Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

Nr. 13 SOPEP
Geldigheid:26-06-1995 t/m 31-12-2004Status: Was geldig

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.

P.A.M. Dessens
26th june 1995
Our reference:

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Above mentioned MARPOL regulation requires all existing ships to have an approved SOPEP on board as from the 4th april 1995. In harmonization with many maritime administrations, the NETHERLANDS SHIPPING INSPECTION (NSI) has agreed to more lenient implementation policy until the 4th july 1995. The NSI herewith conmunicates the following procedures,

1. If a Netherlands vessel has no approved SOPEP on board when a surveyor ettends the ship after 4th july 1995, the 10PP certificate shall not be endorsed. The NSI must be advised imediately.

2. Non-endorsement withln the required+windows may cause the IOPP certificate to expire. We then will negotiate a solution with the ownermaster and eventually issue a short term declaration.

3. When an approved SOPEP has heen placed on board, the attending surveyor may (if necessary) endorse the IOPP certificate with the following additional remark: "At the request of the Netherlands Shippin& Inspection the validity of the certificate bas heen restored ". Box 5.1 (appendix A) and box 8.1 (appendix B) shall always be filled out. At the request of the ownermaster we will issue new relevant pages of the IOPP certificate.

4. Statutory certificates shall never be amended nor endorsed with any remark concerning outstanding deficiencies before proper consultation with the NSI.

5. As from the 4th july 1995 any vessel, required to have a SOPEP on board, may be detained if no approved SOPEP is available.

Kind Regards,

P.A.M. Desserts (Principal surveyor )
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