3. Recommended route for tankers from north hinder to the german bight and vice versa
(Reference charts: British Admiralty 1405, 1406, 1408, 1505, and 2182 A Netherlands Hydrographie Office 1014;1035, 1037 (INT 1043, 1046, 1045) German Hydrographie Office 50, 53 (INT 1045).
Note: These charts are based on European Datum.)
Description of the recommended route
Deep-water route from North Hinder to the traffic separation scheme "off Brown Ridge"
(a) The deep-water route is bounded by a line connecting the following geographiecl positions:
(1) 52°55'.75 N, 3°14'.25 E | (4) 52°01'.23 N, 2°42'.47 E |
(2) 52°09'.92 N, 2°35'.00 E | (5) 52°09'.58 N, 2°43'.33 E |
(3) 51°54'.88 N, 2°33'.60 E | (6) 52°54'.17 N, 3°22'.00 E |
Traffic seperation scheme "off Brown Ridge"
(b) A separation zone is bounded by a line connecting the following geographical positions:
(7) 53°03'.14 N, 3°21'.85 E | (9) 52°54'.81 N, 3°18'.87 E
(8) 52°55'.11 N, 3°17'.38 E | (10) 53°02'.84 N, 3°23'.34 E
(c) A traffic lane for northbound traffic is established between the separation zone in paragraph (b)
above and a line connecting the following geographical positions:
(6) 52°54'.17 N, 3°22'.00 E | (11) 53°02'.20 N, 3°26'.48 E |
(d) A traffie lane for southbound traffic is established between the separation zone in paragraph (b)
above and a fine eonneeting the following geographical positions:
(12) 53°03'.78 N, 3°18'.71 E | (1) 52°55'.75 N, 3°14'.25 E |
Deep-water route from the traffic seperation scheme "off Brown Ridge" to the traffic seperation scheme "West Friesland"
(e) The deep-water route is bounded by a line connecting the following geographical positions:
(11) 53°02'.20 N, 3°26'.48 E | (13) 53°22'.94 N, 3°28'.40 E |
(12) 53°03'.78 N, 3°18'.71 E | (14) 53°19'.89 N, 3°39'.74 E |
Traffic seperation schem "West Friesland"
(f) A separation zone is bounded by a line connecting the following geographical positions:
(15) 53°42'.99 N, 3°42'.12 E
| (19) 53°46'.73 N, 4°20'.00 E
(16) 53°22'.12 N, 3°31'.47 E | (20) 53°56'.69 N, 4°36'.00 E |
(17) 53°20'.67 N, 3°36'.85 E | (21) 53°59'.22 N, 4°36'.00 E |
(18) 53°31'.12 N, 3°44'.72 E | (22) 53°57'.60 N, 4°15'.17 E
(g) A traffic lane for north-eastbound traffic is established between the separation zone in
paragraph (f) above and a line connecting the following geographical positions:
(14) 53°19'.89 N, 3°39'.74 E | (24) 53°45'.90 N, 4°23'.32 E |
(23) 53°30'.00 N, 3°47'.37 E | (25) 54°00'.00 N, 4°46'.00 E |
(h) A traffic lane for south-westbound traffic is established between the separation zone in
paragraph (f) above and a line connecting the following geographical positions:
(26) 53°57'.20 N, 4°10'.02 E | (13) 53°22'.94 N, 3°28'.40 E |
(27) 53°43'.39 N, 3°38'.81 E | |
Precautionary area "Friesland junction"
(i) A precautionary area is established directly to the north of the traffic separation scheme "West
Friesland". The area is bounded by a line connecting the following geographical positions:
(26) 53°57'.20 N, 4°10'.02 E | (29) 54°05'.59 N, 4°59'.32 E |
(25) 54°00'.00 N, 4°46'.00 E | (30) 54°02'.57 N, 4°20'.92 E |
(28) 54°01'.14 N, 5°00'.34 E | (31) 54°01'.91 N, 4°08'.96 E |
Traffic seperation scheme "East Friesland"
(j) A separation zone is bounded by a line connecting the following geographical positions:
(32) 54°02'.62 N, 5°00'.00 E | (35) 54°08'.97 N, 6°01'.33 E |
(33) 54°04'.21 N, 5°20'.00 E | (36) 54°05'.69 N, 5°19'.66 E |
(34) 54°08'.00 N, 6°01'.90 E | (37) 54°04'.11 N, 4°59'.66 E |
(k) A traffic lane for north-eastbound traffic is established between the separation zone in
paragraph 0) above and a line connecting the following geographical positions:
(28) 54°01'.14 N, 5°00'.34 E | (38) 54°6'.10 N, 6°3'.00 E |
(I) A traffic lane for south-westbound traffic is established between the separation zone in
paragraph (j) above and a line connecting the following geographical positions:
(39) 54°10'.90 N, 6°00'.20 E | (29) 54°5'.59 N, 4°59'.32 E |
(40) 54°07'.17 N, 5°19'.32 E | |
Note: The positions (38), (34), (35) and (39) coincide with the positions (15), (11), (8) and (14) of the traffic separation scheme "Deutsche Bucht lightvessel, western approach.
The route is recommended for use by the following classes of ships of 10,000 tons gross tonnage
and upwards:
(a) tankers carrying oils mentioned in appendix I, annex I to the International Convention for the
Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto
(MARPOL 73/78); and
(b) ships carrying in bulk liquid substances c1assed in categories A and B mentioned in appendices
I and II, annex II, to MARPOL 73/78.
Use of the route
(a) The classes of ships referred to above are recommended to use the route or part of it:
(i) when sailing from North Hinder to North Sea ports of Germany and of the Netherlands
northwards of latitude 53° N and vice versa;
(ii) when sailing between North Sea ports of the Netherlands and/or Germany, except in the
case of adjacent port areas;
(b) The traffjc separation scheme "Deutsche Bucht lightvessel, western approach" should be used
in continuation of the route.
(c) Ships should use the appropriate traffjc lanes of the traffic separation schemes forming part
of the route; ships should follow the recommended direction of traffic flow in the precautionary
areas (indicated by dashed open-outlined arrows in the charts) and ships should, as far as
practicabie, keep to the starboard side of the deep-water routes forming part of the route.
Joining and leaving the route
The classes of ships referred to above when joining or leaving the route:
(a) should do so at the nearest point of the route to the port of destination or departure which
permits a safe passage to or from that port;
(b) should be aware that oil and gas production facilities and mobile offshore drilling units may
be encountered in the proximity of the route; safety zones of 500 m (0.27 nautical mile) diameter
are established around all offshore structures;
(c) must adhere to the appropriate rules of the Collision Regulations.
Note: ft is recommended that an efficient electron ie position-fixing device appropriate for the area
should be carried on board. Numerous offshore structures situated within the limits of the separation
zones and/or situated in the proximity of the route are equipped with X- and S-band RACONs.