RECALLING Article 28(b) of the Convention on the
International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Committee,
RECALLING ALSO resolution A.825(19), by which the
Assembly resolved that the functions of adopting performance standards for radio and
navigational equipment, as well as amendments thereto, shall be performed by the
Maritime Safety Committee on behalf of the Organization,
HAVING CONSIDERED new performance standards and amendments to existing
performance standards adopted by the Assembly and prepared by the forty-fourth session
of the Sub-Committee on Safety of Navigation,
1. ADOPTS the following new recommended performance standards, set out in
Annexes 1 to 3 to the present resolution:
Recommendation on Performance Standards for Sound Reception Systems (Annex 1);
.2 Recommendation on Performance Standards for
Marine Transmitting Magnetic Heading Devices (TMHDs) (Annex 2); and
.3 Recommendation on Performance Standards for an
Integrated Navigation System (Annex 3);
ADOPTS ALSO the amendments to the Recommendation on Performance Standards for Electronic
Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDISs) (resolution A.817(19)) set out in Annex 4
to the present resolution;
Member Governments to ensure that:
.1 sound
reception systems, marine transmitting heading devices and integrated navigation systems
installed on or after 1 January 2000 conform to performance standards not inferior to
those set out in Annexes 1 to 3 to the present resolution;
.2 ECDIS installed on or after 1 January 2000 conform,
respectively, to performance standards not inferior to those set out in resolution
A.817(19), as amended, and Annex 4 to the present resolution;
.3 ECDIS installed on 1 January 1999 and before 1 January 2000
conform at least to the performance standards set out in resolution A.817(19), as
amended by resolution MSC.64(67), Annex 5; and
.4 ECDIS installed before 1 January 1999 conform at least to performance
standards set out in resolution A.817(19).
Annex 1 Recommendation on performance standards for sound reception systems
1.1 Sound reception systems are acoustical
electronic navigational aids to enable the officer on the watch to hear outside sound
signals inside a totally enclosed bridge in order to perform the look-out function as
required in the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972.
1.2 Sound reception systems should, in
addition to the general requirements contained in resolution A.694(17), comply with
the following minimum requirements.
2.1 Sound reception systems should be
capable of:
.1 receiving sound signals from
all directions in the audio band 70 Hz - 820 Hz;
.2 reproducing incoming sound signals acoustically inside the bridge;
.3 indicating the approximate direction of
incoming sound signals to determine at least whether the sound signal being detected
is forward or abaft of the beam and from which side of the ship it is being detected;
and *
.4 suppressing unwanted background
noise and allowing reception of meaningful sounds.
3.1 Incoming sound signals should be
reproduced inside the bridge by means of at least one loudspeaker.
3.2 The volume should be adjusted by means of one volume
control only. The volume control should be capable of being set so that the sound
pressure level of an incoming signal only is at least 10 dB(A) above the bridge noise
3.3 There should be a display which
gives a visual indication for at least 3 s of the incoming signals and their
approximate direction.
4.1 The microphones should be installed in
such a way that they are as far from noise sources in the ship as is reasonably
practicable and wind induced noise and mechanical vibrations are reasonably reduced.
4.2 The display should be installed so
that it is visible at least from the conning position.
4.3 The loudspeaker(s) should be installed so that incoming
sound signals are audible at all positions inside the bridge.
*This may be accomplished by means of at least four microphones and separate
reception channels. Annex 2 Recommendation on performance standards for marine transmitting magnetic heading devices (TMHD''s)
1.1 A TMHD is an electronic device which
uses the geomagnetic field to obtain and transmit information about the ship’s
1.2 In addition to the general
requirements contained in resolution A.694(17) all marine TMHD * equipment should
comply with the following minimum requirements.
*See also IEC Publication 60945
2.1 A TMHD complying with the requirements
contained in this recommendation, can be used to meet the carriage requirements for a
suitable device providing heading information contained in Chapter V of the SOLAS
2.2 In addition such THMD can
meet the dynamic requirements contained in the HSC Code chapter 13 for the carriage of
a suitable device providing heading information.
3.1 Transmitting magnetic heading devices
(TMHDs) may comprise of:
.1 a standard
magnetic compass equipped with a magnetic sensor and electronics for generating a
suitable output signal for other devices. The compass used should be the standard
magnetic compass provided under SOLAS chapter V; or
.2 an electromagnetic compass consisting of the sensor part and electronics
for generating a suitable output signal for other devices; or
.3 any type as defined under .1 and .2 additionally equipped
with a rate gyro to improve dynamic performance.
4.1 Fore-and-aft mark
4.1.1 A fore-and-aft mark should be
inscribed on the magnetic sensor housing, which should be installed in parallel to the
ship’s fore-and-aft line.
4.1.2 The
accuracy of the fore-and-aft mark should be within + 0.5° to the fore-and-aft
direction of the housing.
4.1.3 If a rate
gyro is installed it should be marked in the same way and additionally be marked with
top or bottom.
4.2 Fitting
4.2.1 Provision should be made, in the
mounting arrangements of the magnetic sensor, for correction of any misalignment, up
to + 5°, with respect to the fore-and-aft line.
4.2.2 The fitting of the sensor arrangement to the compass in paragraph 3.1
above should still enable the compass to comply with resolution A.382(X) with
particular reference to accuracy, gimbling and use of the azimuth reading device.
4.3 Compensation of deviation and heeling
Provision should be made to correct the deviation
and heeling error and it should be possible to correct the following values:*
.1 vertical component of the ship's magnetic
field (producing the heeling error): up to +75 µT;
.2 coefficient A: up to +3°;
coefficient B: up to +(720/H)°;
coefficient C: up to +(720/H)°;
coefficient D: up to +7°; and
coefficient E: up to + 3°,
where H is the
horizontal component of the geomagnetic flux density in microteslas (µT).
4.3.1 Indication of compensation
The values used for electronic compensation should
be indicated by adequate means and should be stored such that values are automatically
recovered on switch-on.
4.3.2 Protection of
The compensating devices should be protected
against inadvertent operation.
also ISO Publications 11606 and 1069
4.4 Heading output
All displays and outputs of heading should
indicate true heading. An indication of any deviation and variation applied to
compensate the heading should be capable of being displayed or included in the output.
4.5 Interfaces
The TMHD should be so designed to transmit heading
information to other equipment. At least one output should be in accordance with the
relevant international marine interface standard.*
*IEC Publication 61162
The following performance standards are required
to be achieved under the conditions of a value of 18 µT of the horizontal component of
the geomagnetic field and the environmental conditions experienced on board ships.**
5.1 Accuracy of heading
5.1.1 Static
The static accuracy of the heading indication should be within +
5.1.2 Dynamic
The dynamic accuracy of the heading indication or output should be
within + 1.5° in addition to the static accuracy as defined. Periods of oscillation of
the error should not be shorter than 30 s under the conditions of various sea states
and ship's motion likely to be experienced in ships.***
5.2 Follow-up accuracy of the transmission system
The follow-up accuracy of the transmission system should be within +
1.5°, when the sensor is rotated at a rate of 20°/s.
**See also IEC Publication 60945
***See also IEC Publication 721-3-6
The compass system, with regard to electromagnetic
interference and immunity, should, in addition to resolution A.694(17), comply with
resolution A.813(19).*
*See also IEC
Publications 60945 and 533
An alarm should be provided to indicate a failure
of the power supply to the compass system.
Annex 3 Recommendation on performance standards for an integrated navigation system (INS)
1 Scope
1.1 The purpose of an integrated navigation system
(INS) is to provide 'added value' to the functions and information needed by the
officer in charge of the navigational watch (OOW) to plan, monitor or control the
progress of the ship.
1.2 The INS
supports mode and situation awareness.
1.3 The INS supports safety of navigation by evaluating inputs from
several independent and different sensors, combining them to provide information
giving timely warnings of potential dangers and degradation of integrity of this
information. Integrity monitoring is an intrinsic function of the INS.
1.4 The INS aims to ensure that, by taking
human factors into consideration, the workload is kept within the capacity of the
OOW in order to enhance safe and expeditious navigation and to complement the
mariner's capabilities, while at the same time to compensate for their limitations.
1.5 The function of passage execution
in an Integrated Bridge System (lBS), as defined by the Organization , may be
performed by an INS.
*Resolution MSC.64(67), Annex 1- Recommendation on performance standards for
Integrated Bridge Systems 2 Application
2.1 These performance standards are applicable to any
combination of navigational aids that provides functions beyond the general intent
defined in the respective performance standards adopted by the Organization for
individual equipment.
2.2 The purpose of
these performance standards is to support the proper and safe integration of
navigational equipment and information.
2.3 These performance standards define three categories of INS:
.1 INS(A) for systems that provide the
minimum functional requirements of the INS including a consistent common reference
.2 INS(B) for systems that, in
addition to the functional requirements of INS(A), provide the information needed
for decision support in avoiding hazards; and
.3 INS(C) for systems that, in addition to the functional requirements of
INS(B), provide the automatic control functions of heading, track or speed.
3 Definitions
For the purpose of these standards the following definitions
3.1 Automatic control system - A
control system that may include a heading, track or speed control system.
3.2 Consistent common reference system - A
sub-system of an INS for acquisition, processing, storage and distribution of data
and information providing identical and obligatory reference to sub-systems within
an INS.
3.3 Integrated navigation system
- An INS is a combination of systems that are interconnected to increase safe and
efficient navigation by suitably qualified personnel.
3.4 Integrity - Ability of the system to provide the user
with information within the specified accuracy in a timely, complete and unambiguous
manner, and alarms and indications within a specified time when the system should be
used with caution or not at all.
Multifunction display - A single visual display unit that can present, either
simultaneously or through a series of selectable pages, information from more than
one operation of a system.
3.6 Sensor - A
navigational aid, with or without its own display and control as appropriate,
automatically providing information to the INS.
4 Operational requirements
4.1 Functionality
4.1.1 In addition to meeting the
relevant requirements of resolution A.694(17)* , the INS should comply with the
requirements of these performance standards.
4.1.2 Each part of the INS should comply with all applicable
requirements adopted by the Organization, including the requirements of these
performance standards. Parts executing multiple operations should meet the
requirements specified for each individual function they can control, monitor or
4.1.3 When functions of
equipment connected to the INS provide facilities in addition to these performance
standards, the operation and, as far as is reasonably practicable, the malfunction
of such additional facilities should not degrade the performance of the INS below
the requirements of these standards.
4.1.4 A failure of one part should not affect other parts except for
those functions directly dependent upon the information from the defective part.
Basic functions
4.1.5 An INS should combine, process
and evaluate data from all sensors in use. The integrity of data from different
sensors should be evaluated prior to distribution.
4.1.6 An INS should ensure that the different types of
information are distributed to the relevant parts of the system, applying a
`consistent common reference system’ for all types of information.
4.1.7 The INS(A) should as a minimum
provide the information of position, speed, heading and time, each clearly marked
with an indication of integrity.
The INS(B) should be able to automatically, continually and graphically indicate
the ship's position, speed and heading and, where available, depth in relation to
the planned route as well as to known and detected hazards.
4.1.9 The INS(C) should, in addition, provide means to
automatically control heading, track or speed and monitor the performance and
status of these controls. Integrity monitoring
4.1.10 The integrity of information should be verified by comparison of
the data derived independently from two or more sources if available.
4.1.11 The integrity should be verified
before essential information is displayed or used. Information with doubtful
integrity should be clearly marked by the INS and should not be used for automatic
control systems.
Data exchange
4.1.12 Stand-alone equipment for which
performance standards adopted by the Organization exist, when connected to the
INS, should comply with the applicable international standards** for data exchange
and interfacing.
4.1.13 Data latency
should be consistent with the data requirements of the individual parts.
4.1.14 The integrity of data exchange
within the INS should be ensured.
4.1.15 A failure of data exchange should not affect any independent
functionality. Integration
4.1.16 The
INS should provide functional integration meeting the following requirements:
.1 where a display or control is
presented on a multifunction display unit then these should be redundantly
available; and
.2 validity of the data
should be provided for each part to be integrated. ***
Configuration control
4.1.17 It should be possible to display
the complete system configuration, the available configuration and the
configuration in use.
*See also IEC Publication 60945
Publication 61162
***Resolutions A.529(13)
and A.815(19) 4.2 Information and accuracy
Display of information
4.2.1 The INS should be able to display
the information available in accordance with paragraphs 4.1.7, 4.1.8 and 4.1.9 as
4.2.2 The INS should be
capable of displaying output data available from the sensors.
4.2.3 The information should be displayed together
with the indication of its source (sensor data, result of calculation or manual
input), unit of measurement and status, including mode (see sub-section Integrity
4.2.4 As a minimum, the accuracy of
information should meet the requirements of the resolutions* adopted by the
Organization. Additionally the INS should not degrade the accuracy of the data
provided by the sensors.
4.3 Malfunctions, alarms and indications
Fail safe operation
4.3.1 The system's automatic response
to malfunctions should result in the safest of any other configuration accompanied
by clear indications and alarms. Reversionary mode
4.3.2 The INS should allow simple and effective operator
action to override or by-pass any automated functions. The INS should resume
automatic functions only after an appropriate message and intended operator
action, considering all necessary starting conditions.
Alarm management
4.3.3 An alarm management system should
be provided.
4.3.4 The INS alarm
management system, as a minimum, should comply with the requirements of the
4.3.5 The number of
alarms should be kept as low as possible by providing indications for information
of lower importance.
4.3.6 Alarms
should be displayed so that the alarm reason and the resulting functional
restrictions can be easily understood. Indications should be self-explanatory.
*Resolution A.830(19) 5 Ergonomic
5.1 Cognitive ergonomics
5.1 1 Integrated display and control
functions should adopt a consistent human machine interface (HMI) philosophy and
5.1.2 The HMI should be
so designed that the provided information is clearly understood using a consistent
presentation style.
5.1.3 The HMI should
be so designed that the requested manual inputs can be easily executed.
5.1.4 For manual inputs that may cause
unintended results, the INS should request confirmation before acceptance, thus
providing a plausibility check.
5.2 Physical
Controls and displays
5.2.1 Particular consideration should be
given to:
- symbols;
- controls; and
- layout.
Operational controls
5.2.2 The INS should be designed and
implemented so that the OOW easily operates basic functions from work stations.
Presentation of information
5.2.3 Continuously displayed information
should be optimised and should include position, speed, heading and time.
Supplementary information should be readily accessible.
6 Design and installation
6.1 The INS should meet the relevant
requirements of resolution A.694(17) and appropriate international standards . *
Failure analysis
6.2 A failure analysis should be
performed and documented for the installed configuration of the INS ** which
includes all parts connected to or integrated into the system, including devices for
manual override of automatic functions and their locations on the bridge.
Installation requirements
6.3 The INS
should be installed so that it can meet the requirements of the relevant
International Standards . ***
Power supply
6.4. Power supply requirements applying
to parts of the INS as a result of other IMO requirements should remain applicable.
6.5 The INS should be supplied:
.1 from both the main and the emergency
source of electrical power with automated changeover through a local distribution
board with provision to preclude inadvertent shutdown; and
.2 from a transitional source of electrical power for a
duration of not less than 45 s.
interruptions and shutdown
6.6 After a power interruption full
functionality of the INS should be available after recovery of all subsystems. The
INS should not increase the recovery time of individual subsystem functions after
power restoration.
6.7 If subjected to a
power interruption the INS should, upon restoration of power, maintain the
configuration in use and continue automated operation, as far as practicable. Safety
related automatic functions, should only be restored upon confirmation by the
*IEC Publication 60945 **See also IEC Publication 61508 ***IEC Publications
92-101 and 533 7 Interfacing
Interfacing to, and from, the INS should comply with
international standards , as appropriate.
*IEC Publication 6116 8 Fall-back arrangements
8.1 The INS should, after a failure, support the
availability of essential information through the use of appropriate fallback
8.2 Normal operation, after
use of a fall-back arrangement, should only be restored upon confirmation by the