Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

1317 Application for existing approvals
Geldigheid:10-06-2009 t/m Status: Geldig vandaag

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.


Application for existing approvals according to the revised guidelines for the approval of equivalent fixed gas fire-extinguishing systems, as referred to in SOLAS 74, for machinery spaces and cargo pump-rooms (MSC/CIRC.848)

  1. The Committee, at its eighty-sixth session (27 May to 5 June 2009), having considered the proposal by the Sub-Committee on Fire Protection, at its fifty-third session, with regard to the
    application for existing approvals according to the Revised Guidelines for approval of equivalent fixed gas fire-extinguishing systems, as referred to in SOLAS 74, for machinery spaces and cargo pump-rooms (MSC/Circ.848), in relation to the amendments to the Revised Guidelines (MSC.1/Circ.1267), agreed to the following interpretation:

    “Type approvals conducted in accordance with the Revised Guidelines for approval of equivalent fixed gas fire-extinguishing systems, as referred to in SOLAS 74, for machinery spaces and cargo pump-rooms (MSC/Circ.848) should remain valid until 1 July 2012.”

  2. Member Governments are invited to apply the above interpretation when approving equivalent fixed gas fire-extinguishing systems, as referred to in SOLAS 74, for machinery spaces and cargo pump-rooms, and bring it to the attention of ship designers, shipowners, equipment manufacturers, test laboratories and other parties concerned.

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