RECALLING Article 15(i) of the Convention on the
International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Assembly in relation
to regulations and guidelines concerning maritime safety,
RECALLING FURTHER the discussions at the Maritime Safety Committee on
the damage stability standard for ro-ro passenger ships constructed before 29 April
BEING INFORMED of an agreement concerning the
stability of existing ro-ro passenger ships operating services to and from ports within
a designated sea area of North West Europe, concluded, on 27 July 1993, by the maritime
Administrations of Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom,
Conscious of the need to ensure that maritime safety standards affecting international
shipping are submitted to and considered by the Organization,
INVITES the maritime Administrations which have concluded the said
agreement to submit it to the Maritime Safety Committee for consideration.
Versie informatie document
Publicatie op Netherlands Regulatory Framework (NeRF) – Maritime:
Huidige versie: 1
Datum beschikbaarheid huidige versie: 19-12-2005 (vanaf dit moment beschikbaar op Netherlands Regulatory Framework (NeRF) – Maritime)
Datum document: