Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

Nr. 10 Radar installations
Geldigheid:13-12-1994 t/m 31-12-2004Status: Was geldig

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.

H.A. de Rooy
13 December 1994
Ons kenmerk:
SI-22. 914/94/SIKN

Dear Sire,

On the 1st of February 1995 the 1988 amendements to article 12 of SOLAS '74 will enter into force. The amendments, concerning radarinstallations on board of new end existing vessels, have alread7 heen incorporated in the Netherlands Ships' Order 1965, artiele 95 a, per.2 and 3. In compliance with this article, from 1 February 1995, it is required, irrespective year of built, that:

- a passenger shop of less than 10.000 tons and a cargo ship of 300 tons or more but less than I0.000 tons, shall be fitted with at least 1 radarinstallation capable of operating in the 9 Ghz frequency hand;
- a ship of 10,000 tons or more shall be fltted with at least 2 radarlnstallations. At least 1 of these shall be capable of operating in the 9 Ghz frequency band;
- a radarinstallation shall be type approved by Shipping Inspection.

Please advise your surveyors to ascertain compliance with the amendments when carrying out safety equipment surveys on board Netherlands 2nd Netherlands Antilles flag vessels on or after 1 February 1995.

Yours truly,

Head Shipping Inspection
on behalf,
Head Merehant Shipping Department (b.o.),
Naar boven