Ingangsdatum: 16-05-2005
Geldig tot en met: 04-02-2007
Loader/unloader operator training should include:
1. Thegeneralhazardsofloadingand/orunloadingBulkCarriers(ref.BLUCode(Codeof PracticefortheSafeLoadingandUnloadingofBulkCarriers) and BC Code(Codeof Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes))
2. The dangerous effect improper loadingand/or unloading can have on a ship. Practical aspects to be included in the training should include:
· TheBLUCodesothattheyunderstandandappreciateboththeobligationsitplacesontheir terminal, and the limitations of the ships the terminal personnel are loading and/or unloading.
· The correct operating instructions for the ship loader orunloader theyare operating.
· A basic understanding of the mechanical and electrical components of the loader and/or unloader such as travel drives, braking arrangements, ropes and rope care, grab/trolley winches, conveyors, operating and wind limits, stormanchoring.
· Emergencyproceduressuchasfireonship,terminal,orloaderand/orunloader;mooring incidents, emergency stops.
· Thecorrecttechniquesandpatternstobeusedtoloadorunloadaship,dependingonthe type of and number of loaders or unloaders being used.
To load a ship:
Loader operators should have anappropriate understanding of how to:
· Distributethecargoineachholdinaccordancewiththeagreedcargoplantoensurethe ship remains upright, and is neither stressed nor twisted.
· Ensure no hold is overloaded or overfilled, and that the ship can be safely trimmed on completion.
· Ensure loading efficiency is maximized, asper the agreed loading/deballasting plan.
· Ensure safety and environmental protection procedures are followed.
· Ensure that good communications are maintained between the loader operator and the designated Ship's officer, and between master and terminal representative .
To unload a ship:
Unloader operators should have an appropriate understanding of how to:
· Unloadthecargofromeachholdinaccordancewiththeagreedunloadingplantoensure that the ship remains upright and is not stressed or twisted.
· Removethecargofromtheholdsbyeithergraborcontinuousunloaderinamannerthat minimizes the risk of damage to the Ship's structure.
· Ensure that good communications are maintained between the unloader operator and the designated Ship's officer, and between master and terminal representative .
· Assesstherisksarisingfromcargostickinginframesandonhoppersidesandfacilitate,if possible,itssaferemovalwithoutrisktothesafetyofterminalpersonnelandShip'screw members, or risk of damage to ship.
Terminal representative training
The terminal representative should:
1. Haveathoroughunderstandingoftheunderlyingprinciplesrelatedtotheloadingand/or unloading of bulk carriers as described in the BLU Code.
2. Know how to implementallaspects of the BLU Code.
3. Understand and manage the ship/shore interface in relation to the operations and limitations of the terminal, its cargo handling equipment and procedures, the planning, control and monitoring of cargoes, relevant properties of the cargoes being handled, berthing/mooring operations and emergency procedures.
Thetraining,assessmentandcertificationoftraineesshouldbecarriedoutbycompetentpersons within the framework of existing training standards and national healthand safety legislation.