Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

73(69) Mandatory ship reporting systems
Geldigheid:01-12-1998 t/m Status: Geldig vandaag

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.


RECALLING Article 28(b) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Committee,

RECALLING ALSO regulation V/8-1 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974 concerning the adoption by the Organization of ship reporting systems,

RECALLING FURTHER resolution A.858(20) which authorizes the Committee to perform the function of adopting ship reporting systems on behalf of the Organization,

TAKING INTO ACCOUNT the Guidelines and criteria for ship reporting systems, adopted by resolution MSC.43(64),

HAVING CONSIDERED the recommendation of the Sub-Committee on Safety of Navigation at its forty-third session,

1. ADOPTS, in accordance with SOLAS regulation V/8-1, mandatory ship reporting systems:

- "In the Straits of Malacca and Singapore" area described in Annex 1 to the present resolution; and

- "In the Strait of Bonifacio" area described in Annex 2.

2. DECIDES that the aforementioned mandatory ship reporting systems will enter into force at 0000 hours UTC on 1 December 1998.

3. REQUESTS the Secretary-General to bring this resolution and its Annexes to the attention of Members of the Organization and Contracting Governments to the 1974 SOLAS Convention.

Annex 1 Description of the mandatory ship reporting system in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore

1 Categories of ships required to participate in the system

1.1 Ships of the following categories are required to participate in the ship reporting system:
  1. vessels of 300 GT and above;

  2. vessels of 50 metres or more in length;

  3. vessels engaged in towing or pushing with a combined GT of 300 and above, or with a combined length of 50 metres or more;

  4. vessels of any tonnage carrying hazardous cargo, as defined in paragraph 1.4 of resolution MSC.43(64);

  5. all passenger vessels that are fitted with VHF, regardless of length or GT; and

  6. any category of vessels less than 50 metres in length or less than 300 GT which are fitted with VHF and in an emergency, uses the appropriate traffic lane or separation zone, in order to avoid immediate danger.

2 Geographical coverage of the system and the number and edition of the reference chart used for the delineation of the system

2.1 The operational area of STRAITREP covers the Straits of Malacca and Singapore between longitudes 100E 40'E and 104E 23'E as shown in the chartlets attached as appendix 1 and appendix 2. The area includes the routeing system in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore. The area is divided into nine sectors, each has an assigned VHF channel as shown in appendix 3.

2.2 The reference charts which include the operational area of STRAITREP are the Malaysian Chart Series MAL 515, 521 and 523 of the Hydrographer, Royal Malaysian Navy or the equivalent charts published by the competent hydrographic authority.

3 Format, content of report, times and geographical positions for submitting reports, authority to whom reports should be sent, available services

The ship report short title STRAITREP, shall be made to the VTS authorities as follows:

3.1 Format

The ship report shall be drafted in accordance with the format shown in appendix 4. The information requested from ships is derived from the Standard Reporting Format given in paragraph 2 of the IMO resolution A.851(20).

3.2 Content

The report required from a ship contains only information which is essential to meet the objectives of the STRAITREP:
    .1 Information considered essential;

    A - Name of ship, call sign, IMO identification number (if available);
    C or D - Position;
    P - Hazardous cargo, class if applicable; and
    Q or R - Breakdown, damage and/or deficiencies affecting the structure, cargo or equipment of the ship or any other circumstances affecting normal navigation in accordance with the provisions of the SOLAS and MARPOL Conventions.

    .2 Information considered necessary when requested by VTS authority;

    E and F - Course and speed of ship.


    On receipt of a position message, operators of the VTS will establish the relation between the ship's position and the information supplied by the facilities available to them. The information on heading and speed will facilitate the VTS operator's task of identifying a ship within a group. 3.3 Geographical position for submitting reports
    1. Ships entering the operational area shall report when crossing the limits mentioned in paragraph 3 or when crossing a line joining Tg. Piai (01E15'.50N 103E30'.75E) and Pulau Karimun Kecil (01E09'.20N 103E24'.35E) or when leaving port or anchorages in the area or before joining the traffic lane of the TSS.

    2. Ships entering the operational area shall also report when approaching from the south via Selat Riau, abeam of Karang Galang Lt. (01E09'.58N 104E11'.47E) or via Selat Durian, report when Pulau Jangkat Beacon (00E57'.89N 103E42'72E) is abeam and when approaching from the East Johor Strait, abeam of Eastern Buoy (01E17'.87N, 104E05'.99E).

    3. A ship approaching from any direction other than those specified above shall on reaching sector 7, sector 8 or sector 9 as appropriate report by giving the vessel's position in term of bearing and distance from one of the following reference points:

        (i) Pu Iyu Kechil Lt (01E11'.48N 103E21'.23E)
        (ii) Sultan Shoal Lt (01E14'.38N 103E38'.98E)
        (iii) Raffles Lt (01E09'.60N 103E44'.55E)
        (iv) Sakijang Lt Bn (01E13'.30N 103E51'.37E)
        (v) Bedok Lt (01E18'.54N 103E56'.06E)
        (vi) Tg. Stapa Lt (01E20'.57N 104E08'.24E)
        (vii) Horsburgh Lt (01E19'.81N 104E24'.44E)

        As an alternative the position can also be given in latitude and longitude.
      3.4 Authority
        The VTS authorities for the STRAITREP are as follows:

        (i) Sector 1 to Sector 5 - Klang VTS;
        (ii) Sector 6 - Johor VTS; and
        (iii) Sector 7 to Sector 9 - Singapore VTS.

        4 Information to be provided to ships and procedures to be followed

        4.1 STRAITREP also provides information to ships about specific and critical situation which could cause conflicting traffic movements and other information concerning safety of navigation.

        4.2 Depending on the sector which a ship is in, every ship shall also maintain a VHF radio telephone listening watch on the appropriate VHF Channel. Information of general interest to ships will be broadcast on VHF channel 16 and any other channel as may be specified by the appropriate VTS authority. This broadcast will be preceded by an announcement on the appropriate VHF channel assigned to the sector.

        5 Radiocommunications required for the system, frequencies on which reports should be transmitted and information to be reported

        The radiocommunications required for the STRAITREP is as follows:

        5.1 STRAITREP will be based on VHF voice radiocommunication and will be interactive. The call to the appropriate VTS authority shall be made on the VHF channel assigned to the particular sector in which the ship is located as indicated in appendix 3, and the report shall be transmitted on that channel or any other available channel as assigned by the appropriate VTS authorities.

        5.2 The language used for communication shall be English, using the IMO Standard Marine Communications Phrases where necessary.

        5.3 Information of commercial confidentiality may be transmitted by non-verbal means.

        6 Rules and regulations in force in the area of the system

        6.1 The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 are applicable throughout the operational area of STRAITREP.

        6.2 The Rules For Vessels Navigating Through The Straits of Malacca and Singapore as approved by IMO are applicable throughout the area.

        7 Shore-based facilities to support operation of the system

        The facilities of the STRAITREP are as follows:

          • Klang VTS

            - Telephone, facsimile and telex communication
            - 6 sets of VHF radio communication equipment
            - 6 real-time display consoles for 'X' and 'S' bands radar signals from remote radar stations.

          • Johor VTS

            - Telephone, facsimile and telex communication
            - 4 sets of VHF radio communication equipment
            - 4 real-time display consoles for 'X' and 'S' bands radar signals from remote radar stations.

          • Singapore VTS

            - Telephone, facsimile and telex communication
            - 11 sets of VHF radio communication equipment
            - 4 real-time display consoles for "X" band radar signals from remote radar stations.
            - 4 sets of VHF radio directions finder in marine bands.

          • Remote Stations:

            1. Pulau Angsa

              - 1 "X" band radar facility
              - 1 "S" band radar facility
              - VHF transmitters and receivers

            2. Bukit Jugra

              - 1 "X" band radar facility
              - 1 "S" band radar facility
              - VHF transmitters and receivers

            3. Cape Rachado

              - 1 "X" band radar facility
              - 1 "S" band radar facility
              - VHF transmitters and receivers

            4. Pulau Undan

              - 1 "X" band radar facility
              - 1 "S" band radar facility
              - VHF transmitters and receivers

            5. Bukit Segenting

              - 1 "X" band radar facility
              - 1 "S" band radar facility
              - VHF transmitters and receivers

            6. Tanjung Piai

              - 1 "X" band radar facility
              - 1 "S" band radar facility
              - VHF transmitters and receivers

            7. Bukit Pengerang

              - 1 "X" band radar facility
              - 1 "S" band radar facility
              - VHF transmitters and receivers

            8. Sultan Shoal Lighthouse

              - VHF transmitters and receivers
              - 1 "X" band radar facility

            9. Raffles Lighthouse

              - 1 "X" band radar facility

            10. St. John's Island

              - 1 "X" band radar facility

            11. Bedok Lighthouse

              - 2 sets of VHF/DF radio direction finder

            12. Bedok

              - 1 "X" band radar facility

            13. Horsburgh Lighthouse

              - VHF transmitters and receivers
              - 1 "X" band radar facility

            14. Jurong Control

              - 2 sets of VHF/DF radio direction finder.

            8 Alternative communication if the communication facilities of the shore-based authority fail

            8.1 STRAITREP is designed to avoid, as far as possible, any irretrievable breakdown of equipment which would hinder the functioning of the services normally provided by the respective VTS authorities.

            8.2 The most important items of equipment and power sources are duplicated and the facilities are provided with emergency generating sets as well as with Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) units. A maintenance team is available 24 hours a day to attend to any breakdown.

            8.3 STRAITREP is also designed in such a manner that if one station fail, the adjacent station can provide the necessary coverage.

            Appendix 1 STRAITREP Operational Area (Sectors 1 to 9)

            Appendix 2 STRAITREP Operational Area (Sectors 7 to 9)

            Appendix 3 Assigned VHF Channels for sectors in the mandatory reporting system in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore

            Appendix 4 Drafting of radio reports to the mandatory ship reporting system in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore (STRAITREP)

            Annex 2 Description of the mandatory ship reporting system in the Strait of Bonifacio


            Ships of 300 gross tonnage and over are required to participate in the system.


            The reporting system covers a circular area with a radius of 20 (twenty) nautical miles centred on Bonifacio. The reference chart is the French Chart No.7024 of the SHOM (Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the French Navy) International chart No.3350.


            3.1 Content
              The report required shall include:

              - information considered essential:

                - the name of the ship, her callsign or IMO identification umber (letter A)
                - time and position (letters C or D)
                - course and speed (letters E and F)
                - draught (letter O)
                - additional information, if appropriate
                - cargo (in case of transport of petroleum products, dangerous or polluting substances) (letter P)
                - defects or damage (letter Q) In addition, in accordance with provisions of SOLAS and MARPOL Conventions, ships must report information on any defect, damage, deficiency or limitations as well as, if necessary, information relating to pollution incidents or loss of cargo. Possession of this information enables the operators to broadcast safety messages to other ship traffic and to ensure more effective tracking of the trajectories of ships concerned.

                Ships shall transmit their reports on entering the precautionary areas defined in the documents about routeing measures in the Strait of Bonifacio, or when passing the following lines:
                  - East Bound:

                    • A line linking the beacon of Cap De Fano in Corsica to Point 41° 19'.18 N 009° 06'.51 E (West end of the North limit of the two way route)

                    • A line linking the beacon of Capo Testa in Sardinia to Point 41° 16'.75 N 009° 06'.18 E (West end of the South limit of the two way route).
                    - West Bound

                      • A line linking Pointe De Rondinara in Corsica to Point 41° 22'.55 N 009° 22'.38 E (East end of the North limit of the two way route)

                      • A line linking Punta Galera in Sardinia to Point 41° 21'.58 N 009° 23'.30 E (East end of the South limit of the two way route) 3.2 Recipient of report

                      The shore-based authorities are La Maddalena Coast Guard Station (Sardinia, Italy) and Pertusato Naval Signal Station, (Corsica, France), common call sign: Bonifacio Traffic.


                      Detected and identified ships are monitored by radar which in no way releases their masters from their responsibility for safe navigation.

                      Following receiving report Bonifacio Traffic will provide:

                      - information on navigational conditions (status of aids to navigation, presence of other ships and their position at the moment of contact); and

                      - information on weather conditions.


                      5.1 The radiocommunication equipment required for the system is VHF. Ship reports shall be transmitted by voice on VHF channel 10, back up VHF channel 16, both permanently watched by the station. An IMO circular will provide for another back up VHF channel, if necessary, after 1 February 1999. Use of automatic identification system will be implemented in accordance with IMO decisions.

                      5.2 The report required from a ship is mentioned in paragraph 3.1 above in the appendix "Summary". The language used shall be English or languages indicated in nautical publications.

                      5.3 Information of commercial confidentiality may be transmitted by non-verbal means. Detail of fax call number to be published in nautical information documents.


                      6.1 The international regulations for preventing collisions at sea (COLREGs) are applicable throughout the area of coverage of the system.

                      6.2 The IMO resolution A.766(18) about navigation in the Strait of Bonifacio, adopted on 4 November 1993 remains in force as far as it recommends each flag State to prohibit or at least strongly discourage the transit by certain categories of ships (operative paragraph 1). Its ship reporting provisions are replaced by those of the present instrument.

                      6.3 The regulation (arrêté) of the Préfet maritime for Mediterranean region n° 23/83 dated 6 May 1983 rules navigation in the approaches of the French coast in order to prevent accidental marine pollution, for ships carrying hazardous or polluting cargoes. This instrument has the following provisions:
                      1. for ships intending to enter French territorial waters, mandatory ship reporting with a sixhour advance warning. In addition to information concerning the identity of the ship, the report must specify the place and time of entry into French waters, the port arrived from and the destination, the cargo and the status of manoeuvrability and navigational capacities;

                      2. mandatory watch on VHF channel 16 while travelling through territorial waters; and

                      3. mandatory reporting of any damage occurring at less than 50 miles from the Franch coast.
                      6.4 French regulations (arrêté) of the Préfet maritime n° 1/83 dated 15 February 1983 and 7/93 dated 5 March 1993 and Italian decree of the Minister of Merchant Marine dated 26 February 1993 prohibit transit through the Strait of Bonifacio for French and Italian ships carrying oil products or hazardous goods. They will remain in force.


                      7.1 Stations will be equipped with radar installations assisted by computer covering the whole area.

                      7.2 Stations will be equipped with a duplicated VHF equipment.

                      7.3 Personnel operating the system: Stations will be manned by Naval personnel on a 24-hour basis. Duty officers are qualified Senior Chief Petty-officers.


                      Each station will assure relief of the other one in case of failure.

                      Appendix Summary (Ship Reporting System)

                      1 General

                      1.1 Vessels concerned:

                      All ships of 300 GT and over 1.2 Area on entering which vessels shall report:
                      Ships shall transmit their reports on entering the precautionary areas defined in the documents about routeing measures in Strait of Bonifacio, or when passing the following lines: - East Bound: • A line linking the beacon of Cap De Fano in Corsica to geographical position 41° 19'.18 N 009° 06'.51 E (West end of the North limit of the two way route) • A line linking the beacon of Capo Testa in Sardinia to geographical position 41° 16'.75 N 009° 06'.18 E (West end of the South limit of the two way route). - West Bound • A line linking Pointe De Rondinara in Corsica to geographical position 41° 22'.55 N 009° 22'.38 E (East end of the North limit of the two way route) • A line linking Punta Galera in Sardinia to geographical position 41° 21'.58 N 009° 23'.30 E (East end of the South limit of the two way route) 1.2 Reference chart
                      French (SHOM) chart No.7024 International chart No.3350 2 Reporting format (in accordance with resolution A.851(20) - General principles for ship reporting systems and ship reporting requirements, including guidelines for reporting incidents involving dangerous goods, harmful substances and/or marine pollutants). Name of system:BONIFREPData to be transmitted:HeadingInformationAName + call sign + IMO numberC or DTime and PositionE and FCourse and speedODraughtPCargo (in case of transport of oil products, hazardous or pollution substances)QDefect or damage (if relevant)PPolluting/dangerous goods lost overboard (if relevant)In the event of defect, pollution or goods lost overboard, additional information may be requested. 3 Authority to whom the report shall be sent
                      Pertusato Naval Signal Station (France) - La Maddalena Coast Guard Station (Italy); common call sign: BONIFACIO TRAFFIC 4 Communications facilities
                      The reports are to be transmitted on VHF channel 10 (or on channel 16 if not possible)
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