Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

ItoRO no. 04 - Ship's main propulsion power
Geldigheid:22-11-2022 t/m Versie:vergelijk
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Status: Geldig vandaag

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.


Under article 1 of the Ships decree 1965 ('Schepenbesluit 1965') in the past there was a possibility to reduce the ship's main propulsion power, to no less than 75% of the maximum power of the ship's main propulsion system in order to realize a reduction in the required manning and/or STCW qualification.

The Ships decree 2004 ('Schepenbesluit 2004') which came into force on January 1st, 2005 does not provide this possibility. From that date on it is no longer allowed to use a reduced main propulsion power as a basis for the Minimum Safe Manning Document.

Minimum Safe Manning Document (MSMD)

A definition for ship's main propulsion power to be stated on the MSMD, as required by IMO Resolution A.1047(27), as may be amended, is not further defined by IMO/STCW.

Determination ship's main propulsion power

For the Netherlands the ship's main propulsion power is to be determined, as follows:

The ship's main propulsion power is the maximum power [ kiloWatt (kW) ] available to propel the ship (i.e the total output that the propulsion engine(s)/unit(s)1 can deliver), without overloading for an unlimited time period, based on the data provided by the manufacturer of the ship's main propulsion system.

For all ships the following applies:

  • Propulsion data is also to be submitted when registering a ship under the Netherlands' flag. In case of an alternative propulsion arrangement, where this instruction does not provide sufficient guidance, a schematic of the arrangement (including relevant data) shall be submitted together with the application for the minimum safe manning of the ship;

  • Deduction due to auxiliary machinery that is driven by the propulsion engine(s) is not allowed (e.g. for shaft generator or power take off (PTO) for other use). Following the same line of reasoning a power take in (PTI)) if available shall be added;

  • In case where diesel/electric drive is applicable, the power of the electric drive unit(s)/motor(s) (e.g. schottel(s)) is to be used to determine ships' main propulsion power. Since these deliver the maximum actual power that can be exerted;

  • The power of a dedicated bowthruster (provided it is not suited for continuous operation) does not need to be included in the ship's main propulsion power;

  • Retractable thrusters (when suitable for continuous operation) need to be included in ship's main propulsion power;

  • Innovative technologies that increase the ship's main propulsion power (such as heat recovery systems coupled to the shaft) are also to be included in the ship's main propulsion power as defined above;

  • Boundary layer- and rotorsails do not need to be added to the ship's main propulsion power.

Notifying discrepancies to the NSI

Above method of determination of the ship's main propulsion power as mentioned on the MSMD has also been used for existing ships.

However, as in all cases where discrepancies are detected, these shall be reported to the NSI, through/via the RO's Netherlands' branch office, the NSI which will then provide instruction.

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