Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

93(72) Mandatory ship reporting system
Geldigheid:01-12-2000 t/m Status: Geldig vandaag

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.


RECALLING Article 28(b) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Committee,

RECALLING ALSO regulation V/8-1 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974 concerning the adoption by the Organization of ship reporting systems,

RECALLING FURTHER resolution A.858(20) which authorizes the Committee to perform the function of adopting ship reporting systems on behalf of the Organization,

TAKING INTO ACCOUNT the Guidelines and criteria for ship reporting systems adopted by resolution MSC.43(64),

HAVING CONSIDERED the recommendations of the Sub-Committee on Safety of Navigation at its forty-fifth session,

1. ADOPTS, in accordance with SOLAS regulation V/8-1, the mandatory ship reporting system Off the Chengshan Jiao Promontory, as described in the Annex to the present resolution;

2. DECIDES that the said mandatory ship reporting system will enter into force at 0000 hours UTC on 1 December 2000;

3. REQUESTS the Secretary-General to bring this resolution and its Annex to the attention of Member Governments and Contracting Governments to the SOLAS Convention.

Annex Description of the mandatory ship reporting system for the waters off Chengshan Jiao promontory

1 Categories of ships required to participate in the system

The following vessels are required to participate in the system: fishing vessels with a length of 24 metres and above, cargo ships of 300 gross tonnage and above, and passenger ships as defined in Chapter 1 of 1974 SOLAS, as amended. 2 Geographical coverage of the system and the numbers and editions of the reference charts used for the delineation of the system
The waters covered by the Ship Reporting System is the water area with the VTS centre (geographical position is 37° 23'.65 N, 122° 42'.12 E) as the centre and 24 miles as the radius.
The relevant charts are Chinese charts No 9701, 9304 and 9305. Chart datum is World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 84) Datum. 3 Format, reporting time and geographical positions for submitting reports, authority to whom the reports should be sent, available services3.1 FormatThe format for reporting is as set forth in paragraph 2 of the appendix to Assembly resolution A.851(20).
AName of ship, call sign, and IMO number (if applicable)C or D Position (latitude and longitude or in relation to a landmark)E CourseF SpeedG Port of departureI Port of destination (optional)Q Defects and limitation (vessels towing are to report length of tow and name of object in tow)U Overall length and gross tonnage3.2 Content and geographical position for submitting reports
.1Participating vessels are to report the information in paragraph 3.1 when entering the ship reporting system area. Reports are not required when a participating vessel leaves the area..2When a participating vessel leaves a port that is located within the reporting area, it shall report its name, position, departure time, and port of destination..3When a participating vessel arrives at a port or anchorage within the reporting area, it shall report, on arrival at its berth, its name, position, and arrival time..4When a traffic incident or a pollution incident occurs within the reporting area, the vessel(s) shall immediately report the type, time, and location of the incident, extent of damage or pollution, and whether assistance is needed. The vessel(s) shall provide any additional information related to the incident, as requested by the shore-based authority.3.3 Authority
The competent authority is Yantai Maritime Safety Administration, China. The voice call sign is ”Chengshan Jiao VTS Centre”. 4 Information to be provided to ships and procedures to be followed
.1The Chengshan Jiao VTS Centre, where appropriate, will provide participating vessels with information such as conflicting vessel traffic, abnormal weather conditions, and maritime safety information..2Participating vessels shall maintain a listening watch on the designated VTS frequency.5 Radiocommunications required for the system, frequencies on which reports should be transmitted and the information to be reported
.1 The working channels of the Chengshan Jiao VTS Centre are:
Primary - Channels 8 or 9
Secondary - Channel 65
Calling frequency - Channel 16 .2 The language used for reports in the system will be Chinese or English. Marine Communication Phrases in a prescribed format will be used in all direct-printing telegraphy and radiotelephony communications.6 Rules and regulations in force in the areas of the system
China has taken appropriate action to implement international conventions to which it is a party including, where appropriate, adopting domestic legislation and promulgating regulations through domestic law. Relevant laws in force include domestic legislation and regulations to implement the Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972, the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, and the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973/1978. 7 Shore-based facilities to support operation of the system
.1Chengshan Jiao VTS Centre is comprised of radar, VHF communications, VHF-DF, information processing and display, information transmission, recording, replay, and hydro-meteorological sensors. Its functions are data collection and evaluation, provision of information, navigation assistance, and support to allied services..2Chengshan Jiao VTS Centre maintains a continuous 24 hour watch.8 Alternative communications if the communication facilities of the shore-based authority fails
Chengshan Jiao VTS Centre has built in redundancies with multiple receivers on each channel. Alternative means of ship to shore communication are by HF(SSB), telex (facsimile), email, or cellular. 9 Measures to be taken if a ship fails to comply
Appropriate measures will be taken to enforce compliance with the system, consistent with international law.
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