Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

571(14) Testing of the automatic device for generating the radiotelephone alarm signal
Geldigheid:20-11-1985 t/m Status: Geldig vandaag

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.


RECALLING Article 15(j) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Assembly in relation to regulations and guidelines concerning maritime safety,

RECALLING ALSO the provisions of regulation IV/16(d) of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea,1974, which require that arrangements shall be made to check periodically the proper functioning of the automatic device for generating the radiotelephone alarm signal on frequencies other than the radiotelephone distress frequency using a suitable artificial antenna,

RECALLING FURTHER the provisions of regulation IV/10(g-2) and (h)(iv)(1)and (2) of the 1981 amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea,1974,

BEARING IN MIND the need to check the proper functioning of the automatic device for generating the radiotelephone alarm signal of installations capable of operating on the radiotelephone distress frequency only, but that, whenever possible, arrangements should be made to check the proper functioning of the device on a frequency other then the rediotelephone distress frequency,

TAKING INTO ACCOUNT the need to avoid false alarm signal transmissions resulting from testing the automatic device for generating the radiotelephone alarm signal,

NOTING that the ITU Radio Regulations, as amended in 1983, do not permit the transmission of the radiotelephone alarm signal on any frequency for testing purposes,except for essential tests co-ordinated by competent authorities,

HAVING CONSIDERED the recommendation made by the Maritime Safety Committee at its forty-ninth session,

RECOMMENDS Member Governments to arrange that testing of the automatic device for generating the radiotelephone alarm signal be carried out in accordance with the procedures set out in the Annex to the present resolution.

Annex Testing of the automatic device for generating the radiotelephone alarm signal

1. At sea arrangements should be made to check periodically the satisfactory functioning of the automatic device for generating the radiotelephone alarm signal.

2. For the purpose of these periodic checks on equipment capable of operating on the radiotelephone distress frequency 2182§Õ only, means should be provided to ensure that:
- the automatic device is checked using the aural monitoring facility without operating the transmitter;
- the satisfactory functioning of the radiotelephone transmitter is checked by speech modulation only. 3. During surveys of the radio installation carried out by government officers, or by surveyors nominated by a government or organization recognized by a government, the automatic device for generating the radiotelephone alarm signal should be checked with a suitable artificial antenna on frequencies other than the radiotelephone distress frequency 2182§Õ. However, an exception to this provision should be made for the reserve installation or other installed equipment capable of operating on the radiotelephone distress frequency only, in which case a suitable artificial antenna should be employed. 4. Administrations may permit verification testing, using a suitable artificial antenna, for such purposes as they consider appropriate, e. g. following repairs to equipment. 5. Before and after the tests, performed in accordance with paragraphs 3 and 4 above, a suitable announcement should be made on the test frequency, using the artificial antenna, that the signals are/were for test purposes only. The identification of the station should be included in the announcements. 6. In all cases when the tests are made using an artificial antenna the duration of the test signal should be the minimum necessary and preferably less than 4 seconds.
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