Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

Decree antifouling paint systems seagoing vessels (English, uncontrolled version)
Geldigheid:10-12-2004 t/m 31-12-2006Status: Was geldig

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.

Decree of 19 November 2004, containing rules on the prevention of pollution from antifouling paint systems on ships in implementation of Ordinance (EC) no. 782/2003 of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union of 14 April 2003 containing a prohibition on organotin compounds on ships (PbEU L 115)

We Beatrix, by the grace of God, Queen of the Netherlands, Princess of Orange Nassau, etc. etc. etc.

On the recommendation of Our Minister of Transport, Public Works and Water Management of 8 July 2004, no. HDJZ/SCH/2004-1628, Legal Affairs Directorate, also done on behalf of the State Secretary for Housing, Regional Development and the Environment;
Noting Ordinance (EC) no. 782/2003 of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union of 14 April 2003 containing a prohibition on organotin compounds on ships (PbEU L 115) and the Articles 1, item h, 7 and 8 of the Prevention of Pollution from Ships Act;
Having heard the Council of State (advice of 16 September 2004, no. W09.04.0335/V);
Considering the more specific report of Our Minister of Transport, Public Works and Water Management of 12 November 2004, no. HDJZ/SCH/2004-2724, Legal Affairs Directorate, also issued on behalf of the State Secretary of Housing, Regional Development and the Environment;

Have accepted and understood:

Article 1
In this Decree and the provisions based on it the Ordinance means: Ordinance (EC) no. 782/2003 of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union of 14 April 2003 containing a prohibition on organotin compounds on ships (PbEU L 115).

Article 2
1. Conformity with the Articles 4 and 5 of the Ordinance is a requirement as referred to in Article 7, first paragraph , of the Prevention of Pollution from Ships Act.
2. For the benefit of a ship which is certified pursuant to Article 6, first paragraph, subparagraph a, of the Ordinance, an AFS-certificate as referred to in Article 2, seventh paragraph, of the Ordinance is issued by the Inspector-General.

Article 4
By Ministerial Regulation further rules may be drawn up concerning the application for the issue of a certificate and of the documents to be submitted therewith.

Article 6
This Decree enters into force on the day following the date of issue of the Government Gazette in which is its published.

Article 7
This Decree is quoted as: Decree antifouling paint systems seagoing vessels.

Order and command that this Decree together with its Explanatory Notes will be published in the Government Gazette.

The Hague, 19 November 2004
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