Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

SLS.14/Circ.132 Stored mechanical power for launching rescue boats - XQ48569
Geldigheid:30-01-1996 t/m Status: Geldig vandaag

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.

Ref. T1/2.08


Equivalent arrangements accepted under regulation I/5

Stored mechanical power for launching rescue boats

Communication received from the Government of the Netherlands

  1. Regulation III/48.1.3 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) requires the launching appliances of survival craft to be independent of the ship's power supplies. This may be achieved by gravity or by stored mechanical power.

  • It is the view of the Netherlands that ships equipped with a free-fall lifeboat do need a rescue boat dedicated for "man overboard" operations because in the opinion of the Netherlands the free-fall boat is not suitable for these operations. The above-mentioned rescue boat is not a primary survival craft but a boat to be used when the ship itself is fully operational.

  • In view of the above, the Netherlands gives notification of the following equivalent arrangement to regulation III/48.1.3, under the provisions of regulation I/5 of the above Convention.

  • "On ships equipped with a free-fall lifeboat and a rescue boat dedicated for "man overboard" operations, the launching of the rescue boat is not required to depend solely on gravity or stored mechanical power. If the launching does not depend on gravity, the mechanical power shall also be fed by the ship's emergency power supplies. If the rescue boat launching appliance is also used as a launching appliance for a davit-launched liferaft it shall fulfil all requirements for survival craft launching appliances as stipulated in SOLAS regulation III/48 with the exception of the requirement of regulation III/48.1.3."

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