Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

609 Application of Solas amendments to ships constructed before the appliction date of the amendments
Geldigheid:14-06-1993 t/m 15-08-2008Status: Was geldig

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.

Interpretation of regulation -1/1.3 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention, as amended
1. The Maritime Sefety Committee, as its sixty-second session (24 to 28 May 1993), noted that the existing text of regulation -1/1.3 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention, as amended, which refers to the application date of 1 July 1986, was valid only with respect to the 1983 SOLAS amendments entered into force on 1 July 1986, but does not cover satisfactorily subsequent amendments adopted by committee.

2. Having considered the recommendations made by the sub-committee on stability and Load L ines and Fishing Vessels Safety, the committee agreed to the following interpretation of SOLAS regulation -1/1.3 to cover the application of the SOLAS amendments to existing ships in genenal: " Unless expressly provided otherwise, an amendments to this chapter should apply to ships constructed on or after the date on which the amendment enters into force. All ships which undergo repairs, alterations, modifications and requirements previously applicable to such ships. Such ships, should, as a rule, comply with the requirements for ships constructed undergoing such repairs, alterations, modifications or outfitting. Repairs, alterations and modification of a major character and outfitting related thereto should meet requirements for ships constructed on or after the date on which the amendment enters into force, in so far as the administration deems resonable and practicable."

3. Member Governments are invited to take account of the above interpretation when applying relevant SOLAS amendments to ships constructed before the application date of those amendments, pending further action by the committee, regarding adoption of the interpretation as an amendment to the SOLAS Convention, in the light of an input in order relevant to be made by the pertinent sub-committees.
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