given  the  required  level  of  access,  by  the  LRIT  Data  Centres  and  the International  LRIT  Data  Exchange,  to  management,  charging,  technical  and operationaldata;


.2         collectandanalysesamplesofLRITinformationprovidedtoLRITDataUsers; and


.3         collectandanalysestatisticscompiledbyLRITDataCentresandtheInternational LRIT Data Exchange.


14.6     In  addition  to  reporting  to  the  Committee  on  the  performance  of  the  LRIT  system includinganyidentifiednon-conformities,theLRITCo-ordinatormaymakerecommendationsto the  Committee,  based  on  an  analysis  of  its  findings,  with  a  view  to  improving  the  efficiency, effectiveness and security of the LRIT system.


14.7     NeithertheOrganizationnoranyoftheContractingGovernmentsshouldberesponsible for  making  any  direct  payments  to  the  LRIT  Co-ordinator  for  the  services  it  may  provide. However,ContractingGovernmentsmayberequiredtopayfeestoLRITDataCentresforthe LRITinformationtheyrequestandreceivewhich,forexample,maycontainelementstooffset thecostsassociatedwithfunctionsperformedbytheLRITCo-ordinator.TheLRITCo-ordinator may recover its costs for the services it provides.


15 Administrations

Ingangsdatum: 19-05-2006
Geldig tot en met: 30-12-2008

15.1     Each  Administration  should  decide  to  which  LRITDataCentreshipsentitledtoflyits flag are required to transmit LRIT information.


15.2     Each  Administration  should  provide  to  the  selected  LRIT  Data  Centre  the  following information  for  each  of  the  ships  entitled  to  fly  its  flag  which  is  required  to  transmit  LRIT information:


.1         name of ship;


.2         IMO Ship identification number;


.3         callsign;and


.4         Maritime Mobile Service Identity.


15.3     Upon  the  transfer  of  the  flagof  a  ship  whichisrequiredtotransmitLRITinformation fromanotherState,theAdministrationwhoseflagtheshipisnowentitledtoflyshouldprovide, withoutunduedelay,totheselectedLRITDataCentreinadditiontotheinformationspecifiedin paragraph 15.2 the following information:


.1         the effectivedate and time (UTC) oftransfer; and


.2         the State whose flag the ship wasformally entitled to fly, if known.


15.4     Administrationsshould,withoutunduedelay,updatetheLRITDataCentreasandwhen changes to the information they have provided under paragraphs 15.2 and 15.3 occur.


15.5     UponthetransferoftheflagofashipwhichisrequiredtotransmitLRITinformationto another  State  or  when  the  ship  is  to  be  taken  permanently  out  of  service,  the  Contracting GovernmentoftheStatewhoseflagtheshipwasentitledtoflyhithertoshouldprovide,without undue delay, to the LRITData Centre the following information:


.1         name of ship;


.2         IMO Ship identification number;


.3         theeffectivedateandtime(UTC)ofthetransfer,orwhentheshipwas,orwillbe, taken permanently out of service; and


.4         the State to which the flag of the ship has been transferred, if known.


16 Contracting Governments

Ingangsdatum: 19-05-2006
Geldig tot en met: 30-12-2008

16.1     Each Contracting Government should:


.1         obtain  the  LRIT  information  to  which  it  is  entitled  to  under  the  provisions  of regulation  V/19-1,  and  has  requested,  from  the  LRIT  Data  Centre  designated underparagraph15.1.   ContractingGovernmentswhichhavenoshipsentitledto fly  their  flag  may  receive  the  LRIT  information  they  are  entitled  to  under  the provisions  of  regulation  V/19-1  from  any  one  of  the  LRIT  Data  Centres  but should  select  one  LRIT  Data  Centre  from  which  they  wish  to  receive  the information;


.2         if   it   wishes   to   receive   LRIT   information   pursuant   to   the   provisions   of regulation V/19-,indicatetotheLRITDataCentrethecriteriaforreceiving suchinformation.   IfsodecidedtheContractingGovernmentmaygivetheLRIT Data   Centre   a   standing   order   regarding   the   criteria   for   receiving   LRIT information;


.3         if   it   wishes   to   receive   LRIT   information   pursuant   to   the   provisions   of regulation V/19-,indicatetotheLRITDataCentrethenameandtheIMO Ship identification number of the particular ship and either:


.1         the distance fromits coast; or


.2         the distance froma port; or


.3         a point in time,



If  so  decided  the  Contracting  Government  may  give  the  LRIT  Data  Centre  a standing  order  regarding  the  criteria  for  receiving  LRIT  information.  If  the standingorderisadistancefromaport,theContractingGovernmentalsohasto informthe centre ofthe name ofthe port each ship is proceeding to;


.4         if   it   wishes   to   receive   LRIT   information   pursuant   to   the   provisions   of regulation V/19-,  indicate  the  distance  from  its  coast  within  which  it requirestheprovisionofLRITinformationtransmittedbyships.   Ifsodecided, the  Contracting  Government  may  give  the  LRIT  Data  Centre  a  standing  order regarding the criteria for receiving LRIT information;


.5         co-operate  with  a  viewof  resolving  any  issues  in  connection  with  which  flag  a particular ship is entitled to fly; and


.6         ensureeitherthedestructionofallreceivedLRITinformationwhichisnolonger in use or their archiving in a secure and protected manner.


17 Search and Rescue Services

Ingangsdatum: 19-05-2006
Geldig tot en met: 30-12-2008

17.1     Subject  to  the  provisions  of  the  national  legislation  of  the  Contracting  Government concerned,searchandrescueservicesshouldprovideinformationwhenrequestedbytheLRIT Co-ordinator  toenable  the  holistic  review  of  the  performance  of  the  LRIT  systemand  for  the investigation of any disputes.


17.2     Subjecttotheprovisionsofparagraph7.3,searchandrescueservicewhenitwishesto receiveLRITinformationpursuanttotheprovisionsofregulation V/19-1.12shouldindicateto the LRIT Data Centre the criteria for receiving such information.






2 Definitions

Ingangsdatum: 19-05-2006
Geldig tot en met: 30-12-2008

2.1       Unless expressly provided otherwise:


.1         Convention  means  the  International  Convention  for  the  Safety  of  Life  at  Sea, 1974, as amended.


.2         Regulation means a regulation of the Convention.


.3         Chapter means a chapter of the Convention.


.4         LRITDataUsermeansaContractingGovernmentoraSearchandrescueservice which opts to receive the LRIT information it is entitled to.


.5         Committee means the Maritime Safety Committee.


.6         High-speedcraftmeans a craft as defined in regulation X/1.3.


.7         Mobileoffshoredrillingunitmeansamobileoffshoredrillingunitasdefinedin regulation XI-2/1.1.5.


.8         Organization meanstheInternational Maritime Organization.


.9         Vessel   Monitoring   System   means   a   system   established   by   a   Contracting GovernmentoragroupofContractingGovernmentstomonitorthemovementsof theshipsentitledtoflyitsortheirflag.   AVesselMonitoringSystemmayalso collect  from  the  ships  information  specified  by  the  Contracting  Government(s) which has established it.


.10       LRIT information means the information specified in regulation V/19-1.5.


2.2       The   term   “ship”,   when   used   in   the   present   Performance   standards   and   functional requirements  for  long-range  identification  and  tracking  of  ships  (the  Performance  standards), includesmobileoffshoredrillingunitsandhigh-speedcraftasspecifiedinregulationV/19-1.4.1 andmeansashipwhichisrequiredtotransmitLRITinformation.


2.3       Termsnototherwisedefinedshouldhavethesamemeaningasthemeaningattributedto themintheConvention.


3 General Provisions

Ingangsdatum: 19-05-2006
Geldig tot en met: 30-12-2008

3.1       It should be noted that regulation V/19-1.1 provides that:


Nothing  in  this  regulation  or  the  provisions  performance  standards  and  functional requirements adopted by the Organization in relation to the long-rangeidentificationand tracking  of  ships  shall  prejudice  the  rights,  jurisdiction  or  obligations  of  States  under international  law,  in  particular,  the  legal  regimes  of  the  high  seas,  the  exclusive economic   zone,   the   contiguous   zone,   the   territorial   seas   or   the   straits   used   for international navigation andarchipelagic sea lanes.


3.2       In  operating  the  LRIT  system,  recognition  should  be  given  to  international  conventions, agreements,rulesorstandardsthatprovidefortheprotectionofnavigationalinformation.


3.3       ThepresentPerformancestandardsshouldalwaysbereadtogetherwithregulationV/19-1.


4 Shipborne Equipment

4.1      In  addition  to  the  general  requirements  contained  in  Assembly  resolution  A.694(17)  on Recommendations  on  general  requirements  for  shipborne  radio  equipment  forming  part  of  the global  maritime  distress  and  safety  system  (GMDSS)  and  for  electronic  navigational  aids,  the shipborneequipmentshouldcomplywiththefollowingminimumrequirements:


.1         be  capable  of  automatically  and  without  human  intervention  on  board  the  ship transmittingtheship'sLRITinformationat6-hourintervalstoanLRITDataCentre;


.2         becapableofbeingconfiguredremotelytotransmitLRITinformationatvariable intervals;


.3         becapableoftransmittingLRITinformationfollowingreceiptofpollingcommands;


.4         interfacedirectlytotheshipborneglobalnavigationsatellitesystemequipment,or haveinternalpositioningcapability;


.5         besuppliedwithenergyfromthemainandemergencysourceofelectricalpower2;




.6         be    tested    for     electromagnetic       compatibility       taking     into     account     the recommendations3  developed by the Organization.


4.2       Inadditiontotheprovisionsspecifiedinparagraph4.1above,theshipborneequipment should provide the functionality specified in table 1.










Notes:    (1)    On-demandpositionreportsmeanstransmissionofLRITinformationasaresultof eitherreceiptofpollingcommandorofremoteconfigurationoftheequipmentso


as totransmit at intervalotherthanthepresetones.


(2)    Pre-scheduled  position  reports  means  transmission  of  LRIT  information  at  the preset transmit intervals.


(3)    All times should be indicatedas Universal Co-ordinatedTime (UTC).





4.3      The  shipborne  equipment  should  transmit  the  LRIT  information  using  a  communication systemwhichprovidescoverageinallareaswheretheshipoperates.


4.4      The   shipborne   equipment   should   be   set   to   automatically   transmit   the   ship's   LRIT informationat6-hourintervalstotheLRITDataCentreidentifiedbytheAdministration,unlessthe LRIT  Data  User  requesting  the  provision  of  LRIT  information  specifies  a  more  frequent transmissioninterval.





2          This  provision  should  not  apply  to  ships  using  for  the  transmission  of  LRIT  information  any  of  the  radio communication  equipment  provided  for  compliance  with  the  provisions  of  chapter  IV.    In  such  cases,  the shipborneequipment shouldbe provided withsources of energy as specifiedin regulation IV/13.

3         RefertotheAssemblyresolutionA.813(19)onGeneralrequirementsforelectromagneticcompatibilityofall electrical and electronicship'sequipment.


Ingangsdatum: 19-05-2006
Geldig tot en met: 11-10-2007

4.1      In  addition  to  the  general  requirements  contained  in  Assembly  resolution  A.694(17)  on Recommendations  on  general  requirements  for  shipborne  radio  equipment  forming  part  of  the global  maritime  distress  and  safety  system  (GMDSS)  and  for  electronic  navigational  aids,  the shipborneequipmentshouldcomplywiththefollowingminimumrequirements:


.1         be  capable  of  automatically  and  without  human  intervention  on  board  the  ship transmittingtheship'sLRITinformationat6-hourintervalstoanLRITDataCentre;


.2         becapableofbeingconfiguredremotelytotransmitLRITinformationatvariable intervals;


.3         becapableoftransmittingLRITinformationfollowingreceiptofpollingcommands;


.4         interfacedirectlytotheshipborneglobalnavigationsatellitesystemequipment,or haveinternalpositioningcapability;


.5         besuppliedwithenergyfromthemainandemergencysourceofelectricalpower2;




.6         be    tested    for     electromagnetic       compatibility       taking     into     account     the recommendations3  developed by the Organization.


4.2       Inadditiontotheprovisionsspecifiedinparagraph4.1above,theshipborneequipment should provide the functionality specified in table 1.










Notes:    (1)    On-demandpositionreportsmeanstransmissionofLRITinformationasaresultof eitherreceiptofpollingcommandorofremoteconfigurationoftheequipmentso


as totransmit at intervalotherthanthepresetones.


(2)    Pre-scheduled  position  reports  means  transmission  of  LRIT  information  at  the preset transmit intervals.


(3)    All times should be indicatedas Universal Co-ordinatedTime (UTC).





4.3      The  shipborne  equipment  should  transmit  the  LRIT  information  using  a  communication systemwhichprovidescoverageinallareaswheretheshipoperates.


4.4      The   shipborne   equipment   should   be   set   to   automatically   transmit   the   ship's   LRIT informationat6-hourintervalstotheLRITDataCentreidentifiedbytheAdministration,unlessthe LRIT  Data  User  requesting  the  provision  of  LRIT  information  specifies  a  more  frequent transmissioninterval.





2          This  provision  should  not  apply  to  ships  using  for  the  transmission  of  LRIT  information  any  of  the  radio communication  equipment  provided  for  compliance  with  the  provisions  of  chapter  IV.    In  such  cases,  the shipborneequipment shouldbe provided withsources of energy as specifiedin regulation IV/13.

3         RefertotheAssemblyresolutionA.813(19)onGeneralrequirementsforelectromagneticcompatibilityofall electrical and electronicship'sequipment.


4 Shipborn Equipment

Ingangsdatum: 12-10-2007
Geldig tot en met: 30-12-2008

4.1      In  addition  to  the  general  requirements  contained  in  Assembly  resolution  A.694(17)  on Recommendations  on  general  requirements  for  shipborne  radio  equipment  forming  part  of  the global  maritime  distress  and  safety  system  (GMDSS)  and  for  electronic  navigational  aids,  the shipborneequipmentshouldcomplywiththefollowingminimumrequirements:


.1         be  capable  of  automatically  and  without  human  intervention  on  board  the  ship transmittingtheship'sLRITinformationat6-hourintervalstoanLRITDataCentre;


.2         becapableofbeingconfiguredremotelytotransmitLRITinformationatvariable intervals;


.3         becapableoftransmittingLRITinformationfollowingreceiptofpollingcommands;


.4         interfacedirectlytotheshipborneglobalnavigationsatellitesystemequipment,or haveinternalpositioningcapability;


.5         besuppliedwithenergyfromthemainandemergencysourceofelectricalpower2;




.6         be    tested    for     electromagnetic       compatibility       taking     into     account     the recommendations3  developed by the Organization.


4.2       Inadditiontotheprovisionsspecifiedinparagraph4.1above,theshipborneequipment should provide the functionality specified in table 1.










Notes:    (1)    On-demandpositionreportsmeanstransmissionofLRITinformationasaresultof eitherreceiptofpollingcommandorofremoteconfigurationoftheequipmentso


as totransmit at intervalotherthanthepresetones.


(2)    Pre-scheduled  position  reports  means  transmission  of  LRIT  information  at  the preset transmit intervals.


(3)    All times should be indicatedas Universal Co-ordinatedTime (UTC).





4.3      The  shipborne  equipment  should  transmit  the  LRIT  information  using  a  communication systemwhichprovidescoverageinallareaswheretheshipoperates.


4.4      The   shipborne   equipment   should   be   set   to   automatically   transmit   the   ship's   LRIT informationat6-hourintervalstotheLRITDataCentreidentifiedbytheAdministration,unlessthe LRIT  Data  User  requesting  the  provision  of  LRIT  information  specifies  a  more  frequent transmissioninterval.


4.4.1 When a ship is undergoing reapairs in dry-dock or in port or is laid up for a long period, the master or the Administration may reduce the frequency of the transmission LRIT information to one report every 24 hour period, or may temporarily stop the transmission of such information





2          This  provision  should  not  apply  to  ships  using  for  the  transmission  of  LRIT  information  any  of  the  radio communication  equipment  provided  for  compliance  with  the  provisions  of  chapter  IV.    In  such  cases,  the shipborneequipment shouldbe provided withsources of energy as specifiedin regulation IV/13.

3         RefertotheAssemblyresolutionA.813(19)onGeneralrequirementsforelectromagneticcompatibilityofall electrical and electronicship'sequipment.


5 Application Service Providers

Ingangsdatum: 19-05-2006
Geldig tot en met: 30-12-2008

5.1       ApplicationServicesProvider(s)(ASPs)providingservicesto:


.1         a National LRIT Data Centre, should be recognizedby the Contracting Government establishingthecentre;


.2         a  Regional  or  a  Co-operative  LRIT  Data  Centre,  should  be  recognized  by  the ContractingGovernmentsestablishingthecentre.  Insuchacase,thearrangements forrecognizingtheASPsshouldbeagreedamongsttheContractingGovernments establishingthecentre;and


.3         anInternationalLRITDataCentre,shouldberecognizedbytheCommittee.


5.2       Contracting  Governments  should  provide  to  the  Organization  a  list  with  the  names  and contactdetailsoftheASPstheyrecognizetogetherwithanyassociatedconditionsofrecognition andthereaftershould,withoutunduedelay,updatetheOrganizationaschangesoccur.


5.3       AnASPfunctionshould:


.1         provide  a  communication  protocol  interface  between  the  Communication  Service Providers   and   the   LRIT   Data   Centre   to   enable   the   following   minimum functionality:


.1         remoteintegrationoftheshipborneequipmentintoanLRITDataCentre;


.2         automaticconfigurationoftransmissionofLRITinformation;


.3         automaticmodificationoftheintervaloftransmissionofLRITinformation;


.4         automaticsuspensionoftransmissionofLRITinformation;


.5         ondemandtransmissionofLRITinformation;and


.6         automaticrecoveryandmanagementoftransmissionofLRITinformation;


.2         provideanintegratedtransactionmanagementsystemforthemonitoringofLRIT informationthroughputandrouteing;and


.3         ensurethatLRITinformationiscollected,storedandroutedinareliableandsecure manner.


5.4       The  ASP  where  used  should  add  the  data  identified  in  table  2  to  each  transmission  of LRIT information:








Notes:   (1)    See   regulation   XI-1/3   and   Assembly   resolution   A.600(15)   on   IMO   ship identification number scheme.


(2)    All times should be indicated as Universal Co-ordinatedTime (UTC).





5.5       Inadditiontotheprovisionsofparagraph5.3,Administrations,ContractingGovernments and  the  Committee  may  establish,  in  relation  to  the  ASPs  seeking  their  recognition,  specific requirementsasaconditionofrecognizingaparticularASP.


6 Communications Service Providers

Ingangsdatum: 19-05-2006
Geldig tot en met: 30-12-2008

6.1       CommunicationsServiceProviders(CSPs)provideserviceswhichlinkthevariouspartsof theLRITsystemusingcommunicationsprotocolsinordertoensuretheend-to-endsecuretransfer oftheLRITinformation.  Thisrequirementprecludestheuseofnon-securebroadcast systems.


6.2       ACSPmayalsoprovideservicesasanASP.


7 LRIT Data Centre

7.1       AllLRITDataCentresshould:


.1         establishandcontinuouslymaintainsystemswhichensure,atalltimes,thatLRIT DataUsersareonlyprovidedwiththeLRIT informationtheyareentitledtoreceive asspecifiedinregulationV/19-1;


.2         collect  LRIT  information  from  ships  instructed  by  their  Administrations  to transmit the LRIT information to the centre;

              .3         obtain,  when  requested  to  provide  LRIT  information  transmitted  by  ships  other thanthosewhichtransmittheinformationtothecentre,   LRITinformationfrom other LRIT Data Centres through the International LRIT Data Exchange;

.4  makeavailable,whenrequestedtoprovideLRITinformationtransmittedbyships otherthanthosewhichtransmittheinformationtothecentre,LRITinformation transmitted  to  the  centre  to  other  LRIT  Data  Centres  through  the  International LRIT Data Exchange;

.5  executerequestsreceivedfromLRITDataUsersforpollingofLRITinformation or for change(s) in the interval(s) of transmission of LRIT information by a ship or a group of ships transmitting the information to the centre;

.6  relay,  when  required,  requests  received  from  LRIT  Data  Users  through  the InternationalLRITDataExchangetotheotherLRITDataCentresforpollingof LRIT  information  or  for  change(s)  in  the  interval(s)  of  transmission  of  LRIT informationbyashiporagroupofshipsnottransmittingtheinformationtothe centre;

.7  execute  requests  received  through  the  International  LRIT  Data  Exchange  from otherLRITDataCentresforpollingofLRITinformationorforchange(s)inthe interval(s)  of  transmission  of  LRIT  information  by  a  ship  or  a  group  of  ships transmitting the information to the centre;

.8  upon  request  disseminate  to  LRIT  Data  Users  the  LRIT  information  they  are entitled  to  receive  in  accordance  with  the  agreed  arrangements  and  notify  the LRITDataUserandtheAdministrationwhenaparticularshipstopstransmitting LRIT information;

.9 archiveLRITinformationfrom shipswhichtransmittheinformationtothecentre, foratleastoneyearanduntilsuchtimeastheCommitteereviewsandacceptsthe annualreportoftheauditofitsperformancebytheLRITCo-ordinator.  However, thearchivedLRITinformationshouldprovideacompleterecordoftheactivities of the centre between two consecutive annual audits of its performance;

.10 for LRIT information archvied within the last 4 days, send the LRIT information within 30 min of receiving a request;

.11 for LRIT information archived between 4 and 30 days previously, send the LRIT information within 1 h of receiving a request;

.12 for LRIT information archived more than 30 days previously, send the LRIT information within 5 days of receiving a request;

.13 ensure using appropriate hardware and software, that LRIT information is backed-up at regular intervals, stored at suitable off-site location(s) and available as soon as possible in the event of disruption to ensure continuity of service;

.14 maintain a record of the ships which transmit LRIT information to the centre including name ship, IMO Ship identification nuber, call sign and Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI);

.15 use a standard protocol for communications with th International LRIT Data Exchange;

.16 use a standard secure transmission method with the International LRIT Data Echange;

.17 use a secure authentication method with LRIT Data Userss;

.18 use a standard and expandable message format for communicating with the International LRIT Data Exchange;

.19 use riliable connections (e.g. TCP) to ensure that the LRIT information is successfully received by th LRIT Data Centres; and

.20 add the appropriate data identified in table 2 to each transmission of LRIT information collect by the centre.


7.2 The performance of all LRIT Data Centres should be audited by the LRIT Co-ordinator.

7.2.1 All LRIT Data Centres should co-operate and make available to the LRIT Co-ordinator the information required to enable the satisfactory completion of an audit of their performance.

7.3 Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 7.1, all LRIT Data Centres should provide to Search ad rescue services (SAR services), LRIT information transmitted by all ships located within the geographic area specified by the SAR service requesting the information so as to permit the rapid identification of ships which may be called upon to provide assistance in relation to the search and rescue of persons in distress at sea. The LRIT information should be provided irrespective of the location of the geographic area and should be provided even if the geographic area is outside the search and rescue region associated with the SAR service requesting the information (regulation V/19-1.12 refers).

Ingangsdatum: 12-10-2007
Geldig tot en met: 30-12-2008

7.1       AllLRITDataCentresshould:


.1         establishandcontinuouslymaintainsystemswhichensure,atalltimes,thatLRIT DataUsersareonlyprovidedwiththeLRIT informationtheyareentitledtoreceive asspecifiedinregulationV/19-1;


.2         collect  LRIT  information  from  ships  instructed  by  their  Administrations  to transmit the LRIT information to the centre;

              .3         obtain,  when  requested  to  provide  LRIT  information  transmitted  by  ships  other thanthosewhichtransmittheinformationtothecentre,   LRITinformationfrom other LRIT Data Centres through the International LRIT Data Exchange;

.4  makeavailable,whenrequestedtoprovideLRITinformationtransmittedbyships otherthanthosewhichtransmittheinformationtothecentre,LRITinformation transmitted  to  the  centre  to  other  LRIT  Data  Centres  through  the  International LRIT Data Exchange;

.5  executerequestsreceivedfromLRITDataUsersforpollingofLRITinformation or for change(s) in the interval(s) of transmission of LRIT information by a ship or a group of ships transmitting the information to the centre;

.6  relay,  when  required,  requests  received  from  LRIT  Data  Users  through  the InternationalLRITDataExchangetotheotherLRITDataCentresforpollingof LRIT  information  or  for  change(s)  in  the  interval(s)  of  transmission  of  LRIT informationbyashiporagroupofshipsnottransmittingtheinformationtothe centre;

.7  execute  requests  received  through  the  International  LRIT  Data  Exchange  from otherLRITDataCentresforpollingofLRITinformationorforchange(s)inthe interval(s)  of  transmission  of  LRIT  information  by  a  ship  or  a  group  of  ships transmitting the information to the centre;

.8  upon  request  disseminate  to  LRIT  Data  Users  the  LRIT  information  they  are entitled  to  receive  in  accordance  with  the  agreed  arrangements  and  notify  the LRITDataUserandtheAdministrationwhenaparticularshipstopstransmitting LRIT information;

.9 archiveLRITinformationfrom shipswhichtransmittheinformationtothecentre, foratleastoneyearanduntilsuchtimeastheCommitteereviewsandacceptsthe annualreportoftheauditofitsperformancebytheLRITCo-ordinator.  However, thearchivedLRITinformationshouldprovideacompleterecordoftheactivities of the centre between two consecutive annual audits of its performance;

.10 for LRIT information archvied within the last 4 days, send the LRIT information within 30 min of receiving a request;

.11 for LRIT information archived between 4 and 30 days previously, send the LRIT information within 1 h of receiving a request;

.12 for LRIT information archived more than 30 days previously, send the LRIT information within 5 days of receiving a request;

.13 ensure using appropriate hardware and software, that LRIT information is backed-up at regular intervals, stored at suitable off-site location(s) and available as soon as possible in the event of disruption to ensure continuity of service;

.14 maintain a record of the ships which transmit LRIT information to the centre including name ship, IMO Ship identification nuber, call sign and Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI);

.15 use a standard protocol for communications with th International LRIT Data Exchange;

.16 use a standard secure transmission method with the International LRIT Data Echange;

.17 use a secure authentication method with LRIT Data Userss;

.18 use a standard and expandable message format for communicating with the International LRIT Data Exchange;

.19 use riliable connections (e.g. TCP) to ensure that the LRIT information is successfully received by th LRIT Data Centres; and

.20 add the appropriate data identified in table 2 to each transmission of LRIT information collect by the centre.


7.1A When providing archived LRIT information to LRIT Data Users, LRIT Data Centres should utilize the version of the LRIT Data Distribution Plan which was applicable at the time when te LRIT information requested were originally received. Thus, all LRIT Data Centres should als archive the LRIT Data Distribution P;an copvering the tiume period of the archived LRIT information

7.1 B All Regional or Co-operative LRIT Data Centres and the International LRIT Data
Centre should automatically maintain journal(s) for all of the internally routed LRIT information. The journal(s) should only contain message header information which may be used for audit purposes. The journal(s) should be transmitted to the International LRIT Data Exchange at regular intervals in order to be combined with the journal(s) maintained by the International LRIT Data Exchange.

7.2 The performance of all LRIT Data Centres should be audited by the LRIT Co-ordinator.

7.2.1 All LRIT Data Centres should co-operate and make available to the LRIT Co-ordinator the information required to enable the satisfactory completion of an audit of their performance.

7.3 Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 7.1, all LRIT Data Centres should provide to Search ad rescue services (SAR services), LRIT information transmitted by all ships located within the geographic area specified by the SAR service requesting the information so as to permit the rapid identification of ships which may be called upon to provide assistance in relation to the search and rescue of persons in distress at sea. The LRIT information should be provided irrespective of the location of the geographic area and should be provided even if the geographic area is outside the search and rescue region associated with the SAR service requesting the information (regulation V/19-1.12 refers).

8 National, Regional and Co-operative LRIT Data Centres

Ingangsdatum: 19-05-2006
Geldig tot en met: 30-12-2008

8.1  AContractingGovernmentmayestablishaNationalLRITDataCentre. AContracting  GovernmentestablishingsuchacentreshouldproviderelevantdetailstotheOrganizationand thereafter   should,   without   undue   delay,   update   the   information   provided   as   and   when changes occur.


8.2       AgroupofContractingGovernmentsmayestablisheitheraRegionaloraCo-operative LRITDataCentre.   Thearrangementsforestablishingsuchacentreshouldbeagreedamongst theContractingGovernmentsconcerned.  OneoftheContractingGovernmentsestablishingsuch

acentreshouldproviderelevantdetailstotheOrganizationandthereaftershould,withoutundue delay, update the information provided as and when changes occur.


8.3       Upon  request,  National,  Regional  and  Co-operative  LRIT  Data  Centres  may  provide services to Contracting Governments otherthanthoseestablishingthecentre.


8.3.1    ThearrangementsforprovidingservicesshouldbeagreedbetweentheLRITDataCentre and the Contracting Government requesting the provision of the services.

8.3.2    TheContractingGovernmentestablishingtheNationalLRITDataCentreoroneofthe ContractingGovernmentsestablishingtheRegionalorCo-operativeLRITDataCentreshould,if thecentreprovidesservicestoContractingGovernmentsotherthanthosewhichestablishedthe centre,providerelevantdetailstotheOrganizationandthereaftershould,withoutunduedelay, update the information provided as and when changes occur.


8.4       National,  Regional  and  Co-operative  LRIT  Data  Centres  may  also  serve  as  a  National, Regional  or  Co-operative  Vessel  Monitoring  System  (VMS)  and  may  require,  as  VMS,  the transmissionfromshipsofadditionalinformation,orofinformationatdifferentintervals,orof informationfromshipswhicharenotrequiredtotransmitLRITinformation.   VMSsmayalso performother functions.


8.4.1    IfaNational,RegionalorCo-operativeLRITDataCentrecollectsadditionalinformation from ships,itshouldtransmitonlytherequired LRITinformationtotheotherLRITDataCentres through the International LRIT Data Exchange.


9 International LRIT Data Centre

Ingangsdatum: 19-05-2006
Geldig tot en met: 30-12-2008

9.1       An International LRIT Data Centre recognized by the Committee should be established.


9.2       ContractingGovernmentsnotparticipatinginaNational,RegionalorCo-operativeLRIT Data  Centre,  or  Contracting  Governments  having  an  interest   in  the  establishment  of  an International  LRIT  Data  Centre  should  co-operate,  under  the  co-ordination  of  the  Committee, with a view to ensuring its establishment.


9.3       Ships,  other  than  those  which  are  required  to  transmit  LRIT  information  to  either  a National,  Regional  or  Co-operative  LRIT  Data  Centre,  should  transmit  the  required  LRIT information to the International LRIT Data Centre.


9.4       An  International  LRIT  Data  Centre  may,  upon  request,  collect  additional  information from  ships  entitled  to  fly  the  flag  of  an  Administration  on  the  basis  of  specific  arrangements concluded with the Administration concerned.


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