Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

806(19) Performance standards for shipborne MF/HF radio installations capable of voice communication, narrow-band direct-printing and digital selective calling (MSC.68(68))
Geldigheid:23-11-1995 t/m 22-11-1996Versie:vergelijk Status: Was geldig

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.


RECALLING Article 15(j) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Assembly in relation to regulations and guidelines concerning maritime safety,

RECALLING ALSO regulations IV/10.2.1, 10.2.2, 10.2.4 and 14.1 of the 1988 amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS),1974, concerning radiocommunications for the global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS), which require, respecively, that ships be provided with a MF/HF radio installation capable of voice communication, narrow-band direct printing and digital selective calling, and that such MF/HF radio installations shall conform to appropriate performance standards not inferior to those adopted by the Organization,

RECOGNIZING the need to prepare performance standards for MF/HF radio installations capable of voice communication, narrow-band direct printing and digital self[live calling to be used in the GMDSS in order to ensure the operational reliability of such equipment and to avoid, as far as practicable, adverse interaction between such equipment and other communication and navigation equipment on board ship.

HAVING CONSIDERED the recommendation made by the Maritime Safety Committee at its sixty-fifth session.

1 . ADOPTS the Recommendation on Performance Standards for Shipborne MF/HF Radio Installations Capable of Voice Communication, Narrow-Band Direct Printing and Digital Selective Calling set out in the annex to the present resolution;

2. RECOMMENDS Governments to ensure that shipborne MF/HF radio installations capable of voile communication, narrow-band direct printing and digital selective calling which will form part of the GMDSS:
(a) if installed on or after 23 November 1996, conform to performance standards not Inferior to those specified in the annex to the present resolution;
(b) if installed before 23 November 1996, conform to performance standards not inferior to those specified in the annex to resolution A.613(15);

3. REQUESTS the Maritime Safety Committee to keep these Performance Standards under review and to adopt amendments thereto, as necessary.

Annex Recommendation on performance standards for shipborne MF/HF radio installations capable of voice communication, narrow-band direct-printing and digital selective calling

Part A General

[Niet geldig (geldigheid vanaf 1996-11-23)]

Part B Transmitter

1 Frequencies and classes of emision

[Niet geldig (geldigheid vanaf 1996-11-23)]

2 Frequency accuracy and stability

[Niet geldig (geldigheid vanaf 1996-11-23)]

3 Output power

[Niet geldig (geldigheid vanaf 1996-11-23)]

4 Permissible warming-up period

[Niet geldig (geldigheid vanaf 1996-11-23)]

5 Continuous operation

[Niet geldig (geldigheid vanaf 1996-11-23)]

6 Controls and indicators

[Niet geldig (geldigheid vanaf 1996-11-23)]

7 Safety precautions

[Niet geldig (geldigheid vanaf 1996-11-23)]

8 Power supply

[Niet geldig (geldigheid vanaf 1996-11-23)]

Part C Receivers

[Niet geldig (geldigheid vanaf 1996-11-23)]

Part D Digital selective calling facility

1 The facility should conform to the provisions of the relevant ITU-R Recommendations pertaining to the DSC system.*

2 The DSC facility should comprise:
.1 means to decode and encode DSC messages;
.2 means necessary for composing the DSC message;
.3 means to verify the prepared message before it is transmitted;
.4 means to display, in plain language with a minimum of 160 characters in two or more lines, the information contained in a received call;
.5 means for manual entry of position information; additionally, automatic entry may be provided; and
.6 means for manual entry of the time at which the position was determined;, additionally, automatic entry may be provided.


3.1 If the received messages are not printed immediately, sufficient capacity should be provided to enable at least 20 received distress messages to be stored in the DSC facility.

3.2 These messages should be stored until readout.

4 It should be possible to initiate and make distress and safety calls from the position from which the ship is normally navigated. The means for initiating a distress alert should be as prescribed in 2.5 of Part A.

5 Initiation of DSC distress calls should take precedence over any other operation of the facility.

6 Self-identification data should be stored in the DSC unit. It should not be possible for the user easily to change these data.

7 Means should be provided to enable routine testing of the DSC facilities without radiation of signals.

8 Provision should be made for a specific aural alarm and visual indication to indicate receipt of a distress or urgency call or a call having a distress category. It should not be possible to disable this alarm and indication. Provision should be made to ensure that they can be reset only manually.

* Class A DSC equipment conforming to Recommendation ITU-R M.493 should be used to meet this requirement.

Part E Narrow-band Direct-printing (NBDP) facility

Ingangsdatum: 23-11-1995

1 The facility should conform to the relevant ITU-R Recommendations pertaining to the NBDP system.* It should provide for the use of maritime mobile service identities in accordance with Appendix 43 of the ITU Radio Regulations. The facility should be capable of operating in the FEC and ARQ modes on the single-frequency channels allocated for distress NBDP operation.

2 Self-identification data should be stored in the NBDP unit. It should not be possible for the user easily to change these data.

3 The NBDP facility should comprise:
.1 means to decode and encode messages;
.2 means for composing and verifying messages to be transmitted; and
.3 means for providing a record of received messages.

* NBDP equipment conforming to recommendation ITU-R M.476 may be used until the cost is amortized. It is recommended that newly installed NBDP equipment should conform to recommendation ITU-R M.625.
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